Skeleton Girl: Dungeon Takeover

01: Word. Nothing more, just Word.

This ... is turning even weirder. In a review of the moment, I have seen ― over the past weeks and months ― and felt other faint traces of memories within, though they have not surfaced. Memories are just waiting to come forth in some awkward way? No, that's not fair; I demand a reroll on my character. And if I don't want to end up edging into something weirder ... I will hesitate to follow those thoughts.

One of the weirdest things about right now is not these past thoughts; but instead what I found out about life and death and unlife or undying, and such. I killed another rat, and checked status again; they were three and four points gained at first, but now two points from killing each one. Kill one more and now I'm at thirty nine experience points out of forty. If I fill this experience gauge, do any extra points carry over, or not? And would I always end up being one off?

In the sense of having so many rats in this room, I did 'die' here too, and 'came back' as well as the others did. One second I was feeling weaker and more sluggish with all the rats scurrying around, one or two climbing up on and inside me; and the next .... I felt myself crumble, and then vanish. Strange, yet not, because I can now trust either coming back here ... or not coming back at all. But not a sense of being present or feeling anything in the meantime of what's in the middle state between dying and then reappearing. From an honest self examination, I don't seem to have lost anything ... except half of the points, through a death penalty. It makes me go down to level one, again ― but still high enough a level two will come soon enough.

Aah rats ― er, you know ― it sucks because I got to one point short, of level three, and not to the actual level three. And then to get knocked down by one rat chewing through my ankle. But only partway down, not all the way; how it figures loss on death is something to explore ... or not ... later. Not like I want to be dying, a lot-

A new question for myself to figure out. What if I did get to level three, or maybe four. Well for three at least; what, does it round down to level one as well, or half of three is one point five but it rounds up to two? I just, no clue. But for now, I got these little targets yet, for taking out my frustrations on them. It beats having to stand here silent, and think ... on the one other revealed memory-

So ... like ... memories ... and things ... which are still here-

Something implies I did have a family, somewhere somehow. A father, a mother, and ... nothing. No sense of a fellow child of the same parents. Siblings ― is this the word? No clue if I had any, but I think I was feeling close to my father; I'm going to say I'm a daddy's girl then, is what I was. Probably messed with mommy's mind as well, on how a daughter could love her father more than a parent of the same sex. And then this other memory ― of a daughter using sex against her mother ― by an erotic foreplay with her father-

I did kinda then get a faint visual of ... me. If, of course, who I saw and 'recalled' was truly me ... doing this with a daddy. I'd say ... a young bronze skinned girl maybe late teen, very thin and pretty, long straight black hair to the shoulders, hazel eyes, a minor blemish in the cheek with acne but who cares. Also laying nude in bed with an empty bottle of whiskey in one hand and the other touching myself, while standing in my bedroom doorway I see daddy look confused or tormented. At least I think this is 'my' room, it seemed to be decorated with ... 'familiar' things.

... how could I know if any of this truly happened! But still ― a memory of clinging to my father is a thought I could not abandon. And also, the last memory or scene changed ― a glaring mother, holding a gun, saying some angry words in such a cold and critical way-

'-you little fucking bitch slut of a home wrecker ― I refuse to call you my child, you are nothing to me, so die now ... puta-'

-and then, a pop meaning a stop in mortal senses; and finally ― here. For eternity.

-oof, just died again. Got to level two once more, then the rats overwhelmed me too again ... and return as a level one skeleton. Hmm, maybe they sense the strongest in here and target them too? Lance did die pretty quick, now since I think it over, but somehow he retained his level? How does this work. My man Lance lost to them now three times, what I know of.

When I appear again, I'm surprised to see my adventurer's pack is still where I'd dragged it, left beside the door I opened to let these beasts in here. What good fortune, it's still intact! But the last few rats are using it as a new hiding space ... and OH HELL NO my bone friends cannot be swinging at it!

'My backpack-!'

I could cry, if I only had eyes and tear ducts and-

Okay so it's not mine except by salvage rights; but in all the hard earned efforts to drag it there I'll say I laid claim to it. None of the others did so much to either block or help me either; so yeah guess what, it's mine.

