Start: Summon a Daji

Page 81

Chapter 130 Three Promotion to the Book Boy

Just as Qin Feng smoked silently, the plot unfolded as he expected.


Tang Bohu, who confessed his true feelings, was mistaken by Qiuxiang for a pervert, hit him with a cross soul chasing club, and fell on the body of Bei Se who was looking for him.

"What little slut, it's just a big pervert! Pull him away." Bei Se shouted in pain.

Wu Zhuangyuan alone fought against the four prostitutes, but was beaten and retreated. In the end, Mrs. Hua came out and solved the four prostitutes by one person.


Madam Hua noticed a copy of Tang Yin's Poems that Qiu Xiang had left on the ground, and said angrily, "Whose is this?"

No one dared to answer. Everyone knew that Mrs. Hua had a grudge against Tang Bohu. Back then, she and Tang Bohu's wife liked Tang Bohu's father Tang Tianhao at the same time. In the end, Tang Tianhao chose Tang Bohu's wife instead of her.

"Qiuxiang, answer me who is this?" Mrs. Hua noticed Qiuxiang's strange expression and couldn't help asking again.

"I..." Qiuxiang hesitated, she didn't want to deceive Madam Hua, but she couldn't tell her that this collection of poems was hers, otherwise it would make Madam Hua angry.

Tang Bohu hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Mrs. Chen, it's my younger brother. If you want to punish me, please punish your younger brother together."

Madam Hua said coldly, "Wu Zhuangyuan."

"Yes!" Wu Zhuangyuan walked in front of Tang Bohu, spread his palms and said, "Hand over your little brother!"

"Madam, what little brother means, refers to... villain me."

"Very good, drag it out and chop it into meat sauce to feed the dog!"

"Ah?" Tang Bohu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly had an idea, knelt on the ground and picked up a chopstick and tapped it.

"Mrs. Bing, the villain lives in the city of Suzhou, where he has a house and a farm. Who knows that Tang Bohu is arrogant and merciless, and colluded with the government to occupy my house and seize my farm. , my grandfather turned his face with him and was beaten by him with a stick.

My grandmother scolded him for deceiving the good people and was arrested by him in the Tang Mansion.

Who knows that Tang Bohu is so sinister, knowing this situation, he sent someone to plot, and beat my father and son wildly in front of the city.

This hatred is even more difficult to fill. In order to bury my father, I have to sell myself as a slave and be a cheap man. While working hard to make money, I read articles. I swear to show off my fame and make my enemies strong. "

Tang Bohu used the candle stool as a percussion instrument while chanting, which shocked everyone at the scene.

Qin Feng was intoxicated, not to mention other people. Hearing it was like a fairy who wanted to die, and his soul was about to float.

"Fuck!" Qin Feng fixed his eyes and saw that Mrs. Hua and Qiuxiang, their cool hair stood up, as if they were struck by lightning.


"I have to pull it after I eat, I want to sprinkle it after I pull it, and I want to eat it again. It's miserable in my life!" Wu Zhuangyuan wanted to show it on purpose, but it attracted Mrs. Hua and the others' souls to return. Falling from the clouds to the mortal world.

"Cough cough." Mrs. Hua coughed lightly to hide her embarrassment, and Qiuxiang took the opportunity to propose: "Madam, I think he should have read a few years of books, it's a pity to be a low-level servant, it's better to go to the two young masters. Be a companion in the room?"

"That's fine, 9527, from today onwards you will officially become a book boy."

"Thank you madam, I'm just a close friend of the younger brother. His literary attainments are even higher than that of the younger brother. The younger brother wants to work with him, do you think it is possible?" Tang Bohu did not forget Qin Feng at the critical moment, and pulled Qin Feng to take him with him. promotion.

"It's up to you, in that case, both of you have been promoted to senior school companions." Mrs. Hua waved her hand, she was still intoxicated by Tang Bohu's previous piece of music and rap, unable to extricate herself.

"Mrs. Xie!" Qin Feng and Tang Bohu smiled at each other and thanked Mrs. Hua.

The next day.

Qin Feng and Tang Bohu, who were successfully promoted to book boys, finally got rid of the titles of inferior servants and no longer had to do rough work, which was a great blessing.

On the way to the study, Qin Feng couldn't help but praise: "Brother Tang's musical attainments and adaptability really make Qin admire!"

"Brother Qin passed the prize." Tang Bohu smiled, and the two pushed open the door of the study.

I saw inside the door, two eccentric youths, one with cross-eyed and one hunched over, both of them were fighting fiercely for Qiuxiang's future ownership.

"Who are you two idiots?"

"I've never seen you before, how did you get in?"

Faced with the questioning from the two, Tang Bohu smiled and said, "You two young masters, I am the book boy who is in charge of accompanying the two studying."

"Oh!" Hua Wen suddenly realized and said, "Are you the bastard who beat the table and the chair last night and made us unable to sleep?"

Tang Bohu smiled and said, "Exactly."

"The two sons have special bones. It's a blessing to be able to serve the two of them." Qin Feng also flattered.

Hua Wu nodded and said, "You speak quite nicely, so let's treat the two of you as individuals in the future."

"Go get some tea." Hua Wen waved his hand, completely in a tone of commanding servants.

Tang Bohu said stubbornly: "I'm sorry, we have three things not to do!"

"What three not to do?"

"I don't pour tea and water, I don't do laundry and sweep the floor, and I don't make beds and quilts."

"Isn't that the same as us?" Hua Wen and Hua Wu looked at each other, and Hua Xiao asked again: "Then what do you know?"

