The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 10: Glynda Goodwitch Pt. 3

… She knew she was making a mistake here. But gods be good, making a mistake had never felt so good. Glynda moans into Summer’s mouth as the resistance goes out of her. Not that she’d ever even tried to fight back or push away in the first place, but there’d been a certain tenseness to her form as she’d struggled with herself.
But the more Summer kisses her, the harder it is to focus on anything but the other woman’s mouth. How many times had Glynda fantasized about those lips, about kissing this mouth back in the day? Hell, not even back in the day. As recently as the past few months, she’d had wet dreams involving Summer Rose. Her death had hit them all hard, but Glynda liked to think she’d felt it most acutely. Maybe not as acutely as Taiyang or their children, but even still…
And now Summer was back in front of her, seemingly miraculously returned from the dead. A small part of Glynda acknowledges that there’s no such thing as a miracle, not in this gods-forsaken world of Remnant. Summer’s return is not miraculous so much as unnerving… but to have the other woman kissing her like she is now… its all Glynda ever wanted.
The light of Summer’s soul is blinding as well. Not in a physical way, but in a metaphysical way. The blindfolded woman is pressing in all around her, massaging Glynda’s aura with hers, wrapping and enveloping Glynda in her presence. It feels too damn good for words, and luckily she’s not having to say a damn thing right now, with Summer’s mouth on her own, Summer’s tongue forcing its way halfway down her throat.
Despite the other woman being seemingly blind, Summer’s hands move with a surety that amazes Glynda, as her fingers begin to pluck at certain parts of Glynda’s clothes, pulling on laces… and slowly but surely beginning to unwrap her, so to speak. The Beacon Professor squirms in embarrassment a little at that. Things are rapidly graduating beyond a simple makeout session into something more.
But she’s already succumbed, already given in, and is too horny, too needy, too aroused to pull out now. She wants to… she wants to experience all that Summer has to offer to her. She wants to gobble it all up, whatever the blindfolded woman is willing to give her. It’s purely selfish, and Glynda knows it. After all, what are they going to do after this? More than likely, they’ll return to civilization together.
Summer Rose is alive, and her recovery will be a great boon to both Ozpin and… and Summer’s family. No doubt, whatever hell Summer escaped from, she’ll have information for Ozpin that even Glynda wouldn’t be able to get. It was definitely better to return after this… after whatever was happening between the two of them.
But with that return to civilization would come an abrupt severing of THIS, of their joining. Summer would return to her family, to Taiyang and the girls… and Glynda would return to Beacon. They could never have a true relationship, not with Taiyang still in the picture. Even if Glynda DID swing both ways, she couldn’t expect to just… just swoop in and join their relationship at the drop of the hat.
So yes, she was willing to give in to Summer’s aggressive, amorous intent. She was willing to submit, because after they were finished here, they would likely never speak of this again. And that… that was okay. Glynda would HAVE to be okay with it. She would have to be happy with what she was getting, right here and now.
There’s a hint of desperation in the blonde bespectacled woman, even as Summer frees her breasts from their confines, beginning to her shirt. Glynda kisses Summer all the more heatedly, but rather than the thirty-nine year old teacher she’s supposed to be, she feels like a newborn kitten being put in her place as Summer suddenly uses her shirt as a tie off, not FULLY removing it but instead pulling it taut around her wrists and binding her arms together behind her back.
Glynda finds herself shoved up against a nearby tree a moment later, and Summer’s lips leave her own, causing a mewling cry of dismay to emit from her lips. That cry changes in tone a moment later, when Summer leans down and uses her teeth to yank Glynda’s bra off of her tits, before latching onto one of her nipples with her mouth. A keening noise makes its way free of Glynda’s own mouth and she gasps, panting, shoving her chest into Summer’s face as the blind woman plays her like… like a fiddle.
“S-Summer… oh god, Summer…”
After a moment, Summer’s hands leave Glynda’s shirt, having firmly tied the garment in such a way that Glynda isn’t getting free without flexing her aura and tearing her away free. She doesn’t even try though, merely whimpering and mewling even harder as Summer’s hands move to her hips next. After a beat, the blind woman pulls away from her tits, suddenly spinning her around and pushing her up against the tree.
