The Sage of the Mind

Chapter 1 : Wrong Lever, kronk!

Disclaimer - The rights of the respective characters are with their respective owners. I don’t mean to violate their intellectual property rights and thus, only my original characters are my IP. 


The Sage of the Mind : Chapter 1


“Argh…” The world came back into focus as his vision cleared from being blurry to being clear. Unfortunately, that didn’t change much because previously he was staring at a mass of blurry white and now he was staring at a much clearer but still a mass of white, i.e., snow. He had somehow found himself face down ass up in the middle of someplace that was covered with snow. 

Yup, there went his face. It was numb now. With a pained grunt, he pushed himself up to make sure that he didn’t frostbite from all the snow he was in. There he was, on all fours, looking at his surroundings, the snow filled surroundings and he had just a single thing to say to the asshole who had sent him here, to this deathworld of an universe camouflaged as a happy go camping universe where the heroes always win and the villains always lose and the rare scenario where there happens to be a grey person, he always, always, turns to the good side, ensuring a happy ending once and for all.

“Fuck you!” He roared at the sky, hoping that his message would reach the asshole ROB.

But that was in the movies. He knew that things like that didn’t happen in the real world. He was sure that with his luck, he would end up being an example for all the other reincarnators who might end up in any version of the MCU. Atleast, that was what that ROB had told him. That it was his job to process thousands of such applications, like his own and then send them on their randomized way.

“Huff,” He huffed as he began lumbering towards a direction he chose randomly. He had gotten no clue of his current location aside from it being in the middle of nowhere. Coincidentally, that middle of nowhere was also snowing heavily and he was dressed in a T-shirt and Jeans. That bastard couldn’t even be bothered to give him weather appropriate clothing. Well, atleast, he was not comp-letley without help.

He did have his sweet sweet powers package after all. He had multiple choices to choose from which were also customisable so he had chosen the Sage Force package but with the full package, he would have had to go to Worm to balance out the options. So, he had modified the option to become an incomplete avatar of the Sage. Instead of becoming the all powerful avatar of a cosmic force that would have gone on to enhance his intelligence to untold levels all the while granting him powers like telepathy, telekinesis and a host of other sub psionic energies while also enhancing his body to such a level that he would have been able to easily defeat even the strongest of normal humans with ease, he chose the option to have the power of telekinesis (on par with what he would have had if he had become the full avatar) and the physical enhancements that would have been awarded to him. That was enough of a drawback apparently that he could choose his home universe to be MCU instead of Worm.

So, despite his current conditions that would have most certainly been deadly for anybody else, they were more of an annoyance to someone of his powers. Speaking of powers, he raised his hands, palms pointed at a particularly annoying tree in his way and just pushed with his mind. 

To his amazement, with a muted thud sound, the moderately large tree fell on another tree like it was being pushed by an invisible hand, which, in a way, it was. He looked at his hands in amazement as he looked at the tree and this time, without any hand gestures, pulled. He had to back up a few steps as the tree ended up falling in his direction this time but just at the last moment, as it was about to hit the ground, he halted the tree in its tracks, with just his mind. He knew that he had the powers of telekinesis but knowing and seeing the actual results of that was a whole other thing.

If he was correct, which he thought he was, the upper limit of his telekinetic powers would basically be the limit of his mind and what his body can handle. Conversely, the Sage Force actually continuously enhances the body of its avatar so that the avatar can access even more of its powers, creating a loop that is wonderful for him. Judging from the ease with which he uprooted a tree that had a pretty extensive and strong root system, he was pretty strong as he was now and he would only grow stronger. The mere thought of that filled him with excitement. Now, all he had to do was find out where he was and figure out his way back to the nearest civilization. On that note, he began trudging his way through the snow in the same direction as before.

As he was walking, his form froze before he immediately pulled the tree and then jumped on it. He then pulled his arm in front of him and then made a pulling gesture which lifted the tree off the ground. He held on to the tree with his powers as he lifted the tree and found his mood worsening as he saw a white wasteland as far as his gaze could go. He growled under his breath and pushed the tree to go towards the mountains. An aspect of his telekinesis was that it allowed him to create a radar of sorts that gave him a rough idea of the matter around him in a very vast area. Ofcourse, he could not yet use his powers on matter in that vast range because the farther he was from the area being affected, the weaker his powers would be and as he was now, his powers would only work well in roughly a hundred meters in every direction.

As such, he had noticed something odd about that mountain. He continued to speed up the tree as he weathered the harsh cold dry winds that whipped his face, his enhanced constitution allowing him to weather them.

His ears perked up as he heard the sound of metal clashing and men screaming and grunting. He was confused so he slowed down his speed and chose to gain more altitude before passing over the mountain. His confusion increased when he heard some words that sounded more like gibberish and nothing like any modern language he had ever heard of. His confusion turned into wide eyed horror when he saw what was happening at the base of the mountain.

Somehow, there was a fort constructed on the side of the mountain and people were fighting outside the gates of the fort. People were wearing medieval armour and were fighting with spears and swords instead of guns and bombs. 

As far as he could see, the people defending the fort were losing but they were putting up a very hard fight. HE could see men falling down left, right and centre and yet, he could not find anything around the fort or even in the distance that could indicate where he was other than somewhere around the Poles? He was not very good at geography.

He was about to lower down the tree and at least stop that senseless loss of life but the moment he tried to go down, his tree felt like it had hit something and bounced back, almost making him fall off from a height of hundreds of feet. 

“Wha-” He muttered, disoriented, as his neck whipped around, trying to look for the culprit. Upon finding nobody and nothing, he once again tried to lower the tree but he was stopped the same as last time. 

Okay, this was getting a little serious, he thought to himself as he gained altitude and tried to look for the person or thing that was responsible for stopping him. He was about to turn around and go back when his entire body froze in its tracks as he spotted someone floating in front of him.
The person was wearing robes that were very loose and was floating seemingly unaided on thin air. Both of his hands were in his sleeves as an ominous feeling entered his mind. Something in his mind was screaming at him to get away from this person and considering that he was, even if incomplete, an avatar of the Sage Force, he complied with that feeling and pulled the tree away from the person as hard as he could. That might have been a bad decision considering he had no idea how fast the tree would go and if he could hold on to it or not but before any of those things could happen, he felt as if the very space surrounding him was pressing him from all sides, effectively immobilizing him. He could not even move a finger and even breathing was becoming harder and harder as time went on. His vision began blurring as the figure in front of him didn’t even move before he found himself being captured with contemptuous ease.

He was the avatar of the Sage Force and was going to do great things with his powers. Get all the money and all the supermodel girls that were totally out of his league in his previous life. Earn so much money and donate so much that it would make many people’s lives easier, all the while living a life of luxury as well. He had also hoped to tap that sweet Black Widow ass but before any of his juvenile dreams could come true, he found himself being suffocated by someone he didn’t see the face of.

Avatar of the Sage Force. What a joke!


Those were the last thoughts that went through his mind before darkness overtook his vision and he succumbed to darkness.


This is the story of Axle Riddle….

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