The Little Wolf Dog Keeps Getting the Money

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Downpour


There was another gunshot, and a large amount of blood exploded on the head of the walking dead. The blood splashed out and it fell to the ground.

Zhang Zhi was undecided, and listened to Qin Chi softly saying: “Brother Zhi, headshots will have an effect on the zombie, as long as you determine the body part of the other party, you can directly smash the head.”

Compared to Zhang Zhi, who was panicked and lost his hand, Qin Chi was not generally calm.

Zhang Zhi closed his eyes and secretly warned himself that he must not hesitate next time, otherwise he and Qin Chi will be injured.

Qin Chi filled up the oil, took out the mineral water bucket he bought two days ago, poured all the water into the rice cooker and other containers, and then filled the bucket with gasoline.

This little gasoline won’t last long, but it’s better than nothing.

The headshot zombie was wearing the uniform of a gas station worker. If he had been infected, the rest would probably not be much better. In this area, I don’t know how many terrifying things there are.

When Qin Chi and Zhang Zhigang got in the car, the big raindrops crashed down. They knocked on the doors and windows like guns and bullets. Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky from time to time, illuminating the dark night.

It is unwise to drive in the wild in this kind of weather. Qin Chi set his destination at a nearby school and planned to go there to hide from the rain with Zhang Zhi.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the road is full of bumps and puddles. Fortunately, the off-road vehicle has been improved, otherwise it is easy to get stuck in the mud and cannot climb out.

Zhang Zhi’s eyesight was not as good as Qin Chi’s, so he switched to Qin Chi to drive at night. The two of them were driving on the deserted trail, and they had to be alert to the zombies that might rush out at any time, so they had to use 120,000 points of energy to deal with them.

This area seems to have become a paradise for the dead. The two saw many zombies dangling by the roadside along the way, but they didn’t see even one living person. Those things didn’t show offensiveness, they only lowered their heads and swayed at an extremely slow pace, but still made people dare not relax.

The rain was pouring, and the wipers were too late to clean the raindrops on the front windows. Only a large swath of rain water was dripping down the glass windows, and the road ahead was blurred.

When the car lights hit a section of the road ahead, a person suddenly emerged from the grass. Qin Chi couldn’t react fast enough to brake. After hitting the steering wheel a few times, he bumped into a walking “person”.

The “man” hit the front of the car directly, flew into the air with a loud noise, rolled over from the roof of the car, and then slammed heavily into the mud.

Zhang Zhi quickly opened the window of the car and leaned out to look back, but saw that the “man” staggered up from the ground, and then stood still on the spot with his body squatting.

Under the rain curtain, Zhang Zhi vaguely saw a coin-sized rotten hole on the opponent’s neck.

“It’s okay, let’s go.” Zhang Zhi sat back in the car and closed the window, then took off the rain-stained glasses and wiped it.

Qin Chi didn’t ask when he saw it, and drove quickly away from this ghost place.

Due to the heavy rain, it took only half an hour to get to the school, but the two of them drove for nearly two hours before arriving.

When they arrived tens of meters from the school gate, they found that the school had been occupied.

This is an elementary school with high walls and iron gates. Several men in raincoats are carrying out zombies whose heads have been beaten up and throwing them into a ditch not far away. It looks like they are cleaning them. The zombies in the school were dropped and the school was used as a temporary base.

If there are already zombies in the school, many people should be infected one after another, and if these people want to deal with a large number of zombies, they can only do it with firearms.

Those who can quickly find guns and ammunition within a few days of the appearance of the zombies are definitely not law-abiding citizens.

Qin Chi hesitated, wondering if he should borrow one night.

People who can quickly start to find a place as a stronghold in the last days, and then gradually develop and grow their power, are generally not easy to provoke, cruel, and there is no sense at all. Once the people who follow them have no use value, they will be ignored. Kick away mercifully.

It is not wise to have any involvement with such people.

However, the rain is really heavy, and the water is rising everywhere. The water in the ditch has spread to the highest point. Maybe it will be flooded soon, even if it is driving outside in an improved off-road vehicle, it is very dangerous. What’s more, the surrounding area is full of woods, it is easy to be struck by lightning, and it will be troublesome to be besieged by zombies at night.

The only safe place is this school.

“Brother Zhi, what do you think?” With Zhang Zhi there, Qin Chi always subconsciously solicits Zhang Zhi’s opinions.

“There seems to be someone in the classroom.” Zhang Zhi took out the binoculars and looked at it for a while, but couldn’t see the situation in the school through the rain screen, only saw that there seemed to be people moving by the window.

He put down the binoculars and looked at Qin Chi again, “Let’s go and ask for help.”

It’s always not a solution outside. Only the buildings around here can slightly resist the attack of the zombies. The houses of other villagers are very ordinary buildings, and the village is densely populated, and the number of infected people must be more. It is undoubtedly very dangerous.

