Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 2: Dread it. Run from it. The info dump arrives all the same.

As we were making our way back to the Titans tower, I couldn’t help but think of the immense rage I felt when I was dealing with that trash human.


‘This is going to bother the shit out of me. Where exactly did that rage come from? There was nothing like that in any… of my… selections… Oh no…’


When I selected Artoria Alter, and then the list I failed to notice a few things of very important note.


‘Artoria Alter was corrupted by “All the World’s Evils.” And I have her body… and soul. Ohhh fuck, that rage was clearly what Artoria was dealing with! Well, this just got very… problematic.’


Even though I was panicking quite a lot inside, I was able to keep a perfect poker face. Glad this is a skill Artoria had, and I feel like I am going to use this a lot in the coming… forever.


‘Right. That’s another thing. I am effectively immortal now. There is very little that can actually hurt me, let alone finish me off. Doubly so with Mana Burst and my infinite mana.’


With a sigh I continue my thoughts, ‘So I am immortal unless murdered, very hard to be murdered, and have to keep down all the evils in the world for the rest of my existence. Sure, no problem! NOT! Geh, this is going to be very hard to deal with for the first while.’


Robin: “Artoria?”


Artoria: “Ah, yes?”


Robin: “We’re far enough away from others now, so Raven is going to teleport us to the tower.”


Giving him a hum for confirmation, Raven's soul self started to cover us.


‘Well, now that I remember I actually have Artoria Alter’s soul, I wonder what my interaction with Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth will be like. In some stories, it connects to the soul and gets the truth from the soul. Well, I guess everyone will be surprised with what will come out of my mouth then, hahaha.’


I was going to suggest the League use the lasso on me, so I can get a free pass from Batman. Well, as free of a pass as a person like him can give in any case.


As Raven’s soul self retreated, I looked around where we were. This was their main room, with the mission table in the middle and a nice view of the surroundings with all the windows. Honestly, the tech was impressive to myself, much more advanced than anything I or Artoria would be familiar with.


Artoria: “Humans here sure have come a long way since the last time I was summoned. Your technology is a lot more advanced than what I remember.”


BB: “Oh yeah?”


Giving him a nod and motioning towards Cyborg, “Indeed. An entity like him was only in the people's imaginations.”


Starfire: “Well, Cyborg is a bit of a special case. Do you remember the last time you were summoned?”


Artoria: “Yes. It was a very long, and bloody Grail War. Sadly, my master at the time was very… well, let’s say unfocused. And got himself killed near the end. I was honestly impressed with the arrow that managed to finally lodge itself in his head. Truly, the Archer class really is made up of archers.”


I resisted the urge to giggle like a dumbass when I saw they all raised their brow at that last quip. Shaking his head, Robin spoke up.


Robin: “In any case, I have already contacted the League about this situation. Batman said he’ll be coming down shortly to take you up to the tower to get you situated.”


‘Right. “Situated” indeed.’


Giving him a nod, I was about to ask when to expect the headache, when suddenly a bright light the shape of a person appeared near us. Few seconds later, Batman materialized.


Artoria: “Well now. That was interesting. I sensed no movement in any mana, or anything like that from you but that was clearly teleportation. Has technology truly come so far?”


BB: “Cool right?! They don’t let us use it often though…”


Batman ignored everyone and walked closer to us and looked me over.


Artoria: “Judging by how intently you are staring, Batman, you can see me just fine I take it?”


Batman: “Yes. Artoria, then. Are you ready?”


‘Crass as ever.’


Giving him a nod, he walked right up to me and mumbled into his comm device. The next thing I know, Batman put his hand on my shoulder and we were covered in light. Few seconds later, my vision cleared and I was in a room that looked like it came out of the comics with the number of heroes I could see.


‘Well, duh. Still, this place is huge. The comics and shows really couldn’t capture the scale well.’


Looking around, I was standing on a teleportation platform that was higher than the rest of the room. The whole place was wide open and several heroes were going about their business. Massive windows that followed along the entire view, acting more like walls, showed a fantastic view from space.


