The hero is now gone, but I’m still here, now what? (Undergoing editing)

Chapter 62

“You’re not going to tell Karsten to come here?” Korbinian faced the girl in question, “I thought you two… did… like to study together earlier?”


“No?” I tilted my head and followed Korbinian's gaze to where Karsten was sitting on her desk, expression diligent and focused while glaring at the notebook in front of her. My eyes lingered on her for a while because seeing her like this solidified my impression of her being more than the sheltered church servant I initially thought her to be.


Wait- was it arrogant of me to think that Karsten was stupid from the start?..


It was, wasn't it?


Thinking that she was someone below me from the get go kind of… would have repeated what she experienced back in the church- whatever it was, - if she didn't go out of her way to teach politics right?


“Neophyte?” I jerked my head back at Korbinian, “you're not going to tell her to come here? We have at least 15 minutes before the next teacher after Ms. Halyard comes and starts their lecture so there's plenty of time for both of you to talk,”


I shook my head, it's a good idea but I wanted to respect Karsten's personal space, I didn't want to make her uncomfortable by pushing her, “it's fine, Karsten said she wanted some peace to herself to study for Mrs. Edith's test later so I think we should just let her be.”


“Isn't it better if she studies with us though?” Again, I shook my head, causing Korbinian to frown, “why?"


"Well, she said that she's better off if she studies all by herself so I think it's better if we really just let her be,” I answered, and again, this is because I don't want to make Karsten uncomfortable, “I want to respect her personal space,” I told her the reason behind why I was so adamant about this and thankfully, it got her to look thoughtful.


I turned to where Karsten was, my gaze turning soft, she's a nice girl and I don't want to ruin things for her by forcing her to do this, "but she is a good teacher though so I think it'll be great if… we can get her to come here while we study,”


Now that I think about it, is that the reason why Karsten isn’t here? Because there’s a lot of us studying together?


Well, I mean- obviously- I'm just repeating myself, aren't I?


But still- judging by how she came to me earlier as well as yesterday when she joined us for lunch, if we weren't studying, I think Karsten would come here and talk.


And the reason for why she didn't is because we are studying.


I scanned our little group, which had little to no changes from yesterday when we had lunch: we had Korbinian- and her seatmate now too, Sleet, - Charcoal who moved over from her seat to here, Naviri and her husband Satti, and the rest of my team.


Was this more than enough to make her feel uncomfortable?


But she seemed so happy to talk to us most of the time, anyone else would have trusted us to not… do anything right?


“Maybe…” I murmured, trailing off, if what I’m thinking is right then I need to find a way to start dragging her into these kinds of things, it’s only right to do it, I think, “I’ll ask her later if she wants to study with me again,”


I turned to Karsten, who, again, just looked focus which honestly is enough to convince me that she’s satisfied with the way things are but what if I’m wrong and it’s just an act?


“Right…” Korbinian snapped her notebook shut, “alright, I don’t think- I’m not in the mood to study right now,”


“Why?” Naviri asked.


“I’ll do it at lunch,” Korbinian shrugged, “so… anyone knows anything interesting?”


Fafnir stared between me and Korbinian before meeting eyes with the latter and letting out a tired sigh, she then snapped her notebook shut in the same way that the raven haired girl did just now, “I want to know more about places I’ve never been to-” which is to say, everywhere, “- so how about we start with that?”


I narrowed my eyes at the two of them- were they starting a ploy? And what is it about?


Before my thoughts could go any further, I heard a loud thud and I faced Naviri who also now had her thick, leatherbound notebook closed and was eyeing Fafnir and Korbinian with an interested look, “okay, you got me,” she raised both her hands in resignation, “let’s talk about something interesting,”


“And… what about studying?” I asked, trying to get things back on track. They can’t just gang up on me like this! I mean- we need to study damnit!


“Neophyte, first period just ended so we have plenty of time to study for Mrs. Decalouge’s test, which is still pretty far off, at the end of the school day in fact,” my friend since childhood remarked while smoothly ignoring the skeptical gaze I was shooting her, “it’s fine!” She laughed in the way only Naviri really could, and like always, her laugh had this ability to diffuse the tension in the air and put everyone at ease, “come on, aren’t you interested in talking about these kinds of things?”


“I- I mean… I am-”


“Then there we have it,” I glared at my sister, who for some reason was smirking as she closed her notebook, “if you’re interested in it then it’s fine if we stop studying and talk about other things,” she hummed while tapping her chin, “so let me start- places huh?.. I do remember a time when I went to Black Water border, it was an interesting place,”


“The sea infested with Krakens? That border?” Charcoal kept her smirk up while nodding in response at Korbinian, who leaned in, expression genuinely curious, “okay, talk to us about it, I wanna know what it's like to be near the strongest species of Hydrokith found in this part of the world.”


