TF Amethyst

TFA2 12.1 – The Call for Indiscriminate Massacre

Command Center, Castle Lagra

00:10, 3 Nov 2025

Three hours after the start of tunnel attack, TF Amethyst’s high-ranking officers finally grasped the general situation. Inside isolated meeting room in the Command Center, they made the final call of counter-offensive. 

As he looked at his colleagues in the main screen, Nate opened the meeting, “In Raisait, we were lucky enough. Our combatant managed to seal the three entry points, almost right away after it pop-up to the surface.”

A question mark immediately appeared on Colonel Patricia’s forehead, “How did they do it?”

“It’s a pure luck,” Nate calmly replied. "In the assembly field, Buriek Guard's personnel were in the middle of driving practice when one of the entry points appeared in front of a 7-ton MTV Truck. The truck falls into entry point and clogs it. It also crushed to the death some officers from the opposing side. Unfortunately, the driver and the driving instructor didn't survive.

After that, the same method was used to clog the other two entry points and halt the tunnel attack. It gives combatant from nearby area enough time to circle the entry point and set up a proper defensive measure.”

"What a luck," Colonel Emil Montana, CO of Logistic & Support Group said in a calm tone, but he was aware that Nate still hadn't told the dire situation they had to overcome. "What about Levsait's situation?"

"Very bad," Without delay Nate explained, “By using three entry points, our guest had consolidated around 15 thousand combatant and counting. Not including units who secured the entry points, units who attacked barracks, and units who attack three-in-one depots in Logistic and Support Area.

Meanwhile, Reaper captures a massive deployment from Battle Group B. Our analyst predicts they will arrive at dawn and scramble their Riders right away.

Also, the attempt to disrupt their crystal communication network doesn't give us the expected result. Aerial footage shows that our guests don't experience chaos we hope for."

A big question mark immediately appeared on Colonel Patricia's forehead, "Do we have clue on the method they use to counter our disruption tactic?

Nate shook his head slowly three times before replying, “No, we don’t.” 

“Nate, do you have other bad news?” Brigadier General Rayden asked in a heavy tone.

“No, for now at least.”

The meeting room was silent for a while, until finally General O’Neill calmly said, “We are facing a possibility of pincer attack, while some hostile element already gained a foothold in our perimeter. This is not a time to be lenient.

We had to neutralize hostiles in our perimeter as soon as possible. As for hostiles who still on their way in the underground tunnel, I propose we deploy the new tactic developed by MCG.” 

Brigadier General Rayden turned his gaze to General O’Neill as he said, “Just a little reminder, our new tactic to counter tunnel attack could not distinguish between combatant and non-combatant. It will become an indiscriminate massacre."

General O'Neill lightly nodded before saying, "That’s why, I ask for your opinion before coming to a final decision."

“We had to do what we had to do, to protect our men in the field.” Colonel Patricia firmly continued, “Let’s launch it.”

Colonel Emil Montana added, “It seems blood in our hands will become thicker.”

After a deep breath, Nate said, “They have killed and beheaded non-combatants from Logistic and Support Group. It’s a naked indiscriminate massacre to our personnel. So let’s follow their steps. It’s their call, not us.”

Brigadier General Rayden lightly nodded before giving his agreement, “Let’s neutralize present threat from Battle Group A, before Battle Group B arrives."

After TF Amethyst's high-ranking officers made the final call, command center in Castle Lagra immediately relayed the order for counter offensive.


Emergency Defensive Line, 3 km to the east of Buriek Guard Area

01:12, 3 Nov 2025

In one corner of command tent, Brigadier Issak sat glomily. Bitterness filled his heart as he had just lost more than a thousand men, including two captains and five lieutenants. Not to mention the opposing side also took over the entire Buriek Guard Area, along with new brand armory full of equipment specifically prepared for 1st Buriek Vanguard Brigade. 

Based on martial law used by Buriek Guard, the loss would lead to the most severe punishment for every personnel who survived the attack. 

However, the sacrifice actually was not in vain. Under Captain Issak’s command the 1st Buriek Vanguard Brigade managed to form a 3 km retreat corridor so the non-combatant could retreat safely. The fight to defend the retreat corridor also gave TF Amethyst's officers from neighboring area precious time to form an emergency defensive line.

