The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 265: Cruising along 3

She walked with this attractive saunter to her, demanding the attention of all eyes in the room. Her arms swayed either side of her as her eyes sparked with brilliant orange opalescense. She dressed well and pretty, clad in a near pure white sailors uniform with all the extraneous gold ornamentations expected of someone in her line of work.

Parc trailed up her supple legs before landing on her wide hips, they were pulled and squeezed by her white pencil skirt. He wished he could take a peak beneath, see what she was hiding beneath there. On her top, her breasts didn't quite bulge and strain the buttons, but they were nearing that point with their ample lower D-cup plumpness. Licking his lips, Parc landed on her face and smirked at the stern, yet almost worried furrowing of her brow. She was cutesy, but in this mature kind of way that said 'I will laugh, then I will rip you apart.'

Her gaze wandered about, dashing between the line of guests slowly being filtered down by the stewards who were finally able to sign them in, though not quite fast enough. Then she turned to Parc and Bleu, landing on the admin first where she quirked a curious look as if questioning what one of those trembling buffoons was doing down here. When she noticed Bleu, she also noticed Parc and subsequently Blake.

Just like that she perked up and strode towards them. Every millimeter she grew closer the admin's puckering noises silenced until he was practically sweating himself thin. "Good evening," she said. On her right breast a nametag 'Aurora' "pardon my intrusion." Crossing a hand over her breast she focused on Parc and continued, "I overheard a stewardess was here to guide a Parc Evans to the Emperors Suite, would that happen to be you sir?"

"Pardon me, but that child is not going to the Emperors suite." Before Parc could even open his mouth, Bleu spoke up. His hands latched behind his back to his the tight clamping he had around his wrist. His mind wandering to what this woman, this captain judging by those markings on her shoulder, was doing here. Why would she personally come to guide someone, a child at that, to a room. "I was the one to purchase it after all. If anyone should be heading there, It is I and my wife."

The captain lifted her brow but billowed with disinterest before facing the man completely. "I presume you are mr. Bleu Brandy correct?" the man nodded, her breast jiggled but she stood stoic, uncaring for the eyes drawn to her pert mammaries. "Then I can only apologize, but we have had to alter our logs and move you down a class." Bleu's expression stilled, "I ensured personally that a message was sent to the Brandy residence not three weeks ago explaining this as well as offering a refund to match the pricing of the Regent suite."

Bleu stood there, stock still and broken like a machine left to rust out in the wild. When he replied, his voice was laced with confusion and no amounts of unbidden anger. "Absolutely not, I booked that suite, and I demand that suite! What did this boy do to deserve it when I payed that ridiculous price tag!" he bellowed heavily, now attracting the scrunched in annoyance faces of their surrounding guests.

"He tripled what you payed." The captain said it so nonchalantly, so without care that Bleu's fuming ears took moments to process its words and for his red face to quell to a pale.

"Pardon me?"

"What was it now?" the captain glanced to Parc, pinching her chin she squeeze her breast causing the dulcet breast to squish and conform around her arm, unable to move to the side due to her tightly adhearing vest. "Three hundred and fifty thousand I believe it was?"

"Three twenty five." Parc corrected. "The extra twenty five was a 'donation.'" He laughed knowingly, earning himself a quirk of the captains plump red lips.

"Ah yes, that's what it was." She winked his way, happier than a penny for the extra weight to her wallet, no, to her 'charity.' Looking back to Bleu, her smile dissipated like ashes in the wind, but found a slight pleasure in the hung jaw of the man. Besides him she focused on the admin, Ambros the man was called, though the only reason she remembered him was because of that time one of the other admins had found one of those male masturbators in his drawer while searching for some paperclips. He hadn't washed it out and it had been leaking, staining some papers with his horridness.

Preferably, the man would have been tossed overboard then and there. Having something like that in the workplace was a no-no, sadly, his father had connections. Those connections kept him in place, glued behind a desk with a warning. So far there hadn't been any issues bar the uncomfortable rumours of the girls panties going missing and his distaste for them even so much as having any romantic moments with their partners.

Clapping her hands and holding them there, Bleu and Ambros jolted and turned to her as she rubbed her palms together in a vicarious manner. "Now then, I would much rather we not disturb the rest of the guests. Ambros, please see to it that mr. Brandy is refunded up until the the lord suite tier as an apology for the sudden change to our planning."

Ambrose didn't respond in time as Aurora was already twisting Parc and Blake's way. "Mr Evans, Ms Belladonna, if you'll follow me, I will take you right to your room to settle in." Holding one hand out to the side, she began to move but not before casting one final look over her shoulders to Ambros and Bleu, "I wish you and your wife a pleasant voyage mr Brandy. Have a good evening and I will see you at the take off party." Already striding forth, Parc nudged Blake and the girl rolled her eyes. Following behind, Parc grabbed her luggage and pulled it along, leaving in their wake the two dumbfounded men.

