The Unseen Angel in MHA


The next few days Hizashi ignored us since he was angry with us I guess for telling him the hard truth. Though Shota and I were not happy that we upset him that much, we decided to instead discuss what club to join and which could help us better at U.A. Though we had to decide this week as the first meeting for clubs this year would be after the first week of school.

"Still think Hizashi is gonna give us the cold shoulder?" I ask Shota as we walk to school.

"Who cares, if he wants to be a baby instead of realizing we need to take this seriously if we ever want to get into U.A. that's on him," Shota says with an angry look on his face.

"True, but I mean he is still one of your best friends," I say with a shrug.

"I know but what else can we say or do?" Shota says after some silence and with a heavy sigh at the end. I just shrug unsure of what to do either. Though to our surprise Hizashi meets us on our route to school today.

"Hey guys, can we talk?" Hizashi says as we walk to school and I nod smiling at him, while Shota glares at him but nods.

"About the other day, you guys were right. I'm sorry for flipping out on you both like that, it's just I feel all sorts of pressure from everyone and when you guys started too, I just snapped," Hizashi says to us bowing his head and apologizing to us.

"It's fine, like you said we are best friends and brothers. I'm just glad you understand how important these next three years are. Though I'm sorry for lecturing you too, I get how it feels to have that pressure," I say to him and pat his shoulder.

"Yeah, Akihiko is right. Plus I'm sorry for yelling at you too," Shota says with a smile and we share a quick brotherly group hug.

"So what club or clubs are you guys joining?" Hizashi asks us after we break the hug and continue walking to school.

"After talking with our parents and Akihiko's Uncle, they thought the quirk research club or hero club would be best. That's because the law and regulations club is more for people who want to become cops," Shota says as we finally arrive at school.

"So are we joining both?" Hizashi asks as we make our way to our classroom.

"I don't think we can, as the schedules of both clubs conflict with one another from what the pamphlet says. Plus I think it'd be better to focus on one club anyway," I say after we enter the classroom and sit in our seats. Nemuri is already there with her friends talking but comes over to us seeing us enter.

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?" Nemuri asks us after we sit down.

"What club to join that can help us get into U.A. better," Shota says as he pulls out the pamphlet.

"Which ones are you thinking?" Nemuri asks us looking over Shota's shoulder at the pamphlet.

"Either the quirk research club or hero club," Hizashi says.

"I think the hero club would be better, right? I mean we want to be heroes, so wouldn't that be best?" Nemuri says after we all think about it.

"I say we visit both clubs to see what they have to offer and then see which ones are better to join," I say after everyone goes silent to think.

"Wait does that mean we have to stay after school to check them out?" Hizashi says.

"Yeah, why?" Shota says looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Fine….." Hizashi says with an annoyed and tired sigh.

After another day of school, though this time with Hizashi talking with us again and trying his best to take things more seriously we headed to the Hero club first. Entering it we can a large group of around forty or so students. Mostly boys and most from the second or third year, though there are some first years like us. One of the other boys comes over to us.

"Welcome to the hero club, I'm Aoto Matsuoka the vice president of the club. Are you here to sign up for the club?" Aoto asks us after we walk inside the room.

"We are just here to learn more about the club as we want to see which club to join that can help us get into U.A. High," I say to him and my friends nod their heads agreeing with me.

"Oh ok, most students join for that reason. This club isn't guaranteed to help you get in, because you still have to pass the exams to get into U.A. Though in this club, we talk about the current and past heroes. So we can learn from them, see what has changed, and what makes the best kind of hero," Aoto says to us hearing my response.

"That sounds cool!" Hizashi says hearing him, Aoto nods his head smiling at Hizashi's enthusiasm.

"Well, you can sit in on today's meeting and see if you like the club. Just make sure to sign up before next week if you do want to join us," Aoto says walking away from us to talk with other students who entered now.

Taking a seat in the classroom that the club is held in, we wait another ten minutes before the club officially starts its first meeting for the new year. Like Aoto told us, the club talks about the current heroes that are active today and referenced some of the older heroes and how they might have influenced the current ones. They asked everyone about their favorite hero and why they are the favorite. Most people said my Uncle was their favorite, making my friend group all smirk at me. Eventually, the club ended and we all could finally head home now.

"So what did you guys think about the club? I ask them as we make our way home and Nemuri walks with us for a bit before splitting off to head on her way home.

"I liked it, but maybe the quirk research club will be more interesting. Though I will say so far I'm leaning more towards this hero club," Nemuri says with a thoughtful look.

