The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 47: Valentines Day Massacre Part 3

Jill waited patiently inside the Raven and checked her guns. That man gave her two uzi’s and simple equipment to break into the Helicarrier. She tapped the device on her chest and a digital display popped up. The display showed she had five hours of P30 left, Jill tapped the device again and the display disappeared. “Agent Valentine this is your stop, you’ll have to find your own way back after.” The pilot had a cold and emotionless voice it sent slight chills down Jill’s spine. 

Jill’s mission was simple purge all information regarding the Umbrella Corporation and several other groups Luke was interested in. And the second objective was to acquire a failed piece of Stark tech named Technovore. The tech could apparently absorb other technology and incorporate it into itself. Why she had to go to get Technovore was understandable but for the files to be purged she wondered why Red Queen couldn’t do it. Her thoughts were disrupted by the pilot coughing and handing her a two items. One was a vial of violet blue liquid and the second was a spray can of some kind. Jill left the Raven and began quickly walking towards two men in uniform approaching her guns drawn. Her outfit was a special skin tight combat catsuit dark grey in colouring with a zip down the middle on the front. The P-30 pump was located on her chest and was exposed when she zipped it down slightly earlier to make it more breathable. 

The two uzi’s hung off her hips in holsters attached to a belt and a selection of throwing knives were in special slots on the belt that held the uzi’s also. Jill took two of these throwing and hurled them at the two men. They made a sickening thump followed by two much louder thumps. Jill casually walked up to the two now dead men and removed the knives from their heads. Her blond hair blew in the breeze as she marched towards a door leading in. “Handler I’m at the entry point please provide access” Jill said into her earpiece. The door opened and she quickly entered and ducked to the side to avoid three guards on patrol. 

“I recommend you cause a distraction Jill otherwise you will not be able to complete the mission.” A girlish voice crackled over the earpiece, she sighed as she took a left and then a right and down an elevator. “Coming up on your right is the central hub for the Helicarrier’s ventilation system. I recommend staying put a few minutes and applying the spray provided to avoid becoming zombie munchies.” Jill careful rewired and refitted the ventilation system to disperse the contents of the vial to the rest of the carrier. She sprayed herself with the contents of the spray can and waited six minutes. An alarm began to blare out and Jill began to move quietly.

She heard gunshots and screaming as occupants began turning into ravenous undead. Her next goal was to erase the information which was easier said than done. But she had an idea “handler what floor is the package on again.”

“It is storage 10-C” Jill marched forward icing more guards who were busy fighting the zombies. A small group of what seemed to be engineers approached her. Jill didn’t know if they thought she was a guard but she didn’t think of it any further. She pulled out her two uzi’s and aimed them at the group. She saw their faces turn to despair as she opened fire. The bullets tore through them and she carried on walking. She passed several zombies devouring the body of a S.H.I.E.L.D engineer. The zombies looked at her and growled clutching their meal but they didn’t attack her.

A small horde were being decimated by some S.H.I.E.L.D goons but Jill quickly dispatched them with her knives. 

Meanwhile Maria Hill

“Can any tell me how we’re being attacked by fucking zombies” Maria slammed her fists into the consoles around her. 

“Director we suspect that an outside agent has infiltrated the Helicarrier.” Maria glared at the agent who said this as Maria tried to coordinate an a proper response to this attack. ‘You not only have the balls to launch an attack on New York but also you launch an attack on us Luke you fucking bastard.’ 

“What levels are compromised?” Maria yelled and she quickly received a reply.

“Levels seven through fifteen Director” Maria stomped her right foot.

“Organise a proper response and started clearing the levels one at a time until then lockdown levels seven through fifteen and tell survivors to hold on.” The agents nodded and began to run about completing their tasks.

Meanwhile Jill Valentine 

Another guard screamed as Jill stabbed another guard in the neck with one of her knives. She had to shimmy up three levels of an elevator shaft to get to this floor. Her goal was now right in front of her locked behind a five inch thick titanium door. She plugged in a small wire that emerged from her ear piece “beginning breaching procedure”. Jill waited for Red Queen to finish opening the door whilst looking to make sure the coast was clear. The door beeped before opening up inside was all the tech S.H.I.E.L.D had confiscated over the years. 

Jill saw many items including a strange green ring, blasters from Hydra and something named quantum force field. Jill marched forward with purpose and found the item she was here for. Technovore or what was left of it rested in a clear container, it was only a small slither of silvery metal.

“All this for something that probably isn’t going to work.” Jill sighed as she attached the container to her belt. “Now all I have to do is get to the control room” she sighed again as she would have to climb the elevator shaft again.

(Sometime later) 

Jill puffed and huffed as she finally reached the control room elevator door. She tapped the P-30 pump ‘damn it I only have an hour of it left’. She began prying the door open and she heard several clicks. Jill smiled as she used all her strength and threw the elevator doors open. Bullets zoomed forward but to her they were moving in slow motion. She pulled out her two uzi’s and jumped forward. She opened fire and spun as she did sending a cascade of deadly projectiles everywhere.

She combat rolled landed and was underneath a man who tried to point his gun at her. She easily uppercutted him and quickly reloaded her guns. She saw his terrified expression as she unloaded the entire magazine of her right hands uzi into his chest. Three men tried to move for cover but they were cut down by a crackling of gunfire from the left hands uzi. The rest of the fight went about the same her matrix dodging bullets and shooting them. Thirty people now laided dead in the control room. Jill wasted no time plugging the wire from her ear piece into the main console. 

She waited thirty seconds before she heard instructions from Red Queen. “You have ten minutes to get of the Helicarrier as I’ve disabled its rotors.” Jill really didn’t like the sound of that but the good news was the control room was close to the runway. 

“Jill is that you?” she heard a female voice behind her ask. Jill spun round and hurdled a throwing knife into the woman’s shoulder. The woman had brown hair and no redeeming features but she did seem shocked from more than just the knife in her shoulder. 

“I would kill you but I have ten minutes to get out of here”

Pov Red Queen

I watched Jill walk past Maria through the security cameras in the Helicarrier. Maria tried to grab at her leg but she just kicked the knife even deeper. I payed no heed as I began looking through the files for allies. S.H.I.E.L.D had an extensive list of high priority targets to America’s safety. These people included Magneto, Queen Bee, someone called Allmight and the man Luke wanted to join his secret society next. Lex Luthor was apparently dying from a cancer caused by Kryptonite and S.H.I.E.L.D was trying to find a cure.

I smiled as I began transferring the files to a safe database that only I and Luke had access to. I started controlling the security system of the Hellicarrier allowing the zombies to run rampant. I felt something strange tingling in my digital body. “Boss five high speed projectiles are closing in on New York.”

“Are they missiles?” His voice didn’t sound concerned.

“No four of them are organic the last seems to be a jet of some kind. One of the projectiles is a woman in a swimsuit, another is a man in a green suit, the third is some wierdo in a red suit running across the water. The fourth object is another woman but she is riding the jet she’s wearing a very patriotic costume. The Jet seems to be in the shape of a bat, so I’m guessing they’re the Justice League.”

“Okay what is the military response time?”

“The military should be in NYC within ten minutes” I heard silence then a sigh.

“Well I assumed as much they can get here in record time for a zombie apocalypse but they can’t be bothered showing up for the Alien invasion.” I was slightly confused maybe he meant that incident with the Skrull.

“Well those people should be at New York any second now boss.”

“Alright make sure the Hellicarrier goes down.”

This is the art for the zombie that attacked the police station last chapter it was meant to go there but I forgot. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. 

Zombie from last chapter 

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