The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 48: Valentines Day Massacre Part 4

“Keep firing we can’t allow them to get into the headquarters!” yelled one of the A.U.T.F members firing through on of the barricaded windows. Their gunfire had attracted a large horde of zombies and that number was only growing. The zombies smashed their fists and heads into the doors to the A.U.T.F headquarters. Luke watched their response to this encroaching threat through the eyes of a nearby Licker. 

Luke had a wide smile on his face as he ordered the Licker to jump to the roof of the A.U.T.F building. It managed this feat thanks to its powerful leg muscles. The zombie horde acted as a distraction so the B.O.W could get onto the roof unnoticed. Luke made the Licker tear open a ventilation grate to enter the building. The Licker could barely fit its muscular frame through the vents. The Licker finally found a good place to exit. The room was some kind of closet and two people were making out inside. The couple were really going at it and Luke began to chuckle. 

‘It’s like these idiots have never seen a horror movie before” Luke ordered the Licker to dispose of these people stealthily. The Licker did as it was ordered and its tongue slowly slithered out of the vent hatch on the ceiling. The man looked briefly up and was about to scream but the Lickers tongue silenced him. It impaled him through the mouth straight through to his dick. The woman had a similar fate as the tongue erupted through the man’s genitalia and impaled her head. Their bodies convulsed as they both collapsed and the Licker retracted its tongue before squeezing through the vent. 

The Licker slashed the couples throats just to make sure of their deaths. With Luke’s control the Licker was able to open the closet wooden door. Gunfire still echoed out and was the perfect mask for the B.O.W. The Licker sped forward and clambered onto the ceiling. It continued to clamber forward and finally reached another victim. This one was a man with a shotgun walking around probably on patrol. The Licker had a grin on its face as it slowly let down its tongue. 

Thanks to the gunfire no one heard the man’s yelp as the tongue hoisted him up onto the ceiling by the neck. His eyes were full of terror as the Licker under Luke’s orders snapped his neck instead of slashing it. Luke felt the pleasure this creature got from killing and highly encouraged it. It hid the body in the closet with the two other corpses before returning to its assassination mission. The next few take downs were easy but as more and more people vanished the others grew ever more nervous.

They couldn’t conduct a proper search as they were stretched thin thanks to the zombies outside. A small group of four agents were sent to investigate the disappearances. The Licker followed them silently as they moved away from the safety of a large group. A small rope of drool trickled onto one of the agents and he looked up. He saw the Licker and screamed just as it dropped onto him crushing him and killing him instantly. The Licker sliced the two closest agents into chunks with its claws before impaling the last agent with its tongue. 

The first agent scream’s attracted from more agents this made Luke and the Licker smile. ‘Have fun and make sure that everyone in this building dies’ Luke felt the Lickers pleased reaction as it leapt back onto the ceiling.

Pov Luke Valentine

I continued to open fire on the large horde of zombies approaching me and the group of soldiers I was with. We had reached the site of one of the parades and I saw one of the trucks we used for this attack. And just like magic I saw one of the G-virus B.O.W’s that had reached its fourth stage smash into it. The creature was followed by a woman in basic an armoured swimsuit. I smacked my head slightly I knew heroes were meant to be heroic but seriously did they have no care about property damage. 

The truck had smashed into a barricaded shop and the occupants began flooding out as the B.O.W started getting back up. “Rescue those civilians!” I told the rest of the group as I ran towards the B.O.W. I instructed the B.O.W to spartan kick the woman. The woman dodged this kick and sliced at the kicking leg with her sword. The B.O.W screamed in agony as the wound began to heal. This G-virus stage four zombie was slightly different from the games one. It kept the usual belly full of orange eyes and decrepit look. But this one was different as large white boney sheets covered sections of it two enormous arms. The B.O.W tried to ram the women with its rib bones tusk protrusions but she blocked the with her shield.