Artoria: “This is a nice view. Nice to be able to take it in and not have to fight.”


???: “You fought in space before?”


Turning to the voice, I saw Wonder Woman herself. She looked like her Justice League unlimited counterpart. Infact, a lot of the heroes here did, if not all.


Giving her a nod I say, “Yes, once the Grail War somehow ended up on the moon. Didn’t have time to enjoy the view while I had to kill everyone. Heh, that was a great fight.”


‘I am surprised how easily I can talk out of my ass like this. Honestly, it’s kinda scary.’


Wonder Woman just raised an eyebrow at that, then turned to Batman.


Wonder Woman: “We’re all set. The room is ready for us, let’s go.”


Batman just nodded and motioned for me to follow them. As we were walking, Wonder Woman asked a question I was expecting eventually.


Wonder Woman: “Not to sound rude, but I can feel an immense amount of darkness from you. Care to explain?”


Artoria: “Yes, I am not surprised. And I will when we are all together. Having to repeat myself can become quite tiring.”


Wonder Woman: “I understand. Superman asked me to see if you would be willing to be questioned under my Lasso of Truth. It’s has-”


Interrupting her I say, “I know of it. And I am willing to, yes. It’ll make this process much less painful for myself.”


I made a point to turn my head and look at Batman when I said that.


‘Though, they can’t see my eyes because of my face plate, I am sure they gets the meaning.’


While Batman wasn’t looking at me, he still grunted as if acknowledging my stare. It didn’t take us long to enter a meeting room of sorts. It was a pretty basic looking room, if not for the nice view out into space. Taking up a seat at the end of the table, I waited for them to do whatever they were going to do.


As I was sitting down, Superman looked at Wonder Woman who gave him a nod. He nodded back with a small smile, and turned to me. As he was speaking, I made note of who was here.


Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and Martian Manhunter were all in attendance.


‘Well now, don’t I feel all special.’


Superman: “Welcome Artoria. We’ve all gone over the small report that Robin has sent us, and are interested in learning more about you and how we can help.”


Giving him a nod, I looked at J’onn and said, “Before we start too much I want to give you a friendly warning Manhunter. Where I am from, people who can look into others minds were few but they did exist. I am warning you now as I have natural defenses that will lash out at you if you try to read my mind. And said defenses have changed from their original purpose, so they might be a lot more lethal now.”


He gave me a curt nod.


J’onn: “Thank you for the warning, Artoria. You seem to know a lot about us for someone who is from another universe.”


Shrugging my shoulders, I motioned to Wonder Woman to give me the Lasso. She caught on, and walked over to me, and wrapped it around my arm.


Artoria: “Where I am from there are several forms of media that follow the exploits of your lives. While I have seen a few, and I know a general amount of information about several of you, I don’t know everything.”


All of them raise their eyebrows at that, and Batman let out an unhappy hum.


Batman: “Such as?”


Artoria: “Well, your secret identities, your general personality traits, powers and weaknesses, future events. Ah, but I wouldn’t count on my knowledge of future events to be accurate in the least. It has been several hundred years since I have read anything about you all. Honestly, with how well known you all are to humanity back in my world, I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if one of you showed up as a fake Heroic Spirit one day.”


Batman: “That is a troubling amount of information for one person to have.”


I just scoff at him.


Artoria: “The pot calling the kettle black.”


He just narrows his eyes at me, and it takes everything I have to not laugh.


Superman: “Well, putting that aside for now. You said you were a Heroic Spirit? What is that exactly?”


Artoria: “Shortened, Heroic Spirits are entities throughout history that are summoned to fight in a Holy Grail War. Under normal conditions, the soul of the person summoned is housed in the Throne of Heroes, while a ‘copy’ of them is summoned. That way when they are killed a Servant, Heroic Spirits, are not actually killed and may be summoned again for another war.”


Green Lantern: “I take it you do not fall under the norm?”


