The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Homecoming

Xunyang’s sunshine is old, and it doesn’t seem to have changed much from when he left five years ago.

The end of spring is not too hot, especially in Xunyang, a very pleasant place. Walking out of the tunnel of the train station, with a breeze blowing, Fan Zhe, who had been on the train for more than ten hours, stepped back on the land of his hometown, his groggy head was much sober.

He looked at the fat man standing in front of the station. He wanted to give him a hug, but in the end he just smiled.

A man is the most shy. He can say the world’s most nasty and sweet words to his beloved woman, but to his father, even a hug will feel hypocritical and embarrassed.


“Hmm.” The fat man with a darker complexion nodded, with a smile on his face, “Have you eaten yet?”


“Why don’t you eat something in the car?”

“The things in the car are not tasty and expensive.”

“It’s okay, your mother left you to eat at home, go home and eat.”

During the conversation, Fan Qing led Fan Zhe to a pickup truck parked on the side of the road outside Xunyang Station.

The white pickup truck looks a bit old, and the two big red letters “Coach” written on the hood are very eye-catching.

When he was young, Fan’s father worked in a first-tier city. Later, as he got older, he couldn’t do well, so he returned to his hometown. In the last eight rounds of driving the sands a few years ago, he lost money due to policy issues, so he took a one-year break and transferred to a driving school coach. A veteran driver of 20 to 30 years, this is what it can do.

At that time, Fan Zhe was in college, and his expenses were high. The family owed a debt, and he has not been able to pay it back all these years.

Opened the pickup door, Fan Qing wanted to help Fan Zhe lift the suitcase, but he refused.

“I can do it myself.”

Dad Fan didn’t force it, and sat in the cab.

As soon as the car started and left the station, Fan Qing said, “How long are you going to stay here this time?”

“I guess I will stay for a while, maybe I won’t leave.”

“Huh? Don’t leave? Then…” Fan Qing hesitated, sighed, and said: “It’s okay. I have been out for five years. I haven’t been able to come back a few times. Your mother missed you too. it is good.”


After a while, Dad Fan spoke again: “Then your company is really out of control?”

Fan Zhe twisted his hips, and the coach pickup truck was uncomfortable: “The employees have been paid and dismissed, the place has been sub-leased, the equipment that can be sold is sold, and several partners have lost money. I accept my fate, what else can I do?”

“How much do you owe?”

“After the settlement, I still owe 200,000 yuan, plus the money borrowed before, almost 500,000 yuan.”

Hearing this, Fan Qing turned his head to look at his son, and found that the expression on his face was not so heavy.

Dad Fan knew that he was under pressure to suppress his heart, and he didn’t want to worry his family. But he was not good at words, and he didn’t know how to comfort his son at this time. He can only say: “If you have anything, just tell me.”

Fan Zhe rejoiced: “What can you do if you are earning three or four thousand dollars this month? Don’t worry, your son can still afford it.”

“How to pay it back?”

“Slowly go back, how old I am.” Fan Zhe couldn’t see any pressure on his face, and smiled lightly. He thought about the chip in his suitcase, and he felt more relaxed.

Fan Zhe is an original painter. He took art training classes from the beginning of junior high school, took the art test for college entrance examination, and studied animation design at Shenghai Art College. After graduating, I stayed in Shenghai and took part in work. I have been in the original painting circle for almost five years.

Life in a big city is not that easy. Although the salary in this industry is not low, I think too much about being rich.

is always a somewhat ambitious person. I don’t want to go down like this. I just have the opportunity to take advantage of the hot wave of hand-gaming and have a partner pull him to become the art director.

While investing in technology, Fan Zhe also invested a lot of money. The money he saved from working for a few years and the large amount of borrowing were thrown in.

Then, it was a nightmare year.

Several projects in a row were still dead, the company has been unable to continue, investors also lost their confidence, and finally ended.

The money that Fan Zhe threw in didn’t even think about getting it back. He didn’t even get his eight-month salary, and he almost starved to death in Shenghai. The company went bankrupt and liquidated, and the only thing left for him was a U disk that he didn’t know where it came from. It was the last time he went to the company and took it from a table.

Under the severe blow, Fan Zhe was also depressed for a while before slowly getting over.

Then, when he used a USB flash drive to copy files, he realized that it was not a USB flash drive that he got in hand.

