Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 51: The Supreme Chancellor Arrives

I turn and walked down the hallway to take care of some business with a certain prisoner.

After five minutes of walking through the palace, I arrived at a door guarded by 4 B-1 Battle Droids

"Welcome, Emperor" said the B-1 Droids "How may we be of service to you."

"I am here to see the prisoners." I replied to the droids

"Roger, roger" replied the B-1 droids

One of the B-1s typed on a panel next to the door and opened the door for me.

I walked into the room and I can see Viceroy Gunray and his Settlement Officer Rune sitting in a chair talking. Inside guarding the door were two B-1 droids keeping an eye on them.

Once I walked into the room, the both of them stopped chatting and stared at me in silence. I looked around the room and it looks similar to mine. Their jail cell was basically like a top luxurious Suite at a hotel.

'These scumbags don't deserve to be treated fairly' I thought 'They should be locked up in a damped and cold jail cell instead of these luxurious room for the trouble they caused for my woman.'

"What is it that you want" said Officer Rune in a rude tone

"I am here for the two of you." I said

"Are you that bodyguard that ruined our plans?" asked Viceroy Gunray in a stuck up tone.

"Yes" I replied "Yes, I am."

"I can't believe our plans was ruined by a simple bodyguard like you" sighed Viceroy Gunray

"How dare you be rude to the Emperor" said the two B-1 Droids guarding the exit who then aimed their blasters at the two Neimoidians.

"Emperor?!" cried out Viceroy Gunray and Officer Rune in shock.

Ok, put down the blasters." I commanded the two droids.

"Roger, roger" said the two droids who put down their blasters and stood back at attention.

"Who are you really?" cried out Viceroy Gunray "To be calling yourself an Emperor even though there exist no empire in the Republic space doesn't make since."

"I bet you don't even have an empire" laughed Officer Rune

"There doesn't exist one yet." I stated "But there will be an empire in this galaxy soon. And thanks to you, I was able to get myself an army to help establish my empire."

"So, the reason you ruined our plans was to get our droid army." stated Viceroy Gunray

"That is one of the main three reasons, yes." I replied "The other reasons are for Padme and for your money."

"Our money" cried out Viceroy Gunray "And why would we give you some money. Soon we will be in the custody of the Republic, and you can use us as hostages."

"Who ever said about some money." I laughed "I will be taking all of your money since I will need it to help finance my Empire and I will be taking your Trade Federation as well since I need an enterprise to help create Trade inside my territory once it's established."

"We will never give you our money and the Trade Federation will never be yours." cried out the two Neimoidians.

"Don't be too sure about that." I said while laughing at them "Soon, you two will become puppets under my control."

I started walking slowly toward the two of them, and the two Neimoidians were a little scared and back up a little but with nowhere to run away to, they started to look for a way to escape but there was no escape for them.

I now stood in front of the two Neimoidians, and grabbed their faces with my hands. As they felt my strong grip on their faces, they grabbed my wrist and tried to pull away from my grip but it was useless, thanks to my strength training, my arm strength and grip strength have greatly improved so their was no way that they can escape from me now that I have a hold of them.

"LET US GO!!" screamed the both of them

I started to use [Mind Control] on them and warp their minds. Soon the two Neimoidians were in a trance

"You will now become my servants and obey my every word." I stated

"We will now become your servants and obey your every word" said Viceroy Gunray and Officer Rune

'DING' [Mission Completed - Takeover of Trade Federation] [Reward: Special Forces Unit Voucher]

After seeing that the [Mind Control] was able to take effect on the two Neimoidians, I was happy but I became even happier after seeing the reward for taking over the Trade Federation through it's leader.

I quickly looked at my inventory and selected the voucher.

[Special Force Unit Voucher - You can select any Special Force Unit from any Era to summon. WARNING: Just like a Companion Voucher, the Special Force unit you summon might not obey you, and will try to kill you or escape. Everything depends on the belief or morals of t]he Unit

'Great, I have to be cautious with what Special Forces I want to summon' I thought 'If need to, I can always used [Mind Control] on the people I summon from the bad guys.'

"Now, let's give you your assignments" I said to Viceroy Gunray and his Settlement Officer.

"Yes, Emperor" replied Viceroy Gunray and Officer Rune in a trance.

"Good" I said "You will help finance my Empire and at the same time you will help continue Darth Sidious's plans."

"Yes, Emperor"

After getting their confirmation and some information, I left the two puppets in their room.

-Later that afternoon-

Padme was sitting in her throne with be standing next to her.

Padme is currently discussing important matters such as the alliance proposal meeting with the Gungans and the need for more security officials or creating a Self Defense Force with the Advisory Council and Captain Panaka.

"I can understand and handle the need for an alliance with the Gungans" said a Advisory Councilman "But I believe we still don't need to increase our security forces tally or the need to create a Self Defense Force, we are pacifism and we still need to keep to our principles."

"I totally disagree with you" cried out Governor Bibble "After this invasion, I can see now that we are unable to defend ourselves and a lot of our people could of been killed in this invasion, so we need to increase our current security forces by three times to make sure we can protect ourselves and defend against any future invasions."

"But if we create an alliance with the Gungans, we can just have the Gungan army deal with those matters instead of us going against our pacifist principles" said a Advisory Councilwoman

"I will not stand for that" cried out Padme "We will not treat the Gungans like some kind of meat shield or pawns so that we can protect ourselves."

"But your Majesty, our principles as Pacifists..." said the Adivsory Councilwoman

Suddenly a Palace Guard rushes into the Throne Room.

"Your...your Majesty" huffed the Palace Guard "The ship sent by the new Supreme Chancellor has arrived in Naboo Space and will arrive in Theed in 10 minutes."

"Thank you" said Padme "Now, lets postpone our meeting. I need to meet with the representative sent by the Supreme Chancellor. Captain Panaka, go get the prisoners and bring them into the Hangar.

"Yes, your Majesty" said Captain Panaka

Padme gets up from her Throne and walks out of the Throne Room with me right behind her.

- A little later in the Hangar-

Padme, Qui-gon, Obi-wan, and I were standing in the middle of the Hangar, waiting for the ship sent by the Republic. While waiting in the hangar, Captain Panaka arrives with Viceroy Gunray and 9 other Trade Federation Offficials being escorted by 12 B-1 Battle Droids.

As soon as Captain Panaka and the prisoners arrive, a large, grand cruiser can be seen entering the hangar.

Padme turns to the Viceroy.

"Now, Viceroy, you are going to have to go back to the Senate and explain your crimes to the courts." said Padme "Hopeful you will be sentence to prison for the rest of your life."

"I think you can kiss your Trade franchise goodbye." laughed Captain Panaka

"Don't be too sure of that" said Viceroy Gunray with a smirk

The Main ramp of the cruiser is lowered as Obi-wan and Captain Panaka lead the Viceroy and the other Trade Federation towards the ship.

As soon as the ramp is lowered all of the way, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and several Republic Gaurds can be seen descending the ramp, followed by Yoda and several Jedi Masters.

Author's Note: I am sorry for the late update but recently it's getting kind of cold here in Taiwan and I am having a hard time getting out of my warm bed and I have also been busy with work and making a outline for a original work that I am working on, so I am sorry again for my late updates and my less frequent chapters.

I do have some good news though, just yesterday, my collection count for this fanfic has reached over 7,000. I would like to thank all of you for making this possible and thank you for loving my work and writing. This wouldn't be possible without all of you. So Thank you for reading my fanfic.

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