The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 35: Natasha Romanoff

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Some Natasha Perspective~


It’s always a risk, trying to deceive a telepath. Natasha knows that full well. She knows that lying to Thaddeus could blow up in her face. She does it anyways.

Why? Well for one, she’s pretty confident in her ability to detect if he’s trying to read her mind. She’s been trained to resist mind reading of course and thinks she could keep him out of her head long enough to disable him if necessary. Disable, not kill. She still needed him, after all.

For two… there’s a key difference between what she really wants and what she’s telling Thaddeus that she wants. The young man seems to understand a desire for power. He certainly has a lot of ambition, the need to grow stronger practically blazing within him whenever Natasha observes him. However, she’s not so sure he would be as understanding of her true motivations. She’s not sure he even could understand her desire for motherhood.

More than that though, the key difference between a desire for power and a desire for motherhood is this… one is infinite and the other is not. If Natasha can convince Thaddeus that all she wants is more power, than her loyalty to him becomes unquestionable. After all, you don’t kill the golden goose, do you? So long as he keeps fucking her, they’ll both keep getting stronger, and not only will he experience personal growth but he’ll know that he’s strengthening an asset, specifically her, at the same time.

However, if Thaddeus knew that all Natasha wanted was to find a way to heal her body and reverse the procedure that sterilized her, he would realize that her loyalty had its limits. Once she was able to conceive, once she was pregnant with child, Natasha would have zero reason to stick it out with Thaddeus anymore. In fact, given just how much attention had fallen upon the young man, as well as the people who would be after Natasha for betraying them, she was incentivized to run as far as she possibly could just as soon as she discovered she was pregnant.

This was the simple truth that she couldn’t let Thaddeus know. She was being entirely honest about wanting to turn on SHIELD and join him. She was willing to betray the organization she’d already betrayed her original masters for, becoming a triple agent once again in order to achieve her true goals. But what Thaddeus couldn’t know was that her real plan was to get healed, get pregnant, and get out.

So long as he thought her goal was power, he would assume she was sticking around indefinitely and thus be completely blindsided when she finally pulled the ripcord and bailed.

Of course… first Natasha has to convince him that she really does want to switch sides. Staring into his eyes, watching him with a hunger that isn’t at all feigned, Natasha waits to see what the powerful young man will decide to do.

“… Alright. Fuck it, I’m in.”

Natasha smiles, and while part of it is naturally seductive just like she was trained, part of it is also entirely genuine. Of course, all of it is apparently too enticing for Thaddeus to resist… either that or he’s just already reached the end of his rope. His hand comes up and grabs her by the neck, and he turns her and pushes her up against the wall of the stairwell. Natasha doesn’t fight him on that, but instead reaches down and begins working open her blue jeans, correctly deducing his current plan of action.

Tch, she knows she should have worn the sundress today. Much easier access. Ah, but it is what it is. Kicking off her blue jeans, tugging down her panties until they’re dangling off one ankle, Natasha doesn’t have to wait long before Thaddeus is inside of her. He growls lustfully, his cock thrusting up into her once more, his lips mere centimeters from her lips.

She’d let him kiss her happily if he wanted, but it doesn’t seem like something he’s inclined to do. Instead, as he fucks her rather roughly right there in the stairwell, he also interrogates her.

“So you’re on our side now, yeah? First things first, real name.”

Natasha can’t help the amusement that flashes into her eyes, even as she groans.

“Heh… let me… guess. Frost found my CIA f-file but noticed the discrepancies?”

Thaddeus nods, frowning a little in consternation. Natasha just smirks.

“Natasha Romanoff. Formerly a Black Widow of the Red Room. More recently, an Agent of SHIELD.”

The complete lack of recognition on Thaddeus’ face is honestly sort of gratifying. Natasha had been working as an assassin, spy, and agent for so long that she’s just used to getting some sort of reaction to those kinds of name drops. Anger, fear, frustration. Any and all of the above, and then some. But Thaddeus just shakes his head, a little bewildered.

“No idea what either of those are. Or what a Black Widow is. Though… from context clues alone, I guess I can make some connections.”

Natasha lets out a tittering laugh and reaches down, bringing the leg Thaddeus is already holding up even higher until she can position it behind her head. Doing the standing splits, she offers him much better access to her cunt, allowing him to reposition and thrust even deeper into her than he was before. As he does so, Natasha elaborates.