Unable to help himself, Parc glanced down the captains back, falling to her pert bottom. The sway of her sauntering hips was like a coin held aloft by a string being swung back and forth. Her ass was tight, the fabric of her skirt didn't dig into the crack of her ass, but it certainly conformed around the hem of her panties, letting him see and gawk hornily at the mysteriousness of the sight. He was half tempted to charge her then and there, to rip up that skirt, to shove her against the wall and bury himself between those thick thighs of hers as he ravaged her quivering snatch and made her cry his name all day and night.

Parc swallowed those thoughts and felt a shove at his side. A turn down and he saw Blake shivering, her face scarlet and a sheen to her skin as her thighs pressed together. He could smell it coming from her, that sluttish, animalistic lust and mirthfully hummed knowing all to well that whatever she'd been smelling from him had grown stronger with his rising internal desires.

"That was quite the show back there." The captain slowed her pace as they turned the corner into a new hallway, bringing them soon to a stop before a new elevator. From her breast pocket, she pulled a small keycard and laid it over a scanner. The elevator hummed to life and opened nigh instantaneously before them, allowing them entry into its warm and wide interior.

"Was it? Didn't look particularly interesting to me." Parc laughed, casting her not quite a full look, but a turn of his eyes and peered down the collar of her vest and towards that crevice formed by her tits being pushed together. He could just imagine how they'd feel wrapping around his cock, not quite like Yang's but Parc was certainly not going to complain either way. "Just an old arrogant man."

The captain smirked and shook her head, "yet you can't say he's wrong. If anything he did have right to this room before you came along."

"Precisely. Before. Except now is now and the past is in the past. Whinging about lifes unfairness is pointless. Plus, considering how he was complaining about paying seventy thousand for the room, I doubt he could even match what I did."

Staring at the silver door before her, she nodded and grunted softly. "My thoughts exactly. I'd rather deal with life calmly then complain about every curve ball it throws my way." Without her noticing, Parc snaked his hand behind Blake's back. The girl trembled but didn't pull away as she felt his thick, calloused fingers tickled across her spine before ending just above her butt where he trailed teasing circles across her sacrum. It was like a prelude to her as he mind raced and her pussy clenched with animal excitement. As a faunus, they weren't to give into their instincts, all it would do was prove that they were more animal than man, yet here and now, her instincts could only imagine what those fingers, thick and gentle could do to her body. To leave her on the floor or the bed or wherever, shivering as they twisted and rubbed her puffing clit.

Blake bit her lip, muffling whatever noises she was making but in that elevator where the only noises were that of the machinery lifting them and the low breathing of the three individuals. It still rang loud.

The Captain could hear it, those low panted breaths. A slight turn of her head was all she needed to see the black haired girls shivers and Parc's arm hooking around her back. If she leaned back a little, pretended to be stretching herself, what would she see? The idea of a man burrowing his hand deep into a girls pants, fingering her in public was a debauched, undoubtedly deviant thing. Then again, who was she to complain. It wasn't as if she'd given herself a nice time on the beach or even on the poolside.

Without letting it be known that she knew, Aurora looked up to the screen over the elevator door just as it hit a capitalized 'E' and splayed open. She was the first to extradite herself out and into the short hallway beyond. To the left of the elevator was a staircase leading down to the Regent suites, they had four of them, beneath them was the Lords and even further down was the rest of the rooms. The smaller ones for the more reasonably priced families and couples.

She lead them across the hall, noting when she stopped and spun how Blake, the girl, was calmer and how Parc's hand was hanging at his hip. "And we're here," she said, with her master card she held it against the scanner plate and opened it for them, allowing Parc and Blake to enter first before she followed suit but went no further than just beyond the doorway. "I won't linger much longer, It was a pleasure meeting you mr Evans, ms Belladonna, but I must be returning to the bridge to prepare for our push off."

Parc turned to her as Blake marveled at the regally large room clad in elegant and modern furniture and amenities. "It's been a pleasure as well," he said, his smile knowing and reciprocated, "captain."

She chortled lowly at the title, "please, call me Aurora."

"Alright then. Aurora it is. It's been a pleasure meeting you."

"Likewise," sweeping back a lock of her hair, she held her hand over her face, plumped up her chest and let him ogle unashamedly at her tits. His hungering gaze humped her every form and even now, she could feel her nipples engorging and her reasoning urging her to fucking him senseless. "I will be seeing you at the push off celebration." With a bow of her head, she exited the room, closing tight the door behind her and made way into the elevator. It wouldn't take her to thr bridge, there was a different elevator for that.

Looking up, she scanned the ceiling, knowing full well there was a hidden camera in one of the corners. Top right if she remembered right. Which was a pity. She was half tempted to dig in then and there, get a little of that lust out of her system. 'Then again,' she pondered, her cheeks almost aching red as she licked her lips, wettening their painted red appeal before biting softly on the tip of her tongue. 'I could hold back for a bit. Let it build up…' just like that, she swallowed lustily.

When the elevator dinged and the doors opened wide, she calmed herself, pushed out her chest and strode with purpose past the two groups of guests heading upwards.

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