The Unseen Angel in MHA


"I'm home," I say as I enter my house and hear my mom in the kitchen cooking.

"Welcome home, how was your day?" mom asks as go upstairs to change.

"It was good, though we all decided to join the Quirk research club. It seems like an interesting club and should be fun too," I say after coming downstairs once I change.

"Oh! That's good, will they allow you to train your quirks too?" mom asks me as I start my homework.

"The club president said there is a chance we could use our quirks just to research more about them," I say as I start breezing through the homework, as I memorized the textbooks for this year.

"Well this summer your uncle is going to start help training you, your father and I asked him. He said he'd make time to help teach you this summer and the following summers," mom says which makes me stop my homework and look at her excited.

"Really?!" I say looking at her in slight disbelief as my Uncle is always super busy being a pro hero.

"Yes, I'm serious. Now get your homework done," mom says with a smile at me and then a stern look at me to finish my homework. Nodding my head I begin to finish my homework.

After the first week of school passes, not much happens in class or in our club. As the first week is really about getting students refocused back on school. For first years it's even easier as it also helps integrate them into the school. Though once the second week starts things pick up with classes becoming harder and the homework increasing, at least that is what everyone esle says. For me, it seems the same, as I already memorized this year's textbooks and only need to listen to the teacher to understand how to apply that knowledge.

"You guys excited for the first real club meeting today?" I ask Hizashi and Shota as we are eating lunch. We were told that today our club would be doing its normal activities now that the school year is in full swing.

"Yeah! This should be interesting, I heard we are going to be continuing the research they started last year. So whatever it is should be interesting," Shota says with an excited look, which has become rare for him nowadays.

"Easy for you guys to say, I'm drowning in homework! This is even harder than last year!" Hizashi says with an annoyed sigh. Shota does actually nod his head agreeing with Hizashi too.

"True, though that's to be expected as each year only gets more difficult than the last. Though we must push on or what kinda heroes can we become?" Shota says nodding his head sagely, making me chuckle at his look. Though Hizashi just gives a tired sigh while nodding his head.

Once lunch is over we head back to our classroom to continue the day. Getting through the next half of the day seems to have killed Hizashi as he lays his head on the desk after the last class in defeat. Even Shota looks more drained than usual, though I just shrug off their looks and pack my things so we can head to the club right away.

"Come on guys, we don't want to be late for our club now," I say ushering them to pack up.

"Yeah guys, I'm looking forward to our club today!" Nemuri says entering the conversation and agreeing with me. Groaning Hizashi gets up along with Shota who sighs and we all make our way to the club classroom.

"Hi everyone," Yui says to us once we enter the classroom, and the other members of the club wave at us in greeting. We all wave back taking our seats in the room.

"I heard we are continuing research from last year. What is it?" I say to them once we sit down and my friends listen in curious too now as well.

"Well someone who graduated last year had an idea about someone with multiple quirks or if it could be possible for someone to have multiple quirks. We have been studying known quirks and trying to figure out if any heroes have multiple quirks or if they could gain another. Then trying to guess what quirks would work well together too," Sara says after I ask the question.

"That seems like an interesting idea, though seems unplausible to me," Shota says with a thoughtful look. Hizashi and Nemuri seem to think about it too.

"Well we heard of stories about people awakening more of their quirk in stressful or difficult situations, would that be considered as multiple quirks?" I say to everyone after the rest of the club members enter the room.

"We thought about that too last year. Though the conclusion was no that is just a person who fully unlocked their quirk then. We mean like if someone with a quirk of super strength gained another quirk like flight," Rin says to us. After a discussion on the topic for another hour, it seems we all have entered a stalemate not furthering the topic.

"Yui, we should put this topic on the back burner and focus on more interesting topics. This one will lead us nowhere," Kenji says to Yui after everyone started to discuss the topic and it started to get heated at the end.

"You're right, so does anyone have ideas on what subject we should focus on for now or this year?" Yui asks everyone after everyone becomes silent and now we are all thinking.

"Is everyone trying to get into U.A. here? If so then maybe we can each show our quirk to one another and then come up with ideas on how to better use them," I say to everyone after a few moments of silence in the room. Everyone seems to like that idea, as most students in schools across Japan are trying to get into U.A.

"Let's put it to a vote. If you want to take the time to research each other quirks raise your hand," Yui says as she looks at everyone, and soon everyone raises their hands agreeing with what I said.

"Great! So Akihiko, this was your idea how should we proceed?" Yui asks me and now everyone is looking at me curiously.

