The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 10: Birth, part two (72)

          Aeskell looked down at her two twin girls. They were both the most beautiful things that she had ever seen or made. They weren’t identical, like she was hoping, but they were unique. That was all that mattered in the end. The both of them were currently drinking from her chest, as she hoped they would.

          She didn’t know if her breasts would even make milk. Though, low and behold, her little ones were drinking their fill. She felt a warm and full sensation looking at them like this, this must be what it truly feels like to be a mother.

          Ainz and Pandora’s actor were there, Ainz looking at the children, then back to the door of the room that they were in. He was probably worried for Albedo and her child. While Pandora’s Actor was hopping from foot to foot in giddiness. It was rather strange to see a man in an SS inspired uniform do such things, but that was who he was.

          She glanced back down at her perfect little beans and pondered on what they would look like when they grew into adults. As soon as they came out of her, she realized their personalities. The one suckling on her left breast seemed to have inherited most of her traits from her father, while the one on the right seemed to just enjoy the air.

          As soon as the girl on her left came out, the little black haired and black-eyed girl started to seemingly panic at the sight of the outside world, when compared to the warmth of her womb. Her left eye also seemed to be made out of a deeply black diamond, the eye eating most of the light of the room.

          The other girl, her hair being inherited from Aeskell herself. Her hair was brownish red. It was less auburn and more brown, while she seemed to her taken Aeskell’s eye color to heart, as her eyes were a deep uranium green. Her right eye was also made from uranium glass, it seemed like.

          As soon as she came out of her womb, the girl seemed too shocked to cry at all. Then her eyes watered and she just sniffled. At first, Aeskell was worried there was something wrong with her, but The Atomic Flame that blessed the new mother’s eyesight made sure that she was fine. When she was put to the chest of Aeskell she suckled like the other one.

          Aeskell had an idea on what to name the two girls, but she wanted Ainz to have his say as well. Aeskell looked up to Ainz, to see him walking towards the door as the sound of a crying baby from the other room reached her ears.

          “Sorry Aeskell, I have to make sure that Albedo is fine,” he said as she made his way out the door.

          Aeskell simply smiled at him with a deeply seated, and motherly smile as she nodded her own head to the door. Ainz then walked out and closed the door behind himyself.

          “Mother! I have an idea on what to name them!” Pandora’s Actor whispered and shouted at the same time.

          Aeskell was also happy that he was so happy. It made her smile deepen even more across her face at the fact that he was calling her mother. The fact that he was so comfortable with that made her more confident in her new role of motherhood.

          “What name ideas do you have, Pandora’s Actor?” she asked with sincerity.

          He nodded his head and got down next to the two suckling babes. He looked directly at the black hair girl and shuddered a bit at his own genius. He then looked directly at Aeskell with all the seriousness a Chuuni older brother could muster.

          “Erika,” he simply said, and Aeskell chuckled in response at the common, yet overall perfect name.

          He then turned to look at the other babe, and nodded his head after a second or two. Then he tilted his head to the side in thought. He put a hand to his round chin after that. He stood up and paced around the room for about a minute after all of that.

          Aeskell chuckled at her lover’s son’s actions. He truly was a chuuni, and she loved him for that. The Doppelganger looked back down at the baby and then at Aeskell herself. Then, he seemingly turned in on himself and nodded his head once more after thinking for a bit.

          “Her name will be, Wiktoria,” he said with finality.

          Aeskell nearly burst out laughing at his antics. She loved this boy so much, she might as well have been his mother from the very start. She wanted to put a hand to her mouth to try and hide the smile that graced her face, but she was holding her two newborn babes.

          She looked down at the two of them, for they had finished eating and were now looking all around the space to search for anything new. She smiled again at their perfect little faces. She then looked at the little black haired one, and spoke with motherly love in her voice.

          “Your name will be Erika Ooal Gown,” she said, and the little baby went wide eyed.

          Her glee seeped into every fiber of her being at the little one’s reaction. She then turned her, still perfect, face to the other. Her voice came out like a judge that had just spoken the truth with finality.

          “Your name will be Wictoria Ooal Gown. Welcome to the family you two,” the mother said.

          Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov, or rather Wictoria Ooal Gown in this life, looked with slight shock at the face of the woman holding her. She seemed to have been reborn, as crazy as that sounds. Off to her right, positioned at her new mother’s left breast, was another girl who seemed to be shutting down from tiredness.

          She couldn’t blame her newfound sister, this being born thing was very exhausting. After all, the she was very stressed while she was coming out of this woman. Wictoria looked off to her left at the strange being that seemed to be a relative of hers now. He seemingly noticed this and looked at her.

          “Hello little sister, I’m your big brother,” he spoke with an obvious Germanian accent.

          The uniform he was wearing as well looked like a Germanian intelligence officer’s uniform. The similarities were uncanny, in all seriousness. The man himself didn’t act like an officer though, other than the sharpness of his movements.

          He actually acted like a child, at least from what Wictoria had seen so far from him. He also gave off a feeling of slight flightiness, like he wasn’t actually acting as he should be, if that made sense.

          It actually reminded her of lieutenant colonel Tanya. But, the last thing she remembered about the colonel was the voice that shouted at her. that power behind that voice when she first heard it, and how much rage was filled behind the colonel’s voice when responding to it.

          A wave of sadness hit the newborn babe. She would likely never see Tanya again. She was never going to see her happy face when she had a cup of coffee again. She was never going to see her gleeful face when she got a break again. She was simply never going to see her pseudo sister ever again.

          Tears began to roll off of her face. It was so bad that the blanket she was swaddled in was getting soaked. Her new brother panicked at this reaction, but then soon stopped when her new mother snuggled her closer to her chest.

          Her new mother then began to hum a rhyme. The deep and somber tones reached the babe through the blanket and entered her mind as she was lulled. The humming kept coming from the newly made mother.

          “In the night, in the silent field,
Where the moon counts the tears revealed,
Walks a soldier, tired and small,
Bearing the weight, all alone

Sleep, my child, dream softly now,
Of peace that’s far and yet so close somehow.
The soldier in the moonlight’s glow,
Wishes to be home with you, you know,
” her mother softly sang, and Wictoria’s eyes fluttered shut.

Hoped you guys liked this chapter. The rhyme was written by ChatGPT. I couldn't find the right song I wanted so I had ChatGPT write it. I also got a real job by the time I'm writing this, I don't know how that's going to mess up my writing schedule. have a pleasant day every reader!

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