TF Amethyst

TFA2 12.2 – First Counter Attack

Although the process was not as easy as initial estimation, in the end 34th Makai Guard Division seized Buriek Guard Area almost in perfect condition. After conducting a short inspection on Buriek Guard HQ, General Berrek chose the main meeting room in the building as his command post. Then, he asked Brigadier Kass and Staff Officer Mikal to meet him.

“Kass, tell me, how could the targeted non-combatant escape from your grip?”

Brigadier Kass took a deep breath before replying, "General, somehow, Buriek Guards reversed the situation just before the victory rolled into our grasp." 

"Tell me the details."

Without delay, Brigadier Kass started explaining. After the assault company secured iron carriage’s garage to prevent any escape attempt, Brigade 34-1 immediately launched the attack and they dominated the fight in the first twenty minutes. 

Then, suddenly Buriek Guard announced through some kind of loudspeakers that non-combatants had to gather in the parking lot on the eastern complex for emergency evacuation.

Brigadier Kass responded by sending Captain Harrak and his squadron. But when they arrived in the parking lot, they were welcomed by hundreds of crossbowmen who took positions on several rooftops. It became an instant massacre and Captain Harrak was killed on the first salvo.

Meanwhile, Captain Ulriek and his squadron who went as reinforcement, was ambushed by hundreds of swordsmen supported by around thirty TF Amethyst's personnel armed with assault rifles. Captain Ulriek and more than half of his men were KIA.

When some scouts managed to track the real retreat corridor, Captain Kail volunteered to conduct a chase and capture attempt. But Buriek Guard managed to predict and intercept their maneuver. Without reinforcement, Captain Kail's squadron was wiped out to the last men.

"General, the destruction of these three squadrons made 34-1 Brigade lose momentum and my own squadron almost got wiped out when we tried to seize this HQ. Fortunately, 34-2 Brigade arrived at the right moment to save us.”

“Damn,” General Berrek cursed under his breath, but he didn’t blame Brigadier Kass as he knew for sure that his most trusted brigadier was a capable field commander. “It seems a clever bastard is leading them."

Staff Officer Mikal nodded before adding, "And he definitely has a nerve steel to be able to take a brilliant action in the middle of cluster fuck.

But as we already knew, there are no high-born officers in this area. I doubt some low-born captains or Lt.s will be able to achieve this feat.”

'Arrogant fool.' General Berrek muttered inwardly as he turned his gaze, “Mikal, remember this, a true commander is born in the battlefield, not in the academy. Whoever this bastard is, if he manage to escape with his life, he will become a formidable general in the future.”

“Understood, General.”

“Well, let’s talk about our next step."

Wasting no time, Staff Officer Mikal opened his note book. “Three kilometers to the east of our position, TF Amethyst built a defensive line but there are no signs for a counter attack."

General Berrek slightly nodded before asking, “How strong?

“I sent a few scouts, but they could only get into a distance of 900 meters or get eliminated by their sharpshooter. So we can’t predict their exact strength.”

“At least, we know their position.” After pondering for a moment, General Berrek asked, "Can we start offensive on the center of Levsait?"

“34-3, 34-4, and 34-5 Brigades are ready to go, in full strength and equipped with the loot from Buriek Guard’s armory. Our combat engineers also already grasped the basic principle of Molotov catapult and ready to support the advance.”

“Is there news from Count Isak?"

"His runner just arrived with a message asking us to start offensive to the center of Levsait." Staff Officer Mikal silent for a moment before continued in low voice, "General, I also managed to obtain some info about their situation."

"Tell me."

"They are ready to launch offensive on the center of Levsait. But in the same time, they still have to secure some of their objective, including their targeted non-combatants."

"It seems our situation is not as bad as I think." General Berrek lightly smiled before continuing, “Let's start our offensive then.”

“Right away, General,” Staff Officer Mikal firmly replied.


With a calm gaze, Brigadier Parrak observed the 34-3 Brigade's formation. The four assault squadrons lined up neatly, ready to march at any time. Behind them, combat engineers were ready to follow with Molotov Catapult and horse carriages full of molotov cocktails.

After taking a depth breadth, Brigadier Parrak then shifted his gaze to three captains under his command. “You heard the order. Let’s start the march.”

“Sir,” One of the captains under Brigadier Parrak’s command said calmly, “May I speak?”

“Say it.”