I aimed at it with my Broken Butterfly Magnum and unloaded four bullets into its leg. I instructed the creature to charge at me and its actions had the desired effect. The woman jumped to his rescue and blocked another spartan kick with her shield. What came next completely by surprise as a giant lightning covered object turned the upper half of my B.O.W into mist and confetti. The hammer then arced sideways and smashed into another building. I screamed internally slightly at the fact that none of these heroes give any fucks about property damage. 

Some weird man with blonde hair and even more strange armour casually landed on the defeated B.O.W. He had a strangely aggravating face and I instinctively wanted to beat the shit out of him. “Hello I the mighty Thor has come to rescue the fair maiden and child.”

My tail swayed back and forth as I gently pushed the woman out of the way. “Why the fuck have you done that!” I slapped him in the face with the face of my tail. “Did you know that no one was in that building your hammer just flew through?” My eyes bulged as he returned his gaze down to me.

“For a child I just rescued you sure are ungrateful, see there is no blood on my hammer so no one was hurt. Go and run along little guy I’m sure those nice gentleman can lead you to safety” he pointed towards my men. 

“I don’t care if there is no blood on your hammer did you not consider what damage you would cause with your bullshit display.” My men finally reached me and the building that the mans hammer went through now collapsed. “You guys go and make sure no one was hurt in this buffoon’s mindless actions” my soldiers followed my instructions and I turned to the woman. I bowed slightly “I apologise for pushing you out of the way I just really needed to confront this idiot” I pointed to where the man used to be. I looked up slightly and saw him flying away “un fucking believable” I shook my head.

“Thank you for saving me” I stuck my right hand out and she shuck it. “The name is Luke Valentine and no I’m not a child my ability makes me look this way”. The woman nodded slightly and looked elsewhere.

“Yes I know who you are, the man that apparently cured cancer” I finally realised who I was talking to. It was the one the only Wonder Woman.

“Well I must leave now I have plenty of people to save and I hope no more brain dead idiots show up and cause more unnecessary destruction.” As I said this I heard a loud and angry roar echo out in the distance. I did one final bow and quickly left to help my men search the rubble. 

Pov Hulk 3rd person

“HULK SMASH PUNY UGLY MONSTER!” a hulking monstrosity of flesh teeth and eyes glared at him. This creature stood nearly a hundred feet tall and just seemed to keep growing. Large fleshy arms tried to swat the angry green man like he was a common fly. This made Hulk even more angry and in response he launched himself towards the creatures giant belly cavity full of eyes. He plunged his fist deep into one and it ruptured, blood and yellowish puss oozed out of the now damaged eye. This seemed to do very little in actually hurting the creature as it shook Hulk off. The Hulk was launched into a nearby building and smashed into a thankfully empty office.

The monstrosity had eight ginormous arms with boney spikes jutting out. These spikes measured about nine feet in length and were remarkably strong. The creature had three legs in a tripod fashion to stabilise itself. Its head was none existent and only its belly cavity eyes were the only visible optical organs. “HULK KILL BIG MONSTER!” Hulk leapt again and shot towards the monster with the speed of a missile. 

The monster tried to intercept this projectile with one of its largest hands. This was pointless as the Hulk tore through the hand and delivered a strong uppercut to its torso. The creature screamed in pain as it collided and collapsed on several buildings sending debris everywhere. The hole the Hulk left in its hand began to rapidly heal as it tried to crush the Hulk with a ruined building. A giant green sword cut the creature’s hands off that were holding up the building and it fell onto the creature itself. A man in a bright green suit floated in front of the monster. A green light glowed on his hand as the monster got back up and shook itself off. “HULK NO NEED HELP FROM TINY GREEN MAN!” the Hulk sounded extra angry and leapt onto the monsters chest.

“Sure you don’t greeny” the man said in a jokey tone as he materialised another giant green sword. This sword impaled the creature straight in its belly cavity and it began to scream wildly.

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