Shaking my head, I smile, “Not in the least no. Ignoring how I was normally summoned, I’ve been corrupted. Have been for a long time now. So long, I don’t remember not being corrupted.”


‘Okay, so my new soul is definitely affecting me, clearly. Maybe the bullshit I’ve been spewing isn’t actually bullshit, and is my real background that who ever reincarnated me created for me?’


Wonder Woman: “Corrupted how?”


Artoria: “In one of the Grail Wars, I was summoned by a Master who was directly connected to the Holy Grail somehow. And this Holy Grail was full of ‘mud of all the world's evil.’ This mud corrupted my existence permanently, and changed me.”


Wonder Woman gasps in shock, “By Hara! No wonder you feel.. Well, Evil.”


Batman: “This won’t be a problem will it?”


I just shrug my shoulders.


Artoria: “I normally don't need to worry about it. After all, I am normally summoned to wage war, stack bodies and create rivers of blood. While I may lose my temper, I’ve never succumbed fully and lost my faculties.”


Batman just hummed at that and started to type things into the computer he had out.


Flash: “You said Heroic Spirits are historical figures. Who are you?”


Artoria: “Ah, I didn’t actually introduce myself properly.”


Standing up, I give a tiny bow and say, “My name is Artoria Alter. A saber class. But my most recognized name is “Arthur Pendragon.”


Several gasps rang out at my declaration.


Flash: “Wait wait wait wait!!! You mean THE Arthur Pendragon. As in KING Arthur Pendragon!? Of Camelot?!”


Sitting back down, I give him a nod and say, “Yes. That one. The once and future king. The one who pulled Caliburn from the stone, and who wields Excalibur. Well, even if it’s been corrupted like myself anyway.”


I could tell everyone was surprised, even Batman.


Green Lantern: “I had no idea King Arthur was actually a woman…”


Artoria: “Yes, well. Men were very closed minded back then, and I feared they wouldn’t follow a woman.”


Flash: “This is so cool! I mean, you are THE King Arthur!”


Artoria: “Yes yes. But please, it’s Artoria.”


Flash: “Right, sorry sorry.”


Superman: “You speak of Excalibur as if you have it still?”


Without answering him, I just reach out with my left hand and summon my sword. Instantly, it is in my hand in all its glory. But something interesting happened, all of the League members in the room stood up and backed away slowly.


Flash: “I know next to nothing about magic and such, but even I can tell that sword is bad news.”


Wonder Woman: “Yes. The evil emanating off the sword is concerning. I am saddened to see such a holy treasure in such a state.”


Dismissing the sword I tilt my head and ask, “That was a rather extreme reaction. The Titans didn’t seem to mind my sword? Maybe because all of you have vastly more powerful souls?”


Wonder Woman: “Maybe. If that sword was corrupted by the same source as you, I wonder why you do not give off the same feeling?”


Artoria: “I am holding back my aura for once. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but I don’t want to make unnecessary enemies in an unfamiliar world. If I released it, you’d feel the full brunt, and it would not be pleasant. Weaker souls are crushed outright and are obliterated.”


J’onn: “You mean…?”


Artoria: “If I relax my hold on my power, a great deal of people would simply die if they were within the range of my aura, yes.”


Shaking his head at that, Green Lantern said, “That’s honestly crazy. Just how many people have you killed in the wars you were summoned in?”


Artoria: “I don’t count, but it’s among several hundred thousand at the least.”


Superman: “I won’t lie, Artoria, I have a problem with that.”


I just shrug at the boy scout.


Artoria: “It’s not like I just went skipping along in the middle of a city. It was a war, Superman. An objective was behind all of my killings. I don’t murder for fun, I murder to remove obstacles and problems.”


‘Well, I guess that’s a thing now. Honestly, I am learning as much as they are about myself at this point.’


Batman: “Moving on.”


And with that, the interview/interrogation continued.


I cut the chapter off here, sorry~. I don't wanna write all dayyyy ;.; Hope you liked the info dump!

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