The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 78: Two Friends

There was so much I didn’t know flooding my mind. I was searching for a way out of this mess. Shade pawing my face from my shoulder was the only thing that snapped me out.

Lilith, focus on what you have in front of us right now! We’ll figure everything out later. Just concentrate on the now! She huffed.

My thoughts were slowly becoming more chaotic.

I can’t! Everything is a lie! I can’t make sense of anything!

This night was becoming too much. It was more than I wanted to bite, and it was far from over.

Hey! One problem at a time, remember?! Shade pawed me again.

Sadly, her words were secondary to me when the conversation between the two wolves caught my attention again.

"Ah... Thanks." Fenris mumbled.

"Let’s think of the bright side. Will you tell her you love her finally? After the festival ends, I mean." Liam asked to lighten the mood.

His words triggered Fenris to chuckle again.

"That’ll be the first thing I do after I ascend," my wolf affirmed.

I tried not to quell too deeply on what they were speaking about.

"See, you have something to look forward to after this stupid-ass festival ends!" the brown wolf yelled the last bit into the night.

Fenris laughed before biting his lip, “Yeah… I can’t wait, but I understand why we must isolate ourselves from the general population. I lost control and attacked Lily two days ago. Every ounce in me wanted to mark her as mine, and the moon wasn’t even out yet.”

“Fen…” Liam tailed off, gazing towards the side.

“It’s the first time I wanted to sink my teeth into her; she isn’t a Lycan. I can’t do that to her; I know that, but I just wanted to dominate her. Fuck, I don’t want to imagine what I’d do to her if she were next to me tonight." My wolf confessed.

"We can feel the moon long before it comes. It’s a miracle how you control yourself so well during full moons. I usually have to chain myself to a big metal post to prevent myself from doing anything I’d regret." The brown chatted, trying to help his friend calm his nerves.

"I don’t think a poll would hold me today. Fuck, I don’t even know if this barrier will. I hope it does. I can’t be near Lily, but I know I’ll try to find her tonight." Fenris added, sitting back up and reaching to the moon.

"You’re so chatty about her now that it makes me wonder how you ever kept it a secret from me.” Liam chuckled, triggering Fenris to frown and narrow his eyes towards his friend.

"I couldn’t risk anyone knowing. If the elders…" My wolf trailed off, only for his friend to nudge him.

"Yeah, man, I understand. Don’t worry, I’m glad you let me in." the brown wolf reassured.

"Hey, what about Melody? Aren’t you going to talk to her about Kira's lie? You know, misunderstandings only happen when we don’t speak." Fenris changed the tune of the conversation.

Liam frowned upon hearing her name before clasping it onto his chest. "I tried. She ran away like I was a monster or something."

Before Fenris could say anything to comfort his friend, Liam continued to speak.

"Plus, it won’t matter if I do. Those old fools want me to marry her, even though I’m not the baby daddy. She can’t lie, they say. It’ll be back for the social standing, they say. Lycan traditions are shit!" He growled.

I grabbed onto one bush branch to steady myself, only to accidentally snap it. The sound was loud enough to catch their attention.

"What was that?" Fenris questioned, getting up from where they sat.

Liam scoured their surroundings from where he was. Unexpectedly, Fenris walked toward the place where the sound originated.

"Eh, forget it. It’s probably a bunny or something." Liam dismissed the sound as fauna that usually roamed the woods beside Silverant.

Luckily, he appeared more interested in Fenris's emotional state than the physical dangers lurking. He was confident about the security of the event, which included vampires.

Tonight, no one will dare come with them roaming around. Plus, mad wolves aren’t easy targets and are highly unpredictable.

“Probably, a bunny… huh…” Fenris shrugged, turning away from where I was, leaving me to sigh in relief.

Even though I was safe, my heart pounded madly. Everything had come so close to ending.

"Hey... Liam, don’t give up. Once I take the pack's lead, I’ll change that stupid pure-blood policy." Fenris assured him before sitting right next to him.

The brown wolf smiled, scuffling his hair, "I know, but it won’t be easy for us to happen. I mean... I’m sure Mel likes you for one."

Ah… Melody, I told you so!

Fenris's eyes twitched, and he shook his head. "What?! No way! That girl only has eyes for you!"

Liam glanced off to the side. "I hope... Fuck it!" he scuffled his hair again, standing up before glancing towards the moon.

It was halfway to being entirely red.

"There are so many things to look forward to after this stupid moon and festival. Don’t forget that, okay?" Liam added, gazing down at Fenris, who gazed at the moon.

"Freedom, I promise," my wolf mentioned with a soft smile on his lips.

"Yup. Know that I'm behind you no matter what." The brown wolf winked at him before reaching for the moon and turning away from Fenris.

"I know. Thank you. I’d be lost without you." My wolf acknowledged.

“I know,” Liam raised thumps to Fenris before walking away from the clearing and towards the forest, much to my relief.

"I’ll come to get you in the morning. Don't do anything embarrassing or crazy," the brown wolf teased.

"Shut up," Fenris growled.

Liam laughed at his friend's reaction and continued to walk away. For a moment, though, he stopped, glancing toward where I was, and we locked eyes, making my heart stop.

Oh… Crap!

I tried to control my heartbeat, knowing their hearing was the best among the competitors. Luckily, Liam shrugged before continuing. However, he left my body cold and shaky from the experience alone.

How stupid am I? The spell on the ring wouldn’t have let you see me either way! But…

The brown wolf was too sharp to overlook or underestimate. Surely, he would've seen me if I hadn’t done this preparation beforehand. Still, the way he gazed towards me sent shivers down my spine.

Liam, you’re a scary beast!

Putting aside All the information I gained made everything even more concerning. It confirmed so many things while jumbling up others. However, I wouldn’t have time to analyze anything. The moon was already halfway eclipsed, and Fenris sat alone by the clearing, staring at it.

I wouldn’t move from where I was until the barrier activated. It was the only way for me to know that Liam was far away from us in case Fenris raised any alarms.

One problem at a time, and right now, that’s Fenris.

After all, there were too many things I didn’t understand. Time magic was something I thought only god artifacts held by royal Lycans and vampires could manage.

Perhaps the fabled witches, too. What the soul cairn is capable of is one of the first things on my list to figure out.

Part of me wondered if a time shift had happened the other time we were there. I fell into the cairn. I had no way to know, though. Shaking the thoughts away, I turned towards Fenris, who seemed impatient. He paced back and forth while staring upward at the moon.

When the barrier went up, I took a final deep breath, deciding slowly to step out of my hiding place.

Lily, I’ll stay here, but if he tries anything, I’ll— Shade wouldn’t finish as I nodded.

I know. It won’t come to that, hopefully.

The moment I got close enough to Fenris, he turned towards me. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped before he shook his head. The night had only just begun.

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