Before I knew it, I wade into the mass where they were beating at the rats, just to pull the pack away again ― thereby exposing the last of the rats. Lance swings his lance at the pack since ... clingy rat is clingy ... some things inside the pack went crunch; and not the cereal crunch I'd love to have again, but nothing more seems to spill out of the pack.

And finally, finally, this combat is over ― huh, I seem to have regained some XP lost from past deaths ― to again see me peak over level two, and even halfway again to level three. Back to the bleak, dim gray view as always; except how I move around and try dragging this into the other room- Oh no, too many rats still staying there! Abort, abort! No just RUN!

I'd better start looking into the pack as soon as possible, before any more ill effects happen. Before any more of its objects get more broken.

Argh. But first, deal with the final rats in this room.

Fight! ... it's ... mortal combat! (against rats)

At last done ― the remaining few rats I sensed dead at my hand or scurried through the new door for them, into the other room ― I can relax.

This backpack is shorter than half my height, but only by a small bit. At least eighty or eighty five centimeters tall, maybe half a meter in width, and a quarter meter in depth ― it still allowed for many objects to get packed inside. A typical camping setup for skilled campers on Earth; but here ... understandable how those kids could be out of shape. Plus with the enchantment to ease its weight, I think even the puny boy from before would not have some trouble with it. Now, extracting its contents and laying things out in sorting piles-

The first pile is one of similar items ― books, papers, fabric items with writing on them. A bound book of papers with a woodcut cover, a couple in a tight embrace; hmm maybe an interesting read at a later time but I think it's too mature for children. A handful of folded letters with a ribbon pressed flat with them inside of a leather letter pouch. A few scraps of paper with notes too, things maybe useful to indicate what's going on ... outside in the world. The fabric pieces ... okay maybe clothing materials but I'll try to learn those letters too.

This second pile: bedding, clothes, and other fabric things. One pillow and stained blanket, for rest times, or something else ― well so I did hear the siblings infer a closeness. One generic villager's shirt. One generic villager's pair of pants. One pair of worn shoes which might have fit her feet more than his. One pair of slightly stained panties and oh god I think this pack of bloodied cotton belongs to the girl. Either this, or her brother was a pervert who kept what his sister threw away. Miscellaneous pieces of fabric which seem only to be clothing repair scraps; patches to cover scratches. Spare lengths of cord or twine; the longest one of which could be twice as long as I am tall.

Down this far in the bag, I did find one item which I put on myself. One small iron dagger, partly corroded but still sharp enough to use, with its sheath to hang on a belt. No spare belt in here but that cord seems sturdy enough to 'weave' into a belt. Easy enough; plus being this bored at the eternity of tedium ahead of me ... I'll take this practical step to do something crafty.

The remaining pile: consumables and miscellaneous items. One wad of dry cotton like material, for her sanitary usage. Some small boxes of tinctures and salves and ointments. Gauzes and assorted wrapping cloths. One blade sharpening stone. And then, the magic things, too-


This, along with all the actions the girl did too, at the least could confirm an existence of magic in whatever this world is. How could we skeletons exist on Earth which has no magic, except then if we were on another world from Earth? Never mind if I alone had come from Earth or any of these others had ― I thought so, since seeing the few skeletons throwing balls of energy, now confirmed magic attacks. Plus, it infers skeletons also might get some connection to magic-

But, these magic things exist. And now I have these to at least examine if not learn to use. One instruction book ― how to sense mana and learn the basics of mana control; priceless, for someone like me to look at later. I do not understand this written language though. Just a few vials of some liquids: blue, red, and white ones. Hmm ... it seems to be game logic time; red is likely health restoration while blue is mana restoration, leaving white ― I have no clue, but I can check. I ... uh, I would feel super stupid if drinking the white one gave me some ... like, weird attack ability, or something-

Name: Potion of <hidden, intellect too low>
Notes: <hidden, intellect too low>
Value: <hidden, intellect too low>

What the-

Okay now someone or something here ... is screwing with me. This world must be mocking me, to say my intelligence or intellect is so low!

