The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 83: The Mercenary’s Respite


Legends say this creature is immortal. It withstood both the passage of time and the wars of the god. While mythical entities died everywhere it simply crawled. At its own pace. Looking down on all beings alike. A silent watcher. Able to pinpoint the exact moment key events happen.

There used to be a saying amongst the higher beings. Not the worthless mortals nor the puny gods. No, amongst the highest of beings.

The true flow of history is marked by something they like to call arcs. Regrouping many important or unimportant events alike. Little pieces making a whole that matters in the grand scheme of things.

This creature always prided itself in its power. In its almost godlike omniscience. In the way it could appear at the right time at the right place to bear witness to the ending of every one of these arcs.

Yet this time it failed. Twice at that.

The first time it felt a premonition of something big happening but couldn't figure out what or where. As if its vision was obscured by some unknown restriction.

The second time, it managed to figure out where the important stuff was happening, but it was late, nevertheless.

It had to use all its knowledge (that dates to the creation of the world itself) to find a solution to its issue. It couldn't peer into the existence of the main actor in these events. But it could indirectly figure it out by paying attention to the fates of the bystanders witnessing the action.

This time! Yes, this time! It managed to reach without being late!

This legendary creature was called Anotoki 3/10. Well, that was his current name anyway. For he would keep track of the passing of the various arcs. It is said that something special would happen once this counter was filled completely.

Anotoki 3/10 was, is, and will always be a small snail.

Barely discernible to the naked eye. Having no special ability other than what was stated above. He couldn't even share his knowledge with anyone for it would go against the creator's orders and cause the downfall of all living things.

Anotoki 3/10 witnessed an unremarkable man (at first glance anyway) leave a tiny place called the border town.

**** (POV end)

Cash cash money? Check. Cayden guiding the way? Check. Full gear? Check! Wolfie? Tagging along as usual.

Today the weather is warm and the sun shining. Would have been a good day for gaming. Well, all days are good days for that haha. Instead, I'm here walking on a deserted road. Besides us 3 it is totally empty. Well, there is a small snail on the ground. But like that doesn't count.

So many things can happen on a deserted route. Encountering bandits, meeting a traveling merchant convoy, finding a carriage with a princess inside that is both super pretty and about to get offed by assassins. Which one will it be today I wonder?


And …. we're at the so-called mercenary Inn. In every novel, there is always something happening on the road. Well, turns out that is bullshit haha. Apparently, the Inn is called the mercenary's respite. I guess they were worried people wouldn't know it's possible to hire mercenaries here.

One day I'll open my own Inn and it will be called: I used to be a champion (kinda), but I didn't like it so I started an Inn where you can only eat pie, but the pie is so good people won't leave and thus I started my world domination plan.

What can I say I am so good at naming stuff. One day I should write my own isekai novel. I already have the long as fuck title covered. Wait?! Wouldn't that be an autobiography in my case?!

Wow. Mind-blown! Wait. Wouldn't that mean my work would be both fiction and non-fiction depending on the world I sell it in?!

How to make mad profit in a nutshell. Only small issue is I'm pretty sure I would be trash at writing. After all, I used to be nothing more than a typical fantasy fan myself *sigh*. Oh yeah, I also don't know how to travel between worlds.

No biggy. I'm sure I can find a tutorial on MeTube about it. Wait…no. Nothing of the sort here.

That is one of the reasons I'm big-time doubting the Lunar Goddess. So you are telling me she is a god. Somehow, she didn't hand us a champion tutorial video first thing. And this isn't the first god war either. You'd think she would have gotten her shit together by now lol. Nope.

So here we are. Inn. Time to head in.

A cacophony of sounds, muscular men, the aroma of burning wood, the smell of booze …THE SMELL OF BOOZE! Fucking finally! An establishment that both does business and gets people drunk at the same time! Hell yeah! This is what I'm talking about! Screw that squeaky clean hunter guild back in the border town.

I see apparent mercenaries competing in strength tests, drinking games, darts! They know for sure how to have fun here!

"Alright let me inquire about a party that's available for…."

[No need Cayden. I got this.]



Why did I shout? Well, there is a cacophony of sounds. Gotta make myself heard you know.

Everyone turns at once. The whole Inn becomes silent. That would be the usual trope anyway.

No, in this case, 2 mercenary groups' representatives head toward me. By the way they are glaring at each other's I'd say they are old rivals. One group is made of about 10 people, the other one has many tables occupied and is definitely numerous. I'd count but I'm too lazy.

"Hey there young man. What kind of escort are you looking for?"

"Hey there, whatever business you have you should definitely ask our group the mighty Iron claws. We are numerous and powerful. Unlike that useless guy that only knows how to reminiscence about old stories."

[Oh? What about price and reliability?]

"We'll work for the wages given. Nothing more nothing less."

"We'll make sure you are safe as you make your way to your destination. See this is why you shouldn't trust these guys. They are just in it for the money. We have the best customer satisfaction in this place!"

[Alright I'll go with the grumpy-looking guy. I don't believe empty promises.]

"Alright, join us at our table and we'll discuss it some more."

"Why?! This doesn't make any sense! We are clearly the better choice! "

[See, you talk too much.]

Alright. First step achieved! Found myself a guide! Just gotta negotiate the terms and whatnot now.

I am joyful seeing that other guy pissed for some reason.

Is that …bad? xD

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