The Sage of the Mind

Chapter 2 : Zoinks!

Disclaimer - The rights of the respective characters are with their respective owners. I don’t mean to violate their intellectual property rights and thus, only my original characters are my IP. 


The Sage of the Mind : Chapter 2 


He sighed in exhaustion and part pain as his joints continued to flare up whenever he made any elaborate movements. “Ah, thank the Vishanti for this spell,” He murmured to himself as his body was covered in a green glow that alleviated the chronic pain he was inflicted with ever since he was hit by one of Dormammu’s spells. Only this time, instead of increasing his lifespan, he was aged almost instantly before he could have dispelled the spell. 

He looked at the unconscious body of the person he was warned about by the Vishanti themselves. Apparently, that boy was some sort of fulcrum in the story that was being woven in the heart of the omniverse. A place where the multiverses collide and the Vishanti wanted him to be captured before he could gain a foothold of any sort. Somehow, he could not feel the boy becoming some sort of villain that would threaten the multiverse but the Vishanti were technically his bosses and he was not so stupid so as to believe that they had multiple agents beside him who could have just as easily done that same job.

It wasn't even hard, the boy didn’t even notice when he had been pushed into the mirror dimension, allowing him to easily pressure his body from all sides by manipulating the space around him and then once he was unconscious, let the pressure off. He wasn’t going to kill the boy after all. He looked quite young for someone with enough powers to uplift an entire stone building with ease. 

To his eyes, it was quite evident that the boy was untrained and was nowhere near his current limit, let alone his full potential but even then, he had more than enough power to threaten and even kill most of the sorcerers of Kamar Taj and even some of the more research oriented Masters of Kamar Taj. Not all of them had to be master combatants to be MAsters, after all. IT was written in the bylaws by Agomotto himself that becoming a Master was the sign of being sufficiently advanced in the field of sorcery while being acknowledged by their peers.

“So troublesome,” He said to himself before flicking his arms, creating multiple tongs of eldritch energy to appear over the prone form of the boy and lift him up only before the tongs could touch the boy, some sort of force appeared out of the body and disintegrated the tongs. He tensed, multiple eldritch constructs in the shape of arms appearing from his back. One of them created a shield and the other arm glowed a sickly green as it readied a spell. The other arms were reared back, creating an orb of energy that was pulling everything around it, even the air.

The boy’s body began glowing blue before it began floating in air, all the while the aura around the boy was increasing, creating shockwaves of air around him due to the sheer pressure exuded by the entity possessing the boy.

“Identify yourself,” He said and took a step forward, even as the air around them began picking up hurricane level speeds.

The boy’s prone body jerked before the boy came to stand on his own two feet and yet, he could confirm that the boy was not piloting his body. Someone, something else was using his body to do this and he couldn’t figure out how. In the mirror dimension, he was more powerful than most beings on the planet, let alone some untrained body. “Hello, Sorcerer Supreme. May I ask why  you have stopped us?” 

Yao, the current Sorcerer Supreme of this earth, jerked as the voice was directly transmitted into his mind, as if it had ignored mental shields that had been built after decades of painstaking cultivation.

“May I ask who you are? As the sorcerer Supreme, it is my duty to defend my realm from outer threats and this boy was definitely not born here,” He intoned in a calm voice , trying to suppress his fears from appearing on his face. It had been decades since anyone had breached his mental shields without him even knowing about it. The voice was also very different from normal ones. It felt as if hundreds of different voices were speaking into his ear at the same time. The voice was also accompanied with a jarring effect, disoriented him briefly before he was able to gather his bearings.

“Who we are is of no concern to you. We have a deal with the higher gods of this realm and as such, do no understand why our avatar has been stopped before he reaches his intended destination,” The voice had taken a different tone this time, rambling something about outer gods but before he could say anything, his body jerked as he felt a bast otherworldly presence enter his mind. He could do nothing but watch in horror as his body was taken over by Agomotto himself.He would have questioned the need of such a drastic move if he wasn’t in so much disbelief over the fact that his carefully crafted defenses which were never down had been breached effortlessly by two different entities in a matter of hours. He was then put to sleep by Agomotto before he could hear anything of their conversation.

When he opened his eyes, it was to a strange portal that had opened up in front of them with the boy’s body hovering in front of him, even as his eyes remained closed and his body was covered in that strange blue glow, indicating that the entity possessing him had not left yet. He was unsure of what to do but before he could do or say anything, the boy’s body entered the portal which was made up with energies that were hard to look at. The event horizon was also not the normal orange flame when a sorcerer portal was opened. Instead, it was colored in different colours, sometimes green and sometimes blue, it switched between those colours.
He could only watch with his mouth agape as his hands were pointed in the position to open a portal but the moment the portal closed, he hissed as he hastily removed his sling ring and dumped it on the snow below.

The snow immediately melted and the water vaporised as the sling ring glowed hot red due to the sheer heat. It then melted the ground it was on and continued to sink in the ground, creating a red lava like area around it. 

He looked at his hand as it continued to throb in pain. He was about to cast a spell before his body seized up in pain for some reason. He soon realised the reason. His body had been overdrafted in terms of its mystic ability and coupled with the curse’s effect on his body, his body was shutting down, rather painfully at that.

“Huh, so this is how it feels,” He muttered as his eyes rolled up and he collapsed on the ground, finally being on the same side as his enemies who had been betrayed by their patron deities at the last moment. Somehow, Agomotto doing that to him felt more like a betrayal than he had thought.

He knew that he was not destined for a peaceful end but this was so unfair. Being killed by the backlash of a spell that he did not even cast?

So lame….


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