“Glynda Goodwitch… such a dear. Such a darling, darling woman. Oh how I’m happy that it was you Ozpin sent this way. I’ve been waiting to do this for a long, long time~”
Glynda just whimpers into the tree, before gasping, her eyes going wide as Summer drops to her knees behind her, flipping up the back of Glynda’s skirt.
A loud tearing sound echoes through the silent copse of trees as Summer shreds a hole through Glynda’s pantyhose, yanking her panties aside and diving right in. No hesitation, no further foreplay, just Summer’s tongue suddenly buried in Glynda’s glistening wet twat, the Beacon Professor shuddering as she goes cross-eyed, her face redder than it was before and her lips forming a small o of pleasure.
This wasn’t how Glynda fantasized it, not by a long shot. But that didn’t make it insanely pleasurable all the same. One might think that grinding her naked tits into the bark of a tree would be incredibly uncomfortable, and it would be… if she were a normal civilian with her aura not unlocked. As it is, it takes a lot more than tree bark to harm a woman who has the light of her soul to protect her.
Instead, as Summer gropes Glynda’s ass cheeks, digging her tongue DEEP into the blonde from behind, Glynda in turn rubs against the tree, moaning her arousal for all to hear the whole while. Not that there’s anyone around, but it IS a very public place. Glynda can’t really bring herself to mind though. She’s with Summer, and ultimately, that’s all that truly matters to her right now. She just… she just…
Glynda’s breathing grows uneven, her panting louder as she finds herself getting closer and closer to the edge. Summer isn’t playing games, nor is she holding back. The blinded woman is driving deeper and deeper into Glynda’s depths, not just with her tongue… but with her aura itself. The level of control that Summer is exercising is mind-boggling, and it’s hard for Glynda to truly comprehend what she’s doing when the pleasure is so… so out of this world.
But if she understands correctly, Summer is using her strange new absolute control over her aura to effectively plunge the depths of Glynda’s pussy with the light of her soul. She’d felt the possibilities of this before, when Summer had first arrived. She’d felt it as Summer used her extra-sensory aura sense to map out every contour of Glynda’s body. But this was… this was something more. This was a physicality that couldn’t be beat.
And it wasn’t just in her cunt either. Summer’s aura was still massaging every bit of Glynda’s body, still pressing into her from all sides, still… still driving her absolutely wild. There was no other word for it. With a squealing cry that would have embarrassed and mortified the Beacon Professor under almost any other set of circumstances, Glynda cums. She cums HARD, like a fucking fountain, squirting all over Summer’s face as the older woman sends her right over the edge.
Glynda sees starts, her eyes very nearly rolling back in her head from the pleasure. For several moments, she couldn’t have told you who she was, that was how crazy it was. Then, it all comes crashing back down, her pleasure high slowly starting to fade as Summer removes her tongue from Glynda’s pussy, and her touch from Glynda’s body.
Turning around and leaning back against the tree, Glynda can only watch through lidded eyes as the blindfolded form of her longtime crush rises back to her full height and gives the blonde a wicked, perverted smile. Reaching down, Summer pulls aside her own skirt, exposing her own naked, glistening wet pussy lips to Glynda’s gaze.
“I do hope you’re as eager to give as you are to receive, Glynda~”
Wordlessly, Glynda sinks to her knees. No hands, since they’re still bound behind her back by her own shirt. Just her mouth, as she leans forward and begins to ply her tongue across Summer’s slit and mound. This… this was more as Glynda had always fantasized about it. Her on her knees, giving her all to pleasure Summer Rose with her tongue.
This felt more appropriate, like what had happened before, as nice as it was, was a perversion of the natural order of things. Glynda is all too willing to reciprocate, and as Summer plants a hand atop her head and feels herself up with the other, as the blinded woman guides Glynda around so she can lean back against the chair she was pinning the blonde to mere moments before, Glynda follows, working her tongue in and out of Summer’s folds as best as she can.
There is one blemish on the whole scenario though. In all of her fantasies, in all of her wet dreams where she was on her knees with Summer looming over her… the other woman had had her eyes. Those beautiful, gorgeous silver eyes. The thing that marked Summer as truly special. Not just for her personality or good looks, which was what Glynda admired most about her, but also for her ability to fight the war that the Headmaster had been fighting for so damn long.
Silver-Eyed Warriors were special, Glynda knew that. She just wished she knew how Summer had apparently lost hers. What had the other woman suffered while they all thought her dead?