And one glass orb, slightly cracked ... likely from when one or more of my companions struck the pack, to fight the fleeing rats.

Name: <hidden, intellect too low>
Notes: Details will stay hid until the damaged orb item gets fully repaired.
Once repaired, anyone who holds this object can possess its stored skills.
The object holds two rare systems and one key ability to learn upon use.
Systems 'Domain' + 'Growth' plus ability 'Summon' exist but are damaged.
User can trade off its abilities + systems to unlock one 'Cultivation System'.

Besides these items, just a few more rolled up scraps of papers, covered in symbols which I cannot read. Call them moon runes or chicken scratch or whatever ― even some zalgo text could be easy to read in comparison if in plain romaji characters.

... zalgo ... romaji- I don't know; they're weird words for me to remember ... but it seems my humor-

Then the orb. Cultivation, what ― I don't want to farm or plant things! That's all my family ever did in so many generations. I don't think any kind of farming or gardening can exactly help me now. Needless to say, I cannot eat. At best, I am being fed by my defeating those rats from before ― some stray particles left their bodies, and entered mine. I felt 'fed' enough by those. So farming and growing and cultivating, is useless ... unless. If it's this ... other thing.

No ... it can't be ... that's impossible!

Either call me Luke Starkiller or call me nothing; but ... how does it even work for a skelly girl.

From this stockpile, I do see a major stain on the backpack came from one of the broken vials of the blue stuff. Which means, just one lost chance at future mana replenishment ― gee thanks Lance ― but I'm still good. Just knowing these are in existence is something unique ― and it's not like I cannot in the future also get more-

-but, getting more, in the sense of this being a dungeon, I'll guess means ... fighting and defeating the enemies who come in here. Or, them defeating me-

Where exactly in a dungeon am I? Near the entrance, or even a short way in on the first or second floor?

... think. This has to be a first or second room in. No way in hell could two young children make it in so far just on costumed playing alone.


Yeah this means we'll be seeing more. A lot more, in fact. We can count on it.

Or ... why have we not seen more, already? And I hate thinking 'we' for this but it's the only word for this feeling.

The presence of those two means ― or at least infers ― a presence of some small village or something nearby. Within travel distance of two young teens to venture out, unaided. I'm no great strategist or tactician; but it's at least partly suspect, the presence of what may or may not be out there.

If we exist closer to some traditional fantasy world settlement, then I would not have been counting off the days, weeks, months, years ― okay no not years yet ― whatever. Instead of time, right now I should get ganged by the bunch of hot sweaty young-

-er, moving along, New thought.

Somehow, if I am to meet any men adventurers in this world, this realm, this dungeon ― I have to find a way to communicate, too. Or, the only talk I will get is to hear them plan how to wipe us ― or I mean me ― out of this unique existence.

None of the men here could like a poor (brainy, cute) little skeleton girl? None of them could have a use for me, to tag along with them?

... not even for some bump and grind?

... etchy sketchy wanna touchy?

Fuck it, I'll fight if I have to, but seek to find ways to play too.

... a girl has her needs, ya know-

-a thing daddy found out too.

... many days ... a long span of time after this ... I am still trying to 'read' the strange letters. The owners are perhaps safe back home, mourning the loss of so many possessions and should not come back for them if they have not yet.

The papers weren't in so great a condition in the first place; but at least I am sensing some letter scratches are forming patterns. And I'm getting a sense of penmanship in reading the writing ... to a certain degree. One of the characters I see so much starts with a vertical stroke, bottom up, and swirls in a loop around counter clockwise ending at the top of the stroke.

How do I know the path it took? Well on most of those letters I see a starting spot where the vertical stroke starts, right on the bottom. Also ink drops on the top of the line ― but smaller through the letters as if the writer paused there the least, to change direction and make the loop. And finally, the ends of the loops on some of them are fainter, as if the pen or nib got pulled off from the paper as the swirl got finished. Surely each drop of ink must be precious; these letters are not the only ones I can pick out how they are written, just by their strokes.


