The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 10: Birth, part one (71)

Chapter 10: Birth

The baby opened her eyes, and light flooded into her vision. It was truly a strange experience. That was doubly so because this was the second time this had happened to the child. In all honesty, the child was surprised that she was conscience of thought.

          The light that had flooded into its eyes was a bright purple, instead of the warm yellow or harsh white it had expected. Actually, what had she expected? Certainly not being reborn a second time. After all, the false god that had spoken to the babe had told her that there were no third chances.

          She looked around as best she could, but all she could see were blobs of shapes. They were probably family or maybe even medical professionals. After all, she hadn’t the faintest idea about what was going on, other than that she was alive once more.

          She felt that she was being lifted, inspected by the one holding her. The shape that she saw was strange, to say the least. The face of whoever this was long. Long like a dog’s face. The color of whoever this was, was black as well.

          She could slightly hear the noises of whoever was talking. Most likely, talking about her. Being here, in this moment, was somewhat, and eerily comforting. That was what struck the baby next. She could also feel magic being cast; her senses told her so.

          But that didn’t make any sense, you needed equipment to see and feel the magic in the air. Whatever this place was, it was different from her second and first life, there was no doubt.

          The shapes were becoming clearer now. She could make out things, like she had her sight back. The feeling of growth and an overall, “bigger-ness,” settled into the girl, the rusted silver. It unnerved the girl slightly, but what utterly confused the baby, was the person holding her.

          Her new body had been crying this whole time, she had no say in the matter at all. But right now, the shock at seeing what was in front of her shut her up. Her little baby eyes widened at the sight of the woman in front of her, at least that was the air the being holding her gave off.

          It was a dog person, and not just a dog-eared person, but an actual dog headed person. Shock and awe filled the young babe, and the dog woman chuckled at the strange expression, and handed her to another person. The feeling of being so little and helpless unnerved the baby once more.

          The baby craned her little, fragile neck to the back and sides to try and see the person she was being handed to. She was too small, she was afraid, to get the full scope of the room. She was also too swaddled, now that she paid attention to herself.

          She was wrapped up in cloth, from her head to her new toes, she was wrapped in the comfiest cloth she had probably ever touched. The feeling of hunger was the only thing that kept her from falling asleep, though, she did yawn.

          When she was finished being handed to her new mother, she got a good look at her. That was on the account that the woman herself was huge. At least to her new baby eyes and size the woman was huge. She also had horns on the sides of her head.

          A deep seated, motherly smile was etched onto her face. Her black hair was slick with sweat. Her eyes were also strange, they were gold with vertical slits, like a cat’s. One of the other strange things about her new mother was her wings that seemed pinned beneath blankets.

          “Your name will be Tanya,” her new mother said.

          She then looked up and to the left of the bed, Tanya tried to look at the interesting thing that was off to the side, but she couldn’t. Her new mother spoke, her tone was strange, as if praying. Tanya didn’t know what to think about that.

          “Unless if you have any better names, My Lord?” she asked someone off to the side, possibly her new father or some form of patriarch.

          “No, you are better at naming things anyway, Albedo,” her new father said in a rather low, baritone voice.

          A shiver ran up the newborn’s spine. This wasn’t a shiver of fear; however, it was a shiver of something. She didn’t know what this feeling was. It could be familiarity. It could be something magical. After all, her new body had seemed to have better senses when she was just newly born than when she was at her peak in her last life.

          Her mother, newly named in her mind to Albedo, handed her off to her assumed father. When his hands touched the cloth she was swaddled in, calm, coldness, and contentedness touched her mind and body.

          The feeling sent a slight shiver of connection to her. This feeling was alien, yet not. This feeling was powerful, yet gentle. This feeling was truly new, yet all too familiar. On the surface, this new feeling and connection looked like that of Being X. However, it was not the same. If Being X was blinding light, the feeling her father gave off was that of the darkness of dreamless and ever so all-encompassing sleep.

          When she was turned to face her new father, there was one large thing that jumped out at her. that was that he was skeletal. The face of her father was that of a undead, a being only fictional in her first life, and rumored to exist in her second.

          Two little points of red light burned in his eye sockets, and the hands that held her did so gently, like he could crush her like an eggshell. But he didn’t do so. She was his daughter.

          The little newborn baby that had once been human, now wasn’t, had never felt so calm. She had never been so content to just bask in life, in anyone’s presence before. Though, her new father gave off this feeling.

          This feeling was utterly alien to her. The only thing that had been close to this was the latter years of working with and directing her 203rd. But this, this was new, totally new. She didn’t know if she liked this dichotomy.

          So, her new body’s instincts told her to cry, so she did so. Her new tear ducts poured out water at a startling rate. Extra feelings added to this, and her new father panicked. She couldn’t see through the tears, but she could tell that her new father hadn’t expected this.

          He soon handed her back to her mother and the baby calmed down. Tanya didn’t like being a baby, not one bit. She had no true input on her body’s actions. She couldn’t communicate. She couldn’t even afford any privacy. It was going to be hell, growing up again.

          It was then that Tanya’s new body and hunger decided to make themselves known. Her stomach growled surprisingly loudly. In response, her new mother opened up the blankets surrounding her chest and brought Tanya close.

          The babe’s eyes widened at her new mother’s chest size. They were huge! For lack of a better term. When she was brought up to her nipples, Tanya’s mouth opened on instinct and suckled. Her stomach was filling, and many thoughts were filling her own mind.

          ‘What do I do now?” Tanya thought to herself.

          A nice and comfortable silence filled the room. Her new father and new mother looked over her with kind eyes, something she didn’t really know what to feel about, but she was glad there was silence so she could hear her own thoughts.

          It was then that an ear-splitting screech filled with pain fluttered into the room. This scream sounded like another mother was giving birth. The words that came into the room proved this in Tanya’s mind.

          “Oh God that hurts! Why did I want twins! Oh, fucking shit balls Batman! Oh god that hurts! Pandora, shut up about the German empire for a minute! No! mama doesn’t hate you! It’s just that German sounds real annoying when this is going on for some daft reason!” the other woman shouted so loud that the sound traveled to the newborn’s ears.

          Then, her father ran out the door to the voice. She then heard her own mother sigh in slight sadness and exasperation. She looked down on little Tanya and spoke. What she said slightly shocked her.

          “Well, little Tanya, your about to get some half siblings. I just wish Lady Aeskell wasn’t so loud about it,” she said in slight annoyance.

          Then, the two of them saw the dog woman walk out of the room. Soon after, they both heard Aeskell once again shout. This time it was in rage fueled annoyance.

          “Since fucking when can I turn off my vagina’s pain sensors! This would have helped a while ago! Oh, for Pete’s sake! It still hurts like all hell!” she yelled, “Batman damns it!” She finished her ranting, and just went to screaming in pain.

          Then, Tanya thought about the words her aperient other mother said.


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