The hero is now gone, but I’m still here, now what? (Undergoing editing)

Chapter 61

Even with Acros’ words of the photography taking at least 10 to 15 minutes of our time, snapping our pictures for our IDs didn’t actually take that long and we were out of the club room a lot faster than what he originally said and I think by the end it only took what? 4-ish minutes for us to finish?


Hell, I’d argue that our walk back to class took longer than taking our pictures, which I’ll admit, was only because there were students blocking our way. We did reach our classroom eventually though.


“See you all later,” Prescine waved us goodbye before heading off for her own class as we went inside of ours.


Filing in, I turned to Fafnir, “so… you know how I said that earlier maybe you should see Prescine’s paintings?”


“Yes?..” Fafnir faced me, expression curious, and a bit exhausted- which is definitely a sign that I shouldn’t keep pushing this kind of thing, “why are you asking me about this now?”


I sat down and eyed the blackboard at the front, I thought about what I wanted to say before turning back to my friend, “well… I thought that maybe it’ll be better if we actually follow her advice-” as unspoken and indirect as it was, “- earlier and see the white spines, wanna go out there this weekend for a hunt?”


“Isn’t that place dangerous?” Fafnir asked with a frown and I raised my eyebrow skeptically, well, she was right, the White Spines (at least the unregulated/wild areas,) are dangerous but we both defeated a Demon Duke, “and also I’m a Dragon so…”


Now I was starting to get confused- don’t Dragons regulate their body heat? Aren’t they warm-blooded? I swear I’ve read about it somewhere… on the internet and not the game- and probably on some random forum that theorizes about stuff instead of discussing factual information about the game.


Okay, so I guess I was wrong, Dragons are apparently weak to the cold, noted.


I waved her off regardless, “we’ll make you wear clothes on top of your scales then,” I grinned, proud that I managed to find a solution to Fafnir’s problem this quickly, “I’m sure I can make a commission for a custom jacket that can regulate temperature on some shop somewhere later today…”


I looked up, thinking, I hummed, am I forgetting something?


Ah, right-


“Or maybe I can ask Castella about it?” I chewed on the thought for a bit before concluding that it was a pretty straightforward idea, “yep, I’m going to ask Castella to make you a woolen jacket that has temperature regulating properties, and also formally introduce you both to each other while we’re at it since I kind of forgot to do it back then,”


“... is she good?” Fafnir asked and I nodded in confirmation before quickly getting confused.


“Good as in… good guy or is it about her ability to make clothes because if you’re asking me about that then I’d say that she’s one of the best in the world,” I quickly blurted out.


When it comes to sewing enchantments into fabric or making any form of clothing, I didn't think there was anyone in this city who was better than Castella; a person whose skill rivaled that of long lived species such as Vampires, particularly agile Vigoliths and Krakens.


It’s also worth mentioning that back in the game, Castella was among the endgame NPCs which the player can buy endgame ranger gear/clothes from so that should speak just how good she is at making clothes.


Obviously, the clothes that she makes don’t make the wearer invincible and are useless in a fight because at the end of the day, clothing doesn't provide protection like the typical armor. But my point still stands that the clothing Castella makes is one of the best that can be found in this world.


“I trust you, then,” Fafnir replied, “I don't think that you'd willingly make me meet someone you considered bad, you even trust her to make me clothing that'll keep me alive in the cold after all, I think I’d like to meet her.”


“Yeah, she isn’t a bad person, and Castella has been a friend of mine for… who knows how long now-” I remember her way back in my childhood honestly, that's how long we've known each other, “- and I'm sure that if I ask her to make you a jacket that'll keep you warm in the white spines, she'll do her best to make it,”


“Her best, huh?” Fafnir tilted her head, “does that… change anything?”


“Yeah,” I confirmed, “her best means that the enchants are stronger and that the clothing has more effects, it's why I usually pay her more than what she asks for,”


“I see,” Fafnir leaned her back against her chair and made herself comfortable, “I'll trust her to make me something nice then,”


“She definitely will,” I said in pure confidence, “I know that much.”


