Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 256 Trio Reunite after years

North West of the Central Continent,
        Holy Academy City of Quill

Lin cheng and Baishi were waiting in a plaza on one if the cities under the Holy Academy, Name City of Quill.

The square was open, and a bunch of people were walking to different directions.

"She should be here any moment." Spoke Baishi.

5 mins later...

Two beautiful woman were standing in front of Lin cheng and Baishi.

"Hi." Said Tang Sun.

"Hello." Said Wu Rud.

"Hi Wu Rud." Answer Lin cheng while walking to the front of Tang Sun.

Tang Sun became nervous for some weird reason feeling actions.

And the next moment Lin cheng went and give her deep hug. Making her whole body tremble.

"I'm happy to see you.." Lin cheng in a sincere voice.

Tang Sun hug Lin cheng back and she could feel Lin cheng grew a little taller. Even so she still was a taller than him.

"Hey you two don't forget about me!"

Suddenly a voice sounded waking up them which from Baishi.

Lin cheng and Tang Sun stop embracing and Baishi quickly went up and give Tang Sun a hug.

Which suprise Tang Sun but she couldn't help but feel warm. Since coming here she felt she was alone at exception of Wu Rud that had accompany.

"We should go to some place more private Mr.Cheng and Mrs.Baishi." Wu Rud cough and suggested.

Hearing her suggestion Lin cheng realized that some people were looking at them,as if gossiping.

"Oka." Lin cheng nodded.

While Baishi also nodded with no embarrassment.

But Tang Sun felt her captivating face becoming red.

The group of 4 left towards a certain direction, while the gossiping people were talking.

"Oh my those two are core disciples of the Holy Academy!" Said a cultivator with envy.

"And you saw? it seem a Taoist couple just got reunited." Said another cultivator.

"What a lucky bastard having a beautiful wife that is a core disciple of the Holy Academy."

Someone commented while sighing at other lucks.

"I know who she is, you remember couple of years back, that a two new females enter the top 10, well the red hair is Tang Sun and the other is Wu Rud."

A cultivator commented.

"You right, wow so that beautiful woman had a husband already."

If Lin cheng were he would suprise that in this place that's fill with millions people Tang Sun become famous.

Of course that's was normal, after all the status of core disciple was the main fantasy for every cultivator wanting to enter the Holy Academy and more when they were living on they Holy Academy territory.

So the core disciples all of them are name and figure that resounded thru the Holy Academy cities.

In a private courtyard of the City of Quill.

Lin cheng, Baishi, Tang Sun and Wu Rud.

For the next hour they talk freely with each other, recounting some experience and other stuffs.

"Uhmm Cheng, Baishi do you guys would like to accompany us on a mission?" Ask Tang Sun suddenly.

"Ohh, mission?" Ask Lin cheng with doubts.

"After we became core disciple we also have some responsibilities for example, we need to do certain things monthly or we will be deducted resources." Explained Tang Sun.

"Oh you mean like tasks?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Yeah." Nodded Tang Sun.

"As Core Disciples of the Holy Academy we have a Quota of 25 points." Explained Tang Sun.

"In order to get those points you need to do tasks, and there 4 different types of tasks, Yellow Task, Green Task, Silver Task and Golden Task." Added Wu Rud.

"If you complete a yellow task you receive 1 point, for a green task is 2 points, a silver task is 5 points, and a golden task which is the highest is 20 points." Continued Wu Rud.

"I see." Lin cheng was not stupid he guess that the golden and silver tasks must be more difficult if they give more points.

"Of course the points received is are the Quotas but you also receive contributions points are a entirely different thing." Added Tang Sun.

"Which task you girls took?" Ask Lin cheng.

Lin cheng start thinking that he was gonna spend a lot of time doing tasks, not like it really bothers him.

"Well Wu Rud and we've been doing tasks together, so if you have a partner is easier it can be completeled quickly, we always pick a bunch of silver task and in a week we can be done." Said Tang Sun.

