Skeleton Girl: Dungeon Takeover

02: Options seen, purchases made, time to go.

Quiet for the moment, introspective if this is the word, I am now just ... examining each option shown me, intently. Even 'the goddess' options are given a consideration ... before again bringing me to reject them. It's the full principle of the matter! I am going to remain ... me!

"Sweetie, it should not take so long to make your choice," goddess Sharla chides. "I think. Not like I've done this for ... anyone ... but you."

This infers I am her 'first time' for this ... but it makes me feel sleazy to think this way. I as another girl's first anything is ... well maybe I might have been in a past world but the memory is still hazy ... strange beyond strange kind of thought. Much less a 'first' for an entity purporting to be a goddess-

"Hold on, I'm a thinker so I don't want to make a choice in haste," I admit ― and then wonder how many times before I might have said this same thing. It just ... words roll off the tongue ― like I'd said so often. "So while I consider these things ... give me a moment."

I may be a little cheeky to a goddess but I also feel like it's important to make my first choice a 'right' choice here. It's something which won't come again; I'd like to be practical anyway.

I'm not sure on performing these mathematics, but I do know this ― if what the screen says is true. I gained 555 CP from defeating an old man ― better him than me, right ― and the 28 + 11 more CP is ... from other things. The subtotal is 594 CP, just waiting to be used. Another 28 XP is there, and can be converted normally at one to eleven ratio to CP; but one time only gets to exchange twice the rate. It's 616 more CP potentially.

The problem in 'The Goddess' giving this or that (questionable) benefit is they are temporary benefits ― while its service afterward is inferred to be more or less permanent, but not at my free will. So, if I just take a moment to consider everything not due to the goddess Sharla ― I still have a few possible options-

First, the Repairman Belt is almost assuredly a must. Even if it has a slight downside somewhere in the future of using it ― if I can first repair the glass orb, I can salvage either its skills and ability, or combine all to obtain the Cultivation thing. Which I'm still not too sure of using. Cultivate what ― a field of wheat? ― when old men run around with fart attacks, and rocks bite skeletons-

Second, Stat Increment is also a great thing here. For starters it's allowing me an immediate increase in each of the eight statistics upon use; the system already infers I can't see info because 'low intelligence' and who knows if other statistics are already lower than some threshold for other actions. One time; it means I cannot just spam that and go all superpower in the end; let's not go crazy here. But more of everything, who wouldn't want that? I see no downside on that, either. Plus I am tired of seeing that status screen saying my intellect is too low.

Third, Regained Body is yet another boon. Well unless its change slants more one way than another, it's a fifty-fifty chance to become either, instead. I'd be fine either way ― if I stay within the dungeon or if I go outside but be left alone ― if only I can just ... not be only bones with nothing to bone. Aha I have such dirty thoughts, right. Probably why I drove both a teacher and daddy crazy a bit ― and maybe turned mother mad, too. I do think now, mommy's reaction was ... too much-

Fourth ... going on down this lineup of Stat Up for the body and mind statistics, too, as well as the increments for each of the eight stats individually. See I noticed the plot. The Goddess teasing '+2' on all stats is a trick, it's only for a year; but adding 3 stat points one at a time is permanent, and more worth it in personal growth if they never go away.

Clothing options in the menu, I won't even worry about for now. If someday I am getting a flesh and blood body back again, then ― well if I don't want to run around nude again ― then I'll see. Besides I still have to try out what I have, in the adventurer's backpack.

I did tease that one kindergarten teacher a lot, stripping and running around nude in the classroom, just to taunt him to grab me but all he did was cover his eyes and step outside into the hall-

-and how in the heck am I remembering that, of all things? Was I so horny as a little child too, or just an overt tease copying what I thought the adults wanted?

"Um. I want to convert all my experience points now; and then ... purchase the Repairman Belt ... and the Stat Increment."

"That will leave you with three hundred ten points," Sharla said. "Are you sure you want these things? Last chance to back out and pick ... me-"

"I am positive, I want the two things I said." Noting her disappointment, I felt a heavy belt appear around my waist, and also a rush of energy into my body at once. Whatever the latter effect is, I feel better all over. Then, as I settle back to feeling this new normal, I continue. "I'd also like to get either Regained Body or one of the Stat Up things; but I'm seventy eight points short from either of the Stat Ups, and fifteen points short of this Regained Body. So ... unless you have some thing for me to do to earn the points, I'm short for either one ― or I'm done then."

