The Good Incubus

Chapter 92 Tears

Chapter 92


Luo Bai landed on the dais and instantly took off through the now visible little tunnel behind the platform.

The rough hewn tunnel ceiling was too low for the tall Leader to stand up right, cautious about running blindly through a small winding tunnel with his form bent at full speed, he slowed down slightly, losing precious seconds in his chase.

At the first bend he stopped for a moment and swapped his long sword for a deadly broad knife, now prepared for close quarters fighting, he moved forwards while sending out his Qi to scout the tunnel in front of him.

Even moving cautiously, Luo Bai’s speed was considerably faster than his quarry, he caught his trail in a few seconds, but the love demon had been preparing his lair for days.

Around every corner the tall martial artist had to defeat a new warrior or farmer or young lady, for each opponent he had to adjust his strength so he didn’t hurt this new innocent, costing him yet more time in his chase.

The angry roaring sound of the possessed chased him down the tunnel, giving haste to his pursuit.


Dun Guanlian gently but firmly pulled Chu Ling up and out of Xie Jie’s hold, while Dun Mírén transformed into a great hammer and struck the ground around the metal band wrapped in the ethereal rope.

Startled by the armour’s action, Xie Jie reached for Chu Ling with his free hand. Seeing the two men’s need for each other, Dun Guanlian brought them back close together.

Holding hands the two looked into each others eyes, Chu Ling drew comfort from his little incubus’s touch, it helped him keep his emotions under control.

Time and again Dun Mírén hit the ground with great force, till finally the rock crumbled and the large ring rolled free.

The dull metal ring rolled far further than it should have while still attached to the golden ethereal rope, and landed on Xie Jie’s foot.

Reluctantly letting go of Chu Ling’s hand, Xie Jie picked up the ring and felt it’s light weight as he asked Dun Mírén, “what was that all about?”

The rope slowly slipped out of the raised ring, as the last fibres dropped away, Xie Jie felt the energy get ripped out of him yet again, however this time he was not bound.


Finally Luo Bai saw the monstrous little man just up ahead, running flat out down the tunnel. Lunging for him, Luo Bai managed to grab the back of his grubby robes, but the Love demon shrugged out of his clothes at full speed and dodged on down the tunnel.

Pain shot through their collective link from their little incubus, and Luo Bai knew for the sake of all sentient beings in the vicinity, he had to now use all possible means to stop the Love demon.

In one fluid movement, he smoothly pulled a throwing knife from his sleeve and imbedded it in the little demon’s spine just below the skull; killing the Love demon instantly.

Worried what was happening to his men, but needing to show respect to his fallen foe, Luo Bai caught the body and laid it gently on the floor. Retrieving the little demon’s robes, he wrapped him up in the cloth and carried him back to the main cavern at full speed.


In a daze as his senses failed him, Xie Jie felt Chu Ling’s strong arms pick him up and faintly heard Hao Kong yell, “Master Dun, please take the worst of the injured.”

Then everything blurred as Chu Ling carried him out of the cavern, down the tunnel and into the dazzling sunshine and fresh air.

The second they cleared the cave, Dun Mírén morphed into a sword once more and shot out, pulling Xie Jie and the surprised Chu Ling into the air. A long line of people wrapped in Dun Guanlian’s chains flowing along in their wake.

Xie Jie wrapped his tail comfortingly around his man’s waist, and staring into his big lover’s dark eyes said, “I’m sorry it took us so long to get you my love.”

Held gently in Dun Guanlian’s chains, Chu Ling hugged his young incubus to his chest. Having seen the desolation resulting from a Qi deviation caused by a cultivator’s extreme emotional turmoil, Chu Ling bravely faced his dark emotions.

Tears flowed in torrents down his rich brown cheeks, just to get whipped away by the wind, his distress clear in his face as he finally gave into his dark feelings.

It had been hundreds of years since he had last felt helpless. To be hung from the wall and beaten with out the slightest chance to escape, while drained of his strength, had robbed him of his sense of self. He didn’t feel like a strong Healer who helped others, he felt useless and pathetic.

Untrue and unhelpful thoughts swirled around with his distress, ‘how easily the love demon tricked me, I blindly followed my possessed disciple and was bound before I knew what was happening, I was a fool.’

‘How am I to face the other Leaders? They must be so disappointed in me.’

Failing to cast off the dark shadow enveloping his heart, his thoughts turned darker still, ‘Will they even still love me?’

‘Why did they even bother to rescue someone so useless as me? They should of just left me on the wall.’

Then a bright light pierced through the shadowy darkness, as a tender caress landed on his cheek, kissing away his tears. Xie Jie’s soft voice soothed his mind by saying comfortingly, “I’m so proud of you my lovely bear, the way you fought the love demon so we could come get you was amazing, and even without your power you managed to save some of your disciples, you are a true wonder my love.”

Regaining his positivity and the beautiful light of his soul, Chu Ling shifted their bodies in the strong metal links. Making himself as small as he could, he wrapped his arms and legs around his little lover and buried his head in his incubus’s hair, next to Dun Guanlian’s collar.

Using his free arm as best he could, while still holding the metal ring with his other hand, Xie Jie stroked his man’s back, comforting him as he cried.

Landing outside the infirmary, Dun Guanlian dumped the injured on the ground and knocked on the door, then wrapped Chu Ling gently in all of his links.

Just before the door opened Dun Mírén shot out again, and they flew up to the Leader spiritual caves.

Touching down out side the caves, Dun Mírén reverted back to vambraces, so Xie Jie could use both hands.

Sliding along Chu Ling’s toned brown muscles and trying to keep his thoughts pure, Dun Guanlian shifted his hold and lifted Chu Ling up a little higher, so Xie Jie could put one arm under his legs and the other round his shoulders.

Cradled in his lover’s arms, Chu Ling put his tired head on his incubus’s slender shoulder and was carried over the threshold.

Sitting down on one of the big cushions, Xie Jie held his strong lover in his lap and softly stroked his back in comfort, while he cried out his dark emotions.

Hi lovely readers, thank you for your continued support, somehow we have reached 30k views 😲🎊🎉. 


I’m sorry to say that instead of an early chapter, I’m going to have to slow down my uploads again. 


I’m falling behind on my editing and have written basically nothing new. So I feel slowing down is better than having to go on hiatus or giving up. If I get lost in my writing and finish, I’ll go back to uploading every other day, until then I’ll upload every few days. 


Lots of love from Xie Jie and his men. 




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