“Honestly, even with that kind of reputation-” I let out a sigh and closed my own notebook and saw Zath nodding at me solemnly to the side, I shared her small smile full of bitterness, which I'm sure only happened because our studying session got cut off, “- the Krakens are pretty docile and kind most of the time, I'd compare them to Kagron even,”


“Yeah… I guess that's a pretty spot on comparison,” I reluctantly said followed by a shake of my head, “but we still need to study don't we?”


“They clearly don't, and we lost to an anonymous vote so just let it be Neophyte,” I stared at Laceresta, who leaned back and closed her eyes, “wake me up when the next teacher arrives,"


I stared at her dryly- doing my best to at least because I wanted to laugh at her audacity to just do this-


“Got it~~~” I managed to turn my laughter into a tune.


“- Krakens are pretty big yep,” Charcoal said while nodding, her black eyes glowing a dull red as she started recounting her encounter with the nigh mythical ship sinkers that lived on the seas surrounding our continent, “but it isn't what makes them so dangerous since they're only about what? 15 to 18 feet?”


I raised my hand to get everyone's attention, “is it about studying again?” Korbinian asked.


I shook my head, “no- but a tiny correction, Krakens can get as big as 30 feet and they can get bigger if their diet, environment, and age allow it so what my sister encountered was a young one,” I corrected, “take note that Krakens have the reputation for sinking ships,”


“Have you met one before?” Fafnir looked curious so I decided to entertain her and gave out a small nod in response.


“You're kidding,” Korbinian replied, “when?”


“Uh… I can't say that I met one personally but I saw an adult Kraken the size of a small house sunbathing back when me and my siblings took a vacation to the Golden Sands,”


Charcoal's expression was in disbelief and betrayal, “why didn't you tell me? Or us- I mean.”


“I didn't think it was important at the time,” and also that I didn't believe that they'd even willingly entertain my words back then on account of the whole… murdering the Hero thing that happened a few years before that. Even if everyone managed to- somehow, - get me out of my room just for that vacation, I still didn't trust them back then.


“Oh…” Charcoal trailed off before shaking her head, “okay- but back to the Kraken, the one I met was pretty kind and even docile and he was kind enough to give me a necklace that he made,” my sister puffed up her chest, looking proud as everyone eyed her, some in envy, “that's right, I own an accessory that a Kraken made,”


I smiled wryly while nodding- I forgot about that particular tidbit about Charcoal's character but the accessory does exist and she willingly gives it to the Player if they managed to get her affection high enough, which isn’t easy, by all means- and I just realized that it's probably because the ingame Charcoal gives up such a valuable item when she’s affectionate enough.


Now that I think about it… I jogged my memory for a particularly hazy moment during our expedition to the Black Sea where Charcoal ran back to Mom and Dad while holding out a gleaming blue necklace that looked like it contained the sea, if I remember right she said that she…


“You said that you wanted to make it a family heirloom right?”


My sister excitedly nodded, "pretty much yes.” She giggled, “mom and dad didn’t agree but I'm still thinking that I want it to be my family heirloom once I'm finally married,”


I gave her an encouraging pair of thumbs up, “well I think that it's a good idea, you go for it, sister,”


Melancholy struck me then, mostly because I thought about the Hero that she could've given it to but then I swallowed the emotions down. The past was done and nothing is going to change it.


Charcoal smiled, “thank you, sister”


“Speaking of family Heirlooms though,” everyone turned to Sleet, who similar to Karsten, had a head of light-bluish white hair, which fortunately didn’t glow. The girl turned to Korbinian, “I'm pretty interested in the crows that your family raises, how do they- sorry- what even are they?”


“I'm guessing you're asking about the different kinds we have for sale?” Sleet nodded and as if it was rehearsed, Korbinian raised her arm from her desk and Unawa formed at the back of her hand, “we have three variants but mine is a special breed only given to family members as well as the highest bidder,”


I met the corvid's red eyes, which seemed so intelligent and observant that I feel like it was judging me even though I knew that this thing is supposed to be a hatchling.


“As I said, my family puts up three different variants on the market for sale and they differ in that one specializes in being defensive and bulky, this particular crow is larger than the other two as well,” Unawa cooed at me and I tilted my head, is it mocking me or is it telling me something?


“The second variant, and arguably the most sought after crow from our family specializes in attacking, and they come with Techniques that naturally boost their pecks or scratches,” me and Unawa were stuck in a staring contest. I was doing my best to read its expression, I swear it was trying to tell me something- or maybe not? Is it just a regular, newly hatched crow?


“The last one specializes in speed and they can fly faster, but are also smaller and weaker compared to the other two, these are mostly bought for transportation and my family sells a lot of them each year, and they are our most sold crow variant,” Korbinian's tone had a tinge of pride as she finished her impromptu explanation.


I looked away from Unawa and stared at its summoner, so that's what those widespread crows found across towns and kingdoms for fast travel are? Huh, neat. I didn't know that Korbinian's family sold them.