"What's the strength necessarily for the Golden tasks?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Hmm Nirvana Realm, but they are very dangerous even for a Nirvana Realm. Since there always variable, a good part about the golden tasks is that unlike the silver ones you can accumulated all of the points and used for them next month quota." Answer Tang Sun.

"For example if you did 10 silver task those are 50 points for the quotas plus the contribution points in the reward. Sadly after you accomplished the quota for the month, even if you keep doing silver task or lower tasks those points won't count for your next monthly quota, instead your only received the reward of the mission." Explained Wu Rud.

"But with the golden tasks are different, since they tend to be very dangerous let's say you did 2 golden tasks that gives you 40 points. Than after deducting the 25 points for the monthly quota, the 15 remaining automatically can be used for your next quota." Finalize Tang Sun.

After talking for a while Lin cheng suggested Tang Sun and Wu Rud to pick as many golden tasks they could, Baishi added that we could do them.

Wu Rud and Tang Sun didn't opposed it, after all they have seen Lin cheng and Baishi had the cultivation base at the Nirvana Realm.

Plus Tang Sun just brokethrough the Nirvana Realm, even though Wu Rud was at the middle stage of the Void King Realm. And  was feeling like was taking a huge advantage, Lin cheng said to her that she was Tang Sun real friend.

And Tang Sun Scolded her feeling like that, making Wu Rud feel warm and become closer Tang Sun.

After this years they have become extremely close, from sharing resources to doing must stuff together.

"Let me tell my mom I'm gonna be busy." Said Wu Rud.

"Mean while I'm gonna go and pick the tasks, see us in a 2 hours." Spoke Tang Sun.

2 hours later....

After getting everything together Lin cheng and the group embark on the first mission.


North West of the Central Continent,
                 Mystic Sect.

The Mystic Sect has a history of over 500,000 years and is located in the Peripheral between the Dark Moon Empire and the Holy Academy.

The Sun was shining making the ambient very warm and joyful.

The main hall of the Mystic Sect all of the high ranking peoples were reunited.

"Sect leader so when would the people from the holy academy come?" Ask a beautiful female.

She was exuding the aura of a Void King Realm middle stage.

"I have no idea I just know that someone accepted the our mission." Shook his head a middle age man who was referred as the Sect leader.

"This time we bleed a lot asking for help from the Holy Academy." Sigh a man that look like he was in his early 30s.

"Those damm bloodsucking creatures, if it wasn't for them how could our losing resources and our disciples dying on the Mystic forest!" Angrily slap his seat a old man.

"They probably send a someone from the Nirvana Realm like me, even though I'm gonna have to also take action. We could at least remove the bloodsucking creatures for better." Answer the Sect leader.

"Umm master and elders at least is better to ask help from the Holy Academy then someone from the Celestial Realm or other force. Even though a Celestial Realm can just raise his hand and the problem would dissapeard, but after all a person like that could covet our treasures."

A young man that look in his mid 20s said.

"Your right So Teng, at least the Holy Academy is not greedy, as matter fact what we offer to them is not even food in their eyes." Nodded So Teng.

Every elder nodded too thinking even though they paid a high price, the credibility of the Holy Academy it was super reassuring.

"By the way this thing was also your idea So Teng i must said I'm very satisfied with giving you the Inheritor Status. One day when you reach the Nirvana Realm I'll retired and leave the Sect affairs to you." Said the Sect leader.

While many elders also nodded clearly they were also satisfied with So Teng.

His age is over 25,000 years old but he is expect that in 15,000 years he would reach the Nirvana Realm.

Foots steps could be hear.

"Sect leader and elders people from the Holy Academy have arrived."

A inner disciple said quickly.

"You said people?" Ask The Sect with a frowned and doubts.

"Yes Sect leader there 5 people." Answer the inner disciple quickly.


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