Castella is sure to make something amazing and I’m guessing that she’d like the opportunity to make clothing for a Dragon as well since whenever we talk about her clients, she always goes on and on about how she’d like to try to sew for something other than a human.


I shook my head, “Anyways, your saddle and armor would probably be factory made since I don’t really know any other blacksmith in this world who can make armor for Dragons, let alone enchant them well enough to start regulating temperature, but factory made stuff should do the job just fine,”


A Kraken from the sea could probably make Fafnir’s armor, those guys are capable enough to craft something that can shapeshift alongside my Dragon but I’ve never personally met a Kraken in this life so asking one to make me armor isn’t going to pan out well, even if I show them that I have money.


“I’m fine with it,” Fafnir placated, “and I also personally don’t see the point in making me wear armor since I already have my scales,” she knocked on the interlocking plates on her left hand, “they’re strong enough to protect me right?”


“Eh, protection should always be considered, you can’t always rely on your natural toughness to get you out of everything.” I rebuked.


She nodded, “I suppose so,”


“Great!”I clapped and faced the blackboard again, before noticing Korbinian, she had her head tilted downward and from what I could tell, she was reading through her notes diligently which… is the same for the rest of my classmates.


“Huh,” I said after noticing everyone glaring at their notebooks, “what’s everyone reading?”


“The notes for our Administration and Leadership class?” I faced Charcoal, who returned my look of confusion, “don’t tell me you just ignored Mrs. Decalogue when she told us yesterday that we have a test later today?”


“There’s going to be a test later?” I asked and got a slow nod from my sister in response, I turned to the back and eyed my locker, my notebook for the class should be there but also- I just realized that this is exactly the perfect reason I could use when I want Korbinian and the rest to teach me about politics without raising the suspicion of other nobles isn’t it?


“I just realized that I’m kind of bad at that sort of subject… does anyone here have the time to teach me that kind of thing?” I chuckled nervously, that was a bit blunt and way too obvious but I'm still hoping that the girl in front of me will take the bait-


“Don’t worry Saintess! I can help!” I turned to the front of the class and stared at the girl smiling excitedly, Karsten stood up from her seat and quickly made her way in front of me, she bowed. “If you want to, that is,”


Well, even if she says it like that… it’s not like I have a choice in the matter now do I?


‘You?..” I asked and she nodded in a positive, beaming all the while- literally, her hair was beaming out blinding light, “but I thought you mostly lived in a church?” Does she even know what the word politics mean?


She paused mid step and stared at me, “how do you know that?”


“Who doesn’t?” Laceresta retorted.


Karsten nodded, “good point!”
And she was back to being upbeat and happy once again, she walked directly in front of my desk and gave me a winning grin, “anyways, Saintess, I’m sure that I can teach you how to be a proper and inspiring leader well enough!”


… is she actually going to help me out or is my head going to be filled with passionate speeches about how the Goddess is going to solve all of my problems?


I internally pushed those thoughts away, if Karsten went out of her way to teach me then I should respect that and besides, religion here actually encourages the fact that the Goddess isn’t going to help people out since she's already benevolent enough to create the world and give everyone life and free will so chances are, if Karsten were to teach me about the values of her church, the experience would be the opposite of what I was expecting.


I nodded, “I’m in your care, then, Karsten.”


The pious girl gestured to the empty chairs further back, “if you'll follow me,”


I stood up, "you don't feel comfortable studying around other people? I find it odd that someone like you would want to do something like this,” I commented curiously before taking a mental step back, what I said just now was a bit insensitive wasn’t it? "Sorry, it's not that I'm making fun of you or anything like that,”


“It's fine, and I don’t mind- but yes, I do not feel comfortable teaching other people when there are others around,” she answered as we ascended the stairs.


