The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 36: Emma’s Thoughts

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

A look into the mind of one Emma Frost~


Emma Frost smiles from where she sits in her office in Frost Industries’ main building. Her eyes are lidded shut and she lets out a breathy sigh as she feels what Thaddeus is currently doing to the Black Widow he’s managed to ensnare just by being him. The moment that Thaddeus had decided to take ‘Natalie Rushman’ up on her offer, he’d reached out to Emma telepathically, allowing for her to detect his ‘ping’ and reach back with her far stronger psychic powers.

Though admittedly, she was only stronger than him because he’d made her that way. Their weekend of ceaseless fucking had delivered results that Emma was still adjusting to even now.

Still, hitching a ride on Thaddeus’ senses had allowed Emma to see through his eyes and hear through his ears without actually being able to read his mind directly. Nor could she reach out and read ‘Natalie’s’ mind either, but in the end she didn’t need to.

Natasha Romanoff. Agent of SHIELD. And a Black Widow at that. Emma had heard about this ‘SHIELD’ in passing from other members of the Hellfire Club, but they’d never seemed to think much of the organization. Small fish in a big pond was the general consensus that Emma had gotten. Given that this SHIELD didn’t seem to know much about the Hellfire Club in return, Emma would have been inclined to agree with them.

Except for one thing. She knew what the Red Room was. She knew was a Black Widow was. She didn’t know the name Natasha Romanoff specifically, but that didn’t really matter. She believed the other woman when she said she was a former Black Widow. And that meant SHIELD had managed to turn a Black Widow from the Red Room.

That made them far more than just a small fish in a big pond. It at least made them the scrappy new kid on the block but there was also a potential for them to be an anglerfish, the sort of deep-sea creature that used a small unassuming light to lure in prey while secretly hiding their true strength behind seeming incompetence and obscurity.

Could it be that SHIELD was more than they seemed? More than just another ignorant government agency way in over their head? It was entirely possible… but in the end, it mattered little. Together, she and Thaddeus would deal with them just like they would deal with all other adversaries. With Thaddeus and her working together, their ascent was inevitable.

Especially when the young man was just so good at turning the enemy to their side. What he’d done with Laura Kinney and Kitty Pryde was one thing. What he’d done with Mystique and Rogue was another entirely. And now here was a Black Widow, all but succumbing to the potential he offered. Emma couldn’t really blame Natasha of course, but it was still incredibly hot to watch as Thaddeus fucked the red head against the staircase wall, pounding into her with his throbbing mast.

Biting her lower lip, Emma lets her hands wander. In the sanctity of her office, she was not going to be disturbed… so why not play around a little bit? Watching Natasha Romanoff whore herself out to Thaddeus in the name of more power… mm, it was exceedingly arousing.

One might say Emma had done the same thing of course, but she considered her and Thaddeus’ relationship to be more of mutual benefit than that. What did Natasha really have to offer Thaddeus save for her loyalty? He could gain everything she was capable of just from fucking the X-23 experiment some more… or by fucking that blonde girl who apparently got bit by a radioactive spider and gained super strength along with some other benefits from it.

Gwendolyn Stacy was another that Emma would have to keep an eye on going forward. When she’d originally decided to include the blonde in Thaddeus’ dorm, she hadn’t actually realized what the young woman was capable of. It was only after Thaddeus had revealed to her that Gwen Stacy was Spider-Woman that Emma had begun looking into the girl, which had in turn led her to the experiments being done on arachnids over at Oscorp.

Norman Osborne really needed to get a hold on his assets, but it wasn’t like Emma was about to tell him that New York’s latest superheroine was a byproduct of his bullshit. After all, they were competitors. Her company, Frost Industries, might not be quite on the same level as Oscorp… but one day. One day she would-

A phone suddenly rings as Emma is laid back in her chair in the middle of touching herself while watching and listening to Thaddeus Cummings fuck his new pet Black Widow in a stairwell. She freezes in place for a moment before scowling angrily as the phone keeps ringing.

