Single Stat System

Chapter 70: Julius

"Ah, yes?" The two women replied with an awkward smile. They didn't even know what to do or what to say right now. Did this guy suddenly changed his personality? How could he act as if he really didn't know anything about Julius? And that calmness... Could he at least pretend that he admired the formidable aura coming from Julius?

"What the hell are the two of you doing here? Who is he? And where is the vessel?" Just after Izel and Kristina replied to Sakim, they suddenly heard again the cold voice of Julius. Julius was just wondering and was annoyed seeing these two bitches still had the time to dilly-dally around with this new player.

But then, Just who was this brat anyway? How could he remain calm even after facing someone far stronger than him? Did he lose his sense of awareness that was why he didn't know what to react in front of a High Ranker like him? Julius narrowed his eyes while looking at the new player. However, at that moment, he seemed to recall something.

New player? Could it be that this guy was the vessel? After all, their boss told them that the vessel was in a form of Low Ranker. And this guy was a Low Ranker and was acting so strangely far different than what the Low Rankers should act. Was he really the vessel? The more he thought about it, the more he believed that it was highly likely to be the case. If not for the fact that he could only feel a very little amount of Greed Energy when he focused his senses on him (of which it was normal for normal people or people who had just awakened their power and received the system), he would really have believed that he was the vessel. After all, even if he was a weakling, since he was the vessel, his Greed Energy should be overwhelming, right?

No matter what was the case, he should just ask these two bitches for an answer. Since they first arrived here, they should know where the vessel was, right?

"That..." Izel and Kristina scratched their cheek with their forefinger and with a weird smile. Although they were already accustomed to Julius' bossy character, they just felt so uncomfortable right now. That said, they just couldn't reply immediately to him. After all, the vessel he was looking for was just in front of him. And this vessel himself had just turned them into his slaves. How could they have the guts to tell who he was?

"What's wrong?" Julius frowned. Why did these two acting so strangely now? Where was their arrogance and smug face whenever they were facing him?

However, before Julius could see anything more strange, he noticed something on them as he pointed his forefinger towards the thing held by Izel. "That shirt, isn't that the Dancing Wind? Why is it in you now?"

Izel and Kristina were taken aback by his words before they finally realized and recognized that familliar item.

Surely, this item was the upper body equipment of Tanghali they had just killed before. They were wondering where did this thing go but who would have thought that it was in the hand of Sakim. Just how did this thing suddenly end up in him? It couldn't be that Sakim had also met those four and turned them into slaves, right? Looking at Sakim now, Izel and Kristina thought that it was highly likely to be the case.

"What now? Why are you not saying anything?" Julius narrowed his eyes as his suspicions gained more exp and were now ready to level up at any moment.

"This..." The two women smiled weirdly but they just couldn't find a word to say. Thankfully, before they could say anything, Sakim had already spoken in place of them.

"You're right, it's the Dancing Wind. I gave it to her, why?" Sakim said calmly. But then, he was surprised to know that the other party knew about this item. Were they acquainted with the four he met before?

But wait... Sakim suddenly recalled that those four were being chased by bandits. Could it be that these guys were the bandits who were chasing them? After all, the robber's leader (who he thought as the bandit and the ones chasing them) told him that they were not bandits but just a group of robbers. With that said, those robbers weren't the ones who were chasing those four.

Sakim nodded his head in realization. No wonder those four were wary against the bandits chasing them. It appeared that these people were really no joke, especially this man standing in front of him who gave a dangerous feeling that he was much stronger than any of those four.

In any case, since this guy recognized the item, then it would only be much easier for Sakim to execute his plan. He could only smile inwardly thinking about it.

"Are you serious?" Julius narrowed his eyes against Sakim. From the other party's tone of voice, and that calm eyes, it was more likely that he wasn't lying. But how could he have the Dancing Wind? No matter how hard he thought of it, he just couldn't get it at all.

And also, how could this weakling speak so nonchalantly at him? Did he really see him as nothing? Veins couldn't help appearing on his forehead trying its hardest to suppress his annoyance. Thankfully, he managed to calm himself down trying to see what was this guy up to. If anything, he could just kill him whenever he wanted.

"Why would I joke with you?" Sakim asked calmly as he continued with as if no interest at all, "I also gave that dagger to Kristina though. If you don't believe me, why not see it yourself or ask the both of them who gave these items?"

"..." Julius didn't say anything. He also noticed that Kristina was holding a dagger that appeared to be not ordinary as well. Even with a glance, he could tell that those items were the real thing. And no need to ask those two bitches, because he already could tell that this guy wasn't lying.

It was just that, he found it hard to believe that this guy had these items. And why the hell did he gave those precious items to them? Was he really that rich? Or there was more to it than the eye could see?

But thinking that this guy might probably a rich kid, his heart couldn't help beating in excitement. Many malicious thoughts flooded his mind as he let out an ear-to-ear grin inwardly but only a friendly smile at the surface.

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