This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Takes a Big Deal

Because of the diversion, Azi and Spirit Sea were delayed on the road for a long time, and by the time the convoy was about to reach the east of Duskwood, night had come. All around, looking around at the twisted trees illuminated by the white moonlight, A Zi, who was sitting in the carriage, frowned slightly and leaned towards Spirit Sea without a trace.


The inspiration brought by the shadow profession made Spirit Sea perceive Azi’s movements in his sleep. In a daze, Spirit Sea extended the hand He took A Zi who was beside him into his arms, like holding a stuffed toy, and rubbed the shy A Zi’s long smooth hair, then tilted his head and continued to sleep.

Looking at Spirit Sea’s tired profile, Azi just lightly sighed, and then she adjusted her posture to be more comfortable. As a favored one of the void, Spirit Sea is not recognized by the Shadow Guild and cannot enjoy the treatment due to professionals. And Void Blessed is itself a powerful endorsement, so Spirit Sea is also coveted by many parties. The only thing that can make Spirit Sea feel so relaxed is the only one around him, except for the void that is as dark as an abyss.

Let her sleep, there is still a section of the road anyway.

Azi didn’t make a sound, and cautiously opened the curtain of the window next to her, and the soft moonlight shone on the two of them through the window. Feeling a little light, Spirit Sea subconsciously rested his head on A Zi’s shoulder, and his cute whispering babble contrasted with his indifferent appearance in front of others. A Zi looked towards the window, the corners of her mouth curled just right.

The horse’s iron hooves pounded on the stone-paved road, which surprised Azi a little. The eastern part of Duskwood has always been an ordinary dirt road. It is very muddy after rain, and the carriage is very difficult to pass. But on this road, it seems that the roads have been repaired, and the gravel and stones row upon row, neatly paved on the road. Although it can’t compare with the asphalt road, it is enough for adventurers to walk.

Seeing this road with obvious signs of repairs, Azi became more and more sure of her thoughts. Although I did a Chamber of Commerce market this time, as long as the place called Goblin Farmhouse is not much different from the content on the plaque, I can definitely make a fortune fiercely.

Accompanied by the regular thumping sound of the carriage, after a while, the carriage driver said through A Zi, who was on the opposite side of the audio stone: “Eldest Young Lady, there is less than a mile to goblin. Tribe, do you want to send a scout to explore the way?”

The carriage driver tone barely fell, Azi felt empty behind him and fell on the sofa. She didn’t look back, just helplessly laughed and said to the closed carriage door, “Be careful and pay attention to safety.”


Voice It was very faint, but Azi could hear it clearly. The wind blew the leaves oh la la oh la la, but within a few breaths, Spirit Sea had already tied a gray scarf, and a tall silhouette appeared on a big tree next to the Goblin tribe, looking towards his feet. Brightly lit tribe.

Brightly lit?

Spirit Sea is slightly frowned. According to her knowledge, the Goblin tribe did not negotiate with the outside world at all. Whether it is kerosene or phlogiston, they are impossible to obtain. And this kind of rays of light is obviously not emitted by the fire, which is a bit abnormal.

Thinking of this, Spirit Sea glanced at the carriage in the distance, and then she sighed in a low voice, squatting on the slender branch, her thoughts moved slightly.

Void whispers!

Pure white eyes looked towards the tribe, and soon, a voice sounded.

“There is no hostility, and you are fat again.”

A distorted voice appeared beside Spirit Sea’s ears. Her cheeks flushed slightly, she quickly dissipated the white light in her eyes, and said softly with some embarrassment:

“Why does everyone have to remind me again? I don’t want to, it’s weird.”


Spirit Sea patted his face lightly and adjusted his mind. Then she stood up, spread her hands, and fell back straight.


After hearing a strange sound of wind, A Zi extended the hand, hugging the Spirit Sea that suddenly fell from the in midair. But her thin arms and legs couldn’t catch the Spirit Sea, which was about 1.75 meters, and the two fell on the sofa in unison. Azi, who was pressed down under him, laughed, pinched the waist and abdomen of inspiration, and said with joy: “Haihai, you are so fat, I can’t catch you. I’m done.”

“Joke, you caught me that time.”

Spirit Sea was immune to the damage, she rolled over and sat aside, clasping her hands behind her head in a relaxed manner Said: “There is no danger, you can pass.”


Azi was very confident in Spirit Sea’s answer, she made a decisive decision, directly touched the wind chime beside it, ding The sound of the bell signaled the convoy to move on. With the humming whistle of the coachman, the convoy began to continue heading in the direction of the goblin tribe.

After a while, the semi-circular gate made of wood and unknown blue objects appeared in front of the convoy, vaguely, Spirit Sea seemed to see the sides and top of the gate hanging. What, she squinted her eyes and said softly:

“Family fun family, I can’t do it without you?”