"Well ― ehehe funny you should say this, but ― if you don't mind holding me, and kissing me for like, two minutes ― open mouth and tongues and all ― then I'll spot you the points for a Stat Up Body. Just this once."

I think about it ― consider what the goddess asks of me ― and it's not like it isn't a tempting thought on its own. If, if only she didn't ... insinuate so much. Plus, a next time ... it feels as if she'll ask for so much more than just a 'kiss'.

For all I know, this feminine voice could be hiding a piggish ugly face, or worse-

"D, don't stay hidden. Show me who you are, so I know who I'd be ... kissing."

-aah she's a beautiful young woman. She can match me in height; but where I am without attire, she wears a billowy white skirt to her knees, a halter top holding a pair I'd like to have too which leaves her belly exposed as a tease. Hair of waist length dangles to straight lines, colored pure black with dark blue highlights; I see only a hint of coils on the ends ― but damn she's fine. Oh no I'm a straight girl so I'm not thinking of, um, well maybe if we just ― if I consider ... once-

This playful futa goddess Sharla smiles shyly, hopefully, and holds her arms out ― waiting. Expecting some answer to this offer, maybe. Groaning, against my better instincts, I nodded and held my arms open too.

"-okay? I have a feeling it's not the first time to say it, but ― be gentle-"

... if I had my eyelids open, my eyes would probably be rolled back into my head, this feels so good-


-aah d, done. Mwah! As a final sloppy end to the kiss; hey no fair Sharla!

Not as strange as I'd have thought, Sharla seemed to be experienced for this too. If she truly is a goddess then her saliva does not seem any different or alien than my own; or at least this act was just as enjoyable for me as for her. So we finish this deed ― I admit I didn't count the time from the start so I have no idea if she was being 'fair' ― but true to her word, I do feel ... stronger, even if only slightly more than just before. That's something.

-I kissed a girl, and I liked it-1{Jeez does every GL heroine go through this line at some point?}

I'm back, generating or spawning in the dungeon, or something. Same as all the times when I came back after an accidental 'flood of rats'. But, now I see a strange young woman there, having a long thin prehensile tail with a spade tip, leathery winglets attached halfway up her back ― everything screams she's succubus. Her dress top left its back exposed in favor of not being a hindrance to those wings; no cape or cloak hinders them either. Also it infers they might have function. Otherwise, her waist and below are a much shorter form of miniskirt which ― as she bends to the ground to pick something up in front of me ― exposes her intimate bits.

Following along with her, is is some rabbit eared boy toy ― dressed in a more moderate but stained cotton shirt and faded denim jeans as an inner layer of clothes. An outer layer gives him some small vest covered by a short cape fitting to the mid back. The shoes don't fit so well, they may be oversized to use as 'work boots' but on him they ... move loosely as he steps. He slowly turns ― and locks eyes upon me, upon my body, and in the air in front of him, some screen he can access; He spins suddenly to the succubus but she's paying no attention to him so what is he to do-

All things which indicate ... yeah, 'other sentient races' inhabit this world. It's not just us skeletons in here anymore; it's humans, slimes, pet rocks, and now succubi and hare folk ― plus, probably so many more I can't even think of them-

-but mostly the girl looks and acts like some 'naive young sister' kind of person yet leads the bunny boy, somehow; she has authority which he does not. Even though I never had one to know, somehow I get this feeling from her ... naive or not, she does have a 'sister vibe' to her. Succubus race, clearly, from the look of things ― no need for a second glance ― but definitely seeming to move in a prideful selfish way, flipping her tail around calmly as she is bent at some task.

Next thing of note ― my vision is still grayed, I'm standing still ― because I have not moved yet after this spawn. Huh? If the vision thingy does not shift with them here ― then this also must mean they are not 'enemies' in this dungeon, and probably even have their own roles within it. I do not think I should move, just yet, or draw their attentions. But then ― as the rabbit boy turns to glance this way in a serious glare of concern ― my vision grows clear enough without the color to 'see' what she is doing ... still exposing her bits.