That is a chip that came from nowhere, let alone who produced it. After it is connected to a computer, it can directly work.

About to learn about the function of this chip, Fan Zhe quickly became excited.

The software on this chip is called the ‘dimension system’.

The so-called ‘dimension’ is a powerful tool in Fan Zhe’s understanding. It is a piece of image work software that contains advanced technology that he can’t even understand.

Fan Zhe suspects that this thing is an extraterrestrial product, and has never heard of any company or organization on this planet that can produce things with this level of technology.

took his father’s car and returned home.

The old community has not changed much from the situation when he left home to go to Shenghai five years ago. Everything still looks so familiar in his eyes.

His family lives on the fifth floor in an old community without elevators, so they can only walk up the narrow corridor with their luggage.

Fortunately, Fan Zhe didn’t bring much back home this time.

walked upstairs, the door of the house was already open, Fan Zhe’s mother, Li Rong, appeared outside the door, with a smile on her face that could not be concealed.

“When I heard the footsteps upstairs, I guessed it was you.” Li Rong opened the door and let the father and son into the door.

As soon as    entered the room, his nose was full of fragrance, still accompanied by the familiar taste of his entire childhood and youth.

Li Rong’s cooking skills are widely praised by many relatives and friends. Everyone who comes to Fan’s family as a guest will definitely praise Fan’s mother’s craftsmanship.

Putting the luggage in the living room, sitting at the dining table, looking at the whole table of dishes, Fan Zhe said, “Mom, what are you doing with so many dishes? Just the three of us, where can we finish eating.”

Li Rong smiled and said: “Eating, it’s all your favorite. I’ll make something for you tomorrow.”

Hearing this from his mother, Fan Zhe was not hypocritical. He moved his chopsticks and praised as he ate.

Throughout the whole process, Li Rong was watching with a smile.

After a while, when Fan Zhe was almost finished eating, Li Rong suddenly thought of a question.

She asked, “By the way, Xiaozhe, why did Jiayi not come back with you this time?”

Fan Zhe paused after eating, then raised his head and said calmly: “I divorced Jia Yi.”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Li Rong and Fan Qing all changed.

“Divorce?!” Fan Qingmeng patted the table, “What’s the matter?”

The chubby Father Fan was frightened and angry at the moment. Fan mother sitting next to him was not much better in mood.

The news of my son’s divorce came so suddenly. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the old couple.

What’s more, the couple have been very satisfied with their daughter-in-law Ye Jiayi since they first met a few years ago.

Divorce? It was terrible news.

If the old couple were healthy, it would not be impossible for them to suffer from heart disease.

“It’s my fault.” Fan Zhe said, “I don’t blame Jia Yi.”

“Don’t think that you can fool it!” Fan said with a grimace, “Why didn’t you tell us about the divorce in advance? I said why she didn’t come back together, you stinky kid!”

Fan’s mother Li Rong covered her face, tears almost falling: “What the **** is going on? Why is it divorced?”

“I didn’t have a good relationship some time ago. After a quarrel, I got divorced.” Fan Zhe didn’t explain too much. He really didn’t want to say more about this, especially with his parents.

Fan Zhe’s ex-wife Ye Jiayi is from Shenghai. His father died in a car accident and was brought up by her mother. But her mother also passed away the year she graduated from college.

Fate is not friendly to her.

The two met and fell in love in Shenghai five years ago. At that time, Fan Zhe had just started working for a few years, and Ye Jiayi was still in graduate school. Three years ago, Ye Jiayi graduated from graduate school, and the two entered marriage.

Ye Jiayi can be regarded as a character like a tyrant, and he has the meaning of some strong women. After graduating, she quickly went into work. In three years, he has achieved the position of middle-level leadership of Shenghai’s well-known investment bank, and the future is bright.

It’s just that, and because of this, their married life is far less beautiful than they thought before marriage. Ye Jiayi’s work is very busy, Fan Zhe is not much better. In addition, housing loans, car loans, and both of them are people who have certain requirements for the quality of life. Economic pressure and other various problems make them have a lot of problems. proudce conflict.

All of this broke out after the company in which Fan Zhe participated in the investment collapsed.