I looked back and Charcoal was… staring at me with narrowed eyes- I turned away, thinking about what was going on in her head right now is definitely not a good idea. And I’m happy that she’s being so supportive but Goddess… it’s gotten to the point that she’s actively pushing it up on me…


“Teaching orphans has… always been commonplace among us servants and once upon a time I managed to teach an entire room of kids without problems but they're just… so annoying? I guess?” Karsten followed it up with a laugh and I went along with a light chuckle of my own.


I can see why she'd think that, “I agree, Goddess knows that the kids I've been helping back in the Flora and Fauna territories would just start screaming and run around if I don’t do anything to organize or lecture them,”


Karsten nodded, eyes excited and lips quirked into the largest smile I’ve seen from her yet, "right?!” She happily replied, "children, as much as the Goddess’ virtues say that they should be appreciated and cared for, can be very annoying, so much so that just dealing with them challenges my personal views on whether or not they should really be cared for. Hmph!”


Concerned- from what I think was the sudden raising of her voice, - she looked around before giggling lightly, which got more and more severe as the seconds went by, she faced me again and waved her hands at me, “I jest,” she schooled herself until her happy grin turned into a soft smile, “I like kids but sometimes dealing with them isn't something that I want to do.”


“I completely agree,” I flashed her a grin of my own.


I am curious though, of how any of this is connected to her wanting to teach me one-on-one because I don’t think dealing with kids has anything to do with being uncomfortable around a group but eh, Karsten has her reasons and I’m not going to pry.


Fortunately for me though, the pious girl’s next words were an explanation as to why we were doing a one-on-one study session- “at some point, I think, teaching them got so bad that I decided that I had enough and after I was done with my duties, I went ahead and chose to be an Ear,”


“Ohhhh-” It wasn’t the full reason as to why she was like this, I knew, or… at least I had a hunch. A gut feeling.


“- so you what? Listen in to uh, people talk about their problems?” By now, we’ve reached the third row at the back and I think we’ve gone far enough so I pointed to a nearby table, “I think that spot is nice- and I’m guessing you found out that it’s more comfortable for you? Talking to people one on one, I mean?”


Karsten nodded, “I think that spot is nice as well, but shouldn’t we grab your notebook?” I faced the lockers and sheepishly smiled.


Karsten nodded, “and yes, I feel more comfortable when the person I am talking to is alone with me, there’s a feeling of… intimacy and comfort with it that I don’t typically find in large groups- it's just more personal, I feel,” Karsten sighed, “my peers don’t see it that way though and they thought I was shirking my duties or was acting odd but the bishop was kind enough to allow me to be an Ear full time after I…”


She laughed, “well, that particular part isn’t important.”


“I guess so,” I am not going to pry- at least not until she’s comfortable enough to talk to me about it.


I chewed on my thoughts as we went to my locker, I grabbed my notebook, and when we sat down, I found the words I wanted to say.


This time though, I decided to take a sentence or two from the player character’s many lines of dialogue, “I think that it’s nice,” I started and realized that I had forgotten most of it and might botch a line or two but it’s fine, the overall message is there, “that you feel that way, and I don’t think it’s weird, choosing to be away from something that you don’t like isn’t bad,”


Karsten suddenly held my hand and faced me with an unreadable smile stuck between warm and thankful and soft- and…


… desperate.


“Thank you, Neophyte,”


“You’re welcome,” I smiled back, “and thank you too, for this- I guess.” I chuckled and decided that I should probably add the last few lines, it did help her out in canon after all, “if I ever meet your peers, I’m going to give them a piece of my mind,”


Karsten’s hair glowed a tiny bit brighter and so did her smile, “I’d love to see you do it,” she said, completely off script- hey, this wasn’t part of the dialogue! Wasn’t she supposed to say that she was fine? “I can bring you back to our church if our schedules allow it, if you want?”


I blinked, well, might as well agree, right? It’s not like I can say no to such a hopeful looking expression. It’s like I found a puppy in a box on the side of the road while it’s raining.