“You’re getting distracted, Glynda. Focus.”
Summer’s sharp tone sends a jolt through Glynda, who’s eyes widen as she realizes she was indeed allowing herself to be distracted from her purpose. And so she redoubles her efforts at eating out Summer Rose’s cunt, slurping and sucking up her senior’s juices quite readily. She can’t do what Summer did with her aura, doesn’t even know if it’s possible to learn or some sort of extra ability of the other woman’s semblance, but she still gives it her all.
It definitely takes longer though, and her jaw is quite tired by the time Summer finishes. Still, there’s an unmistakable swell of pride in Glynda’s breast as she takes Summer’s juices all over her face all too happily. It feels… it feels right. Even if it can’t last. Even if they can’t be together, once they return to civilization. She’ll always have this, at least…
Amused, Summer glances over at her despite the blindfold and shrugs. Sat around a campfire, the two of them have cooked a small meal out of Glynda’s rations and have been chatting over the late lunch, early dinner, when Summer dropped quite the bombshell on the flushed blonde.
“I’m not going back. Not to Beacon, nor to Ozpin. Even Taiyang… I think he and I have likely grown too far apart at this point. Sometimes people change. Sometimes, life has a way of making you change and adapt, to survive.”
“B-But… you must! Where else would you go? Do you mean to roam these wilds for the rest of your days? What of your daughters?!”
There, a flicker of something like regret goes across Summer’s face.
“My daughters… I won’t deny that I wouldn’t mind having them join me out here. Certainly, if what I’m hearing about the Kingdoms is true, its safer for them with me then it is in Vale. After all, once the war begins in earnest, Vale will be forced to conscript all of its able-bodied warriors, including any hunters in training, regardless of how nice it’s being about things right now. Mistral and their armies will demand no less in response.”
Glynda winces at the truth staining Summer’s words. But more than that… suspicion that likely should have risen much, MUCH earlier suddenly fills the blonde’s breast.
“How… how would you know so much about current events this far out in the wilderness, Summer?”
A soft, mysterious smile ghosts across the silent blind woman’s face, and Glynda’s heart clenches.
“… How did you escape the Grimm Queen’s clutches, Summer?”
The soft smile turns into a wicked grin.
“That’s just it, Glynda. I didn’t.”
Glynda’s eyes widen in horror and she tenses up, calling upon her aura and preparing for a fight. She’s expecting Summer’s terrifying revelation to be followed up with a sudden Grimm attack, or even an assault from the blind woman herself.
… But nothing happens, and Summer continues to eat as she radiates amusement at Glynda’s sudden panic. After a beat, Summer continues on.
“… I was saved. Salem was every bit the monster to me that you no doubt expected. She tortured me, she maimed me. She took things from me that I will likely never get back, excising pieces of me that I’ve not been able to reform, and have had to rebuild whole cloth instead. But around two years ago, I was saved, my dear Glynda. I was saved… and the one who saved me has done his part to save the rest of Remnant from the Grimm as well.”
As Glynda is processing that claim, as she’s assimilating Summer’s words, the blindfolded woman suddenly holds up a hand, and in it… in it is Glynda’s scroll, outfitted with the long-range transmitter that Ozpin gave her to be able to transmit images and hopefully video of Salem’s existence back to Beacon, no matter if it cost her, her life or not.
“Now I know I’ve been gone for a while, but this doesn’t quite feel like your average scroll, does it? But then, you would need something a bit extra, in order to operate a scroll this far out in the boonies anyways. The Land of Darkness isn’t quite covered by the CCT network, after all.”
Glynda makes to speak, but before she can, Summer reaches up… and crushes the long-range transmitter in her hand, her aura flaring to give her the strength to turn the delicate piece of technology into so much scrap.
Summer ignores Glynda’s aborted lunge as the only way of providing proof of Salem’s involvement is destroyed, right before her very eyes. Offering Glynda a pitying smile, Summer tosses her ‘disarmed’ scroll back to her, Glynda catching it as she looks between it and the woman she’s carried a torch for all this time in horror.
“You have a choice to make now, Glynda. Go back to Beacon and Ozpin empty handed… or come with me. Come meet the man who did what Ozpin couldn’t in thousands of years. Come meet the man who saved me, tamed the Grimm, and put Salem in her place.”

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