Beforehand, Ye Jiayi did not agree with Fan Zhe’s investment in that mobile game company. It’s right to chase hot spots, but as an investor, Ye Jiayi is not optimistic about the prospects of Fan Zhe’s mobile game company.

According to her, Fan Zhe’s company ‘lack of core competitiveness’, ‘market research is naive and immature’, ‘investors and partners are not reliable’…

Facts have proved that Ye Jiayi’s judgment is correct.

It’s just that Fan Zhe didn’t think so at the time. He had a big quarrel with his wife, and then devoted himself to the work of the new company.

During those few months, he and Ye Jiayi were basically in a state of cold war. What is ridiculous is that during that period, Fan Zhe had no income, and all the expenses of the family were supported by Ye Jiayi alone.

After the company closed down, Fan Zhe’s loss naturally does not need to be said, but the most serious blow to him was that he once found his wife’s boss and the man named David was pursuing her.

It is a sea turtle plus a rich second generation, but it is not the kind of silly bag, they are quite capable and personable. No matter from which aspect, it is much better than Fan Zhe.

He had a big quarrel with Ye Jiayi because of this incident, and the two ended up divorcing.

Calm down and think about it. Fan Zhe felt that he himself had to bear some responsibility for the failure of the marriage.

Ye Jiayi has a strong personality, which is true, but when I think about myself at the time, he was a jerk. After eating soft food for several months, his temper was still so irritable, and the cloud of career failure hung over his head, which made his mentality really out of balance.

But the entanglement between my own wife and the younger and more financially rich boss can’t be tolerated.

Angrily, the divorce agreement was signed, and he returned to his hometown the next day after turning around.

These words, he didn’t want to tell his parents, they were meaningless. But his parents would never let him go like this, and asked him for a long time. Fan Zhe didn’t want to say anything, and he was able to get out until the sky showed some signs of dimming.

“What to eat tonight?” Fan Zhe turned his head and asked before entering the room.

“Eat, eat, and you know how to eat! Leftovers tonight!” Li Rong didn’t give him a good face.

Back in the room, he rubbed his face, threw away the bad mood, and sat down in front of the computer.

Clicking on the group of icons made up of complex colored lines on the desktop, he launched the software called ‘Dimension’.

‘Dimension’ is the system carried in the mysterious chip in his hand, and is authorized to be used on the laptop he is currently using. The subsequent use does not need to be activated by the chip.

Of course, if the computer is lost, it does not matter. As long as the chip is still in hand, he can withdraw the license for any hardware or network equipment at any time, so that this mysterious system cannot be activated. At the same time, this chip can only be activated by himself.

‘hum’, the heat dissipation system of his highly equipped alien notebook was squeezed to the maximum.

I knew that today, he would buy such a game notebook when he was full. How good would it be to add money to buy a mobile workstation?

The game harms people and ruins my future!

Well, you can call LOL when you finish your business later…

‘Dimensional System’, it’s not just a laptop that can run it.

Fan Zhe acquired the ‘dimensionality’. Although it didn’t take long for him to figure out what it was, he became very passionate about it. UU reading

This kind of enthusiasm is even enough to wipe out the downturn caused by the company’s bankruptcy and marriage failure.

Open the work interface skillfully, and the animation that has been rendered for a long time is finally completed.

The entire animation is not long, only thirteen seconds, not even a short film.

But the content is not simple.

From the entire face of an elderly man, slowly zooming the lens, then to this fantastic street scene with people coming and going, and then to the whole magnificent and beautiful city built on the edge of the cliff, and then it ends.

Although the time is short, there are a large number of models, a large number of characters, and dazzling and amazing city scenes. These things contain great technical content. Just the construction of those models is almost a long-term investment from a top company.

What’s even more amazing is that, from the character modeling to the urban streetscape, the whole style combines realism and magic very well.

To achieve such a level of technology, the industry’s top special effects company cannot.

However, Fan Zhe did all of this alone.

From the concept design, the original artwork, to the model building, the character’s expression and movement design, except for the final rendering…all he does.

Although it took a little longer, especially the smart construction on the model, it almost killed his laptop. He ran for 24 hours without interruption, and it took a long time to finish. As for the final rendering of the film, it is not something that can be done with a computer, it was thrown to the rendering farm by him.

But despite this, this is still an incredible thing.

And the reason why he can accomplish all this depends entirely on ‘dimension’.

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