Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 257 Spree of Golden Tasks

1 hour before....

Lin cheng, Baishi and Tang Sun were waiting.


The door open the Wu Rud enter behind a old man follow her.

"Mrs. Tang Sun, Alchemy Saint And Mrs. Saint Hello there.

"Hi uncle yu." Greeted Tang Sun.

"This is.." Ask Lin cheng with doubts after apparently this guy's knew him.

He could see the old man had the cultivation base at the Nirvana Realm Early Stage.

"I'm the my young lady's protector." Answer Uncle Yu while arching his hand.

"Oh nice to meet you I'm Lin cheng." Lin cheng reacted and smile while extending his hands.

Seeing Lin cheng actions Uncle Yu hurriedly shook hands with Lin cheng.

"Yes Alchemy Saint I'm Yu Cong." Answer Uncle Yu hurriedly said respectfully.

Seeing Uncle Yu actions Wu Rud shook her head, thankfully Lin cheng was a good guy.

In fact Uncle Yu have seen Lin cheng and Baishi previously in the Fire Desert City. But they never met after all he was also hiding in the Void protecting Wu Rud.

Only Tang Sun was he able to meet,since Tang Sun and Wu Rud beeing sticking together this 3 years.

Lin cheng had a extraordinary status not only him even Baishi so he knew they are good friends of Wu Rud. So he became a very reserved still he couldn't help but be shock in 3 years the cultivation base of Lin cheng rose to the Nirvana Realm.

"So where is our first task?" Ask Lin cheng while looking at all of the tokens Tang Sun had in the table.

All of them had a golden color, with a Quill emblem on them.

"Tang Sun really pick a bunch of them?" Wu Rud exclaimed when saw the tokens on the table.

"Mystic Sect." Answer Tang Sun with smile.

1 hour later....

Lin cheng and the group arrive at the Mystic Sect, they were waiting on a gigantic gate.

That was protected by a very powerfull formation, since Lin cheng integrated with Formation Heart. He knew this formation was a dual array, that could defend from attack of even a half step Heavenly Deity Realm, and could heavily injured Celestial Realms at the early stage.

Of course this type of arrays consumed a bunch of resources, since it was not power by natural spirit qi.


The gigantic gate of the Mystic Sect open, and a guy at the empyrean Realm received them.

"Please this way seniors." The Mystic Sect disciple said very respectful.

5 mins later...

Lin cheng on the midway to wherever the inner disciple was taking them, were intercept by a group of people.

"Fellow cultivators my name is Nai Zun and I'm the Sect leader of this humble sect."

Nai Zun spoke with welcoming smile.

He also was deeply surprised by this group of cultivation, 4 Nirvana Realm and one Void King Realm, even so he didn't look down on Wu Rud.

"Hi were from the Holy Academy, we have accepted the task. So could you provide us with more details?"

Wu Rud ask.

"Well, is like this we have a pest on our Mystic forest...." Nai Zun reveal what was the problem.

Then Lin cheng the group understood, apparently the Mystic forest which was very important for them, were plague with  bloodsucking creatures.

The Mystic forest was one of the main reason the Mystic Sect exist. Since it contain rich resources. But now that they're were this creatures apart from having they resources steal, the bloodsucking creatures also used they disciples of the Mystic Sect as resources.

"Then let's deal with it, do you have any tips of where could they nest be." Ask Tang Sun.

" Yes our we believe after some careful investigation, they nest is close to the a large river."

Answer a old man that had the Cultivation base in the Void King Raalm late stage.

Lin cheng learn from the previously conversations, that this old man name is Kin Ron and he is the great elder of the Mystic Sect.

Lin cheng also learn that all of this people's here who the cultivation base the Void King Realm were elders of the Mystic Sect, and that the man that was in his mid 20 name is So Teng and is the next Sect leader.

He had the Cultivation base at the Empyrean Realm middle stage.

"Okay I'll lead the way, elders great elders take care of the Sect." Nai Zun said seriously.

"Wish you the best!" Said some elders.

Seeing the Sect leaders back dissapeard with Lin cheng group. The elders in the room were fill with hope.

"5 Nirvana Realm would definitely take care if that problem? So Teng your suggestion really bring a surprise." Said Kin Ron.

