The Good Incubus

Chapter 91 Failed

Chapter 91


Warning; peril, blood and injury

The love demon cackled with delight, then yelled at Luo Bai, “now kill the incubus!”

For a moment the only sound in the cavern was his vile cackle echoing eerily around the rock, then that sound died away too.

The silence stretched as Chu Ling’s robes slowly fell apart, piece by piece the fabric drifted to the hard stone floor in a thousand bloodied pieces, each one looking like a delicate red flower petal falling at the end of spring.

The falling fabric revealed tiny scratches over all of Chu Ling’s beautiful toned brown body. The fire light flickered round the cavern, dancing on his bulging muscles, making his massive man hood look all the bigger as it stood in defiance of the love demon’s attempted possession.

Chu Ling’s sexy body laid bare for all to see was perfect inspiration to keep his men safe. A few of the possessed rapidly heated up and their cold eyes regained focus as the love demon’s possession was broken.

The freed men and women rushed towards the closer rescuers; Leader Gong quickly ushered them behind him and Hao Kong, so they could shelter with Xie Jie.

Panting hard Luo Bai looked up at his lover through his tear soaked lashes and said, “I’m sorry my love, I failed you by a hairs breadth.”

Tears of joy streamed down Chu Ling’s handsome face, he wanted to say, ‘it’s alright, I will heal quickly,’ but the tight leather gag made him unable to say any words of comfort. Even without his spiritual power, his strong muscles bulged as he strained against his restraints in his desire to hold his man.

Seeing his possession of Luo Bai had failed, the love demon screamed in rage, “kill them, kill them all!!!”

Mostly armed with spears and staffs, the possessed charged at the cultivators.

Dun Guanlian knocked the front row off their feet with his long chain, then whipped back round and smacked the next lot back too. The sound of braking bones echoed around the cavern, followed quickly by lots of pained groaning.

The possessed behind didn’t care and charged over their fallen comrades, who groaned all the harder.

Dun Mírén grew into a sword ready to take on anyone who got through, while the trio and freed people moved across the cavern towards Chu Ling.

Luo Bai knew it was impossible to cut ethereal rope, so was trying to untie his lover as quickly as possible, but the knots were intricate and almost seemed to retie them self to resist him.

Hao Kong and Gong Qiu Yu joined the foray, knocking out as many of the possessed as they could, while trying to work their way to the love demon.

Xie Jie called to Luo Bai over the din of fighting, “you help the others, I’ll get Leader Chu down.”

With complete trust in Xie Jie, Luo Bai softly kissed Chu Ling’s strong broad chest, his gaze shifted up and the Leaders’ eyes met for a brief moment; a world of love was shared in that one glance.

Smiling with love and thanks to his incubus, Luo Bai joined the battle. His sheathed sword danced among Dun Guanlian’s links, as he knocked away his opponents with just the right strength to incapacitate them. Using all his phenomenal skills as a fighter, he moved quickly to catch up with Hao Kong and Gong Qiu Yu.

Dun Mírén retreated back into a vambrace on Xie Jie’s wrist, allowing him to work quickly to untie Chu Ling. All the time Dun Guanlian whipped away anyone who got close, protecting Xie Jie, Chu Ling, and the freed possessed.

Anyone that came round from the possession was unceremoniously grabbed by Dun Guanlian and dumped in with the other freed disciples, who did their best to tend to their injuries.

As much as they wanted to help the Leaders of Snow Mist Peak, the freed possessed were exhausted, the love demon had been pushing them beyond their limits, while draining them of their energy.


Surrounded by enraged people, Hao Kong was back to back with Gong Qiu Yu. His sword still sheathed, Hao Kong used it to hit an over reaching farmer over the back of the head, cleanly knocking the lady out, but there was instantly another person there to take her place.

Fighting such a huge number of innocent foes, they were making slower progress than they liked through the battling possessed.

Attackers pushed forwards on all sides and the pair were getting overwhelmed by their shear numbers, so Gong Qiu Yu pulled a staff that was about the height of himself from one of his enchanted sleeves. Using the long weapon to full advantage as Luo Bai had taught him, he kept the possessed at bay, giving them a bit more manoeuvring room.

But no matter how much he swung at them, the men and women in the dark robes and masks were proving tenacious.

“Damn these necromancers, why are they so hard to knock out?” Grunted Hao Kong as he hit another one over the head, just to have the man keep coming at him.

Joining up with them Luo Bai moved to the front, and said with a menacing grin, “all the more fun to be had.”

His sword hit a necromancer six times in half a second, knocking him to the ground. Stepping carefully over the necromancer’s limp body, to protect him from the advancing people behind, Luo Bai went for his next opponent.

Worried about the amount of fun his stern Leader was having in such a dark situation, Hao Kong looked to his scholarly Leader.

Shrugging slightly Gong Qiu Yu replied, “Leader Luo rarely gets to fight against people without having to worry about injuring them, he is enjoying the freedom to knock them out. Don’t worry, he isn’t going to lose his way.”

A relieved sigh left Hao Kong’s lips, as he defended against a particularly aggressive farmer.

With Luo Bai out in front, they were making good progress towards the dais through the dense pack of flailing arms and sharp weapons, but as they got close to the raised platform the love demon vanished from their sight.

Realising they needed to act quickly, Gong Qiu Yu yelled over the noise, “Leader Luo, we’ll clear a gap, you chase him.”

The other two nodded their understanding. Ready to jump, Luo Bai moved back between his men.

Hao Kong took the left while Gong Qiu Yu took the right, at the same time they both swung out using their Qi, pushing the necromancers back harder than they thought was entirely safe, but worth the risk considering the situation.

Luo Bai leapt over the crowd of downed people, having to keep low to avoid the stalactites above, and used his sheathed sword point to beat back the few hands that threatened to pull him down.


Xie Jie finally managed to undo the rope binding Chu Ling, and his big lover fell heavily into his arms. With a little help from Dun Guanlian, he held his Healer up and gently pulled off the leather gag.

Knowing he wasn’t safe yet, Chu Ling took a deep steadying breath and held his emotions firmly.

Holding his lover, Xie Jie could feel the warring darkness below the surface of Chu Ling’s heart, his burly man was in danger of being possessed if he gave into these emotions for even a moment. Shifting their position slightly, he used his lips to softly cover his man’s swollen brown lips.

Chu Ling’s eye’s went wide as Xie Jie gave him as much of his energy as he could with a loving kiss.

The sexual energy was different from anything Chu Ling had ever felt, it sang round his Qi points, stimulating his sexual desires and drowning out all other emotions.

Even though it was but a drop in the ocean that was Chu Ling’s energy reserves, the energy gave him the fortitude to carry on. He wrapped his strong arms round his young incubus’s slender shoulders, focusing on his arousal and love, and nothing else.

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