Pulling her senses back from Thaddeus’ mind, feeling his acknowledgment of her drawing away like a ‘farewell’ before she’s gone completely, Emma forces herself to focus back on her office… and NOT on pleasuring herself further even if that’s all she wants to do. Unfortunately, the phone that’s currently ringing is one of the only ones she cannot ignore. It was given to her by one individual, an individual that despite all of her power, Emma cannot leave hanging.

Fixing up her clothing despite the fact that this will just be a phone call, Emma reaches over and picks up on the third ring.


Resisting the urge to hiss, Emma sits back in her chair feeling a bit mulish.

“Things proceed apace. The boy continues to grow in strength.”

There’s a pause at that and then Hellfire Club’s Black Queen responds.

“Will he be ready for the Gala at the end of the month?”

Emma presses her lips tightly together at that. Was Selene really thinking of setting him against Shaw that early? This require clarification.

“I hope you don’t expect him to be able to deal with Shaw that soon.”

On the other end, the Black Queen scoffs.

“Of course not. But it is to be his official debut. Shaw can suspect nothing. He can have zero concerns. The boy’s power might be growing, but I don’t care about that right now. Can he control himself?”

Liar. Emma scowls, knowing full well that all Selene cares about is Thaddeus’ power. Not for the same reasons that as her or the other women in Thaddeus’ life though. Selene wanted Thaddeus to be powerful not so she could fuck him and in turn become more powerful herself… but so she could drain him entirely. She wanted to one day slaughter the golden goose.

Of course, the Black Queen didn’t even know Thaddeus was the golden goose. Emma hadn’t told her everything. Like the fact that Thaddeus’ power boosting went both ways. If Selene did know that… Emma shuddered to even think about it. The Black Queen would probably order Thaddeus brought to her immediately if she ever found out about that part. She would keep him as her personal toy, using him for her sexual gratification until she felt he was growing too powerful and then she would drain him anyways.

For someone like Selene, working with her peers was a challenging ask. The Black Queen couldn’t even work alongside Sebastian Shaw for longer than a few years before plotting to overthrow and destroy him. Shaw as a tyrant, but so was Selene and if the Black Queen got her way, she would treat them all like the cattle she viewed them as.

That was why she couldn’t know everything Emma knew. Fortunately, Selene hadn’t tried to read Emma’s mind and Emma’s powers had grown enough that she was sure she could possibly stop the other woman now if she needed to. She wasn’t sure that she could actually defeat her however, so that meant a delicate balancing act had to be maintained.

“I will make him ready. He will be able to control himself, I guarantee it. His debut will be a quiet, uneventful affair and Shaw will have no idea that Thaddeus represents his doom.”

Selene hums for a moment before positively purring through the phone.

“Good. Very good. Then I leave it in your capable hands, Frost.”


Sensing that the Black Queen was about to end the call, Emma stops her. Because while Selene might not sound suspicious… one could never be too sure. And what better way to subvert any suspicions then by being the cautious one in their little arrangement?

“Yes? What is it?”

“I just… I was wondering if perhaps it would be better to dial things back. To keep the boy from getting… too powerful.”

There’s a pause from the other end of the line at that, before Selene scoffs.

“What? Are you afraid, Frost? You, the White Queen?”

Huffing, Emma shakes her head even though Selene can’t see it. The gesture will still be picked up in her wavering tone. All a part of the act.

“O-Of course not! It’s just… I set him up in the all-female dorm and he’s rapidly gotten to work. He’s fucked more of the women in his hallway then not at this point. And he shows no signs of slowing down either. The more he fucks, the stronger he gets. Obviously, that’s what we want so he can beat Shaw. But what if… what if he surpasses us as well?”

A scoff comes from the other end of the call.

“Shaw is a nobody. His power, while strong, is nothing. He’s convinced himself that he doesn’t need to worry about physical attacks because of his mutation, leading to him focusing entirely on mental and esoteric protections. But he’s not yet realized that his so-called invulnerability is in fact his greatest weakness.”

Selene hums for a moment, no doubt savoring the idea of Sebastian Shaw being so blind for a moment before continuing on.