“And last but not least, there is Unawa, who belongs to a special category and breed that's not for sale but what he specializes in isn't really a secret since after all, my family goes to war on a daily basis so I’m pretty sure it’s fine if I tell you all what it is,” she rubbed Unawa’s head and the crow leaned in, “what Unawa does is that he boosts the Techniques of the summoner that he makes a Pact with,”


“So that's why…” I murmured.


“Why's what?” Korbinian turned to me.


“I always found it weird that he was a hatchling but I guess if he boosts your Techniques then its fine right?”


She nodded, "yes,” she confirmed, “when he grows up he'll serve as my shield but for now, I am content in using him as a boost for my Techniques,”


“Wait- your crows can have two roles at the same time?” Laceresta actually opened her eyes- and also- and not to be offensive but- she was listening?


"Hm? Yes.” Korbinian answered positively, “remember when I said that the crows that specialize in attacks come with Techniques?” Laceresta nodded, “well Unawa and the rest of his kin are like that, they have a Technique that's constantly activated which boosts the Techniques of the ones they make a Pact with,”


“Huh,” Laceresta leaned back, “so what? Your family just sells defective crows to everyone else?”


“Not… really,” Korbinian said, “we do sell Support Crows and various other special crows to the highest bidder while the ones that we commonly sell are easy to breed, and it's not like Unawa isn't rare, she's a one in a ten-thousand Shadow Crow, a lot of her siblings are just regular Shield Crows.”


“Fair enough.” Laceresta leaned her head back and proceeded to go back to sleep. Or pretending to be asleep.


“Its kinda interesting-” I started saying my realization out loud, “- that your family has an entire set of crows that are based off of the Hero's party,”


“We only have a few, technically speaking,” she started, “some crows, like the ones based off of the Caster, get high intellect, enough that they become their own person capable of reason,” I blinked- those- wait- Gahruss is a Caster Crow from Korbinian's family isn't he? That sly little shit, no wonder it was so hard to befriend him sometimes, it was because I had low or negative affection with Korbinian!


And in retrospect, it did seem kind of obvious…


“Meanwhile, Berserker Crows based off of the Beast King are downright hard to control,” Korbinian continued, entirely unaware of my inner rant just now, “and there are a few others that are problematic, like the Saintess Crow, or the Holy Crow as we named them- which are so rare that I've only ever really heard stories of their existence.”


Korbinian huffed, “so no, we don't have the entire set of the Hero's party,”


I nodded and metaphorically backed off, did I step on a social landmine just now?


“Right… it's still pretty neat,” I started, “but enough about that- I remembered earlier that we saw a picture of Dread on the Photography club's walls.”


“Wait- I thought it was just a myth?” Charcoal looked at me suspiciously, “Adamantite and even Bismuth said so,”


“Oh, trust me, it was there alright,” Laceresta chimed in, voice prideful and even impressed. “We saw it with our own eyes.”


“I can attest to that,” Zath chorused, “it was a pretty big photo of the Catastrophe's ribs,”


“How did they even take it?” Naviri crossed her arms, expression in disbelief.


“Well… they got a Vigolith to do it.” I smiled.


“Fafnir- was it there?” My friend turned to my Dragon expecting an ally who would agree with her and disagree with me but Fafnir nodded in confirmation, “you're kidding.”


“I'm not, I saw it.” Fafnir voiced, “the club member taking our pictures said that it was the pride of their club too,”


“No way,” Charcoal waved her off, “I'd believe the existence of the Underground Forest first before I agree with what you're all saying.”


“I'm sure that forest exists somewhere,” I smirked at Charcoal's denial, also, the Underground Forest does exist so there’s that to consider, I’ve been in that place several times now. Ingame. That is. And the experience was already magical back then so I can’t imagine what it would be like if I went there currently.


Hm. I should definitely put some time away to go there at some point, shouldn’t I?..


“If I may join,” I blinked and turned to Karsten- huh, she actually came?


The pious girl met my gaze and bowed, “Saintess,”


I blinked again and moved aside to give her space on our seat- and accidentally bumped against Laceresta who groaned before inching away and pushing everyone to her right like it was nothing, seriously, it was like I was watching a bunch of bowling pins fall over from a single strike.


“Uh, here,” I did my best to put on a smile while hiding my excitement, I can’t believe that she willingly talked- wait, we’re not studying but this is progress. Yep! I’m going to help her out and break her out of her shell.


“Thank you,” why everyone was smirking as Karsten took a seat next to me was beyond me honestly, they couldn’t possibly think that Karsten, a faithful servant of the Goddess, would willingly do carnal stuff so chances are, they somehow know about her problems with studying alongside a large group of people and they’re helping her out.


And here I was thinking that they were doing another ploy against me. Again.


This is a welcome change.

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