The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 264: Cruising along 2

Parc kept still, he stared at Blake a bit longer, his eyes soft and a wink to his right eye telling her he was going to enjoy this more than was reasonable. She ducked her gaze to the side, feeling her cheeks heat and her stomach clench, it was cruel how he could raise such animalistic urges just by standing there, smiling, like a child getting his way. A thunk pulled her gaze back to Parc's overconfident posture as his expression morphed to a quizzical nature and turned to the man.

"Are you talking to me?" he said innocently enough. His hand dug into his pocket on the left while his right lifted to hold the counter behind which the steward was sucking his lips, eyes wide watching both fearfully and anticipatorily at the scene weltering before him.

"Why yes, I am. I do believe there's been a mistake here." The man arched his eye to the steward attending him and his wife with a firey stupor then faced Parc directly in his sharp crimson eyes. Not even flinching from their twisting allure that kept twitching any Faunus he encountered into intense arousal. "I had booked the penthouse for me and my wife." He eyed Parc up and down, his expression a scowl laden with seeming jealousy at the stoic, masculine boy before him. A gem of a true man without the flab of age and neglection of diet.

"Really now? That's odd, because I'm pretty sure I also booked the penthouse." Parc pinched his chin coolly and glanced teasingly to the steward. "I don't believe they'd just double book us, that seems too stupid," saying so, he faced the counter and questioned the steward directly, "you wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?"

The steward bit his lip, undecided for an answer and squirmed pinching the cufflink of his left sleeve, "I apologize sirs, but the booking is something not handled by us at the front desk. As my colleague has informed the sir," he held his hand up to the older man beside Parc, "an attendant from administration will be here shortly to rectify this situation." Little did the others know, sweat had coated his back, visibly drenching his little red top.

"I see," Parc mulled, faking a frown and narrowing of his brow as he squirmed uncomfortably. Just enough to give off this sense that he wasn't looking for the trouble an administration worker would bring. The man seeing this, lifted his lips at the ends, when Parc looked to him, the man's head was inclined, his eyes turned down though it did little to intimidate Parc considering he was well past a few centimetres shorter than him.

"Well, I still booked the room," Parc mulled, his body hunching as if weighed down by the inexplicable weight of his acting. "And considering we were the ones to get the keys, I don't see why I would have to give it up even if the administrator came along." Lifting the key, Parc let the little black box dangle over its golden chain.

Fury rumbled in the gentleman's eyes, "that is absolutely unacceptable," he bellowed lowly, drawing a few faint eyes as a red flush stole his cheeks cherry. "I was the one to book it first, therefore it is I who should be having that key." He shot his hand out, attempting to snatch it from Parc but Parc quickly jerked it away letting his hand race through the air hitting nothing at all.

"Excuse you, but you can't just snatch the keys from me." Parc steamed, falsely, but so convincing enough that the woman behind the man stepped up and softly placed her hand over his lower arm hoping to quell him as she said softly.

"Dear, please calm down. I don't want you fighting for something so unimportant."

As the man turned, his gaze was hollow and filled with ire, "Marigold, quiet, please, I am busy here darling. I booked this suite specifically for us to enjoy. I will not just have it stolen by some child."

Parc narrowed but said nothing, not yet, he could see the man was about to say something else to his presumed wife.

"Now, would you let go of me, dear? Just wait over there for a bit until I sort this out then we can enjoy ourselves, alright?" it was astounding to Parc how cruel yet simultaneously soft the man could speak. It twisted something inside him, gave him this premonition just based on how she was acting against him. Like a pet, she had no choice beneath his domineering attitude. Perhaps it was hypocritical for him to think like that considering his own female relationships, but he at least liked to believe his girls had an agency with him. That they could speak freely and he would listen. This couple, he couldn't see that happening in the slightest.

The woman, Marigold, hesitated, cast her eyes to Parc and let them run over his soft features before seemingly ageing a year as her head soon drooped sullenly and spun. She inched herself forwards, steps slow and close together that just barely swayed her hips causing her rump to jiggle like jelly. Drawing Parc's gaze approvingly to her choice of loose-fitting sundress and warm cardigan top that fell into the crack of her ass and showed off their perfect roundness.

The gentleman, Parc had yet to hear his name, grumbled inaudibly at Parc's lecherous sparkle and let out a more audible growl. "Do not look at my wife like that child."

Parc's head shook twice before landing back on the man with a coy, almost apologetic expression. "Sorry about that, she's just a beautiful woman. I couldn't help but be drawn her way." His quelling words ineffectual as the man's expression hardened and twisted colder.

As they stared each other down, Blake heard the whistle of an elevator coming to a stop and turned across the fine walls and to a slick silver sliding door where a young man pushed out. He was slightly portly but his clothing fit him perfectly, the buttons not even straining as he jiggled with lumbering strides towards the counter. His bright, golden eyes landed on Blake first and grew with, in tandem with that rotten 'pheromone' Blake could only compare to sexual incompetence.

Compared to Parc the man was… just not fit. Not because of his physical attribute, nothing like that. More that he just didn't seem to… have it? It was hard for her to truly comprehend, perhaps if Parc wasn't beside her and she wasn't focusing half her brain on not drenching her panties she may not have verily noticed it.

Approaching them, the man came to a rumbling halt that caused his beer belly to bounce and dance as he said, "good evening, I have heard there has been some mistake with your accommodation, may I know which of you sirs is having this issue?" he looked between Parc and the man, scowling jealously when he landed on Parc's built body. His muscles and thin form, his height that the sexy little lady just behind him was blatantly cooing over with how she moved and trembled in his direction.