Azi looked towards Spirit Sea with a blank face, while Spirit Sea looked towards her with a more blank expression: “There is another sentence above, called adventurer jin?”

“What a strange thing. .”

Azi didn’t care too much, just regarded it as a special style of goblin. But the problem is, the fact that Goblins can write words is already a big improvement, which makes Azi even more looking forward to this trip.

When the convoy arrived at the door, A Zi motioned for the convoy to stop. This is a basic etiquette. A convoy that can become a caravan needs to stop before any gathering point and apply to the owner or steward of the gathering point to enter. This is to prevent combat teams from disguising themselves as caravans and overwhelming gathering points internally.

Azi didn’t swagger in because the Goblin Farmhouse was weak or unconventional. She first asked a high-ranking steward to carry two boxes of appropriate gifts, walked to the gate, and greeted him. He handed over the gift box with two not-so-smart-looking goblins, and politely said to the second brother Brin:

“Hello, we are the purple yarn caravan, and I am the caravan. The financial steward Jack. We take the liberty to visit today, which is really disturbing. Please ask the tribal steward for instructions to see if we can be allowed to station.”

“Gala? gā gā gā gā la la la ???”

One of the goblin looked towards the other blue goblin, the blue goblin scratched his head, and then seemed to remember something, Holding his wooden pole, he patted the sign behind him, signaling the steward to look forward. The steward named Jack, Nodded, put the gift box in the hands of the two goblins and went to the wooden token, and began to check it.

“If it is an adventurer, please go directly to the No. 1 area, and there will be someone to guide you.”

“If you have any business intentions, please go directly to the No. 3 area and go to the largest wood house to negotiate with the Goblin King.”

“If it is a series of illegal actions such as debt collection, protection fees, declaration of war, etc., please turn right back to the hero union, or make an end yourself.”

After listening to the steward’s report, A Zi in the car was nodded, then she got off the carriage and instructed the steward on the side: “I’ll go there myself, you can just wait outside.”

“This…” The steward looked embarrassed, “It’s not safe, Eldest Young Lady. In this case, you must bring at least four guards.”

Azi smiled without saying a word, she put on A purple fur coat, pointed to the carriage behind him, and said softly: “It is the first time to negotiate with someone, sincerity should be. And you can rest assured that she is here.”

As the only one who knows Eldest Young Lady, who has a good relationship with a very powerful shadowman, immediately comprehended A Zi’s meaning. He held his chest and saluted the seemingly empty carriage, and then said to A Zi:

“Eldest Young Lady, if something happens, please use the sound transmission stone immediately.”

After telling Ah Zi again, Jack stepped aside. A Zi, on the other hand, carried a box of beautifully packaged gifts and walked to the depths of the goblin tribe. Jack looked at A Zi who was gradually walking away, bent down slightly, and gave a salute again.

What is Zhou Li doing at this time?

He’s negotiating terms with Hero Exclusive.

“No, if you don’t want to connect with the gods, the innate talent page will not be open to you. It’s not that I don’t want to give it to you, it’s the limit to me.”

Looking at this line of text on the white paper, Zhou Li scratched his head in annoyance, and said with a face full of resentment: “The innate talent page doesn’t directly give me an innate talent, it requires others to agree to copy an innate talent. Come down and give it to me, it’s just such a little thing, you won’t hand it over?”

“You can’t read the text, right? I can’t give you the restrictions on my body!”


Zhou Li reluctantly put down the hero exclusive, when they were alone with one book and one book, their relationship was completely useless. That kind of class oppression. On the contrary, this person is like old friends who have known each other for many years, but no one really complains about the other.

“When can I cancel the surveillance on Elma?”

Zhou Li raised his legs and said with a headache: “Now in front of her, about those gods and ghosts, You can’t even say it, as soon as you say it, it will trigger the voyeuristic monitoring system. You can’t even tell her about you directly, it’s really troublesome.”

“No way, don’t tell Elma, You can’t tell anyone about my identity, or you can’t tell me at all. When you’re promoted to Emerald, I guess you’ll be able to find a way to remove the surveillance.”

“This is difficult. .” Zhou Li laughed bitterly, and then said leisurely: “If I go the way they gave me, that is to throw seven justice and eight virtues on my body, the future must be the worst ending. But if I don’t go their way, This group of Old Guys made a bad deal for the major guilds and churches to make Oracle, you watch, no one will take me in.”


On the white paper only A text appeared, but the helplessness exclusive to hero was written. Just when Zhou Li was troubled, a knock on the door suddenly sounded. He closed the book and motioned in, only to see Elma’s excited face.

“Zhou Li Zhou Li !!!”

“There is a big deal… No, there is a caravan coming to discuss cooperation with us!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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