Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 3: Not at all according to keikaku…

Batman: “We’re going to move on with the assumption we can not get you back to your universe, and from what Robin said in his report, you don’t want to return?”


Artoria: “That is correct. While I love fighting in the wars, the wait between them is so very boring. Time doesn’t flow or act normally in the Throne of Heroes. And I am not like other Heroic Spirits, in that when I am summoned I don’t send a copy of myself while I sleep. So sometimes thousands of years could pass by just sitting around doing nothing but practising.


And Gilgamesh is such an ass. Think’s he is so powerful because he was a demi-god. Honestly, if it wasn't because we were not permitted to fight in the Throne, I would have killed or at least attempted to kill him long, long ago.”


Flash: “Gilgamesh was real too??”


Artoria: “Naturally.”


Flash: “So cool.”


Coughing to get our attention, Superman said, “So what do you want to do, Artoria?”


I just shrug my shoulders.


Artoria: “Maybe what you guys do? Fight some vermin. But from the aura Batman is giving off, he knows what I mean by that.”


Batman: “You mean kill them.”


Everyone frowned at that, causing me to just shrug.


Artoria: “Yes. Mind you, I don’t think all vermin should be wiped out. But a great deal of the people you all fight? Yes, they should be stripped of their mortal coils.”


Batman: “If you murder a murderer, the number of murderers in the world stays the same.”


Artoria: “That’s why you don’t stop at one. Look. I know what I am talking about. I led an entire nation in a golden age for nearly 100 years. And from what I know about your world? No golden age, miserable people, and murders getting their kicks from you sending them away only to escape.”


Wonder Woman: “Only a hundred years?”


Artoria: “Well, I was only a mortal back then you know.”


Nodding at me, Superman was just frowning.


Superman: “I can’t accept that kind of thinking. There has to be a better way.”


Batman: “I agree.”


Artoria: “And that’s why you both have vastly more innocent blood on your hands than I do.”


Batman narrowed his eyes at me and asked what I meant by that.


Artoria: “For example. Every single person The Joke has killed after your first time dealing with him, their blood is on your hands. You failed to wipe out the problem of a soul who will clearly not change in this lifetime. And let him escape constantly.


And you Superman. Lex has ruined so many lives, but you just casually ignore it. I could go on for all of you, but I think my point has been made.”


They all frown and look down in thought. But really, so many tragedies would be avoided if these “heroes” actually finished what was started. Instead of letting people get away, or go, only to come back stronger.


Leaning forward, and resting my right arm on the table with my head on my hand, I make a dismissive wave with my left hand.


Artoria: “Look, I get what you do. I get you think it’s the right thing. But just because you’re correct, doesn’t mean you’re right as one dumbass once said. Sure, this applies to me as well, but. I lead an entire nation in a golden age as I said. And I am much older than all of you combined. AND, I am corrupted by All the World’s Evil, so I know exactly what I am talking about. Some souls just need to be sent on their way to judgement to be cleansed and born anew. That’s all there is to it.”


Batman: “While you make valid points, I can’t get behind them. So, what it boils down too, is that you will kill your targets. And, we can’t have that. I vote we lock her up as she is clearly willing to, and planning to kill.”


I just chuckle at that.


Artoria: “Come, Batman. Don’t be so hasty to make an enemy out of me. Ignoring how much of a dumb idea that is, you’re a human. On a space station, with an entity who can destroy said space station by just relaxing her hold on her power. And unlike a lot of you, I don’t need air.”


Superman: “I don’t like you taking everyone here hostage like that, Artoria.”


Shrugging my shoulders I say, “And I don’t like the fact he wants to lock me up like the Throne of Heroes. Now that I am free of it, I will violently resist any attempts to place me back in it, or in a situation like it again.”


J’onn: “I think we all need to calm down. Artoria, would you truly go on a killing spree of criminals?”


I hummed in thought for a few seconds before answering.


Artoria: “Not every trash would be killed. Only those with souls that need to be cleansed I guess. For example, for a purse snatcher, I’d prolly just treat him like Batman and break several of his bones. But for a murder or rapist? They would be slain without a second thought.”


Superman: “They need to pay for their sins though, Artoria. Just killing them is pointless, cruel and wrong.”


I just shake my head and laugh a little at that.


Artoria: “You know Hell actually exists, right? They can pay for their sins there a lot better than whatever you mortals could do.”


Green Lantern: “It is still against the law to just kill.”


I scoff, “Your laws maybe. Look, this is going nowhere, and it's getting tiresome. Can you all make a decision of what you're going to do, so I can act accordingly.”