“34-1 Brigade failed to secure the targeted non-combatant. So right now we don’t have human shields and we have to pass a 3-km open corridor. If TF Amethyst uses their artillery, they will destroy us almost in an instant. This attack is too reckless."

Another captain added, “Why don't we hole up in this area? Using the buildings as a shield for their artillery and forcing their combatant to come to us."

"We can't do that,"  Brigadier Parrak firmly replied.

The targeted non-combatant in Buriek Guard Area consist of doctor, paramedic, language teacher, mechanic and driving instructor, radio specialist, kitchen specialist, and other experts who were needed to shape Buriek Guard so they could operate under TF Amethyst's doctrine.

Their value did not only lie in their role as human shields, but also in the knowledge and skills they have. Therefore, Prince Makar emphasized that these targeted non-combatant must be secured at any price. However, 34th Makai Guard Division failed to achieve this vital objective. 

Therefore, General Berrek couldn't show any sign of cowardice, or his rival would exploit his situation.

After a deep breath, Brigadier Parrak repeated his order, “Let’s start the march.”

“”“As your command,””” 

The three captains under Brigadier Parrak’s command replied in unison. At the same time, commotion rose as hundreds of fire spears suddenly filled eastern horizon. It flew across the night sky in a tight formation, rapidly approaching Buriek Guard Area.

“Is this their fire spears?” One of the captains asked as he recalled a report regarding the insane destruction of TF Amethyst's fire spear.

“Gods in heaven…” Another captain said with a trembling voice.

Meanwhile, the last captain weakly said, “We are dead.”

“FOOL!!” Don’t just stand around like a stone.”  Seeing the three captains under his command broken, Brigadier Parrak snapped. “Take your men into closest building!”

The three captains immediately went back to their senses. Unfortunately, they don’t have enough time.


Almost in the same time, 480 rounds of 122 mm rockets explode above Buriek Guard Area at an altitude of 20 meters or equivalent to a five-story building. Some of the rockets exploded on a rooftop, but mostly were able to deliver their load without being blocked, right to the open area crowded by 34th Makai Guard Division's personnel.

Each rocket brought 1700 steel darts and a combination of 40 rockets could cover an area of one square kilometer without a pinch of opening. This was also the reason why TF Amethyst’s personnel called each unit of MTV 122 MLRS as One Square Kilometer Sanitizer System.

It was only a brief of steel rains, but the effect was devastating. 

Every personnel of 34th Makai Guard Division in the open instantly fell to the ground, as hundreds of steel darts penetrated and burst out from their body. Most of them immediately met their end, while some survivors groaned weakly.

Dozens of horse carriages which were full of Molotov cocktails also did not survive from the steel dart. Nouel biofuel immediately spreaded in all directions, followed by a fierce fire that burned some unfortunate survivors alive.


Firebase Steel Rain 0-5, Joint Fire Mission Terminal.

Through aerial footage from Reaper, Lt. Colonel Messi evaluated the rocket strike on the Buriek Guard Area. He coldly observed the thousands of Makai Guards’s personnel lying on the ground, covering almost every surface in the area.

Then, a cold gleam flashed in Lt. Colonel Messi's eyes as personnel of  34th Makai Guard Division slowly came out from various buildings. Judging from their insignia, most of them were staff officers and supporting personnel. These personnel swiftly brought the survivors into buildings. Makai Guard's personnel who just came out of the entry tunnel also helped evacuate the survivors.

Slowly but surely, Buriek Guard Area was once again filled with thousands of fresh and fit Makai Guard's personnel. However, they showed no sign of launching an offensive. Most of them also took positions as close as possible with various buildings in the area.

After fixing his glasses, Lt. Colonel Messi turned his gaze to Captain Sullivan. "They voluntarily form a nice and tight concentration as we expected, let’s launch the main menu.”

With a regretful tone Captain Sullivan replied, “MCG just completed the area three days ago, they will be very upset if they know they have to rebuild it from scratch."

“Unfortunately, we have no choice.”


Wasting no time, Captain Sullivan carried out the fire mission. A moment later, 8 units MTV 155 SPH and 24 units M120 Mortar started the strike in sustained mode.

After 20 minutes, 480 rounds of  155 mm artillery shells and 1920 pieces of 120 mm mortar landed in Buriek Guard Area and turned it into a wide area of rubble. 

Lt. Colonel Messi observed the result of the strike as inwardly he muttered, ‘We don’t do it with joy. But when it has to be done, we will do it without hesitation.’


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