Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 80

Who would win in a fight where one participant was a drugged half-vampire who lost all reasoning, and the other one was a human who didn’t know much about fighting? Well, me obviously.

Arthur flailed around like a wild animal and Tom obviously desired to restrain him first. But he didn’t expect to be overpowered this easily. With a single hand, Arthur pushed Tom off him who basically flew against the wooden wall. Realizing my mistake, I jumped up swiftly and grabbed Arthur by his neck who just wanted to pounce onto Tom.

“How is he so strong?” Tom muttered while wiping blood on his mouth away. For a second, I considered leaving him in the dark and let him figure it out himself, but he maybe wouldn’t even make it this far.

“My blood is running through his veins. What did you expect?” I asked while I dragged the resisting Arthur out of the carriage effortlessly. “So far, you have always seen me fighting at a disadvantage or at half strength, so it´s no wonder you are a bit surprised by the strength of my blood.” I threw Arthur out of the carriage in one go. He landed on his back, but recovered swiftly and snarled a few metres away from us. “Eww.” I said as he drooled onto the ground, showing once and for all that his human side is gone for good now.

“Kill him. There is a dagger in the white bag, use it if you want. Or amuse me even more and try to fight barehanded.” I said and opened the way up for him. Naturally, he wasn’t dumb enough to fight Arthur without a weapon and took one of my daggers instead. After he jumped out of the carriage, I swiftly collected my clothing and dressed as both of them circled around each other, unsure what to do. Amused, I set on the edge and let my legs dangle downwards happily. For some reason, this was more fun than expected, even when they weren’t doing much.

“Hey Tom! I would advise you against holding the dagger as if you are some kind of assassin and rather hold it like you want to stab someone or, I don’t know, slice some vegetables.” I said as I mused over his unnatural way of holding the dagger. He seriously read too many novels …

At least, he corrected his mistake and turned the dagger around so that the tip actually faced his enemy. Arthur didn’t fare much better though. His way of fighting was animalistic at best, completely dumb at worse. I had high hopes as Arthur didn’t instantly jump at Tom, but they were sadly crushed as soon as he did exactly that. With full speed, he ran towards Tom and rammed his shoulder into Tom´s belly. The dagger didn’t move much during that time and so, Arthur ran directly into it and howled as his shoulder was badly hurt.

I scratched my cheek as this attack was so dumb I nearly couldn’t believe it. In fact, I couldn’t believe what Tom was doing either. He just stood there like an idiot, waiting for Arthur, without moving at all. As he didn’t stand sideways and thus took the full force of the attack. He fell backwards, taking Arthur with him as none of them could regain their balance.

Arthur screamed victoriously as he was now on top of Tom and held both of Tom´s hands down to the ground. Sadly, Tom didn’t grip the dagger tightly enough and lost it as he was falling backwards. A bit bored by the already ending fight, I grabbed behind me into the white bag and threw the second dagger close to them. Arthur was salivating over his prey and brought his face closer to Tom's neck out of pure instinct.

“No.” I growled loudly. “No biting.” He whimpered like a dog and reluctantly let go of Tom's hands and wrapped his fingers around my subordinates neck. Delighted, I stared at the unfolding play in front of me as Tom tried to free his neck unsuccessfully at first. “Come on Tom, grab the dagger … yeah, right there.” I whispered as his hands began to search for the dagger I threw towards them. Just in time, his hands wrapped around the handle pulled it out of the ground and stabbed deeply into Arthur´s side.

“No … the neck…” I whispered once more as Tom stabbed into Arthur´s side over and over again, but didn’t do enough damage to actually kill Arthur or at least force him to defend himself. The wounds were too shallow for that.

Seconds before Tom lost consciousness, he stabbed the dagger deeply into Arthur`s neck in a last attempt to win this fight. I sighed as Arthur`s hands were still wrapped around Tom´s neck as strong as ever. The dagger fell out of his neck as the wound was too shallow to deal any real damage to a crazed half-vampire with my blood.

Bored about the ending, I stood up and ran towards the duo, only to kick Arthur off my subordinate. He whimpered once more as I inspected Tom´s chest and noticed that he was still breathing, although he was unconscious.

Turning towards Arthur, I shook my head. He was just an animal at this point, completely disgusting, but strangely enough so lovable. He was mine, I created him and I felt incredibly connected towards him as if there was a bond between us.

Still wondering about this connection, I picked up the dagger that fell out of his neck, went towards Arthur who was instinctively robbing backwards away from me, grabbed his neck and pushed him down to the ground. With my other hand, I rammed the dagger into his heart without mercy. He went limp a few second afterwards and I pulled the dagger out of the wound again.

After cleaning the daggers and storing them again, I carried Arthur and Tom towards the fire again and left them there, opposite of each other. Instead of doing nothing, I already started cleaning up the corpse of the coachman and threw his still hot remains into the nearby bushes. Luckily, they didn’t catch on fire.

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