This demon race girl taking the lead, is ― gasp ― rummaging through the old man's backpack!

Hey! Wasn't this supposed to be mine, by right? I killed for it!

"Mistress Suka," the bunny boy suddenly calls out loudly, "isn't this skeleton here the rogue skeleton you mentioned? The one in so many of the core's system notifications?"

Gulp. Er- not gulp, definitely no gulping motion by this cute skeleton girl, trying to stand perfectly still-

"Hmm? Oh I suppose. Don't mind it. Hey Tallin, guess what ― the pack has a book of gastronomic magic too. Ha-ha that's rich. Like with all the farting he did, I'd br more surprised if he didn't have such a thing!"

Uh ― the boy Tallin is still watching here; in fact I see him step forward for the closer look. I'm standing still ― yet his eyes lock here, on me. While her comment seems to infer either one or both of them watched this battle ― and might have seen more of my earlier escapades and explorations ― his attention right now is ... worrying. Though all her lack of concern for me too, is itself, astonishing. It infers in what he said, they saw some notifications in some system, which either were concerning before or might be still. Yet I suppose maybe one of them turned off these notifications, so my antics don't 'bother' them so much?

Well they never came here to investigate, to see me, or to ... order me. And even if they did but I 'overrule' their commands ... this too says something of their weakness ... yet also I'm not trying to be 'found'.

Look away, pretend I am not here, nothing to see here, this is not the skeleton you are looking for-

Meanwhile, Rokk the smart rock is here, near my feet ― but hidden from either of these dungeon creatures' views, by nature of being behind the stone column. They won't see him as long as he doesn't move from this spot. Or if he did ... would they even care? Are such objects or entities common enough to not worry about? I don't know.

At last the boy sighs, and turns back to watch his mistress rummaging around in the supplemental pack too. M, my pack. His eyes dart one last time back at me ― I'm glad I can't sneeze or hiccup ― then slowly back to her, the one I now sense is a dungeon mistress.

She is the boss lady for this little skeleton hotel? Ha, skeleton hotel ― I will have to remember this, as an insult, if I ever end up speaking with her.

"You should look at this malfunctioning skeleton's status screen, mistress. I saw it ― it shows zero experience ― and the stats are different. Very odd."

If I had a throat, this would have been time for a second gulp, too. To think, someone here could have realized what I only theorized upon, moments before this, of my own mistake!

"Eh, is that so-"

So, at least I can be thankful; being a dungeon mistress must leave the woman with much on her mind beyond one mere skeleton. Or, maybe she truly is so dense? He is telling her straight, he sees me and my choices and the differences; she is blithely ignoring them-!

"But mistress, surely you do realize ― none of the others here could have exactly zero points, could they? If this one is the last one to regenerate now ― it's the one to have finished the old man. I looked into the log; it does note the experience pool got fully distributed, once the situation computed as over; yet here in this one minion I see-"

Oops. I did ... I clearly overdid it on points converted away and spent!

... I don't get it, though ... the girl looks slightly annoyed yet distracted? She glances finally toward this Tallin, groans out loud, then sighs for this interruption of whatever else she's got in mind.

"Peh ― nothing new or worth an investigation. If it's broken so it cannot gain experience then I can just demolish it to summon another; I did wonder about rearranging things, but not yet. Or even if it's broken this way it's still an object in use right now; I don't have points to spare, you know; so ― it's fine. Leave it for further examination. Later. Here, help me pull this thing out ― hey I think it's a tent. Think; somewhere new I can take you down to the ground ― tee hee-"

"... but ... mistress ... we just did that ... after the fight was done-"

-I'm not impressed at what this means. What, either of them might have been scared, if the old man could have got past this first room ― and blew off steam after it's over ― is their core room not so far after this?

"So? I wanna try it in as many new and interesting places and ways I can ... and anyway these monsters here can't tell even if we do the deed in front of them. Now, come!"

"... but ... you're gonna wear me out-"

"-it's fine, it's been soft for a while now and so it should be hard again. Come!"

I see his beady eyes, glaring between me and his 'mistress' who only repeats her previous command in a more noisy way, and starts pulling open the thing. It seems clear he either has doubts about me, or just wants to not be drained by her again ... yet.