“The Red Room is a Russian Program designed to take young women and turn them into people like me. Undercover operatives known as Black Widows who can and will kill without a second thought. The perfect femme fatales who can seduce even the most stalwart of men. Wasn’t a half bad idea, given how men love to cling to power even in this day and age.”

Then, because Thaddeus is looking a mite disturbed, Natasha leans forward and nips at the young man’s nose, causing him to rear back in surprise.

“Don’t worry… I’m not about to bite your head off, Thaddeus. You can offer me more than they ever did.”

And that isn’t a lie. But to be fair, the Red Room wasn’t in the business of offering its operatives anything but pain, suffering, and loss. Natasha refuses to let the memories overwhelm her right now though, instead moving on.

“As far as SHIELD is concerned… well, they’re the good guys, ostensibly.”

Thaddeus frowns at that, still thrusting up into her. If nothing else, he’s dedicated. Even now, even as Natasha delivers the secrets of very powerful, very dangerous people right to his ears, he’s still fucking her.

“They work for the World Security Council. Think the United Nations, but with actual power. International. Worldwide. Dealing with terrorists, aliens, magic… mutants.”

He’d been looking more incredulous as she’d gone down the list from terrorists to aliens to magic… but when Natasha mentions mutants, Thaddeus jolts and flushes. That’s right young man. Kind of weird not to believe in aliens or magic when you’re literally proof that the world is a stranger place than the average everyday person can even begin to understand.

“So they sent you after me.”

But Natasha shakes her head.

“I told you before, didn’t I? They didn’t send me after you, they sent me after the Hellfire Club. You just happen to be the weakest link in that particular chain. I was being honest about that part at least. SHIELD doesn’t make a habit of locking up every mutant they come across. There are too many at this point, for one. But then the Hellfire Club put itself on our radar when they went after you.”

Thaddeus growls at that, upping his pace.

“Don’t fuck with me Natasha. You can’t tell me that you weren’t sent after me in one breath, and then admit you guys were watching me when Emma Frost made her offer in the next.”

Natasha lets out a breathy laugh. She has to admit, Thaddeus is very good at sex. And he’s gotten even better since their first time together. But Natasha is nothing if not immaculately trained. She moans some but doesn’t let him truly shatter her composure. She’ll save that for later… as a treat near the end.

“You’re missing context, Thaddeus. You were never on our radar. But Charles Xavier and his X-Men were. As was Mystique and her Brotherhood. When both sides of the mutant civil war come swooping down on some small town in the middle of nowhere, of course it’s going to raise alarms back at SHIELD.”

She can see her referring to it as a ‘mutant civil war’ definitely resonates with Thaddeus. Just like she thought it would. He’d wound up choosing the third option for a reason, after all. Xavier’s side might be the lesser of two evils, but it was still a gilded cage where you were allowed out on the weekends if you dressed up in spandex and promised to fight evil. Meanwhile, Mystique’s side was the so-called evil.

“And then, just as everyone is wondering what the fuck the X-Men and the Brotherhood both want with you… a completely unknown third party swoops in and snatches you up instead, sending both sides slinking back home with their tails tucked between their legs. Emma Frost and the Hellfire Club weren’t even on SHIELD’s radar until they decided to recruit you. And that’s not a good thing.”

She can see him mulling over those words, even as he continues to pound her against the stairwell wall. Natasha gasps and moans at all the right moments, even as her insides clench down around Thaddeus’ thrusting cock. The clenching is not entirely voluntary or planned. Nor is how wet she’s gotten. He really has grown a lot since their first time.

“… I guess that makes sense. A worldwide intelligence agency not knowing anything about Hellfire… that’d spook you guys, wouldn’t it?”

Natasha just smiles and nods, her chest rising faster than it had been before, her breath coming out in pants.

“That’s why… they sent me. I’m one of their best, after all. I advocated for the soft approach with you before I even fully understood your powers… and I’m glad I did, because now we’ve got them all right where we want them.”

For the first time, Thaddeus actually pauses in fucking her in order to stare her down for a moment. His eyes narrowed; he almost growls out his response.

“And where is that?”