Tang Bohu put his arms around Qin Feng's shoulders, smiled at each other, and said, "We can play the harmonica, play Jade Xiao, Bubble Girls, read books, divination and astrology, look at people's eyebrows, and steal jade and fragrance."

"Is it real?"

"Show your hands to see?"

Qin Feng clapped the table and stood up, neither humble nor arrogant: "If I guessed correctly, the two of you should be—the imbecile!"

"Ah? Can you see that too?"

"I'm so impressed with the five bodies, please allow us to call you... Big Brother!" Hua Wen and Hua Wu knelt on their knees and bowed their hands to Big Brother.

Qin Feng and Tang Bohu sat leisurely in their chairs. If they couldn't even handle these two things, they wouldn't be called the Five Great Talents of Jiangnan.

At this time, the gentle teacher walked in and asked suspiciously, "Hua Wen, Hua Wu, what are you doing?"

"We're worshiping eldest brother, eldest brother, please have some tea." Hua Wen said that he specially poured tea and handed it to Qin Feng and Tang Bohu, which made this gentleman jealous and incredible.

The teacher asked doubtfully: "You two are just companions, how can He De He be called the eldest brother?"

Tang Bohu responded politely: "We are immoral and incompetent, it's just a joke, please forgive me."

Qin Feng looked at the teacher with a sad face. If he guessed correctly, he would die tragically.

Chapter 130 Four True and False Tang Bohu

Tang Bohu said, "You haven't asked for advice yet?"

"Teach to teach."

"Invite after teaching."

"Please ask first and then teach."

"Besides, I'm going to teach?" Tang Bohu directly stopped the topic, and the teacher had no choice but to say: "Hey! No teaching is allowed, this master is originally from Sishui, and now he is the chief Mr. Washington, holding a white paper fan, are you? Which unit?"

"I'm originally from Suzhou, and I'm currently a lost book boy in Washington, with a pair of double-flowered red sticks in front of the door!" Tang Bohu sneered, trying to scare the gentleman away. Double-flowered red sticks means high martial arts.

"Bah! Are you older than me?" The gentle teacher took off his robe, revealing his tattoos.

The gentleman patted his chest and said, "I'm a blue dragon on the left, a white tiger on the right, and the old cowboy has a dragon head on his chest. People block the killing Buddha and block the killing Buddha!" ​​He took out a watermelon knife from his back and held it across his stomach.


Taishi Hua pushed in the door, and the door just hit the teacher's knife, killing him.

"Ah?" Taishi Hua was dumbfounded, and the two sons cupped their hands and said, "Congratulations on the murder!"

"No, it's just that this gentleman was playing to invite God just now. He thought he was invincible, but he didn't invite God and died." Qin Feng preempted Tang Bohu's lines and helped Taishi Hua, lest his presence in Washington is too low. .

Master Hua breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's right! By the way, what's your name?"

"The villain Qin Feng, the code name is 9528, this is my good brother code 9527." Qin Feng did not forget to pull Tang Bohu at the critical moment.

"Very good! You two have done a great job. From today onwards, you will be promoted to another level. In the future, let's accompany the two young masters to study hard."

"As ordered!"

Qin Feng and Tang Bohu looked at each other and smiled.

The following days can be described as leisurely and happy. Qin Feng is responsible for occasionally teaching and teaching to the two young masters in Washington.

Tang Bohu flirted with Qiuxiang whenever he had time, and the relationship between the two parties heated up sharply.

this day,

The Washington House was solemn and solemn, and Mrs. Hua sat on the Taishi chair to interrogate the prisoners.

"Madam! I saw this man claiming to be Tang Bohu at the Suzhou market, and he was selling his calligraphy and paintings everywhere, so I caught him and asked his wife to interrogate him." Wu Zhuangyuan said and handed a few scrolls of calligraphy and paintings to Mrs. Hua.

Madam Hua looked even colder after reading it, and said coldly, "It is indeed the real work of Tang Bohu!"

"Injustice! I said I'm not Tang Bohu." Zhu Zhishan, who was recognized as Tang Bohu, cried out injustice.

Madam Hua asked, "If you are not Tang Bohu, then why do you have so many paintings by him?"

"Uh... I stole it when Tang Bohu wasn't at home."

"You keep saying that you are not Tang Bohu, so who are you?"

Zhu Zhishan coughed lightly and said, "I'm Zhu Zhishan, one of the five great talents in Jiangnan. It's like a fake."

"You won't admit it? Somebody, go get 9527 and let him confront his enemy Tang Bohu face to face." After Mrs. Hua finished speaking, someone went to call Tang Bohu, and Qin Fengwensheng followed him.

Tang Bohu was almost recognized, his face was covered with plaster, and he covered his face with a fan and walked to Zhu Zhishan.

The more Zhu Zhishan looked at this man, the more familiar he became. As soon as Tang Bohu took off the fan, he exclaimed excitedly, "Ah? So it's you."

"Damn! You can recognize me like this?" Tang Bohu gritted his teeth. He had already disguised himself very well, but he was still recognized by this former brother.

Zhu Zhishan made a contribution to the crime, and quickly pointed it out: "Hey! I recognize you when you turn into ashes, you are Tang..."

"That's right! I'm the dead bastard that Tang Bohu tried every means to persecute." Tang Bohu said softly in Zhu Zhishan's ear: "If you don't want to die, be honest!"

Immediately afterwards, Tang Bohu said to Mrs. Hua, "Ma'am, since Tang Bohu is covered with a veil every time he commits a crime, I am not sure if it is him."

"That's it, then it's better not to kill in vain."

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