Single Stat System

Chapter 71: Scheme

"Sigh, it seems like you still don't believe me." Sakim suddenly said seeing that the other party wasn't saying anything as he ignored his friendly smile. "I am thankful to them especially to Izel because she saved me just now. So as a reward, I gave her this little thing. I also gave her friend something as an act of goodwill."

But Sakim wasn't lying there. Izel really saved him the trouble and gave him an idea of how should he deal with this man in front of him. If not for her, then who knew what kind of strategy he should come up with just to take care of this man.

"Oh? Since you are so rich, why not you give me something as well since I am their friend too?" Julius grinned as he finally displayed the surface of his greed. Just by looking at the other party's eyes, he could tell that there were no lies behind his words. Izel must really have saved him on whatever it was. But he didn't care about it even a little. All he could see right now was the items he could possibly get from the other party.

Since this guy had the guts to give something precious as a reward, Julius could only think that this guy was possibly a rich kid. The reason behind that calmness should be he was confident in his background and had already seen many High Rankers other than him.

If that was the case, then Julius was really lucky this time. He should at least get everything he could get from the other party before killing him. Or even better, sell him to his family or whatever background he had.

If he could just get the other party's things directly from his Inventory, then he wouldn't be so patient enough to ask him to take it out and just kill him right away to get the items. But sadly, it was not possible for anyone. Not unless if they had enough Greed Energy to steal items from other's Inventory. And he knew well that he wasn't that capable.

But thinking about it now, Julius finally realized why was those two bitches acting so strangely. They were surely trying to coax this rich kid so to get more items from him before killing him. They must have similar thoughts in mind!

But now that he arrived, they were so displeased that they needed to share their target with him. And they were probably hoping and cursing him to just leave already before he realized that this guy was a walking gold mine.

Unfortunately for them, Julius realized their scheme. He could only praise himself for being so smart to find it out as his grin couldn't help widening.

But Sakim could read his mind. Knowing what the other party was thinking, was as easy as drinking water for him. He was just thankful that this bastard was greedy because if not, it would be much harder to execute his plan.

"That... He has no more items! W-why not you leave already and find the vessel instead?" Izel suddenly spoke from the side with a worried smile. As if she was in a hurry to shoo away Julius.

But then, even she herself didn't know how did her body suddenly moved on its own and said what she said just now. As if she was just being possessed with her consciousness remained intact.

But recalling what she had eaten a while ago, she could only shift her gaze at Sakim as she'd realized what had just happened. She couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva thinking about how terrifying the controlling ability of that pill she swallowed.

On the other hand, Kristina stared at her strangely but didn't say anything. Just what was her friend scheming? Why was she in a hurry to shoo away Julius? Kristina pondered at that moment before she finally realized that her friend was probably trying to protect their new master.

With that in mind, Kristina supported her friend and said, "Yeah, why are you even here you irresponsible leader? Hurry up and find the vessel!"

But contrary to what Kristina thought, Izel wasn't really trying to chase Julius away. Little did she know that her friend was actually being controlled by their master.

In any case, Sakim just let her be. He was even thinking to control her so as to put more act but who would have thought that this woman was actually quick-witted and acted on her own. What a smart woman. It really saved him a good amount of trouble.

But then, Sakim was just surprised that as long as his blood was there, he could control it as if it was his own body.

Since his blood had already blended in Izel's entire body, he could control the movements of her tongue and lips while letting out her voice from her vocal folds. And as if her body was a part of his body, he controlled it very easily. Sakim could only smile again seeing the capability of the skill he had just created.

"Hehe, don't be in such a hurry of chasing me away," Julius grinned. He was now more than certain that his guess was correct. This new player must be a walking gold mine! "Don't you think that our friend here will be saddened if I leave without a parting gift?"

"You..." Izel gritted her teeth. Her body moved on its own again. However, before she could say any more words, Sakim in front of her waved his right hand to the right side trying to interrupt her.

"Since your friend is already here, let him stay," Sakim said before shifting his gaze at Julius and added seriously, "I have few things in me and I can give you one. In return, you will do me a favor."

"Oh? I wonder what kind of favor it is..." Julius replied with a smile as he thought, "Favor? Hmph! You are already about to die and you are still asking for a favor? I really wonder how will your family react if they find out that their child has died in the hand of a bandit."

"You will learn if you agree," Sakim replied calmly as he retrieved a ring from his Inventory trying to show it to the other party.

"Uhm... A-are you really going to invite him as well? Isn't us more than enough?" Kristina suddenly spoke from the side with a slightly suppressed voice.

But of course, Julius was still able to hear her very clearly. He could only harrumph coldly inwardly thinking how sly was this bitch to try taking the walking gold mine just for themselves. He should really teach them a lesson once this matter was over.

On the other hand, Kristina was taken aback seeing her body just moved on its own and spoke what she had just said. What the hell? What was going on now? Kristina wanted to voice out what she'd just experienced but soon she realized it and didn't say anything. It must be her master's doing! He must be controlling her body. Only then did she realize as well that her friend was being controlled too. What a terrifying controlling capability. That pill she swallowed was really dangerous. She really wondered if Julius could resist it if he swallowed one as well.

"One additional person is always better, don't you agree?" Sakim smiled slightly.

"That... A-alright..." Kristina sighed, helpless. As if she was dejected seeing that Julius would be invited as well.

"Hmm..." Julius pondered with a smile. He could see no scheme and lies from them. And contrary to that, those two bitches were probably hoping for him to refuse and just leave already. Just what the hell was that invitation? He could even feel that it was something good.

And also, that ring... Julius narrowed his eyes at the ring that Sakim had retrieved as he could see as well that it was something that wasn't ordinary. He really was curious about it.

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