They all got a serious face, and huddled a little to talk amongst themselves. While they were doing that, I also got to thinking.


‘Okay, so. I changed in more ways than just my body it seems. A lot more. I talk about taking a life as if I am thinking about what to eat for supper. And when I think back to the garbage I mutilated, I STILL think it would have been better to just end him.


Another concerning thing is while I feel like I am willing to take down garbage, I am not willing to help the innocent. Even more worrying, is that I don’t care if I end up killing hundreds of innocents in a fight with someone strong…’


While I was seriously thinking about my new personality quirks I interrupted myself with a realisation.


‘Wait a moment. Why am I like this? I shouldn’t have Artoria’s personality at all. Or any of her quirks. But, my soul is clearly affecting me. The question is why. Let’s follow the theme of that survey. Well, the theme of the wishes/powers. Everything had a negative to it. So, maybe… yes, it has to be!’


My eyes widened behind my mask as a mildly disturbing thought came to me.


‘What if I was actually reincarnated as Artoria Alter… and lived her life. Or rather, lived a life as a Heroic, and then corrupted, Spirit. But then, I was “summoned” to this universe and my memories were wiped. But not my soul's memories, hence why I still have all my skills and instincts and the like…’


This was the only conclusion I could come up with, that made the most sense. The Lasso of Truth compels you to tell the truth after all. And what greater truth is there than that of what the soul knows?


‘Well, fuck. So “my” old memories and personality are not here, but my soul is influencing me in the way only a soul can. Not to mention the corruption. Honestly, this should be a lot more concerning, but I can’t do anything about it. And everything just feels so natural.’


As I was musing on my own nature, it seems the heroes finished what they were talking about, and had some serious faces on them.


‘My instincts are screaming that a fight is coming. I thought they’d be smarter than this.’


Sighing, I stood up, and untangled the lasso from my arm, and tossed it aside.


Artoria: “I can tell from your stances, that we are going to come to blows. Correct?”


Superman: “I am sorry, Artoria. But we can’t let you go. We just can’t agree with how you will act. Murder is wrong, even if it’s criminals we’re talking about.”


I just shake my head, and summon Excalibur Morgan in my right hand.


Artoria: “Are you absolutely sure you all want to do this? A lot of people on this station are going to die.”


Green Lantern points his ring at me, and shoots out a beam of light that causes a small bubble to form around me.


Green Lantern: “Please do not resist, Artoria. We don’t want to harm you. We will banish you to the phantom zone. It should be better than whatever this Throne of Heroes was.”


I just sigh.


Artoria: “You are all very foolish. Very well. I will show you the power of a KING!”


And with that, I let go of my power, and use mana burst to the highest degree I can. My sword and I erupt in red-black flames, and my very presence is enough to shatter the pitiable bubble of green will energy.


My aura crashes down on all of them causing all but Superman and Wonder Woman to crash to their knees, and feeling my aura causing some souls around the station to be destroyed.


Looking at them I say in a cold voice, “See what I mean? I am just standing here, and the majority of you can’t even move. And there have already been some casualties from your foolish decision.”


With a struggle and a yell, Flash manages to stand up and sprint to me covered in Speed Force lightning. I merely lean to the right to dodge his punch and grab him by the neck.


Artoria: “You are looking down on me, Flash. You’re. Too. Slow.”


With that little mockery, I tossed him hard towards Green Lantern who was trying to form another will shield around himself.


As Green Lantern caught Flash, Superman and Wonder Woman charged me. Not wanting to wait for them, I sped over to them. Appearing as if teleporting, I crash my fist into Superman’s chest sending him through several walls of the station. I then raise my sword to block a swing from Wonder Woman.


Wonder Woman: “Please stop, Artoria!”


Artoria: “I was clear in my warning, little Amazonian. You heroes never think of the consequences of your actions most of the time.”


Bringing my left fist up to punch her face, she successively blocked with one of her arm bands. Sadly, there was a loud snap as her bone broke and she was sent flying through the station like Superman.


Turning to look down at the barely conscious Batman I let out an annoyed sigh.


Artoria: “So, Batman? Is this how you envisioned how it would go down?”


Batman was struggling very hard to resist my mere aura, and couldn’t hardly move a muscle. But I had to give him props for never giving up.


Batman: “We’ll… stop… you…”


Artoria: “From what, exactly? Making the world a better place? You speak as if your way is the only way. The right way. And, maybe it is for you. But you are not God, Batman. You don’t get to control how everything works.”