“So long as we keep the boy away from the wrong sorts, then we have nothing to worry about Frost. Keep him fucking nothing but mundane women and he will grow stronger and stronger… but with no mental or magical defenses to speak of. This will make him the perfect weapon against Shaw, because he has no limits to his potential growth. Once he’s strong enough from fucking coeds for a year or two, we can set him against Shaw and the Black King will never see it coming.”

Here, Emma can hear the smirk entering Selene’s voice.

“Then, once Shaw is gone, we can step in and… utilize the boy to his full potential, guiding him with a couple of helping hands.”

What Selene actually means is that she and Emma will use their psychic powers to turn Thaddeus, who would be a total meathead in the Black Queen’s plan, into their meat puppet. A new Black King for them to use to rule from the shadows.

Emma doesn’t buy it for even a second of course. Thaddeus isn’t a puppet to Selene, he’s a potential meal. That’s okay though because this exchange has already given Emme all she needs.

“… You’re right, of course. Everything is still on track. Thank you for listening to my concerns.”

“Hm. You have great potential, Frost. Do not fret, I will help you so that you do not squander it. For now… goodbye.”

The call ends and Emma feels a shiver of disgust run down her spine. At the same time though, there’s a broad smile that spreads across her face. Selene didn’t know. She truly didn’t know.

To be fair, Emma hadn’t known either. They’d both thought that the other factions, the X-Men and the Brotherhood, would back off when it came to Thaddeus after they’d made it clear he was officially one of theirs. Emma wasn’t that surprised that neither had, but she was a little caught off guard when she’d first learned that the dormitory she’d put together, the stable of young women that she’d intended to feed to Thad to get him stronger… had been infiltrated from practically top to bottom.

But while it had turned out for the best where her and Thaddeus were concerned, it was obvious Selene didn’t know. If she did, she might actually be worried about whether Thaddeus was developing powers that might make him difficult for her to manipulate and control later on. Which to be fair… he was.

If the Black Queen were aware of the sort of women that Thaddeus was fucking, or if she’d known Thaddeus had spent the weekend with Emma, she likely would have said something… and probably tightened the collar around Emma’s neck a few more notches for daring to step so far out of line. That she didn’t know, that she was still in the dark about it… it made Emma’s heart soar with happiness.

This was an opportunity. The next month before the Gala, a party hosted by the Hellfire Club, would be critical in terms of Thaddeus’ growth and progress. Only, Emma needed to decide how they were going to handle things. On the one hand, it seemed likely that Selene might realize something was up when the Gala arrived and Thaddeus visited. On the other hand, the Black Queen had to avoid showing any interest in the man. On top of that, she could be quite… above it all.

The fact that Selene just didn’t know what Emma or Thaddeus had been up to made it clear she was too distracted with other projects to bother checking in. She was so convinced that she had Emma Frost under her boot heel and doing her bidding that she was leaving Thaddeus completely in Emma’s hands.

That was a mistake that would most certainly come back to bite the Black Queen in the ass. Emma would make sure of it. She was Emma Frost, CEO of Frost Industries and White Queen of the Hellfire Club. And she was sick and tired of being treated like nothing but a pawn by individuals like Sebestian and Selene. For all her perceived power within the club, it was the Black King and the Black Queen who made all the decisions. But not forever. Not even for much longer.

She just had to decide which way to push Thaddeus for the next month. Should she have him focus more on mental powers like hers so he could better defend himself? Should she have him focus more on the esoteric, maybe get him started on some magic? Or should she have him push for physicality above all else on the off chance that Selene checked in on her project?

Thaddeus already looked like a beefcake, but he could get bigger… and Selene would be expecting him to be bigger by the time the Gala came around. She would be expecting all of his physical attributes to be heightened. Was what he’d already gained from Laura and Gwen Stacy enough though? Or did it need to be more?

Emma’s lips thin out as she considers the issue while tapping a finger on her desk. Then, she makes the call.

The Vote:
[ ] Push for Thaddeus to focus on the physical - 13%
[ ] Push for Thaddeus to focus on the mental - 18%

[X] Push for Thaddeus to focus on the esoteric/magical - 69%


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