It's like ... kindergarten, all over again, isn't it. Except for not having a nice Mister Ferber to smile at, I had ... nobody. No one to help me.

... wait. How did I remember any Mister Ferber? I think, he's the one who first 'hugged' me after school; took him long enough to touch me too. I was such a ... tease? But some of the elementary learning memories talking us through learning to read the English alphabet, might be of help here. They might be. Maybe I just have to relax, and ... just try to read.

I'm getting some more of the letters, as my senses shut out most of the silence around me. Like the one boxlike shape, about twice as tall as wide, with the two diagonal slashes through it, I think is a 'TH' character-

-but reading time got interrupted ... as my vision gets brighter too. The 'know it all' girl returned, pulling along an elder gentleman with a backpack of his own, which he set aside for the moment.

A possible twofer!

"Grampa, it's this place that scared Dean so bad. They stole our pack!"

No it wasn't so bad. Truly. It wasn't. You mean your bro got scared, of this? Or, he's still scared, after all this time?

... stole? Seriously girl you are not going to accuse me of theft-

They cannot hear me, but the old man seems to be looking around, even as the nearest skeletons are striding stiffly in his direction.

"Oh I see, Dina. Well this settles it; you can wait outside now, I know how to handle things. I should be done in an hour or so, none of the other dungeons are this easy."

Hey. Listen to me old man, I got something to say-

"B, but Grampa they're-"

-ditch the whiny bitch and come over here, old grandpa like guy, I want to talk to and hug you-

"-no Dina, mind your new lessons you started okay. I'll take care of this. Just wait outside; and if for some reason I don't come out in a long while, return home to give Dean his egoberry juice. Remind him to not skip a sip of it! It will help restore where they broke his pee pee."


... egoberry ... juice? From the sound of it, this Dean was especially scared, and so had to take some juice ... as solution to get his resolve back, or something. Hey doesn't this make it sound like everyone in the world is just ... high on drugs or something? Besides what berry would get named for ego effects?

Plus I'm not touching that last part; no I'm not. She did. Oops.

"... yes Grampa."

-you're not listening to me, old man, I wanna suck it. Oh I forgot, I'm just clattering teeth, right. Well what the hell. I guess this fight is gonna end only one of two ways.

Either he defeats us all, or one of us defeats him.

"That's a good girl. I'll be fine, they don't call me 'Dilbow the Wise' and 'Master of the Winds' for no reason; and I have Rokk with me too. Now, go ― I won't take long."

Sorry old man, in advance ― I don't think you are gonna do so well. Would have been better if you could have just let me take you somewhere and do something-

I grip the short dagger even tighter, and slowly advance with my brethren.

No I have not built this up in my mind into an 'epic battle' in the making ... but it both went as I thought, and then again ... it didn't.

He's a wily old man, alright. Ducking and dodging and even rolling around, cackling too; and then he also had a strange ... well let's just call it an attack already. But no less strange than what his grandchildren did, and in one sense it's bizarre.

One second, he's just ... clenching all his muscles in what I think of as a 'guts' pose ― and then calling out an attack. Like his grandchildren did ... only ... more strange.

"Epic ... Wind!"

And then he rotates one hundred eighty degrees and lifts his monkish robe to expose a bared bottom-


... seriously. His special attack is ... a fart. He farted at us. On us.

At least I can't sm-

-ugh I think I am gonna throw up, or would if I had a stomach-

No less perplexed about this than anyone, I am moving away from his fecal smell area. Full of fecal microbes probably. Malodorous, in like a 'how the hell can I even smell this shit' kind of way. And even if I wasn't within an immediate vicinity at first, it seems the smell expanded to even this far into the room. Damn this dungeon and its low air flow! Flush the air already! Flush it!

How the f-

I don't know; now this odor is affecting the other bone guys, somehow? They seem to act dazed, more or less ... and oh crap! the one closest to this man just 'died'!

-it's like: huh? One skeleton dead, from a toxic fart!

Numbers two and three are also starting to fall, and crumbling slowly to nothing. Even I feel maybe my status which I can't see is showing lost HP. No way to tell for sure.

