The Little Wolf Dog Keeps Getting the Money

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Gas station

Zhang Zhi’s throat was slightly astringent, and he forced himself to change the subject, “Are you hungry, am I hot milk in the morning?”

“Okay, you go cook, I will tidy up the carriage.”

The bed in the carriage has not been adjusted back to the seat state, and blankets and everything have to be put in the cabinet.

Zhang Zhi used the rice cooker to boil the milk, took out the quick-frozen dough sticks, fried them in a pan on the induction cooker, and served them with milk.

The two big men have a lot of appetite, especially Qin Chi, who consumes a lot of energy and needs a lot. He can drink two boxes of milk and four or five fried dough sticks. It is a proper big stomach king.

Zhang Zhi stayed up all night, and lay in the seat for a while after breakfast, and Qin Chi contacted Lao Yuan and the others.

“Old Yuan, where are you?” Qin Chi’s voice was low because Zhang Zhi was resting.

Lao Yuan was very noisy, and there was a whistling electric noise in the phone, and Qin Chi didn’t hear clearly what he said.

After a while, the person who answered the phone changed to Wen Jia, and the man’s calm voice came from the phone, much clearer than that of Old Yuan.

“Xiao Qin, we have integrated information from all parties, listen carefully.”

“Brother Xingwen, you say.” Qin Chi straightened his back, his expression dignified.

“Ximen has been completely occupied by gangsters and zombies. It sounds like the idea is to give up taking back Ximen, first send the survivors out through the other three exits, and then take care of Ximen’s affairs.”

On a remote street, in the RV, Wenjia paused, changed his mobile phone in one hand, and then said: “The current situation is that the city’s power is used from above to send people away near the city gates. People who are far away from the exit have no time to take care of, so we have to find a way to get there by ourselves.”

Wen Jia’s ideas coincided with Zhang Zhi, but the problem was that without military escorts, even if they had guns and ammunition, it would be extremely difficult for them to pass through the already-occupied urban area and go to other exits.

With too few people and no heavy weapons, rushing to the city is basically tantamount to death.

Qin Chi heard it loudly. At any rate, he was also a reborn person. He didn’t expect things to be so unpredictable. So far, it seems that every decision has been wrong.

Wen Jia didn’t know what Qin Chi was anxious about, and said to herself, “Old Yuan and I are going to go from the south gate. We plan a route and wait for it to be posted on your mobile phone. After our calculation, this road should be the least zombies. The most replenishment points along the way, the safest one, the same goes for starting from you.”

The so-called replenishment points are mainly gas stations, not to mention Lao Yuan and others, even Qin Chi himself is worried about gasoline.

Had it not been for the lack of space, he would have prepared more fuel, and those in the space now dare not use it at all. If you can’t get the fuel at the beginning of the last days, it will be more difficult for the world to become chaotic in the future.

A few seconds after hanging up the phone, Wen Jia sent the route map, and Qin Chi memorized the route by heart, and then drove down the road.

After the chaotic period of these few days, the whole Luocheng and the whole world must have known how incredible things have happened here. However, in such an important place as Luocheng, no external rescue has been received after so few days. It can be seen that this place has either been abandoned, or other places have been overwhelmed and cannot support it.

The world is gradually decaying.

No, only humans are truly rotten.

Zhang Zhi was sleeping, and the car was quiet and dull. Qin Chi turned on the car radio. The old female anchor was replaced by a male with a rugged voice. He used a sad and sorrowful tone to broadcast real-time news of the city to the people who were still alive.

Until now, hiding it again will only make more people die.

The total population of Luocheng is more than 30 million. According to preliminary estimates, more than 4 million people have died or confirmed infections, and more than 2 million people are missing. Only a few hundred thousand have fled the city without being tested for zombie viruses. People, the remaining population is still struggling in Luocheng, waiting for rescue.

As one of more than 20 million tiny human beings, Qin Chi can only drive an off-road vehicle and take Zhang Zhi to the place planned by Wenjia, hoping to get hope of survival.

The road planned by Wen Jia and Lao Yuan avoids densely populated towns and is full of small roads between the suburbs, and is also very far from the gas station. This can reduce the chance of being besieged by a group of zombies, and there are also large factories, supermarkets and schools along the way for people to stay.

Towards noon, Zhang Zhicai woke up from sleep, and then changed his car to allow Qin Chi to rest.

At this time, they were already on the road, and there were many vehicles rushing by intermittently, but they did not see the shadow of the zombies.

Where did those things suddenly burst out?

The weather is still hot, with dark clouds, but the temperature is as high as 40 degrees Celsius. If there is no air conditioning in the car, the two of them would have long been unable to hold on.

Zhang Zhi drove very slowly, so he had to pay attention to the surrounding movement and follow the map to find the gas station. If you don’t add some gas to the car, the car won’t run anymore.

In front is an undeveloped wasteland, and a gas station can be seen from a distance. Zhang Zhi didn’t dare to relax his vigilance, and drove close to him carefully.

