The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 78: Operation Purgatory (Interlude)

Ha-Eun and Hana's POV:


As Xeno’s final words hung in the air, he leaped from the second floor with fearless abandon. A jolt of adrenaline surged through us. It was time. Just as we steeled ourselves to move, Ryuji appeared, halting us with a grave expression.

He held out two gleaming combat knives, their craftsmanship evident in the weight and balance. "These blades," he said, his voice urgent, "are for your protection. Remember—no mercy. The guards within these walls don’t deserve it. Those worthy of saving have already been placed where they need to be."

Ryuji’s words settled over us like a vow. We exchanged glances, a silent agreement passing between us. We each took a knife from his hand, the cold metal solid and real in our grip. Ryuji didn’t linger—he turned and sprinted off, his role crucial, second only to Xeno’s.

As he disappeared into the distance, our resolve hardened. We charged forward, flinging open the doors of the cells on the second floor. With every door we threw open, we roared, "It’s a revolution! The door of freedom is open! To those who want to escape, to those who seek revenge—fight!"

We repeated the process with relentless energy, door after door, until we reached the halfway point. But then, a wall of resistance appeared before us—the guards, drawn by our defiance, closing in fast.

Some prisoners had already been silenced; others struggled in vain. The guards’ leering faces and obscene gestures left no doubt about their vile intentions. In that moment, we knew—they were nothing but beasts, and Xeno and Ryuji’s words rang true: they deserved no mercy.

With determination etched into our features, we launched ourselves at the guards. Our hearts pounded with a mix of fear and resolve. It was simple—kill or be killed. And we had no intention of dying here, not after surviving a life of rejection, abuse, and exploitation. We had found something worth fighting for: a family that cared, and a love that brought light into our dark lives.

We moved in unison, taking up positions on opposite sides of the corridor. Xeno’s training echoed in our minds as we struck with precision—knees, elbows, jugulars. The sickening give of flesh beneath our blades threatened to overwhelm us, but we pressed on.

The guards fell one by one, their bodies piling up as proof of our determination. By the end, ten lay dead at our feet. This day would haunt our memories forever, but if asked if we regretted our actions, our answer would be a resolute no.


 Ryuji’s Pov:

As I placed the combat knives into the twins’ hands, urgency electrified my every move. My final words echoed in their ears as I sprinted forward, every second crucial. My mission was second only to Xeno’s, and I had to reach my destination without delay.

My target was the heart of the facility—the Central AI and power room. There, Eve, our trusted AI, would seize control of the central system and power grid. With that control, we would hold the entire facility in our grip, cutting off all communication to the outside world. No reinforcements could be called; the truth of our actions would remain buried.

But my task didn’t end there. I had the critical responsibility of triggering the signal that would rally our boss, fellow guards, and allies. The signal was the blaring alarm itself—a clarion call that Eve would unleash once she seized control.

This would set off a chain reaction: our comrades would lock down all entrances and exits, turning them into unbreachable barriers. They would defend their posts against guards and prisoners alike, even to the point of lethal force, ensuring no one challenged our authority.

With the plan in motion, I navigated the maze-like hallways, heading away from the prison area and toward the guard entertainment room adjacent to the AI and power room. As I neared, a horde of guards rushed past me, drawn to the prison riot. Ignoring them, I pressed on, my focus unbroken.

But when I reached the entrance to the AI room, my heart dropped. Instead of an unguarded door, I faced a ring of robotic guards. Had the central AI sensed the chaos and deployed these units as protection? Was the outside world already aware of our plot? If so, we were in deep trouble.

Just as doubt began to creep in, Eve’s voice whispered in my ear, a lifeline of reassurance. "Fear not, Ryuji," she said. "No external communication has been detected. The central AI likely deployed these guards as a precaution. But your mission has just become more difficult. The AI won’t grant access to anyone without proper authority."

"So, you’re telling me I’ll have to fight my way in?" I asked, a grin spreading across my face.

"Precisely," Eve replied, amusement coloring her tone.

Excitement coursed through me—this was the moment I’d been waiting for. I turned to Eve with a request. "Can you record this? I’d like to show the boss later."

"Affirmative," Eve responded. "Initiating recording in 3, 2, 1..."

As the countdown ended, I drew my swords, Dojikiri and Onimaru, feeling their familiar weight. I took a deep breath and muttered, "Nitoryu: Ryu no Tsume."

In an instant, I was a blur of motion, reappearing amidst the robotic guards. Rising from the ground, I sheathed my swords with a triumphant smile. As the last metallic clink rang out, the guards exploded, their parts scattering across the floor.

The room fell silent, save for the hum of machinery and the lingering scent of victory. But there was no time to celebrate. The path ahead was still fraught with danger.

Unsheathing my swords once more, I embraced the power of Nitoryu: Ryu no Tsume. My blades moved with lethal precision, each strike a testament to my years of training. The air crackled as my blows cleaved through the robotic ranks, leaving destruction in their wake.

When the last enemy fell, I stood amidst the wreckage, chest heaving with exertion. The battle was won, but the mission was far from over. Re-sheathing my swords, I turned to Eve. "It’s up to you now. Don’t let us down."

With a command, Eve opened the doors, and I guided her to the central terminal. In minutes, she dismantled the AI’s defenses, seizing control. The alarms blared, signaling our success.

As I handed off the remaining responsibilities, a thought crossed my mind. It was clear now why our boss had named her Eve.

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