Perhaps the portly man didn't notice it himself, but to Parc it was clear as day that the man was purposefully standing closer to the older man. Like a guard dog ready to snap should Parc get so much as a centimetre closer. 'Ohhhh, I'm going to have so much fun wrecking you a new one bubby. You have no idea.' Parc cackled silently. Behind him, Blake's nose twitched as she smelt something new to him, excitement, not sexual, but cruel anticipation.

"I am." The man spoke, his thumb rubbed over his index and middle as he turned slightly towards the administrator boy. His chest puffed and confident, unyielding like a lion ruling over his prairie. "Apparently something has happened on your part which has double booked me and this child." Parc kindly ignored the jab to his young age, "worse yet, he was the one to be given the keys when I was the one to have booked the penthouse near a year ago."

For a second Parc's eyes flared, 'didn't he say six months?' he had, but a year sounded oh so much worse than a measly six.

"Really now?" the portly accountant recoiled in shook. The fat on his face jiggled and his greasy red hair swept over his face was quickly guided back over his head before looking to Parc with latent hatred. It was stupid really, the hate that is. All it was going to do was kick the boy in the head. "I'm sure we can remedy this quickly." The boy sloshed his hands together and Parc could hear the squishing of his sweaty hands rubbing together. When the man separated his hands, he wiped them down over his vest and dug into his pocket, pulling out a little black scroll that he quickly opened and activated. Unlike the usual ones, this one flipped up, opening into a large—relatively speaking—crystalline screen that he tapped a few things into before looking up to the man.

"May I have your names please?" he 'kindly' said.

"Bleu Brandy." The man said.

"Parc Evans," Parc responded, watching with a sly smile as the administrator tapped in their details into whatever registry there was on them.

The first he found was Bleu's, it was high up in the list, right at the top of the first bookings, businesses mostly, but besides his name in a little box was 'EPH' Emperor penthouse, that was his room designation. But oddly enough it was stricken out and in the 'notes' section, there was something saying 'moved to RPH' the Regent Penthouse, a lesser room, cheaper, but arguably just as quality, if a little smaller. With a few flicks, he was upon Parc, he was right at the bottom, having booked just weeks earlier right at the deadline for bookings. His room was set to the 'EPH' in his notes column, 'Ensure stay is to the topmost quality.'

Lifting his brow at that, the admin looked up to Parc and scowled. 'What does he have that I don't?' he hissed silently, 'a body? Money? A dick as big as his ego?' it angered him fully. Just what did this bastard do to have his name put to the top of the list, at least, to the top of their importance.

"Ahh, I see the issue." He calmed his expression and thoughts and fully turned his egg-shaped head from the scroll, facing Parc, "it appears there's been a slight mistake with our stewards," said stewards took a double-take, the one who had been tending to Parc already on the scroll calling whatever hostess he could to have them come pick Parc up. Somehow expecting the admin's little trick not to work as he believe they wouldn't speak up. They weren't but Parc certainly was. He just stood there confidently and that was all it took to tell them he would. "I have you in the regent penthouse Mr Evans, not the Emperor like sir Bleu." Parc of course noticed the fine choice in calling the old man by sir and him by Mr, implicitly battering him in the face with which he preferred.

Bleu nodded proudly as the admin spoke, "now, would you kindly pass over the keys to sir Bleu then we will get you the proper keys posthaste."

Faking a shocked expression, Parc's mouth hung open, "no, no, no. I booked the Emperor suite."

"I'm sorry sir, but it says right here that you have been booked into one of the Regent suites."

"And I'm saying, I booked the Emperor." He was struggling to keep his lips from quirking, just begging him to let out that little tidbit of information this man apparently didn't know. After all, what genius would deny a man his suite after the generous donation Parc handed to the ship.

"Truly sir, It says here you have been booked to the regent." Admin man stood stoic, head held high and confident.

"Let me see then. Because I know for sure, I didn't."

Bleu smirked down at Parc, finding no lacking amount of pleasure in his distraughtness.

"I'm sorry Mr Evans. But I cannot in good faith allow that. These logs include heavily confidential and private information."

Sucking in his lips, they turned to lines and he squeezed his hands to fists looking about ready to burst a vein. "Fine." He whispered lowly, violently, fakely, "how much is the Regent, because I know I paid the seventy thousand for the emperor. I want a refund till I match it."

"That is understandable Mr Evans, but I myself do not have access to the finances of this ship."

"You literally deal with booking people. How do you not know who pays how much and for what." His voice raised until it was straining not to go any louder.

"Truly, I must apologize Mr Evans, I can contact the ships financial handler and have them contact you. Till then why don't we get you and your lady friend settled into our beautiful Regent suite? I can assure you myself that it is on par with the Emperor suite." His smile did little to help his case.

"No. Have them come out now." And that's when it happened, as if by fate, heads were pulled, at first it was nothing but a quick look but once those thin, shapely legs as if carved by the most proficient marble sculptor clad in nothing but regal olive skin moisturized to a sheen appeared from a doorway leading into the lobby—now filling with the impatient faces of numerous other guests who had been waiting for the stewards to be freed up so they could be signed in faster—did the heads raise high and the administrator's ass pucker and eyes tremble.

It wasn't just a hostess, nor a measly financial worker.

It was the captain herself.

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