After this first 'epic wind', I think I'm just gonna ... scout. Yep scout out the extreme range of this 'attack'. Oh ... bye Sarge ... it's nice to know you. Seems to be a cloud of gas maybe three meters or larger for the worst of it; mostly aimed in whatever direction of where he 'fired' it.

But at last guess, I can assume maybe this attack has a 'recharge time'? Or only so many times, like once per battle or something-

"Hoi! Epic ... Wind!"

R, run! Just, run away! RUUUUUNNN!


... I don't think this last one was so clean, either. Just from the sound of it-

He ― the old man ― is taking damage too. Some of the skeletons are clearly mobbing him by sheer numbers if not from this attack alone. But even so, the total number of skeletons is now down to a mere handful, as in out of less than thirty, only me and seven others are now remaining. How the hell did Corporal Fart still last this long!?

He's also winded ... no pun in this ... now he wheezes a small bit for his 'efforts'. He might have literally smashed a couple skeletons with his bare hands; he's no weak old man, I'll admit this much. He has this pet rock thing ... which moves on its own, too. And the man smashed another couple together, crumbling them; no, the rest of his kills were not so silent, but yes deadly. But in this, at least half of his own damages received is during times he turned with his backside toward my unfortunate fellows, and so the damage is ... to his reddened ass-

The little rock dude is feisty too, I think. I saw it bite one skeleton on the ankle ― and the skeleton died, too ― just from being bitten ... by a rock-

Weird ... no, crazy. No, I have no words beyond crazy. I swear if I have to live in this world for the rest of my unlife, I ... might go crazy too. Crazy called attacks, check. Crazy combat moves, check. Crazy pet rocks who have crazy attacks too, check.


At last ― down to the last two skeletons along with me, and the man is almost in a stupor himself. I'm almost wanting to end him too, just to get his crappy smelly life over with. And to reduce any further loss, here. Plus to get at his pack, darn it!

Oh! It's already been an hour, so ... numbers one, two, and three are starting to materialize, to reappear here. Closer to where he is now, than where I am in relation to him.

Well then. Hey no kill stealing! He's gonna be my experience! I so do need this-

Mm hmm let's see ... maybe two or three minutes again before the fourth one who died earlier will return; so yeah it's time to be bold-

-oops I 'accidentally' killed off returnees one and two with a careless dagger swipe. Old man gramps got number three again too ― so this leaves my own three teammates remaining-

Uh oh. He's got another crafty look on his face; but I don't think this time he will try the same wind-

"Ch, Chaos Vurp!"


The stinkiest ... no I truly do mean stinkiest smell. Think of the smelliest cheese known to man, add in the already overwhelming 'epic wind' smell throughout the area, add in this 'vurp' thing just now, oh I'm about done. It's just him and I, now ― and I'm finally in a place to strike, straight at his heart ― actually I'm the only one left now, besides him-

Direct hit! He couldn't dodge! But oh he exhales again-

I see him now, sinking to the ground, the crazy rock finally stopped moving and stopped hopping this way too. But I'm feeling it, feeling I'm dying too ... one last status screen popping into view before I fade-

Combat Report: Suka-tan's Dungeon -versus- Dilbow the Wise + pet Rokk.
32 total entities involved; timed report can be observed in more detail later.
3 entities entered the dungeon, 1 left; Dilbow and Rokk remained to fight.
29 skeleton minions joined the battle to attack the aggressors.
Rokk defeated 4 skeleton minions, gained 9 experience points.
Dilbow defeated 24 skeletal minions, gained 28 experience points.
Dilbow defeated 1 skeleton twice, earned 2 experience points extra.
<unnamed> skeleton defeated 3 skeletons, and earned 11 experience points.
<unnamed> skeleton defeated Dilbow the Wise, earned 555 experience points.
Rokk is now a noncombatant without owner, can be tamed as a companion.
Commencing experience point upload and distribution-

'Oh fuck this hurts so good daddy, I wanna do it again daddy. Fuck please one more time daddy ― hurry before she comes back-'


Everything just vanishes. I'm in a blank black space, nothing to see, nothing to do. Just me and ... memories-

Skipping more intimate ones ― a thought of killing a human then watching his gasp and gulp for the last bit of life ... I have a faint sense of having completed a task, and also feel bad. Will the girl come back to have one last tearful- um no, pretty sure he bleeds out in mere seconds, from this cut. No; even if she did come back in, she should only be seeing him laying there so cold, so dead, with nothing she could do now. The human parts of me, few remaining bits of humanity, does feel sorry for her; but the dungeon minion part of me thinks 'job well done', I have done as asked.