Please ignore poor me, Tallin; please let me live, er, exist ― take one for the team and take her down for me-

At last he sighs and gives in for her command; I also am thankful ― no, certain ― his digging further in my status could find anything worrisome. What he indicates is concerning enough. I ... I have to be more careful, won't I. But it does reveal just how petulant she's acting, and thus a general guide for how she acts when being 'normal'.

The duo are busy for several minutes, while I ― from this distance, of a good ten meters ― am trying to examine what I may have got if I'd been here before they were. Or no, if I did get to the pack before they came into the room, or say if they entered while I was en route to the baggage ... I would have more than just simple explanations to give. A skeleton like me, moving on its own ― disregarding 'orders'?

More clothes, for the old man and the girl. A couple blankets, not looking so clean were they. Beverages like a wineskin bottle half full, and one water bottle. Consumables ― dried fruits, vegetables, nuts, a few spicy peppers she tossed aside, spare potions, and a solid block of stinky cheese she also threw off-

The last bits, probably the sources of the foulest of smells I had experienced. Do not want!

-but I will try to recover those spicy peppers, later; I may find a use for them somehow-

-what. It's fine; I'm a skeleton here. My eyes can't water if I have no eyes ― but my enemies' eyes can surely water if they are biological and mortal!

... awkward ... overhearing their interlude ... his pleading not to do this, here ... and her commanding he take it all off ... and ... I'm wishing I didn't have to hear those wet sloppy sounds-

... and then, they're done. He even looks whipped, crawling out of said tent; but she looks ... well, filled and dripping fluids from both holes ... but otherwise satisfied ... for a minute. She returns now to looking through this pile of objects and making guesses-

-Mistress Suka is noisy though. Even more so a 'know it all' than the old man's granddaughter from before. I hear her making astute sounding statements like she knows things ― but even I see she's lying while she continues looking at items. Her boy toy Tallin tries correcting her, once, on what one long carved wooden block is made to do; but she overrides him with her own opinion. No that is not a ... well it is NOT for sex you moron whore!

One thing might be a timepiece. Oh and a few other books and skill scrolls ― of which I'm far enough to not be able to see the details on them. No way am I going to break cover and walk toward them; I'm supposed to be a tame little creature here! I can only watch and see what they do ... and hope they go, before long ― I got things to do!

At least not having a face, I should not be showing any frown or glare; my jaw is solid. I'm nothing but a random skeleton, just standing here looking at the same direction as before. Thankfully that happens to be in the same direction as they are standing from me, so I can indeed watch their pillaging and ransacking of my loot.

-It is so mine, and nobody can tell me otherwise.

Seriously? It took the duo a whole two hours more time just to play 'camping' with the old man's items. And to pull it out and set it up here, of all places; and for her to drag him inside the tent ― unwilling to perform but unable to refuse. Why she does it so close to the entrance is beyond me; but obviously it seems like they were just as bored maybe or looking for something to do; and the old man only got so far. So this means his stuff is all they have to know what's in the world outside, too? Hmm; maybe they are ― as starved for information as am I?

Which also implies one or both of these had been watching most or all of the movement within the dungeon rooms. Likely the dungeon mistress, Suka, if what the bunny boy said is true. Did my roundabout way of avoiding the direct path earlier and surviving toxic farts and vurps somehow seem to be ... erratic or something? Then what could they think of the fact I still ended up killing the invader? It's a mystery; I must be a mystery, for them.

In the future, I'm either going to tell her, or not ― what's going on with me, and ask things of her too. At some point, I will just have to decide what's for the best. To tell, or not to tell; to ask, or not to ask ― and to which one of the two, first-

-bunny boy might want to know; after her unimaginative fling with him, and their exit from the tent, he's still sneaking peeks this way but like hell am I going to reveal myself yet.

But, now alone, again ― even suspecting someone watching me ― at least partially to see I'm not damaged, or damaging the dungeon ― I can take a moment to think over some rationale. This, and genuinely just try the Repairman Belt's effects, to see if it works as listed. I can't be sure they aren't watching.

