The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 79: Operation Purgatory (Part 2)

I left Albert and Aurora behind, the sound of their hurried footsteps fading as I surged ahead, adrenaline fueling my every move. Pride swelled in my chest, a fierce, burning pride for Ryuji, Eve, and the twins, who had become the backbone of our mission, the lifeblood of our success. Without their strength and loyalty, I knew I would have crumbled long ago, lost to the shadows that once threatened to consume me. A cold shiver traced down my spine at the thought of the abyss I had narrowly avoided—a pit of despair and madness that would have swallowed me whole without their guidance. They weren’t just comrades; they were my family, the radiant light piercing through the relentless darkness of this world.

As these thoughts raced through my mind, my feet pounded against the cold, sterile floors, carrying me swiftly toward my destination: the sick bay. You might wonder why I would choose such a place over the chief’s office or the lairs where Rick, Carlo, and their loathsome cronies slunk in the shadows. The answer was simple: with the lockdown in full effect, time had become my ally. I could afford to savor the sweet taste of revenge, to methodically dismantle the lives of those who had wronged me.

And who were they? The so-called scientists, who had tormented and twisted me with their vile experiments, and the nurses, who had turned a blind eye to suffering and, worse, inflicted their own sadistic brand of cruelty. Mercy was a foreign concept to me when it came to these monsters. They deserved no less than the fate they had dealt to others.

“But what about their families, their friends?” some might argue, calling me heartless or cruel. My answer was as sharp as the blade at my side: they should have thought of their loved ones before they played God with human lives. They should have realized that one day, the scales of justice would tip against them, that someone might rise to do to them what they had done to others. They should have remembered that karma, or perhaps a higher power, watches over all. But they didn’t, and now, retribution was mine to deliver.

I don’t pretend to be the architect of the universe or the ultimate judge of souls. I am merely a tool, a blade in the hand of fate. If the creator wishes to claim the souls of those I vanquish and judge them in the afterlife, so be it—nothing I do can alter what is ordained. Though I have grown in power, I am not so arrogant as to believe I can overturn the natural order. There is always someone stronger, a lesson learned by those who fall under my blade.

I crashed into the sick bay like a force of nature, the door slamming against the wall as I stormed in. Lana’s eyes locked onto mine, and without a word, she sprang into action, just as we had rehearsed countless times. Her movements were swift and sure as she corralled all the innocents—nurses, cooks, technicians—gathering them like a shepherd protecting her flock, shielding them from the storm that was about to break.

With a flick of my wrist, I lunged at the remaining nurses, my kodachis flashing through the air with deadly precision. They didn’t even have time to scream before they crumpled to the floor, unconscious. Their bodies lay motionless as I gestured for the nurses hiding behind Lana to secure them with restraints and administer heavy sedatives. I wanted them out of the way for a long time—until all of this was over.

Drawing in a deep breath, I turned my attention to the thick, reinforced door leading to the drug production room. I could feel the weight of my mana coiling inside me, a seething, raw power that demanded release. With a fierce cry, I channeled it into a devastating kick, my foot slamming into the door with a force that echoed down the corridors. The metal buckled under the impact, the door tearing from its hinges and crashing inward like a battering ram.

Inside, the room was a sterile, white hell—a laboratory filled with cold, gleaming equipment and the acrid stench of chemicals. Two scientists, clad in their pristine white lab coats, looked up in shock, their hands frozen over the instruments of their trade. They never had a chance to react before my kodachis found their mark, their bodies crumpling to the floor in lifeless heaps.

Panic erupted in the room like wildfire. The remaining scientists stumbled back, eyes wide with terror as I stepped forward, the glint of my blades reflecting in their horror-stricken faces. The sterile, clinical atmosphere had become a place of fear and death, a stark contrast to the cold detachment with which they had conducted their experiments.

With a slow, deliberate motion, I tore off my makeshift mask, revealing my face to them. I wanted them to see who had come to claim their lives, who they had wronged so grievously. “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to today’s show: ‘Take the Drug or Die,’” I declared, my voice dripping with cruel mockery. “The rules are simple—consume the drugs you created, or meet your end by these blades. What will it be?”

Their expressions were a mix of disbelief and terror. One of the older scientists, a man whose hands had undoubtedly carried out countless atrocities, stepped forward, his voice trembling. “Impossible! This is madness. You should be in a vegetative state by now. How can you stand, let alone wield such power?”

His words were punctuated by a desperate lunge—a metal dissection knife clutched in his shaking hand, a final act of defiance. But before he could reach me, I moved, my blade slicing through the air with a whisper. His head separated from his body in a clean, swift motion, blood spraying in a gruesome arc as his lifeless corpse crumpled to the floor.

An evil smile crept across my lips as the remaining scientists fell to their knees, the weight of their impending doom pressing down on them like a physical force. “So, what’s your choice? The drugs or death? And don’t even think about trying to outsmart me. I know which ones inflict pain—those very drugs you used on me and the others in this hellhole. Now, decide. You have until the count of ten.”

I began my countdown, each number a tolling bell signaling the end. Their desperate pleas filled the room, voices cracking as they spoke of their children, their families. But I was beyond caring, their pleas falling on deaf ears. With each word, their lives ended in swift, brutal fashion, my kodachis flashing through the air as I reaped their souls one by one.

As the countdown neared its end, the scientists realized their protests were futile. Panic morphed into a frantic scramble as they snatched up the drugs they had once forced down my throat. I watched, a cold satisfaction settling over me as they swallowed their own creations, their fates sealed.

“So none of you get any bright ideas, it’s time for me to say goodbye,” I announced, my voice cutting through the thick tension in the room.

With that, I unleashed my ‘Soul Burst Wave,’ a devastating blast of energy that rippled through the room, knocking the scientists unconscious in one fell swoop. The force of the attack was enough to claim some lives, their souls slipping from their bodies as I collected them, indifferent to their end.

In the eerie silence that followed, the once-sterile lab now reeked of blood and fear, the air thick with the scent of death. I sheathed my blades, their edges still dripping with the remnants of my vengeance, and turned on my heel, making my way back to the sick bay.

There, waiting for me like a beacon in the darkness, was Lana. Her presence calmed the storm inside me, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of relief and something deeper—something that spoke of connection, of understanding.

Without a word, I pulled her into my arms, pressing a fierce, passionate kiss to her lips. The taste of her, the warmth of her body against mine, was a reminder of what I was fighting for. “I’m off on my journey now. Wish me luck,” I murmured, my voice rough with emotion.

Lana’s eyes widened in surprise, but her smile—oh, that smile—lit up her face, filling me with a warmth I hadn’t felt in years. “Come back safely to me, alright?” she whispered, her voice filled with hope.

Her words ignited a fire within me, a resolve that burned brighter than ever. I secured my mask once more, the cold metal pressing against my skin, and dashed out of the sick bay, my destination clear. Rick, Carlo, and their lackeys were waiting for me, and I was ready—ready to finish what I had started, ready to deliver the final blow.

A wicked grin spread across my face as I raced down the corridors, the thrill of the hunt coursing through my veins. This was it—the moment I had been waiting for. The final showdown was upon us, and I would not be denied.

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