Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 50: Title at the End

"Good" said Padme "If anyone needs me I will be in my bedchambers. Jerid, I would like to discuss some matters with you, please follow along"

"Yes, your Majesty" I said

Padme stands up and walks away from her throne with me and her Handmaidens following behind her.

While Captain Panaka and Governor Bibble go about their own business and Qui-gon and Obi-wan go back to their room.

Soon, Padme, her Handmaidens and I were at the door that leads into her bedchambers.

"I want to discuss something with Jerid in private, so wait out here and rest." commanded Padme

"Yes, your Majesty" said the Handmaidens

Padme walks into her bedchambers, and motions me inside with her hand.

I walk into Padme's bedchambers, and once inside, my jaw dropped in shock by how big her bedchamber was. Her bedchamber was big enough to fit two Naboo Royal Starships in it. Right in the middle of the room was a bed that could fit 5 people with their arms and legs stretched out.

Her bed was also facing a giant window with a view of the landscape. The view was amazing, some waterfalls and some beautiful mountains and grassy plains in the distance. The view was beautiful, it was so beautiful that I feel that I could look at it for hours and still feel amazed by its beauty.

Padme notices me gazing at the view.

"It's a beautiful view, isn't it." said Padme "This view helps heal my soul and fatigue when I find myself having a difficult time or stressed when running the government."

"It is beautiful" I said "It's as beautiful as you."

When Padme heard my comment, she held her head down with her face blushing but if one looks close enough you can see Padme was smiling and was happy about my comment.

Padme walks over to me and stands next to me. Since she was smaller than me, she leans her head on my arm and watches the view with me. I then took my arm and wrapped it around her, and hug her.

When I hugged Padme, she was a little nervous but she quickly calmed herself down, and enjoyed our embrace, and we continued to watch the view for 10 whole minutes in silence.

After 10 whole minutes, Padme walks out of my embrace and stands in front of me and places both of her small gentle smooth hands on my mask.

"May I?" asked Padme

"Go ahead." I said

Padme then lifts off my hood from my head, she then places her hands on my mask and slowly lifts it off my face.

Now, I am unmasked. Padme finally sees my face once again, with my wavy and smooth blonde hair, and my clear sky blue eyes. Padme places my mask gently down on a nearby chair and caresses my left cheek with her right hand.

"I made an oath on the day that I became Queen, that I would devote my life to the betterment of Naboo and to help my people to have prosperous and peaceful life." said Padme "But I can't help but to fall in love with you."

"I also love you" I said as I used my left hand to hold her right hand against my cheek as I close my eyes to feel the warmth coming from her hand.

"I know that according to your culture and customs that as a powerful Force User, that you have to marry multiple wives." said Padme "I don't like it but I am willing to except it and the fact that I probably won't be the only one you love."

I opened my eyes and gazed into Padme's beautiful brown eyes and Padme gazes into my deep blue eyes.

"I promise you this" I said "Even with multiple wives, I will always love you and treat you right. I will never harm you and I will always protect you no matter what. Even if I have to sacrifice my life to save you, I will."

I use my left arm to bring Padme into my embrace and hold her tight. I place my right hand's thumb on her chin and my Index finger under her chin to raise her head raised up. I slowly and carefully lean my head down.

"I love you" I said softly as I continue to bring my lips closer to her lips

Padme knows what is about to happen and she is nervous and excited at the thought of her first kiss happening. Her heart started to pound like mad and her face is bright red with blush as my face slowly came closer and closer to hers.

"I love you too" said Padme softly

Our lips were an inch from embracing into a kiss when suddenly their came a knock at the door of Padme's bedchambers. Padme suddenly jumps in surprised when she heard the knock, and turns her head towards the door.

"Wh...who is it?" shouted Padme

"Your Majesty" cried Governor Bibble through the door "A representative of Rugor Nass, the Boss of the Gungan people has arrived to discuss about meeting place for your alliance proposal."

"I will be right there" shouted Padme

"I have to go" whispered Padme while looking up at me

"I understand." I said You need to help your people and Naboo prosper, and forming an alliance with the Gungans is a great way of do that. So get going and we can continue where we left off later."

I then gave Padme a gentle and soft nudge towards her bedchamber's door.

"Thank you" said Padme smiling and blushing

I walked over to the chair were my Revan mask was and picked it up.

Padme quickly rushed in a walk towards her door and opens the door. As Padme exits her bedchamber, she meets Governor Bibble at her door.