-oh hey! Yeah another window is behind me. Seems I'm also turning in space ... wherever this place is. But eventually I slow and even stop facing it. All those words are in some written language like what's on those scraps of papers or in that book. And ... I'm not understanding it, one bit. Here and there one of those first kinds of letters with the vertical stroke plus loop, some of them larger like a capital letter too-

How can I see what this screen says, unless I can somehow ... make it change to a language I know? Or, have someone or something give me this language? Hello ― translation service? HELLO!?!?!

"I can't understand any of these words," I muttered.

... wait. I just spoke. Aloud.

UAAH! I've got a body too! I feel arm! Hair! Boobs! Pubes!

Oh, joy of joys, I have a body again, in this space. A body, and skin, and a va-

Ahem. Well then ... not sure if anyone is watching me or not, I can't see anyone else here, so-

Hello there ... my precious hymnal, sing for me-


'-yeah daddy, oh there ... it feels so hard! I feel so wet ... such a big thing daddy, makes me so hot ... push it-'

Aah ... at last. Done, and done. Not clean, but I did all the little things. Except not break something special. This, I will keep for later, for a truly good Big Daddy, some day.


If only I could relax, now. If I had a bed ― and a man to hold me down in it ― I'm set, in the afterglow of at least the things I did.

"Why did I just do this. Oh yeah, because I could, finally. Fuck."

A small laugh from somewhere else echoes.

"Aha, ha, ha," a feminine shrill laugh sort of like a villainess' laughter, rang out. "Ohoho. You are too ecchi. I like it."

I'm silent, except for hearing her daring call.

"Ara, ara ... oh, you're not going to say anything to me, bone girl?"

So now since the voice is calling me this, it leads me to believe she knows exactly what or who I am and what has happened to me, before this. I don't see ― whoever or whatever 'she' is ― any hint of someone else here

I might as well answer this challenge. But I'm not gonna say anything about what I may or may not have done while someone else might have watched. Nah uh, not gonna say it-

"Where am I. What's this screen here."

"Being direct now? So it's this ... skeletons come in two varieties: those summoned by a deity like me, and those created or summoned by a mortal; you are the former. This space is only available to those level two or higher who's the first type, summoned. I don't really understand everything ... but you defeated a mortal so you gained experience points, enough to raise you up to level two. The screen is a list of things you can get through points earned; I see you found a way to purchase from this thing called a Purchase Options System-"

"I cannot understand it."

"... y, you can't? But. Doesn't everyone on this world know Common?"

"I'm not originally from this world. Somehow I was summoned here and-"


I sense in this simple verbalization, she knows something, and is afraid to admit it.

"What. Come on then, voice. What do you know about this."

"... uh um well see I ... ahem. Let's just say maybe you got summoned while I was ... with someone else, in a private moment you understand ... but wanted a third partner but you never appeared. So then while doing my bit you were summoned but might have been redirected how I don't know. You shouldn't remember but I think you do because I forgot to wipe your past memory or uh something, while I was ... climaxing-"

"... ehhhhh-"

"-it's not like I was being irresponsible or something!"

... huh?

"Prove it!"

"S, s, say what-"

"In order for me to understand this system, I need to understand the language. I'd rather not lose these memories either; but if you can add the local language ... I think you just called it Common ... then this would be good."

"... r, really? You won't blame me or cause problems or ... ask for anything else?"

This implies I could. Not to mention, maybe I should, if I wanted a fair chance. Even if I should, eh ... after what I just got to do on my own ... I'm feeling good, I'll let it slide for the moment.