Initially, the defender in the emergency defensive line was only a platoon of mechanized infantry and a dozen of Humvees. But the number increased steadily, until it numbered 900 combatants equipped with Medium Machine Gun M240 7.62 mm, Heavy Machine Gun M2HB 12.7 mm, Mortar 81 mm, MK19 Auto Grenade Launcher, along with a massive number of ammunition.

Of course, Brigadier Issak was not aware that he had made a great contribution on the process to form the emergency defensive line. He only knew that right now he was in the middle of biggest failure throughout his entire life.

After taking a deep breath, Brigadier Issak then got up and approached Major Chuck. “Major, could you please connect me with Ser Nate.”

In an instant, Major Chuck frowned. “Brigadir Issak, do you want to ask permission to evacuate equipment and weapons from Buriek Guard's Armory?"

“No, it’s already too late to recapture our armory," Brigadier Issak firmly said. "I plan to lead a small team to sneak in and destroy it. I can’t let those bastards use our weapons and equipment on us.”

Before Major Chuck answered, Captain Norris who stood beside him preceded him in an annoyed tone, “Brigadier Issak, Sir, please don’t do unnecessary action when we are in the middle of shit storm.”

A cold gleam instantly flashed on Brigadier Issak's eyes. “Captain Norris, I know exactly what kind of shit storm we are facing. It already took more than a thousand Buriek Guards under my command.

As for my request to redeem my failure, please enlighten me why you see it as an unnecessary action.”

Seeing the tension suddenly spike to the ceiling, Major Chuck immediately said, “Brigadier Issak, please don't misunderstand. Captain Norris only wants to say, equipment is cheap but your men’s life is not.”

“How come that high-grade equipment is cheap?”

As Brigadier Issak looked at him with wide eyes, Major Chuck added, “Once you undergo the officer course for 1st Buriek Vanguard Brigade, you will understand it. Especially the crucial part regarding how TF Amethyst fights and what kind of doctrine we adopt. 

As for now, please follow our advice. Command Center has already decided to launch a counter offensive and we have our own share to execute.”

Hearing TF Amethyst finally would launch retaliatory action, Brigadier Issak immediately calmed his heart and said, “Understood, my men will do as Command Center says.”

“Thank you.” Major Chuck smiled before asking, “Brigadier Issak, are you sure there are no friendly survivors in Buriek Guard Area?"

“Absolutely.” Brigadier Issak deeply sighed before adding, "I was in the rear when we retreated from Buriek Guard Area. I saw with my own eyes, how those animals slaughtered the wounded and helpless combatants I failed to evacuate."

“They will pay dearly for it,” Captain Norris said in a tone full of killing intent.

“Yes, they will.” Wasting no time Major Chuck then pressed PTT button, “Echo Delta Lima to Steel Rain 0-5, do you copy?”

[Loud and clear, Echo Delta Lima, go ahead.]

“Steel Rain 0-5, you have green to drop packet alpha on grid designator papa queen niner-five, x-ray zulu zero-six.”

[Echo Delta Lima, have you confirmed the circumstance of our survivor? We absolutely don’t want a blue-on-blue.]

“Affirmative, grid designator papa queen niner-five, x-ray zulu zero-six is total red, feel free to level it.”

[Roger that, please stay tight inside your perimeter, packet alpha will be launched shortly, Steel Rain 0-5 over and out.]

After taking a deep breath, Major Chuck turned to Brigadier Issak. “Please, don't let the lost equipment bother you anymore. You already did a remarkable action, manage to evacuate every single one of non-combatant in the area and bring back half-of your men to regroup here. Believe me, not many officers will able to achieve it."

Major Chuck did not just give Brigadier Issak a sweet word of consolation. He truly gave Brigadier Issak an objective complement. 

The opposing side not only arrived right in the middle of Buriek Guard Area, but also when 1st Buriek Vanguard Brigade was still in the process of compiling its structure. In short, they arrived in the most vulnerable area and at the most vulnerable time. So it was natural that Buriek Guard suffered heavy casualty.

Even so, Major Chuck's words did not relieve Brigadier Issak's bitterness in the slightest. He only lightly nodded without saying a word. But one thing for sure, Brigadier Issak's thirst to avenge his fallen comrades was clearly reflected in his gaze.


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