"Yeah who would tought, I was expecting one person but instead 2 core disciples came."

Said a beautiful female elder.


"Sect Leader!"

"I have Seen the Sect leader!"

"See the Sect Leader!"

While Nai Zun guided Lin cheng and the group, a lot of students greet respectfully Nai Zun while looking curiously at people behind the Sect leader.

They could see the sect leader was treating them with courtesy, and after seeing Tang Sun and Wu Rud uniform were surprise.

"Those are Holy Academy Core disciples." 

Mystic sect disciple commented.

"Wow they are beautiful, those 3 don't lose to senior sang" A Mystic Sect disciple commented

"Shhh, don't speak loud you moron what if you offend those seniors." A fellow disciple Scolded him for his remarks.

"Sigh I hear that to become a Core disciples you must be under 10,000 years old. But those senior are already the Nirvana Realm and Void King Realm so they must be under 10,000 years old."

A deep sigh came from a female Mystic Sect disciple.


Back to Lin cheng side.

"This Mystic forest is fill with blood smell."

Tought Lin cheng after entering the Mystic forest.

He could also see from time to time, pieces of clothes broken and with dry blood.

Those pieces of clothes were the same the disciple of the Mystic Sect were wearing.

"It seem whatever are those creatures they left behind a bloodbath." Tought Lin cheng.

Lin cheng look at the map in the system but he saw there were no signs of living being apart from them currently.

35 mins later....

Lin cheng and the group arrive at a river that the water look like a transparent green. Lin cheng knew is because this river is fill with spiritual Qi Energy.

If a mortal were to take a bath in thise water, he probably would reach the Qi Realm 9th Layer.

"Oh there you go." Tought Lin cheng.

Lin cheng saw in the system maps a couple dozens of red dots appeared.

Lin cheng decided to use his Divine consciousness, and was surprise to find where this creatures were at.

"If it wasn't because of my diving consciousness I couldn't believe it." Tought Lin cheng.

"They always dissapeard here leaving no trace, we've believe that they nest or where they hide. Must be close to thise river. But this river is huge." Said Nai Zun.

Surprisingly Lin cheng saw that Baishi was also looking at the water with a interesting expression.

"You found them too?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Yeah, I also ready know what kind of creature they are." Spoke Baishi.

They spoke in public without using the transmission techniques.

"Fellow cultivators?" Ask Nai Zun with doubts.

"Cheng this creatures are call Dark eye Seals, they are creature are usually seeing in the Dark Moon Empire swamps." Spoke Baishi.

"Dark eye seals? No wonder we couldn't track them." Exclaimend Nai Zun while looking at the river warily.

"It seem baishi been studying a lot about this continent?" Tought Lin cheng.

"The Dark Eye seals can camouflage on the water, as if they were transparent but a way to identify them is beyond Dark Black eyes."

Said Wu Rud.

"They are on the water so the simple way to kill them is by attracting-" Before Nai Zun could finish.


Baishi send a huge thunder wave, to the river.

[Ding! Baishi Kills 1 Dark Eyes Seal Holy Rank 2 host earns 20 billlions exp points]

Right after the Dark Eyes Seal felt prove and dozens of them attack them.

[Ding! Host kills..

[Ding! Baishi Kills..

[Ding! Baishi Kills..

2 hours later....

Lin cheng after killing the last Dark Eyes Seal he saw that he had gain a total of 380 billion exp points.

Even though he was satisfied he was ure he could have gain more exp points, if he had kill the Dark Eye Seals killed by Uncle Yu,Nai Zu, Wu Rud and Tang Sun.

But he really didnt care since he came on this journey, to spend time with Tang Sun and Baishi. He could always get more exp points in the future.

And like that they return back to the Mystic Sect.

"Thank you fellow cultivators I have already click the bubble and it should you have accomplished the task." Spoke Nai Zun.

Tang Sun took out certain golden token, and it was now glowing.

"Good, we should take our leave." Said Tang Sun.

"Oh? Fellow cultivators wouldn't you like to rest? I can accommodate you a place on our sect." Offer Nai Zun.

"We appreciate the offer but we really need to solve other stuffs." Wu Rud Politely refused.

"Oh okay."

Seeing they decisive Refuse Nai Zun didn't push and thank Lin cheng and the rest again.

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