The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 11: Glynda Goodwitch Pt. 4

What choice does Glynda really have here? No… no, that’s not quite accurate, and she can’t think that way. She knows she needs to get word back to Ozpin about what she’s just been told. Even the little scraps that Summer just gave her are critical information. Unfortunately, a single glance down at her scroll shows that the service is completely dead, as to be expected this far out in Grimm Territory.
If she… if she goes with Summer, then sure she might learn more about what’s going on and what the fuck Summer is even talking about… but she’ll also be putting herself even more firmly in enemy hands. Right now, in this moment, Summer is theoretically giving her a choice. Its possible that by trying to take her leave and return to Beacon, Summer might reveal her true colors and outright take her captive…
… But then, isn’t the illusion of a choice STILL better than absolutely no choice at all? No, more than that… what would Ozpin want her to do? Deep down inside, Glynda knows what he would want. He would want her to keep going, to push forward, to maybe even see if she could salvage some way of getting in contact with him after all and getting him proof of Salem’s existence as they originally planned.
Ozpin had sent her out here knowing she likely wouldn’t return. Glynda had come, knowing that she might not make it out alive, especially if the Headmaster’s suspicions were accurate. If all of this WAS some ploy from the Queen of the Grimm to make the human Kingdoms let their guards down while simultaneously falling to infighting as they had, then Glynda would be walking right into a trap from which no hunter or huntress could be reasonably expected to survive.
… In the end, her mission hadn’t changed, for all that EVERYTHING had changed in an instant. Even Summer’s survival… and betrayal, didn’t truly mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Glynda’s purpose out here was still that of a fact-finding mission, and even if she failed, even if she never made it back to Ozpin or Beacon or Vale ever again… she couldn’t give up now.
One way or another, Glynda Goodwitch was here to see this through. No matter where this path took her. Feeling her resolve firm up, feeling determination swell in her chest, Glynda looks at Summer with set jaw and a slight frown marring her face.
“… Fine. I’ll come with you. I’ll meet this man you speak of. Whoever he may be.”
‘The man who did what Ozpin couldn’t in thousands of years’. That was how Summer had described him. Needless to say, Glynda found it hard to imagine. Ozpin was… he was so much larger than life. He had this way of accidentally making you feel small, especially when you’d been taken into his confidence as Glynda had. As one of the few people he could talk freely around, she’d heard so many first-hand account stories of the past it was enough to boggle the mind. How much they’d lost, how far they’d fallen… all thanks to Salem.
In spite of her actions, Summer’s smile still manages to make Glynda’s heart skip a beat. She grins at her, gazing at her unerringly despite her covered eyes from across the campfire.
“You’re making the right choice, Glynda. Once you meet him, you’ll see. You’ll come to understand.”
And then Summer stands up, and though Glynda stiffens, she says nothing as the slightly older woman comes around the fire to sit beside her. She’s undeniably tense, as Summer takes one of her hands, intertwining their fingers together. She feels the blind woman’s aura brush against hers, sending shivers down her spine.
… By all rights, Glynda KNOWS she should say no to this now. After what Summer did, engaging in any sort of further debauchery with the other woman, regardless of her feelings for her… it would almost be like a betrayal to Ozpin, in a way.
She can’t just… she can’t just ignore what Summer did, can she? She can’t just let that pass without comment, and spend the night in the other woman’s arms… right?
… And yet, when Summer reaches up with her other hand and turns Glynda’s face with a caress to her cheek before kissing her, Glynda… Glynda melts all too easily into the blind woman’s sweet, sweet embrace.
It takes them two more days to get to their ultimate destination. That might be because Summer insists on having them stop early each night, followed by them making sweet love until they’re exhausted, resulting in them getting a later start each morning. Still, on the third day traveling with Summer, they arrive… and Glynda can only gape at the dark, foreboding castle that Summer has led her to.
“… I can well imagine that the Queen of the Grimm lives here. What a terrifying-looking place.”
Summer just grins, chuckling quietly.
“It does have a certain… aura to it, doesn’t it? Heh, the décor could definitely do with a modern tune-up, but I don’t think that’s really been on the Master’s mind, truth be told. He’s been oh so busy, these past two years.”
Glynda gives Summer a sharp look at that. It’s more than she’s managed to get out of the blindfolded woman these past two days. Mostly because whenever she’s tried to pry, Summer has usually interrupted her and diverted her, distracting her with that… amazing aura of hers, and pushing Glynda up against the nearest tree for a passionate makeout session.
… Yeah, admittedly they’d made pretty amazing time, considering just how many ‘breaks’ Summer made them take. Still, the other woman’s words demand some sort of query. And it’s not like Summer can try to distract her right at the feet of the castle, right?