I tightened my grip around Karsten’s hand, “I would love to,”


She laughed- well, giggled really, before shaking her head, “we’ll do it at some point but for now, let me teach you, your majesty,”


I returned her bow with a nod of my own, “please do,”


And for the next few minutes, the pious girl taught me everything she knew about politics and how it worked and Karsten was surprisingly knowledgeable about a lot of things regarding this particular topic and as time went on, I was starting to think that maybe, her becoming an Ear while she was still serving the church may have helped a lot when it comes to her learning things.


Because Karsten knew a lot of things; from the basics of administration and economy to personnel, organizations, and even individual autonomy, each and every single thing that we discussed from our Leadership subject yesterday? She knew about it and more.


By the 10th minute, I was kind of impressed.


“- again, let me reiterate, influence comes from the people,” she said as we started on the basics of influence and public interest, “it’s part of the name see?” She ran the back of her pen on the pages of her notebook, “influence and public interest, so if the public doesn't like you, then you'd have no influence,”


"Got it,” that seems pretty self explanatory to me, kind of obvious as well- and now I’m sad that I didn’t get that the first time…


"So in order to get influence, you would need the interest and support of the people and typically, I would be telling you all the ways to do it but you've already succeeded in that particular aspect,"


I nodded, knowing where she was going with this, "you're talking about my support of the Fauna and Flora territories right? They like me so my influence exists,”


When Karsten returned my nod, I chuckled.


It’s great that she thought that way but personally, I don't think that I have any influence, if at all, since the Flora and Fauna territories are full of families that hate me for killing the Hero, resulting in their own family members being drafted for war and getting killed.


"Yes, you already have plenty of influence thanks to your reputation of helping out the two territories below Everlast as well as your status as a Redeemer,” Karsten hummed and pressed the tip of her pen against the pages of her notebook, “word about your feats and how hard you've worked these past few years have reached far and wide and I'm sure that people across the world are well aware of your situation,"


"Right,” I faked a smile, so everyone knows that I'm a failure of a princess trying to fix her mistakes- I was already aware that my stupidity as well as the Hero's death had spread across the world and because of that, I also know that my reputation isn’t all that good and it that will follow me no matter what.


Karsten closed her notebook and stared me down.


"You look worried,” she said, her words had no heat and her tone was neutral but I still felt uncomfortable hearing them, great, guess she's good at reading people as well- she's an Ear. Right. How can I forget that when she just told me about it?


I looked down and in the corner of my vision, saw Karsten pushing her face closer to mine, “why?”


“It's just that…” I tilted my head up slightly to meet her eyes, it's fine if I just be honest here for a second or two right? Right? "... it's- uhm, doesn't this mean that people across the world know me as someone who killed the Hero?”


Her sigh made me to flinch.


“Your majesty- Neophyte,” the sound of shuffling entered my ears and the feeling of bodyheat washed over me as my friend and now tutor moved closer to me, “what the people across the world think about you isn't important- it was just a hypothetical since we're discussing how to be a better leader here and as I said, the people of the Flora and Fauna territories already think of you positively, you just… have to continue doing that and get everyone else to feel the same way,”


“I… how?” I asked weakly, how- where do I even start with something like that? “Do you want me to start offering support for everyone else-”


“No.” Karsten denied, “you need to keep up what you've been doing- train, be the better person and… keep offering help even when the people don't like you, inspire everyone else to be more than just stupid husks who have given up because of the Hero's death,”


She held my hand and leaned her face closer, enough that her lips lightly brushed my cheeks, her breath warmed my ear and the heat stayed there, “I want you to know that I am thankful for what you said to me earlier so believe me when I say that you are more than what you think you are.”


I didn’t believe her, I’m sure that my mistake was a lot more than what she was saying- has more effects than I could ever dream of but I nodded and when she pulled herself away, I faced her with a hopeful smile, one that wishes the future wouldn’t… would be there, that humanity is still going to stand proud even after everything… I’ve… done.


“Thanks, Karsten.”


“You’re welcome,” the hug that she gave me then felt warm, nice, and made me consider if I should go to a church and talk to an Ear but there’s already one next to me, isn’t there?


I hugged her back. Feeling lucky to have someone like her think so positively of someone like me.

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