"I agree with Nemuri, the hero club was fun. Plus how could the research club help us at all?" Hizashi says nodding his head hearing Nemuri's statement.

"The hero club was cool but didn't tell us anything we didn't already know or could find out on our own. It seemed more like a club for people who are hero hobbyists to me," Shota says with a shrug.

"I agree with Shota, I liked the club, but I don't see how we can learn anything from it. The quirk research club might give us more insight on quirks or how to better use ours, that's my opinion though," I say and everyone goes quiet thinking about the clubs.

"On that note, we all don't have to join the same club," I say with a shrug after some silence.

"Let's see what the quirk research club is like tomorrow. This is where I leave, see you all tomorrow!" Nemuri says as she waves goodbye to us and heads to the other side of the street, going to her house. After waving goodbye, we all fall into another comfortable silence the rest of the way home, which quickly breaks with Shota and Hizashi bickering over heroes. Then Hizashi leaves us to head on his own way leaving Shota and me alone.

"See you tomorrow Shota!" I say after Shota and I get to our neighborhood. He waves goodbye as I walk into my house.

"I'm home!" I say entering my house, as usual my mom gets home right before I do from the hospital, while dad gets home an hour later.

"How was school and the club you guys were gonna check out?" mom asks me from the kitchen as she seems to be cooking dinner.

"Just a normal day, though Hizashi, Shota, and I made up. The club was not what I thought it would be, seemed more for students who just wanted to talk about heroes. Shota and I are thinking about joining the quirk research club instead, though we are going to check it out first tomorrow first. Nemuri and Hizashi seem to like the hero club a lot though," I say as I make my way upstairs to change before working on my homework. The last couple of years has made homework a lot easier as I can read the textbook much faster now and immediately remember what they say exactly.

"That makes sense I guess. From what your Uncle told us is that U.A. has two exams the written and the practical one. Though seems like the written test should be easy for my little genius. Though once you are in your third year before the test, your Uncle did promise to help teach you to use your quirk better," mom says after I come downstairs and begin my homework on the table. I nod my head half listening as I do my homework.

After another day of school, our friend group headed to the Quirk research club. Entering the room, we see only about ten students who are a part of the club, which is nowhere near the amount that wanted to join the hero club. Most of the students seem to be third or second years too, and only someone else in our grade seems to have an interest in the club.

"I told you guys this club was lame," Hizashi whispers to us after we enter and see so few people. Though Nemuri and I ignore him.

"Shut up Hizashi, amount of people has nothing to do with it," Shota whispers back. However, after entering an older girl, maybe in her third year walks over to us. She is a dark red haired girl with orange eyes, she smiles at us as she walks over to us.

"Hi! I'm Yui Himura the president of the quirk research club! Glad to see more students taking an interest in our club!" Yui says with a peppy and happy attitude.

"We are here to just check it out first," Hizashi says with a nonchalant voice. Making Shota give him a side eyed glare.

"Oh ok! Well after today you might just like it! We were just about to start, sit please," Yui says with the same happy face and gesturing to the empty chairs in the room. We all nod and take seats in the classroom, waiting for them to speak.

"I might seem like we are a boring club from the name, but we are actually a very interesting and fun club! We get to use our quirks once in a while under teacher supervision for testing and sometimes get visitors like retired heroes who give us their knowledge on quirks. If we are really lucky we can try to get a supervised visit to the hero HQ to meet heroes and test our quirks there. However, we mostly do research on common or well known quirks and see how they impact society as a whole," Yui says to the new people in the room making many faces peak with interest, mine and Shota's mostly. Seems Nemuri and Hizashi also seem interested now too in the club. The rest of the meeting was us all discussing certain quirks that could help society.

"I'm definitely joining the quirk research club," I say after the club ends to my friends and Shota immediately nods his head in agreement.

"It was interesting, I guess I will join it with you guys," Hizashi says after Shota and I grab the papers to fill out to join the club. Hizashi then grabs some papers for himself to join the club.

"Guess we are all joining the club," Nemuri says after some thought, then grabbing her own papers to join the club. We all fill them out and hand them to Yui the president of the club.

"Wow! We have four new members, that's great!" Yui says smiling at us after we hand over the paperwork.

"Let me introduce you to our club leaders, I'm the president, Sara Kikuchi is our vice president, Kenji Omori is our treasurer, and Rin Aoki is our secretary," Yui says to us after we officially joined the club.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Akihiko Yagi. These are my friends Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, and Nemuri Kayama," I say introducing all of us to them.

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