With a slight laugh, Summer waves a hand dismissively.
“The Master of the Castle. The King of the Grimm, of course. Now, come on. They’ll be waiting for us.”
Glynda can’t help but be stiff and wide-eyed, even as she follows Summer up the stairs to the front of the massive, foreboding castle. In hindsight, she’s not sure what form she thought the man who Summer claimed had tamed Salem and saved humanity from the Grimm would take. But King of the Grimm… that was foreboding. More than foreboding, it made Glynda suddenly wonder if Summer’s mystery man… was a man at all.
Its decidedly quiet, as they step in through the front doors of the castle. Not a single soul in sight. Not a single not-soul in sight either. There hasn’t been a single Grimm sighting throughout Glynda and Summer’s journey here.  It’s been a little odd, to say the least. But no odder than the last two years have been, after living so long in a constant battle for survival against the wild Grimm that prowled and prodded at the borders of Vale.
Still, she’s not sure if she was expecting them to all somehow be packed into the Castle itself or something, or what… but that’s not the case. No, while the place is certainly foreboding enough to be a hive of Grimm, they don’t see a single ounce of movement, even as Summer leads her down a large hallway, to another set of hulking double doors.
Using her aura, Summer blows the doors open without even stopping, and Glynda follows behind her, eyes soaking it all in. The room beyond those doors is very clearly a throne room, and unlike everything else to this point, IS occupied by others… three others, to be exact. There, atop a dais, are two thrones. One is a bit larger than the other, and in it sits… sits a Grimm man. The other, the slightly smaller throne, holds a Grimm woman who can ONLY be Salem, for all that Ozpin has given Glynda her description often enough over the years.
Meanwhile, off to the side, is another human woman. Younger than Summer, seemingly without a scratch on her. She’s watching them as they enter, and Glynda gets the feeling of a predator from the young woman, as if she’s ready to attack at a moment’s notice… or at an order from her Master.
In the end, the human girl is of little consequence. Glynda barely pays her any mind, as she instead focuses on the two humanoid Grimm in front of her. Her mouth is undeniably dry as Summer leads her forward until finally coming to an abrupt stop in the center of the room. This right here… she’s face to face with humanity’s greatest enemies.
Glynda had long imagined what she would do, if she ever found herself facing off against Salem, Queen of the Grimm. In more recent times, specifically since Ozpin gave her this suicide mission, she’d been thinking about it a LOT more. Her goal had always been to capture evidence of Salem’s existence and get it back to Ozpin by any means necessary.
Now though, in order to do that, she would need to find a way to surreptitiously snap pictures of the Grimmified humans on her scroll, and THEN find a way to escape the Castle and make her way back to Vale entirely.
A tall order, to say the least, and not one she was likely to be able to fill right now. Indeed, even if the Grimm King and Queen weren’t staring at her intently, Glynda is aware of the younger human staring her down. Now is not the time to try to take photos.
“You stand before Jaune, King of the Grimm. My King, I bring before you Glynda Goodwitch, Professor of Beacon Academy.”
Glynda blinks, even as Salem bristles. The Queen of the Grimm grips tightly at the armrests of her throne, and from the smile on Summer’s lips, the slight is fully intended. She only introduces this… Jaune, she does not introduce the Queen as well.
And yet, rather than throw a fit and rage and sic some Grimm on Summer, the Grimm Queen… says and does nothing. Instead, it’s the King who rises from his throne, looking down at Glynda with those damning red eyes of his.
“Well met, Glynda Goodwitch. Welcome to our humble abode. You’re a long way from home, aren’t you?”
Its odd. He sounds both young and old at the same time. Glynda can’t quite pin his age. His Grimm-like features make him seem so alien, so otherworldly… but where Salem comes across as quite regal, he seems less so. As if he’s new to it, still? There’s a stiffness to him that Glynda can’t help but notice. As if… as if this is his first time interacting with anyone from the outside world.
Shit, what was she supposed to say? What was she supposed to even DO here? A brush of Summer’s aura against her own startles Glynda out of her indecision, and the blindfolded woman gives her an encouraging nod and a smile. Fuck, she was seriously about to have a conversation with the King of the Grimm, wasn’t she?
“… Well met. I appreciate you extending an invitation through your…”
Here, Glynda trails off, because she really doesn’t know what the fuck Summer is to this Grimmified man. Or maybe she does know, but she really, really doesn’t want to label her brand new lover as the Grimm King’s servant. Luckily, in the silence that ensues, Salem finally speaks up.
“Why are you here? Why have you invaded our lands?”
