Space Core

Chapter 61: Before the soup.

POV: Harry Terria

{Metaphysical Class Creation: Received inputs from metaphysical beings.}

{[ERROR]: Non-Class Inputs. [resolved]: ignored inputs.}

{[ERROR]: 'Player' class does not fit requirements. [resolved]: stored in systems emergency backup service.}

{[WARNING]: Multiple Non-Perfect inputs. Inputs 'Fused' to perfection.}

{You're class has gained the <$?TITLE?> "Time's Cat saint". Do you wish to see the effects?}

What...? I somewhat woke up, mind cloudy from troubled sleep. The system sending notification after notification; It apparently also served as an alarm clock as a part time job.

The loud blaring of [ERROR] woke me up quite a bit more than one would think possible, it had perhaps only taken off one year of my life.

I stared at my surroundings, sleepiness no longer affecting me quite as badly. I was apparently in a bed, a pillow of pretty bad quality was under my head while a heavy blanket rested upon my body. It was actually quite comfortable.

The walls of the room were wooden, which was quite odd as all houses made of wood apart from those on the very far edge of the town had been burned to the ground.

Deciding to check out my class to get rid of the annoying notifications, I saw what was probably the weirdest class possible.

(For better reading experience, the description will be put in 'system-text'.)

{The class named <Time's Cat saint>:

The class has the following description: <Due to your devotion to the Goddess of TIME, And the intervention of Fate, The Goddess after spending a long time starved for worship will -unknowingly hehe- bestow upon you powers.>

The class skills are the following:
<scratch resistant> "these claws are wicked sharp but won’t harm their slave."
<penance> "trap a target into an illusion of their own sins for five seconds."
<Almost a Prophet> "You can see the future... almost. You will get prophetic visions at completely random times, the visions themselves are random too. You might, at one point, predict that a bowl of cereal will be eaten by a bear in December."}

(The system-text is now disabled.)

I only had one question from this entire thing; What do scratches have to do with Certe?!


sorry for such a short chapter, school is starting back up and it's kinda hard to get into a good rythm again; Don't worry for this story though, I'm not abandoning it!


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