It's already on me; I'm genuinely surprised Tallin said nothing of it when 'accusing' me to the mistress. Maybe they cannot see it? Strapped around my waist with slots for bits and pieces of whatever work I should be doing. I head to the other hidden pack, my pack, which thankfully the other two have somehow not gone through. How, no why have they left it alone? Did they not see it? The rats did, when they tried to hide behind it; unless the rats are not part of this dungeon-

The glass orb is the size of a smallish bowling ball- bowling, what's that, yeah I know ... past life stuff. But that's how I think of it in seeing it ... a bowling ball made of glass. Aside from a shard of glass nicked from the surface about the size of something I recall being a quarter ― oh so that shard within the pack is what goes here. I see one main crack which extends into the ball structure but does not go more than halfway. A set of smaller spider web fine grained cracks are more shallow in nature. I want to try out the belt, but don't know how; maybe intent?

But in picking up this orb, something from the belt activates. It's not even like a status screen; it's more like a feeling, of 'repairing' what I hold. Cool; this is decreasing the spiderweb cracked appearance in one spot. Even so, this is slow going-

Time passed, so slow; but I'm locked into looking at this object. Maybe six or seven hours have gone by? I look up and see Tallin-

-he kneels at face level, just watching. He is wearing a knowing grin, too.

"-gotcha, skeleton!"

I set this glass ball back into the backpack, in a distinctly slow and methodical manner; he's not interfering but he did back up so calmly. Okay; well then this means, this is something I can bargain with? Like maybe he's got something in mind to discuss first, before making up his mind about me?

At length, with us staring at each other in unease, he starts.

"So ... I will guess you are not from around here. This leaves from elsewhere. We know of around seven different worlds from where our mostly human summons originate. I will guess you are from one of them. If I can ask ― was it Potyphur ... Dammat ... Teknon ... Schitenhaal ... Kiskisae ... Fronce ... Earth-"

At the first six, I had waved my head with a 'no' gesture; but the seventh one ― Earth ― finally rang true in my mind, so I shook my head affirmatively, and with vigor. Huh, just out of curiosity I wonder on the name of the last world.

Tallin laughed. "Yeah, Earth, me too. Well, this makes it both easier, and harder. Because we Earthers are often the hardest worked here ― I would say 'to the bone' but ... I would think you might not like this humor, there. And trust me, Mistress Suka does wear me down to the bone, too-"

His last part was spoke more soft, but I had to laugh, because I understood his plight. My whole skeleton body shook as I let my head tilt back, as if by a deep belly laugh, and he actually chuckled along with me.

"S, s, stop it, it's not so fun being her daily fucking toy-"

After a second, a new reality hit, and Tallin put words to it.

"Um ... so ... how do we communicate-"

I turned at once back to the pack, extracted the bundle of pages, and made my finger seem to scribble onto the paper. Scribble, scribble, until he got it. Six seconds; gee I really thought he would get it right away. Because ... what Earthman doesn't know what scribbling motions mean?

"Aah, I see, you want to write."

Again, affirmative head shake.

"Be right back." He vanished, then popped back a minute later, with some paper and writing utensils. "Here. Well this is my personal ... it's costly to obtain, so under the circumstances ... please don't waste my allowance."

I could sigh but it would be no good if he cannot hear it. Easing myself down to the dungeon floor and reaching for the held papers and pen and inkwell, I start to ponder just what direct things I should write. This, I should make as concise as necessary.

Tallin ― I will try to make this direct and save space by writing as small as I can manage. Yes I am from Earth but do not retain knowledge of who I am. Except for vague memories popping up every so often, all I can guess is I am or was a young woman probably in her late teen years. I seem to recall a lot of literary references so for now I assume I have been well educated. Showing up here to realize I am now a skeleton was scary but I adapted. Somehow I think I am outside the direct path of advancement within the dungeon, as I have different mental awareness than the other skeletons. What you or the other lady think of me is a serious discussion for later, but right now I want to explore my own chance of advancement. I can't tell you not to tell her, but if she's not amenable to allowing me to be for now ... can you hold off on saying anything yet?
I know nothing of this world or its people or even what this dungeon is. All I know is I first became aware a few months ago and have explored the limits of this room. I am aware of the previous siblings who came in here and then left. I think, from my intellect I am also smarter than the other skeletons so I intentionally held back when the old man fought, so I came out the winner there. Maybe also from gaming experience from Earth too, I see dungeon tactics in a unique way. After this last win too, I found myself in another space with a 'goddess', and also gained a few things purchased from some other system menu. And if I can get back there with more experience I can obtain even more in time. That's why it seemed odd I have no XP ― I spent it all on upgrades. Please don't tell on this last part, in fact burn this letter later if you would please.