While Jaune does give Salem a look, he doesn’t actually verbally reprimand her. Instead, he looks back to Glynda, seemingly just as curious to know her answer. What was Glynda to say? That she was here for proof of their very existence, so that Ozpin could unite the Kingdoms of Remnant against the existential threat that they represented? Somehow… somehow, she didn’t think that would go over all too well.
In the end, she decides to go with a half-truth.
“… I am here to ascertain the nature of the Grimm Retreat that begun two years ago. The suddenness of the Grimm’s departure from our borders has left my employer… confused.”
“Your employer being Ozma.”
Salem’s tone makes it clear she considers her former husband to be worth less than the dirt beneath her feet. Glynda though, who has always idolized Ozpin, can’t help but defend him even in the face of the Queen of the Grimm’s distaste. Straightening to her full height, her nostrils flare as she glares at Salem.
“My employer being Ozpin, decorated hunter and Headmaster of Beacon Academy. Whatever he accomplished in his past lives, both good and bad, he has been nothing but a force for good in the world in this one. Can you say the same?”
Salem’s eyes widen in outrage, and she begins to rise from her throne… only to stop and fall back when Jaune cuts her off with a raised hand. Glynda’s own eyes widen at the display of… domination from the Grimm King. He so easily silences Salem and forces her submission. Its startling, to say the least.
“I didn’t ask Summer to bring you here to talk about Ozpin, if I’m being honest.”
Feeling emboldened, Glynda thrusts out her chin.
“And why did you ask her to bring me here?”
When the Grimm King looks at her, Glynda is startled by what she thinks might be something akin to humanity in his altogether inhuman eyes and face.
“Because it isn’t working, Ms. Goodwitch. I pulled the Grimm back two years ago to give humanity a chance to flourish, and now I find your Kingdoms on the brink of war. So, I guess what I’m trying to decide, and what I’m hoping you might be able to help me with… is deciding what to do with you all next.”
That declaration had been the end of their talk together, with the Grimm King sighing and calling an end to the conversation mere moments later, saying that it was getting late, and they could discuss it more in the morning. And to be fair, it was pretty late, even slightly past dinner time. Glynda found herself shown to quarters, and to her surprise, wasn’t locked in. It didn’t make the Castle as a whole feel anything less like a gilded cage, but at the same time, it was more freedom than she was expecting.
In fact, it was exactly the freedom that she needed. And so, with the Castle feeling quiet and dark around her, Glynda crept out of her rooms with scroll in hand and began trying to find where the Grimmified humans might sleep. She just needed a few pictures of their obviously inhuman faces, and she would have the proof she needed for Ozpin. Of course, that would in turn mean getting the scroll back to him, but still.
Only, as Glynda is making her way down the hall, she hears noises coming from a room just a couple doors down from her own. Brow furrowing, she notices the door to said room is not all the way shut. More than that, there’s a presence emanating from said room that Glynda has been getting VERY familiar with, the last few days.
Mouth paradoxically dry and watering at the same exact time, Glynda makes her way over to the cracked door… and pushes it open a couple more inches.
Its… Summer. Summer and the Grimm King. Summer and the Grimm King, fucking like there’s no tomorrow. For a moment, Glynda can’t believe her eyes. But the reality of what she’s seeing… there’s no denying it. Summer, on her hands and knees, technically facing Glynda but unable to see her. The King of the Grimm, Jaune, behind her and holding her by her hips, driving into her hard and fast.
As Glynda peeps on them, she watches the Grimm male lean forward, wrapping his arms around Summer and groping at her bouncing, swinging tits as he chuckles into her ear.
“You’ve more than earned this reward, Summer. You did everything I asked of you. Thank you for bringing her here unharmed.”
“Oooh, o-of course. You were, mm, right to send me instead of Cinder. She would have, a-ah, fucked everything up…”
Glynda shivers as she watches them talk and fuck at the same time. She should be feeling betrayal right now, but instead… all she’s feeling is arousal. Licking her lips, she raises her scroll only to find it shaking because her hands are shaking. What she’s watching, what she’s spying on… she has no right to see it. But at the same time, is this not an opportunity to get photographic evidence of the Grimmified humans’ existence? Sure, it’s not Salem… but even if it’s a male humanoid Grimm, it’s still exactly what Ozpin needs.
So why is she finding it so hard to take the picture? Why do her hands want to move towards her… towards her core instead? Why does she feel torn between doing her duty, giving into her desires, or even… e-even joining them? She’s spent so much time in intimacy with Summer these past few days. Now she’s watching her lover get fucked by a Grimm, albeit a sentient one. And she’s… turned on by that?
What the fuck is she supposed to do?!

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