"... no, I won't blame you. Somehow I went from being a human being in some other world, to a skeleton of a human. A lone skeleton who recalls being a girl, but let's not get into semantics here. I have many questions, but if I am to select from this menu screen, then I will at least need to understand it."

"Uh. Okay then, I'll do this for you. Ma, mi, memories! And. Lo, li, language!"

What is she, a costumed play fanatic too. Maybe makes sense why this world is- Never mind. Bygones. The 'menu' screen seemed to have shifted now, to show some definitive items to purchase.

<nameless> Purchase Options: Stats and Traits and Things.
You have now gained access to a purchase system to upgrade yourself.
An initial number of character points equal to your life XP is given automatically.
Calculating ... done; granting a total of 594 character points (555 + 28 + 11).
As first time award, you are hereby given 1000 character points extra by default.
Personal experience points can also be 'cashed in' to extend the character points.
A first time trade of converting 20+ XP to CP can get a one time doubling effect.
- 1594 character points
- 28 experience points convertible 1:11 to character points
Purchase Options:
- (all points) "Goddess Toy": The Goddess selects you to be her personal playmate!
- (1500 CP) "Pleasure Palace": The Goddess grants you 1 year inside a fantastic realm.
- (1280 CP) "Pleasure System": The Goddess grants you a pleasure system for 1 year.
- (1200 CP) "Repairman Belt": A belt which grants its wearer a skill to repair objects.
- (1000 CP) "Goddess Repair": The Goddess gives the same ability of Repairman Belt.
- (990 CP) "Pleasure Library": The Goddess gives full access to her library. #Erotic
- (975 CP) "Topical Librarian": A library limited to 1 topic picked first; buy limit x4.
- (800 CP) "Goddess Garb": The Goddess lets you wear her clothes 1 year. #Moist
- (750 CP) "Common Garb": A fairly common set of clothes which can fit the buyer.
- (700 CP) "Ascending Glory": The Goddess increases all 8 stats +2 points for 1 year.
- (700 CP) "Stat Increment": Permanently increase all 8 stats by 1 point each, once.
- (388 CP) "Stat Up Body": Permanently increase 4 body stats by 1 point each, once.
- (388 CP) "Stat Up Mind": Permanently increase 4 mind stats by 1 point each, once.
- (350 CP) "Goddess Body": The Goddess grants a skeleton a biological body again.
- (325 CP) "Regained Body": A skeleton body converts to another undead race body.
- (100 CP) "Stat Up Any": Permanently increase 1 statistic by 1 point; buy limit 8x.
- (10 CP) "Skill Purchase": Buy or upgrade 1 skill; limit to race/class compatibility.
- (varies) "Time to Go": Leave here; room=1 CP, floor=8 CP, dungeon=648 CP, continent=41472 CP, world=5184000 CP.
- All of "The Goddess" options do submit you to her whims forever, without release.
- Objects purchased will grant the buyer their use for the specified periods of time.
- Stat increment benefits purchased here but not used will become usable coupons.
- Stat increments obey the statistical maximums, cannot carry over to other stats.

... I ... have this listing, by whatever flawed logic tilted toward me ending up with this goddess, or to pick one or more options skewed in her favor?

Even in the one I'd ultimately want ― "Time to Go" ― that's a steep price! Over five million CP just to leave this world!

See I noticed the trend. To leave the room, one CP. To leave the dungeon floor, eight CP. And so on, on upwards in scale, by cubed multipliers of the next higher integer. One cubed is one; two cubed times one is eight; three cubed times eight is six hundred forty eight; and thus it gets costly to get out of here.

Even if I had just under five point two million CP ... would spending them get me off this world? Whether or not Earth was a possible destination?

I think I can also assume earlier steps saying 'out of this room' doesn't mean outside of the dungeon right away; more like, it unlocks deeper into the dungeon itself. In order to leave, I have to progress through it ... room to room, floor to floor, like an adventurer.

The irony is not lost on me, okay. Just, shut up. Leave me alone to rant and rave in my thoughts for a while.


I'm fine, I'm okay, I won't bother with the outside world then. But I would like for the goddess to similarly leave me alone too, if that's okay!

