The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Dimension

The so-called ‘dimension’ is a powerful tool in Fan Zhe’s understanding. It is a piece of image work software that contains advanced technology that he can’t even understand.

For example, this newly released ultra-short film of only thirteen seconds is actually a trial work made by Fan Zhe after obtaining the ‘Dimension’.

He just drew a conceptual original painting, drew a few original character design paintings, and imported them into the “Dimensional System”. Then, through the operation instructions of the “Dimensional System” itself, he directly completed the entire huge modeling work, and Through simple programming techniques, the lens, physical collision and other aspects of the work are also processed.

The ‘Dimension’ system is a huge treasure house and a powerful tool that transcends reality. This treasure house, Fan Zhe has not discovered much temporarily, but the only part that has been explored is enough to make him amazed.

Currently, the function he has explored is called ‘dimensional image’ by him.

This function can use the imported scenes, characters and concept original paintings to build extremely fine models through intelligent calculations, and perform action calculations according to the split-mirror design of the original paintings, and finally form high-quality animations.

This thirteen-second super-standard animation was created independently by Fan Zhe through the “dimensional image”.

After the work is completed, the rendering process is the most time-consuming.

The full film is 13 seconds, the standard frame rate of 24 movies, and a total of 312 images.

To complete the rendering of more than 300 images, with such a high-end picture effect, only relying on a laptop computer? That was pure joking.

This kind of movie-level production cannot be done by a personal computer.

In the end, Fan Zhe chose to throw it to the rendering farm and did not get the finished product until today. For this, he also spent a lot of money. For Fan Zhe, who is shy with his wallet at the moment, it is quite painful.

This also reflects the power of the ‘Dimensional System’. A lot of pre-processing work, the ‘dimensional system’ has actually been optimized very well, otherwise, even if it’s only a 13-second picture, it’s impossible to render it so cheaply.

Don’t talk about anything else, it’s just a motion blur technology that is used beyond reality. Otherwise, under 24 frame rate, there will inevitably be a stuttering feeling of unsmooth picture. Moreover, during the production process, Fan Zhe deliberately took into account the subsequent rendering issues, and chose more skillful methods in many production methods. Otherwise, the rendering cost of the surface will be prohibitively high.

But in any case, this kind of animation that the top special effects company can produce, even if it only takes 13 seconds, can be completed within two months by only one person, and the total cost is only three thousand yuan, which is already very It’s hard to imagine, this is almost one-thousandth of the cost needed to make the corresponding finished product.

Through this trial production, Fan Zhe also further understood that the technological level contained in the ‘Dimensional System’ is definitely not reachable by this planet.

This unknown chip may come from the future? Maybe from an alien? Fan Zhe didn’t know.

But in any case, this does not affect Fan Zhe’s use of it.

Thinking of this, he tore off the necklace from his neck.

The necklace was a gift that Ye Jiayi bought him on the first anniversary of their marriage. When he decided to divorce, he wanted to throw it away, but in the end it didn’t.

This is the last thing on him that has something to do with Ye Jiayi, and he can’t bear it.

“Thousands of dollars are gone with this throw…”

But at this time, this necklace has a more important purpose.

From the suitcase, he took out the well-placed chip, which happened to have a ring on it, and Fan Zhe strung it on the necklace.

The chips were stringed together and stay on the neck. Fan Zhe decided that unless they were to be used in the future, they would not be killed.

sat down again, and he thought about another thing.

Economic issues.

Poverty is the original sin, not to mention that he not only has no money in his hands, but also owes more than 500,000 yuan outside.

Originally, he was planning to find a job, in addition to sacrificing his rest time, and frantically taking on outsourcing, in order to fill in the debt hole as soon as possible.

Although the amount of debts of more than 500,000 yuan is not small, after all, he can be regarded as a person who relies on craftsmanship. I didn’t lose my craft, find a job with a good salary, and work harder to pick up the job myself, it won’t take a few years to get the money back.

But when I think about it, Fan Zhe still feels painful to live a life of crazy money and almost no time for himself.

However, now that he has a ‘dimension’, it seems that he has other options.

In the future, Fan Zhe can of course have greater goals with his ‘dimension’. But at the moment, paying off the debt is definitely the number one priority.

Sitting on the chair and thinking for a while, Fan Zhe got up and prepared to put water in the bathroom.

After a refreshing moment, he opened the bathroom door and came out. He faintly heard the quarrel from his parents’ room.

thought his parents were arguing, he was going to persuade him. When he walked to the door, he stopped when he heard the conversation between the two of them coming through the door.

“…First pay back the money from Jiaming’s house. Recently, he has called me several times, saying that his family is planning to buy a house, and his money is really shameless.”

“More than 30,000, how can we pay it back…” Li Rong’s voice was a bit sad.

“Why don’t you borrow some more?”

“Who can I borrow…”

Hearing this, Fan Zhe took two steps back and did not continue listening.

The Jia Ming that the old man said is called Fan Jiaming. He is Fan Qing’s cousin and Fan Zhe’s cousin. The two have a good relationship. A few years ago, when Fan Qing drove eight rounds of earthwork, he borrowed money to buy the car, and Tang Shu Jiaming paid the most money. Over the years, they have paid back one after another. Fan Zhe originally thought it had been paid off, but he didn’t expect it to be a lot worse.

There is no drama to force debts. In reality, where are so many unscrupulous relatives borrowing money to cheat others?

But that’s the way it is, the most helpless. It stands to reason that my uncle’s house is already interesting enough. It is not a rich family in itself. I borrowed a small amount of money to Fan Qing at low interest rate. I haven’t urged anything in a few years. Now my son is going to get married and prepare for the marriage room. What’s wrong with money?

There is no problem. Fan Zhe’s family can’t get the money, which is the biggest problem.

It seems that the use of ‘dimensions’ to make money is already imminent. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Go back to his room and check the time. It is about four o’clock in the afternoon. After a while, he picked up the phone, found a number that he hadn’t contacted for a long time, and broadcasted it.

The call was quickly connected, and a slightly frivolous voice rang: “Yo, Boss Fan, how long have you not called me?”

The person on the other side of the phone is called Lu Yuxiang, an intermediary that Fan Zhe had known in the early years. When Fan Zhe first entered the industry, he was as poor as a dog, and he often took some private work from this man.

However, afterwards, Fan Zhe’s level became higher, and it was not necessary to take on outsourcing, and the contact with Lu Yuxiang gradually disappeared. Especially eight months ago, after he devoted himself to the game company he invested in, he didn’t even contact him. Now, when he got in touch suddenly, Fan Zhe felt a little strange in his heart.

He quickly adjusted his mentality: “Ahem… something is wrong.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Lao Lu, do you have any outsourcing suitable for me to do?”

“Oh! Boss Fan, are you kidding me? You still need to do outsourcing? Didn’t you start your own company?”

Across the phone, Fan Zhe could feel Lu Yuxiang’s surprise over there.

“Stop calling the boss, there is something wrong with my company.” Fan Zhe didn’t want to talk more, this is not a glorious thing.

“Understand and understand…” Lu Yuxiang thought for a while, and said, “I still believe in the level of Boss Fan. I do have a few illustrations in my hands. The requirements are relatively high and the prices are good. I am still worried that I can’t find master paintings. Well, as a result, Mr. Fan, you brought it to your door. I will send you all the requests in a while. You can see…”

“No, Lao Lu, I don’t want to take illustrations. Do you have any suitable CG short film outsourcing?”

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