As for whether you are a sheep or a tiger after entering school, let’s act accordingly.

The two simply ate dinner in the car to fill their belly, then took a backpack with a little daily necessities and food and medicine, and brought a gun and a box of ammunition as a “meeting ceremony”, and then the car received the space storage box middle.

Considering this situation, Qin Chi specially set aside a place to store the vehicle. He also taught Zhang Zhi how to use it so that Zhang Zhi could understand how to access the vehicle.

From time to time, a flash of lightning struck in the sky, and a large tree not far away was struck by lightning suddenly, giving off a scorching smell. Seeing this, Qin Chi didn’t dare to stay in this kind of dense forest again, and hurriedly pulled Zhang Zhi to stay away from the forest.

“Wait.” Zhang Zhi stopped suddenly, digging a mass of mud on the ground and wiping on Qin Chi’s waterproof hiking boots. The trousers and other places were also soiled with mud and water. He did the same and made both of them dirty. Xi’s.

Qin Chi didn’t understand at first, but then he suddenly reacted.

They were sitting in the car all the way, without any mud on their bodies, but it was so muddy everywhere with such a heavy rain outside. If they dressed cleanly to meet those people, others would definitely not believe that they were traveling long distances. Come.

Make yourself a little dirty and embarrassed so that it won’t cause unnecessary trouble.

Afterwards, the two flashed flashlights and walked towards the school together.

The flashlight is not bright, and the light shines straight through the rain curtain, casting a not-so-open field of vision. In the hazy night rain, several people who were carrying the corpse threw the headshot zombies one after another, and took off their waist guns and aimed them at them.

“Who, stand still!”

Qin Chi stopped immediately and yelled in the sound of wind and rain in Zalala, “We are passing by, some big brothers, can we stay in school for one night?”

A person in camouflage clothes replied loudly: “Where are you going? I don’t have the energy to take care of your spoiled greenhouse flowers!”

“We don’t live in vain, brother, we have good things here, are you sure you don’t take a look?”


Qin Chi didn’t answer any more, only raised the gun in his hand meaningfully, and the few people also glanced at each other, and then quickly moved closer with their guns.

Qin Chi and Zhang Zhi showed no hostility and let one of them search their bodies.

“Who are you, where did the gun come from?” The man in the camouflage uniform pointed his muzzle at Qin Chi’s temple, “Quickly say, or I will kill you!”

Qin Chi raised his hands, pretending to be very scared, “My wife and I picked up some corpses on the road. My wife said it was a good thing, so we picked it up.”

The man in camouflage uniform looked at the two suspiciously, and was also considering the authenticity of Qin Chi’s words.

However, these two people are really not like people in the society. A meticulous and elite president like the one in a TV series, and the other like a pampered son, is not lethal.

The camouflage uniform glanced at Zhang Zhi, then suddenly grinned, “Are you Beta or Omega?”

Qin Chi’s complexion darkened, and before Zhang Zhi spoke, he replied, “He is Beta, my love, and we are all married.”

Cut, Beta, forget it.

The camouflage man was very disappointed. He thought he could find a few Omegas to play with during this special period, but the result was just a ugly Beta, which was still marked, and it was not interesting to play.

The others also searched the entire body of the two of them and said, “Brother Leopard, take them to see the boss?”

The man in camouflage uniform put down his gun and raised his hand to Qin Chi, “Fortunately, the boss is hiring people. Go in. Someone will take you to meet the boss. As for whether you can stay, I don’t count.”

“Thank you, Brother Leopard.” Qin Chi is very knowledgeable, so he hurriedly took out a box of good cigarettes from his backpack and put it in the arms of Brother Leopard. After getting the approving eyes of Brother Leopard, he took Zhang Zhi from the iron gate to the school. The leopard brother’s younger brother led down to meet the real boss.

The rain was heavy, and the water in the playground was almost spreading to the classrooms. Fortunately, they came to the school in time. Otherwise, at this rate of water increase, accidents could easily happen.

Qin Chi was carrying a bag and pulling Zhang Zhi tightly with one hand, fearing that he would be lost. Zhang Zhi didn’t dare to let go of Qin Chi’s hand. In this Longtan Tiger Lair, once it was released, it might be a farewell.

The little brother leading the way in front of him looked back at the two from time to time. He seemed to be a little curious about Zhang Zhi, but given that there was a tall Qin Chi, he didn’t dare to do more.

If Zhang Zhi was Omgea, Qin Chi wouldn’t dare to bring him to such a place even if the wild was dangerous. He was afraid that Zhang Zhi would be coveted by others, and then it would bring a catastrophic experience to the two of them.

In the apocalypse, the powerful Alpha will either become a king or become a fighter for the strong. If he can neither climb to the top and win the ability to protect himself and his family, and he is unwilling to become a subordinate of the stronger, the only consequence will be death.

As for Omega, in Qin Chi’s memory, he has never heard of any Omega that made his way out of the world alone in the last days.

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