I kneel down near him, making sure not to get to close so my fiery aura doesn’t touch him.


Artoria: “And do remember. I know a lot more about you, than you know about me. Don’t fret so much! You may not like it, but you’ll see. When the trash starts to pile up in the streets, and the rivers I so enjoy creating start to flow. You’ll see.”


Ignoring the groaning Batman, and the downed Green Lantern and flash, I look at J’onn.


Artoria: “You really need to work on that weakness to fire, J’onn. For how common fire is, I am honestly surprised you can function at all as a hero. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”


Ignoring all of them, I made my way out of the room, and started heading towards the teleporters.


‘Well, this is a bit of a problem. I don’t know how to use the teleporters, and I don’t think they can teleport me directly as Batman had to place his hand on my shoulders. Kind of like making me hitch a ride.’


While walking I felt a warning from my instincts, causing me to lean to the right. Just as I did, I counter attacked whoever it was that tried to get a sneaky hit in.


Shocking no-one, I ended up smashing Superman, again, into the roof and several floors above us. Shaking my head I continued on my way.


‘Really though. All that power, but never actually trains in any form of martial arts. What a waste. Or does he? I can't remember...’


As I entered the room with the teleporter I originally arrived in, all I could see were heroes scattered all over the floor. A few of them were dead.


‘Oh? Isn’t that Hawkgirl?’


She seemed to be mostly fine, though she was struggling at least a little bit to stay standing. She eventually looked my way, and she scowled.


‘Yup, I can understand why she’d instantly think I am the one doing this. A stranger, evil looking flames, and radiating evil. Really, I am set up to be the perfect Villainess.’


Hawkgirl: “You’re the one doing this aren't you!?”


Giving her a nod of my head I responded, “Yes. This is the result of a rather poor choice by Superman and Batman. I suggest you stay over there. I’d rather not hurt you all more than I have too.”


Hawkgirl: “As if! Several of them are dead! Haaa!!!”


She actually managed to take off a little and fly at me with her mace raised and covered in lightning.


‘This’ll be a good test. Can her mace stop my Mana Burst from helping me? I don’t think it can, but better to test it now.’


As she swung down I simply raised my left hand to stop the mace. And much to my pleased self it didn’t even hurt my hand, let alone register I had even stopped something like a Nth metal mace. The floor below me though didn’t get to enjoy the same treatment as my hand, and caved in and buckled a fair amount.


Artoria: “I have to say, I am a bit disappointed.”


While Hawkgirl was still stunned I had easily stopped her attack, I grabbed her weapon and threw it, along with her, towards the incoming Superman.


Superman: “Whoa!”


He gently caught the flying girl, and set her back down on her feet. He then looked at me with a serious face and started speaking.


Superman: “Artoria, stop this. There is no way off the station. The teleporters will not work for you, they are locked down.”


I just let out a sigh, and shook my head.


Artoria: “You still do not grasp who, or what, you are dealing with yet, Kal-El.”


His eyes widened a little as I said his kryptonian name, while raising my sword.


Artoria: “You will not imprison me. Nor will you be able to stop me. I know you are fast, Kal-El. But are you fast enough to save everyone on this station?”


A massive amount of mana built up in my sword, as I used Burst Air to punch a hole straight up through the station. I then took my sword in both hands and charged another Burst Air as I turned away from Superman and swung my sword at the glass that was facing Earth.


Their station now had two massive holes in it, and as my second Burst Air was destroying the walls to the vacuum of space, I saw Superman starting to zip around to save everyone he could.


As I leaped off the station and towards the planet I couldn’t help but shake my head.


‘Well, this was less than ideal in a major way. I just made myself an enemy of this world's heroes. Shit, I even killed several of them.’


As I entered the atmosphere of the planet, I didn’t even register the heat from the friction. I was busy looking for a place to crash down at, and thinking of my next step.


‘They’ll call me a villainess. They’ll hunt me. But, I don’t have any grand plans for world domination. I don’t want to rule anyone. Fighting was really fun though. I think I am a battle junkie…’


A smile crept up on my face as I crashed down in the area I aimed for, making a massive creator.


‘I’ll just be an Anti-hero then. I’ll get to fight, and I’ll get to crush some garbage. I don’t need to kill the heroes, but nothing is preventing me from having fun and fighting them. And if they die from their wounds… well, not my problem I guess.’


Unbeknownst to me, as I was sinking down into my shadow, more of my body was covered in lines of corruption and my presence got just a little bit darker.


Woot, another chapter~. Did it end how you thought it would? I bet it did~. Hope you enjoyed it!

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