I hand this whole first page to the rabbit boy, to read. He reads through it slowly, pausing in thought, rereading parts, then slowly looks up.

"I can burn it, though it's easy enough to wipe off this ink. But ― I have nothing to call you but Friend for now ― but Friend if you keep coming back with zero XP then even she will notice, she's not dumb. Distracted, plus horny of course ― even you will note this ― but not dumb. I cannot guess what it's like for you ― to not fully recall who you are. Sort of like amnesia, a loss of memories. I won't dig into the details of your past; but also in this I have a plan of my own-"

He halts, thinking over some factor unseen to her.

"-no. I can't say yet because I don't know you so well, yet. But I do think you and I could also help each other, in the near future. Oh it's nothing destructive, or at least not like you might think. But certain inequalities exist which may be made ... more even ... all in due time ― is all I can say for now. But ... what were you doing when I came here? You seemed ... zoned out."

I nodded in reply, and began to write more, filling in the bottom of the first page too.

One of the things I got was this belt assisting me in repairing broken things. From the siblings before, I salvaged what was in their backpack, part of it being this glass orb. It seems to have some magic inside which I have hopes I can use or learn. Nothing major yet, it is slow work because it uses my focus, which is why I seemed to be zoned out. A property of the skeleton mind, perhaps. I just receded into a lower conscious state, and let the work go on. Mostly all I am planning on doing is ... that. More of the same: to coexist. If adventurers enter and fight, then I have to fight too, it seems ― or draw your attention at my failing to fight. Please do not speak of me so much to your mistress, and I will try to seem normal ... or mostly normal.
So I am to fight and die. Or, win. If I die, I am without consciousness here except for appearing again in front of the goddess ... and how I hate to call her that. If I win, of course I gain the experience too; but is it not a thing here where the minions can obtain parts of the loot dropped from adventurers? I find it funny, I am now on the other side of the game world; before, I think I played games where I farmed dungeons without a shred of fear or mercy, yet here I am the one to be farmed. Well I will get better too, and improve as a being of the dungeon might; but how does that work normally? Do you know?

Handing the page back to the boy, he again reads, and then gears up to respond.

I'm glad for someone like him being here; before now, I could not properly gain lore of the world, and now I can. Otherwise it would be in picking out bits and pieces overheard from the intruders, and this could be making slow progress, indeed.

At least another hour elapses, before he suddenly straightens, grabs and hides the already written pages, and vanished. He'd said before, sometimes he's called back to the mistress' bed at random times. I told him I think she's just bored, and needs some big goal to work toward; he just laughed before sitting up straight to ask if I was joking or not. My deadpan look sure did tell him straight what I meant.

But now I'm still back to repair work. The orb is not going to be anywhere near fixed in the next day. But I'm fine with this. The time spent with Tallin has told me so much ― at least from his own perspective over the last couple years. I learned he's not so far off from me in age range; a maybe early twenties guy who got caught up as an innocent bystander in a bank robbery, and tried to play the hero-

-though you can't bring your regrets over from a past life, he told me. He cannot return to see wife and firstborn child, and neither could I return to my situation ― as if I'd want to. Well yeah, back into my daddy's big open arms and legs wrapped around his, and kissing those hungry wet lips ― but who's asking. And no I'm not telling Tallin any of that ― would I want him thinking me weird or something? No, no I'm not weird.

Just for a change of pace, I tried holding the backpack ― and to my delight, found the MP potion and broken vial somehow reunited and merged back together. Leaving one unstained backpack, plus one more MP vial than I had before. It means too I won't have to worry about the broken glass fragments from that vial, too, being of danger. Well I did have a thought of the broken glass being a trap for any snooper or thief who would try to rummage within it too.

Also, this fix extracted one glob of crusty sperm from the backpack fabric. What, the, hell. I bet that boy and girl were ... eeew, ick-

The rest of it was just odds and ends, minor fixes. One stitch on the backpack was 'improperly sewn' and somehow my fix included rearranging a stitch? Never mind I don't know how to sew, that's cool! Also added a fix to each of the clothes as well, so it's more 'my size' and less likely to rip or tear, whether I have a body or not.