'That Governor Bibble really has terrible timing' I thought while place my Revan mask back on. I then exit Padme's bedchamber and met up with Padme, Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka who are standing out in the hallway.

"Let's go" commanded Padme after seeing me exit her bedchamber.

We all walked back to the Throne Room together.

When we entered the Throne Room, we can see a fancy dressed Gungan with two Gungan soldiers guarding him, and off to the side is Jar Jar.

Padme walks towards the fancy dressed Gungan and greets him.

"Representative of the Gungan People, I am happy and glad to welcome you to Theed."

"Heyo-dalee, Queenie Amidoll. Mesa Resempative Gumba" said Representative Gumba "Da Boss, Rugor Nass has sent my hair ta discuss 'bout a meetin' placen per yousa proposal per an alliance."

"I am glad to hear that" smiled Padme "Is there a certain location that your Boss Rugor Nass has in mind?"

"Da Boss would liken ta hold yousa alliance proposal meetin' at da Gunga capital, Otoh Gunga" said Representative Gumba "Un yousa can only bring fife bodyguards wit yousa tada meetin'"

"I am willing to agree with those conditions" said Padme

When Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka heard this, they were shock as Padme's quick agreement to the Gungan's demands.

"Your Majesty, are you sure about this?" asked Governor Bibble

"You should be allowed to bring more guards." cried out Captain Panaka

"No, if we want to establish an alliance between us, we need to build trust and we will begin building the trust between our two races by trusting the Gungans." said Padme "And you should trust my decisions on this matter."

"Yes, your Majesty" said Captain Panaka and Governor Bibble

"Now, Representative Gumba, what date would Boss Nass like the meeting to take place?" asked Padme

"Da Boss would liken ta hold da meetin' in duey days inda evenin', would dat woka per yousa?" asked Representative Gumba

"That would work great for us" said Padme "Please inform Boss Nass, I am looking forward to meeting him and that I hope that we can both bring our people together for a better and more prosperous future."

"Mesa will inform Boss Nass of yousa confirmation of da meetin' un yousa words per hesa" said Representative Gumba "Wesa'll leave Binks hair, un hesa will guide yousa ta are-sa capital. Bombadbye Queenie Amidoll"

Representative Gumba and his two bodyguards turn and left the Throne Room to go inform Boss Nass, while leaving Jar Jar behind.

"Hopefully with this meeting we can create an alliance between us and the Gungans." sighed Padme

"It would truly be helpful for us in the future." said Governor Bibble

"Plus, the Gungans have an army." said Captain Panaka "With an alliance, if Naboo ever gets invaded again we can combine the Royal Naboo Security Force and the Gungan Army, we might be able to defend ourselves."

"That is something that I would also like to discuss with you and the Advisory Council about." said Padme "I believe we should do what Jerid has mention and create a Self Defense Force."

"But your Majesty..." said Governor Bibble

"No buts, Governor Bibble" said Padme "This invasion and the Senates incompetence has shown me that we can't always rely on the Republic to help us, and that sometimes we need to take matters into our own hands."

"If that is your wish your Majesty." said Governor Bibble

"We will discuss increasing our current Security Force or creating a Self Defense Force with the Advisory Council another day." commanded Padme "Now we need to discuss about the group that goes to the Gungan people to discuss an alliance."

"Who do you think should go and discuss an alliance with them?" asked Governor Bibble

"I think the best people to go with be me, Jerid and Captain Panaka as my bodyguards and you, Governor Bibble would be enough for the group to go to the Gungan People." said Padme

"Your Majesty, we have people to do that for you." said Governor Bibble "There is no need for you to go and you can someone else do that for you."

"No, I believe it would be better if I ,the Queen of our people meet the Boss of the Gungans in person instead of sending a delegation." said Padme "It will help show that we are sincere in creating an alliance if I show up in person then our sincerity can be taken seriously and sincerely."

"We understand" said Captain Panaka and Governor Bibble after looking at each other.

"Good" said Padme "Governor Bibble, gather the Royal Advisory Council, I want us to discuss future matters in an hour."

"Yes, your Majesty" said Governor Bibble

Then Governor Bibble left to gather the other Council members while Captain Panaka stands by Padme's side.

"Your Majesty, I have some matters that I would like to take care of, if that is ok with you? I said

"Ok, take care of your matters." said Padme "But will you be back in time for the meeting with the Advisory Council?"

"Yes, I will be back by then." I said

"See you then" said Padme

I turn and walked down the hallway to take care of some business with a certain prisoner.

TITLE: Terrible Timing

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