"I guess since the third years are graduating this year we can start with them, and work our way down the years. So whoever amongst the third years can tell us what is their quirk and what they know about it so far. Then we can spend some time researching that person's quirk, maybe a few weeks each seems fair and if we are lucky we can get a teacher to allow us to test the quirk," I say after some thought and now everyone in the club become more excited with that idea.

"That is a great idea, you may have just made our club the best club in the school for students who want to get into U.A.," Yui says with a smile at me and then we make a timetable for who quirk we discuss first to who is last. First, we all agreed since each of our leaders are in their third year they can go first and Yui is our president so she can be the first out of everyone.

"I'll tell you all my quirk, but we have to end the meeting afterward. Though that can maybe give you all time to think about helping me, thank you all in advance. My quirk is called flashfire. I can make flames appear quickly and burning hot, but only for a few seconds at a time," Yui says to everyone explaining her quirk. Then we all nod our heads, before packing up and saying our goodbyes.

"What do you guys think about President Yui's quirk?" Hizashi asks everyone as we all walk home together for the first few minutes.

"Seems like a good quirk, kinda like the new raising hero Endeavor. Though maybe a lot less of a powerful or flashy quirk. We would have to see a demonstration of it to see what she can do and then maybe come up with some ideas," Shota says with a very deep thoughtful look on his face. We all nod our heads agreeing with him.

"Then tomorrow we should tell the club we need to find a teacher who is willing to let us test our quirks under their supervision," I say agreeing with Shota's idea.

"Well, this is where I go, have a good day, and see you all tomorrow!" Nemuri says waving goodbye to us all and walking across the street.

"Is it just me or is Nemuri getting prettier with time," Hizashi says after Shota and I are still thinking about Yui's quirk. Though his statement makes Shota and I snap out of our thoughts.

"I thought you had a crush on her," I say with a smirk and Shota is looking at Hizashi like he has three heads.

"WHAT! NO, I DON'T! I was just saying–" Hizashi says red faced and embarrassed, more so now as he accidentally uses his quirk causing people to look over at us annoyed. Luckily Shota is used to him now and can cancel his quirk very quickly.

"Hizashi, shut up! You're causing a scene!" Shota says with a glare interrupting Hizashi. Hizashi stops talking and sees people staring at us with annoyed expressions. Now he looks more embarrassed.

"Whatever, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Though don't you dare say anything to Nemrui!" Hizashi says as he rushes off down his street. I just laugh as he practically runs away.

"Hizashi is gonna get us in trouble one day," Shota says with an annoyed and tired sigh as we walk towards our homes.

"You saying he hasn't already?" I say with a chuckle since we have gotten in trouble multiple times in the past because of Hizashi. Shota just lets out a tired sigh.

"See you tomorrow Shota," I say as we walk the rest of the way in thought about Yui's quirk and he just nods his head waving goodbye to me.

"I'm home!" I say like usual, though this time I hear multiple people in the kitchen. Curious I make my way over and see my parents at the table talking with my Uncle who is here. I haven't seen him in person in about a month since he has been very busy.

"Ah, young Akihiko! Did you miss me?" my Uncle says as they all turn seeing me enter the kitchen.

"Yeah! How've you been?" I say running up to him and hugging him, to which he returns the hug quickly.

"No hug for your parents?" dad says to me with a fake sad smile, rolling my eyes I hug my parents after my Uncle. My uncle laughs at the scene.

"I've been good. Keeping the streets safer and making sure none of those villains can cause too much trouble," my Uncle says with a smile and thumbs up.

"Though, I heard you finally enter junior high. You are very close to achieving your dream of becoming a hero. The second to last step is getting into U.A. and then graduating," my Uncle says with the same smile and I nod my head seriously agreeing with him.

"I know, that's why my friends and I joined the Quirk research club. We are currently discussing everyone's quirks and how they can better use them possibly. Our president is the first person we are discussing, her quirk is called Flashfire making a strong fire that only burns for a few seconds though," I tell my Uncle excitedly.

"That seems like the best club to enter then, since in U.A. once you join the hero program it is nothing like any school you've been in before. They push you to your limits and force you to better understand your quirk to become the best hero you can be," my Uncle says giving us a thoughtful look as he thinks about the past. I've asked my Uncle about his past, but he rarely talks about it. Even my parents don't know much about his past.


AN: Back to one chapter a day, as my school is starting up again in a few days. I may also be starting a new job soon, as my current one is becoming a more toxic place as the days go by.

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