Now. All I need is ... an Inventory space. That most sacred of gamelike abilities, the way in which objects can be stored out of sight, out of mind, until needed later. If such a thing exists, in this world ― I want it.

This was one of the things I mentioned to Tallin I would like; but a dungeon cannot justify a skeleton minion having such an ability, so even he cannot grant me that. But at least he also said if I got it from a separate means, it cannot be taken away from me. Without Tallin going ahead to tell his mistress of my existence ... I'm unsure how else to obtain such a thing, even if she would grant it. Maybe I should be on the lookout for adventurers with this capability, or with someone who could teach such an ability?

Speaking of the land outside the dungeon, the real world, is not near any typical kingdom or nation as I would have thought. It's barely even got a village nearby; and it's at least a day and a half journey distant in foot travel. It seems the world has seen plenty of plague and disease in the last century ... a century long plague sounds bad enough, with various parts of the world being more or less exposed to it. The local region might be more or less safe from the disease now, but overall is beset by a bandit group, and one that is particularly nasty, according to the one other adventurer group coming into the dungeon.

Which, by the way, the old man was only the fifth adventuring party to enter, after pandemic hit the world. First was a trio of explorers ― two women plus one man ― who'd lost their native guide to bandit attack. Second was the return group of the original three, plus five more, reappearing a decade later. Believe it or not, Tallin laughs too at the idiocy of their attacks ― it seems having magic in this world did nothing to give adventurers any serious attack forms. Though admittedly the 'Epic Wind' was the most hilarious to him; the dungeon mistress alone in the control room thought nothing funny of it.

I did also write in all capitals, this time for Tallin to see too, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD!

To which he then could only further chuckle, and say it's an even longer story, something about the loony goddess which might not need to be repeated yet. Oh but I am so wanting to hear it told-

The third through fifth 'adventurers' were the scouting slime ― which Mistress Suka does not consider a 'party' but Tallin insists is a sort of attack ― the two children, and then finally the girl with her grandfather. Notably, Tallin confirms the girl did enter again after I vanished, but before Suka and Tallin went to grab his loot. Dina saw her grandfather and ... ran out. And, this last one was already this same day; a solid ten to twelve hours ago.

But; this is some time ago now. I've also tried fixing the existing HP and MP potions which were alright; but nothing happened ... or, nothing appeared to change. I don't know if a potion even could be fixed to be stronger in effect or not; but for now it's gotta be at least safe enough I won't have to worry about it. There's also a slight worry about what happens if a skeleton tries taking an HP potion ... how can it even be consumed. Splash the potion on me?

Finally, back to the glass skill orb, and the repair work going on there.

... this is going to take so many days yet, just for all the tiny spiderweb cracking ... isn't it. More than I thought. Or have I somehow already reached a peak in the repair capacity?

... not like I could do anything about it, if this is the case, but continue anyway.

A full week to the day here had passed with me completing the hairline cracks and the one chipped piece, but I'd not got started on the main crack through the middle of it. Also, I got Rokk to follow me around like a loyal puppy everywhere; most likely because of the other skeletons in the room, I was the only one which responded to him. The first time I reached down cautiously fearing he'd bite my hand, he instead jumped into my opened hand. I held him in the one hand while still holding the orb in the other; but mostly after a few minutes I place Rokk inside my pelvic structure so he somehow 'clung' then won't fall out. It's odd, isn't it; to have something to call a friend-

-until Tallin shows up again, and I actually can express some things to someone else.

"... sorry. It's the time of Suka's regular meeting with other dungeon managers. She calls it a 'dote and gloat' session. And believe it or not she thinks she's already one of the successes gloating over other vacant dungeons for having five parties enter."

Should I be surprised- aah no. Not surprised; surprisingly not surprised at anything this world has to offer.

I wrote again, upon the offered paper. Last time I wrote things was more to a point; this time I think I'll try to make it more conversational, let him see I do have my own personality, if he has not seen it yet.