Letting out a tittering laugh, Natasha gives the young man her most winning smile, even as she plants her hands on his chest and rakes her nails along his pectorals. That causes him to start right up fucking her again, just as intended.

“That… depends on you, Thaddeus. Well, you and Frost I suppose. I’m not dumb enough to have not recognized you two have bonded. Especially if she let you fuck her all weekend. You’ve got resistance to telepathy now, don’t you? And that means Frost trusts you for some reason. And you trust her right back, since you’ve just given her a huge upgrade.”

Thaddeus remains tight lipped at that but does incline his head in acknowledgment of the point. That’s all Natasha needs to continue.

“However… Emma Frost is not the head of the Hellfire Club is she?”

Another wordless head incline.

“No, I didn’t think so. And I bet just like me, she’s willing to jump ship for a powerhouse like you, isn’t she?”

“… Maybe.”

Natasha just laughs again.

“I’m not trying to turn you and Emma, Thaddeus. If the two of you decide you want to work with SHIELD, that’s fine. If you decide you want me to stonewall SHIELD, that’s also fine. Even if you want me to betray SHIELD outright… I’m willing, so long as it’s not committing suicide.”

The meaning behind those words was paradoxically simple and varied, on purpose. Obviously Natasha isn’t going to accept an order to walk right into Fury’s office and tell him she quit. She wouldn’t even survive getting out of the building. But also, she’s signaling that she’s not necessarily willing to turn on SHIELD outright at all… until she’s strong enough to survive the hits on her.

In a way, she hasn’t ever truly lied to Thaddeus. Because while her end goal is to get healed and become a mother, Natasha won’t deny that any amount of power she can gain from regularly fucking Thaddeus in the interim will inversely lead to her being better able to protect her child in the long run. So yes, she DOES want more power… and as she stares into Thaddeus’ eyes, she can tell he catches her meaning.

Grunting, he picks up the pace, pounding Natasha into the wall behind her harder and faster than before. And finally, he finishes inside of her, leaving Natasha shuddering in delight as she lets herself orgasm right alongside him. She maybe, just maybe, has a creampie fetish borne of her desire to be a mother. But even as she feels the surge of power wash over her, Natasha knows this isn’t enough. She still feels empty down there, where they sterilized her and removed her uterus.

Still, she also feels stronger, lighter, and faster. And judging by the look on Thaddeus’ face, he feels it too. Natasha still doesn’t know if just fucking him might be enough to heal her body, but if not, she’ll find another way. Until then, she’ll just have to keep experimenting with the young man. With how much he gets around, Natasha might struggle to carve out moments with him, but she also suspects it won’t be hard to entice him into fucking her again and again and again.

As Thaddeus pulls back, barely even winded, he looks at her quietly for a moment before seemingly coming to a decision as he nods to himself.

“You’ve told me the truth as far as I can tell Natasha, so I’ll tell you the truth as well. Emma and I… don’t know for sure where the chips are going to fall just yet. You’re right that Emma isn’t completely sold on the Hellfire Club… but truthfully, I don’t think she’s inclined to sign on with someone like SHIELD either.”

Sighing, Thaddeus begins fixing his clothes. Natasha does the same, pulling her panties up and scooping her pants off the stairs.

“I’ll keep you in the loop and you do the same for me, yeah? Let me know if SHIELD decides to get more aggressive, and I’ll let you know what’s going on with Emma and the Hellfire Club.”

Natasha hums but nods with a smile. Funnily enough, if she were still truly loyal to SHIELD, she knows they would be pleased with this progress. It would make things easier if she had to justify herself to Fury at any point, she supposed.

“For now… well, for now we’ll just continue as we have been, I suppose.”

Unwilling to let it stop at that, Natasha reaches down and grabs Thaddeus by the crotch, stopping him in his tracks.

“Not entirely as we have been, I should hope.”

Her tone suggestive, Natasha looks the young man in the eye as she sensually, seductively licks her lips. He pauses for a moment before letting out a lustful growl.

“No, not entirely as we have been.”

Then, he’s kissing her. And neither of them makes it out of the stairwell for a long while after that.

The Vote:
[X] Switch to Emma Frost POV - 53%
[ ] Switch to Gwen Stacey POV - 16%
[ ] Switch to Felicia Hardy POV - 23%

[ ] Switch to Doreen Green POV - 8%


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