So in context, if I take 28 experience points and transferred them ― this would give, let's see multiply twenty eight and eleven and two ― an extra six hundred sixteen points? So all told, a massive 2210 character points?

"You know sweetie, I wouldn't mind if you were my play-"


"... but-"

You crazy sex starved goddess, you ― I bet you'd try to steer me this way every time. So it's obvious, from now on I will disregard anything mentioning 'The Goddess' and hope she would not put other options in there without mention of her patronage of them.

"Do I get access to this same menu later, even if I don't buy something now?"

"Um, um yeah well I think so-"

I think she's not being truthful; or maybe she doesn't know.

"Either yes or no."

"... maybe, yes?" It sounded to me like she was scrambling to calculate something unseen, for which I must begin to believe, her costs are probably part of the reason. "Um well, so if you died again in that dungeon then if you have unspent points, you will again return to this place. I can also leave it open so when you call my name, I'm Sharla by the way, then I will-"

"How. How am I to call your name."

"... I don't know! S, sorry; but I really don't know. So um, you wouldn't have anything against a goddess who has a futanari type body, would you-"

"No." But honestly I said so because I don't know what this term is; I get the strange feeling I will be finding out, some unusual way.

"Great! Hey let's be friends. But you should pick a name, too, so I have something to call you by, ya know right?"

"... well let's skip that. Hey; wait a minute. I died to rats even, more than once too, yet I didn't come here until-"

"Well because, you see, the rats weren't from the outside, but the old man was-"

Hmm well anyway. What I want to get ― as soon as possible ― is a Repairman Belt to fix the orb; but since it cost twelve hundred points it still would leave 1010 CP. Assuming I cash out my current XP too ― which I am tempted to do, if I can come again. Come again? Yeah I want to come again.

For my money ... points ... I'd also be aiming for all of the Stat Up benefits. Since I don't want any Goddess things and I already have the villager's clothes, I'd just try them on first, before I am tempted into buying clothes from this list.

Let's not focus too much on how a 'Stat Up' works, and say it's all biochemistry anyway. Targeting bones and muscles and tendons to strengthen up, is just one side of it; the other side being, tweaking the brain tissues to get faster or smoother mental processing. It's all Greek to me; only I'd also be worried the ability to drain stat points also exist-

Anyway; the 'Stat Increment' hits all eight core stats at once. By which I mean it's the fast way of incrementing everything at once, and then later working on what's weaker than the average. This makes it seem like game mechanics; but somehow I'm fine with it. I'd like to draw all the stats toward the average or better. How do I know of eight stats? Only a feeling, along with what's said in the screen anyway.

If I bought Stat Increment and Repairman Belt, this would leave me with 310 CP; but if I went with the Repairman Belt for now ... this leaves 1010 CP behind. For which I still am not sure if I can get back here to buy more things.

Besides. Even if it were not tied to 'The Goddess' options ... words shown in the 'Regained Body' info leaves me concerned. It does not in any way specify me as the recipient of the body either; or if it will be a corporeal form. So what does she think ― I would purchase it and not gain the benefit of the body, yet get forced to be her slave for eternity?

I'm still not sure anything in this menu is legit in the first place; but at least if I start with the repair thing then I can find out later. In this case, I'm just 15 points short of a perfect trinity ― Repairman Belt, Stat Increment, and Regained Body. I am tempted to ask Sharla if I can do anything to earn-

Ugh; no I don't. I can't see her so I don't know what type of being she is, but at this point I'm still not wanting to become someone else's plaything for eternity. And then, it hits me-

-I already ... am.

I am a dungeon minion; summoned from Earth to be a minion within this dungeon, for as long as it should last. Probably, until some adventurer comes along and destroys the dungeon. Because I already know how I'll come back if I'm 'killed' but the dungeon is not destroyed; I've done it now oh ... a few times. On the other hand I am not sure it's a trade up, though ― to go from being a nameless sexless object in the dungeon, into the personal sex toy of a goddess no less.

What can I think of this mess? What would anyone else be thinking?

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