It is not a problem; trust me, I am fine, but I have more time now and have thought of more things to talk out. The one green childlike thing which stumbled in here two days ago, that guy gave me nothing more than seven points anyway. Boredom is the worst; it's almost to the point of wishing to be defeated so I can spend more points. If that makes any sense; then I also have a bridge in a certain desert state to sell you. So, how is life, being under your mistress' whims?

Reaching an end, the bunny groans ― but tells me anyway. "It cannot do you any good for me to explain how drained I am by her needs. Either in you being a female who might feel disgust if I describe things or as a skeleton who can do nothing of the same, or for me not being able to do anything about it either. She keeps saying I'm her match; but I think she is only using me, and nothing can be her match because she matches nothing in this looney broke world."

Ah well then. First, nothing you describe could disgust me; I might have done some of those same things too. Well the weirdness of this aside ― for now it might still work out just to play like nothing is different. So, even if she uses you, it's good for whatever you have in mind, down the line. Let's see; a change of pace, for either of us ― oh but for your mistress I think she might just need a hobby, one that keeps her occupied and out of our sight for a while. Maybe she could try gardening or something? Even ignoring the parts related to farming and food production, I will think if she is a succubus, she could accentuate her pheromones even more-

He grabs my hand away at this, a wild-eyed view shooting back at me.

"I don't need her even more driven to passion, or capable of draining me dry every hour on the hour! Gardening for this reason is a no!"

-so then, why not something mechanical, something to focus her thinking, working mind? Take something apart, and put the pieces back together? It often worked for children back on Earth, if I recall some child psychology from those days. Who knows, maybe she really is just a big overgrown child.

He could only grin at this. "Yeah, she is so childish. But with the erotic stuff added into the mix, and the playful whimsical 'me first' mentality. It's not hard to like being with her, sex aside; but I can never come to ... love it, or her. The problem is how to get her interested in anything worthwhile, not draining me."

I might suggest ... hinting to her of something like it being your interest and asking if she would like to try it sometime too. Maybe in taking the lead and showing her some of the things that might be a hobby for you and her, she might find something to try. It's worth a shot.
Also as a new thing ― perhaps you see it ― this pet rock, named with the unoriginal name of Rokk, was a pet of the old man from before. I have tamed it, and you see it here attached to me now. I guess if any more things come to attack, it would be anyone's guess whether or not this little one would also attack along with me. I am concerned, Tallin, because skeletons should not have a pet but I am now unwilling to give it away for any reason. I think the loneliness of being here was and is getting to me. How the hell you do it, yourself?

He shrugged, more or less to say it wasn't an issue for him. "I don't know; between being the mistress' sex toy or being an informal butler and yes-man ... I'm kept fairly busy and so tired. Different perspective, I guess. On the flip side, I haven't really got the sense of what it's like to be you, to be a skeleton. But eh ... well you can tell me, it might be interesting to hear."

... interesting ... interesting? I could fume at this; in fact my own ire builds at the stray thought. But while I do have his attention, it's perhaps the chance to unload a little trauma drama at him for once. Over the next several minutes I'm scribbling furiously ― and not even ashamed at some of this 'perspective' I share, via writing. The point of 'waking up' already being here, and the numerous days passing and learning who and what I am now; to various experiences of being an unarmed skeleton girl with only her wits to keep her one step ahead of the rest.

Yeah. In part it's been fun; in another part no it has not. I'm not sparing any words here; but in all, I do unleash the monster inside in the descriptive aspect. Pretty sure this would even scare him off from talking to me, more than this ― unless he's still going to be lonely, and want to reach out to talk to me, in specific. So I'll ... cross that bridge when I get to it, not burn it down. At the end of this tirade, I can only add a simple line or two of an apology.

-I am sorry, if this is too much. But hey, you did ask ... and I do have more than these thoughts too. Until then, yeah please do still consider me your Friend; as I'm sure I will need one some day soon, too.

He read all of this, reread part of it just to get my full meaning, then somberly nods his acceptance. I'm sure, it's not going to be easy upon either of us; but either if he will realize his goal or I realize mine ― we're stuck with each other just the way we are, right now.

He started to say another thing, then got the same look as before, the last time he had to leave.

"-called again-"

In seconds, I am again ... alone. Thankful for Tallin to at least whisper this much before vanishing. What now? Well, at least I got Rokk to ... talk to.

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