After waiting, he discovered that many people at the gas station were already rushing to refuel. Because they are afraid that there is not enough gasoline and they don’t have to pay, these people want to fill up all parts of the car with gasoline, which will naturally arouse other people’s dissatisfaction.

The scene quickly became extremely chaotic. Several older men scuffled together. The children in the family kept crying when they saw the adults fighting. It seemed hard to imagine why the normally stable and gentle father suddenly became so rude and crazy.

In extreme situations, people can abandon any moral demeanor.

A few strong people scuffled together. The uniformed staff could not stop them. Some short and thin people wanted to take advantage of the snipe and clam. But he was kicked aside soon.

This place is like the epitome of the current society, in order to be able to beat the blood for a little petrol, I don’t know what the chaos has become in the more serious place.

Zhang Zhi hid all knives and guns on his body and drove close to the gas station.


Suddenly there was a thunderous sound in the sky, and then the purple thunder and lightning passed through the clouds, tearing through the silent sky with a grin.

The people who were arguing were also shocked and looked up at the sky. In the car, Qin Chi also woke up suddenly, looking at the dark sky that had become almost like late night like everyone else.

This will obviously be noon, and the sky is too abnormal.

The strange situation only calmed people down for a moment, and then more frenzied oil grabs unfolded vigorously. Seeing that Zhang Zhi seemed to want to refuel, Qin Chi checked the map and pointed to a small gas station, “Brother Zhi, let’s go here.”

Zhang Zhi looked at it, “It will take half an hour to drive there.”

“How long can our car last?”

“Almost half an hour.”

Qin Chi nodded, “Let’s go there. There is a village and township elementary school near the gas station. If it rains at night, let’s spend the night in the school.”

Looking at the weather, they were afraid that it was about to pour a heavy rain. It was extremely unsafe for them to drive and sleep in the wild. If you can’t refill gas at the gas station in that place, you can only rely on the storage box to make up for it.

Zhang Zhi glanced at the noisy gas station and turned around as Qin Chi said.

The sky flashed with thunder, and the dusk was dim, as if the sky was about to collapse in the next second.

Both Qin Chi and Zhang Zhi didn’t speak much along the way, and their hearts were heavy.

Not only did they fail to rendezvous with Old Yuan and his gang, they were also trapped in the city and could not get out. Although I heard from the radio that most of the people infected with the zombie virus are still besieged in the city center by the army, there are still a small number of people walking in the suburbs and other places without the protection of the army, and some do not know that they have been infected. The zombie people are running for their lives, and there are dangers everywhere.

However, when they thought that there were a lot of daily necessities and food weapons in the space, the two felt that they still depended on them, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

Using the navigation map, the two successfully arrived at the gas station.

The gas station looked very decayed. There was no one around, only a not-so-bright lamp flashing intermittently on the wall pillar, which became more and more eerie.

Qin Chi also pinned a knife and gun to his waist for easy access, put on a jacket and trousers, put on hiking boots, and drove the car into the gas station fully armed.

“Brother Zhi, I turned on the monitor, and everything within ten meters can be displayed. You can watch it for me and call me if something happens.”

Qin Chi said that he was about to get out of the car, Zhang Zhi also put on the jacket and opened the door.

“I’ll be with you.”

Qin Chi hurriedly stopped him, “Brother Zhi, don’t go down.”

“Two people are always safer than one.” Zhang Zhi held up the gun and never let Qin Chi venture into the danger alone.

Qin Chi also knew how stubborn Zhang Zhi was in this respect, so he had to get out of the car and took the oil gun to fuel the off-road vehicle.

Zhang Zhishou was beside Qin Chi, his gun pointed at the dark night, and he dared not relax even a little.

He always felt that there was something weird and inexplicably gloomy around here, maybe something terrifying would come out of the night and attack the two of them in the next second.

The staff at the gas station also don’t know where they are going, have they all fled after hearing the wind?

Zhang Zhi was holding a gun and glanced at the display in the car from time to time.

It was quiet in the gas station, except for the occasional thunder in the sky, and there was no sound at all.

A gust of wind swept away, and Zhang Zhi suddenly felt his hair horrified, with goose bumps on his arms.

There was still nothing around, Zhang Zhi turned his head and glanced at the display screen, suddenly his breathing was stagnant, and he let out a low growl, “Xiaochi, hurry up!”

After speaking, he didn’t wait for Qin Chi to react, and fired a shot in the southwest with a bang.

The walking dead with no thoughts and feelings only shook, and then continued to stagger, leaving a pool of **** marks on the ground with its twisted limbs.

It finally walked into the range of the light from the dark night, allowing Zhang Zhi and Qin Chi to see its true colors.

Dead white eyes, rotten cheeks with half of their flesh and blood bitten off, and viscous cyan-purple corpse water constantly popping out of the mouth. This terrifying sight made Zhang Zhi suddenly startled and unable to take a second immediately. gun.

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