Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 3 - confused, streamer

The next day, at nine o’clock in the morning, the light outside the window gradually became brighter. Jing Qing opened her eyes in a hazy heart. When her consciousness was awake, the images from last night flashed in her mind. Jing Qing couldn’t help but think, The picture, she definitely won’t be a dream, the obvious sense of temperature, touch, and the real feeling of stepping on the ground clearly tell herself that it is not a dream!

Jing Qing guessed in his heart: Could it be the soul out of the body? Or did the self in his sleep go to another time and space? She can be sure that the environment is very dilapidated and shabby. There are no such houses or furnishings in today’s era. It is more like the era described in the book when it was backward and poor. Maybe she has traveled through time and space?

Don’t think that she is too open-minded, too imaginative and exaggerated! In fact, what she has experienced since she was a child is extraordinary. Whose mother can communicate with animals and plants? Can you heal people directly with the palm of your left hand? And also let her and her brother inherit a carry-on space? !

Since childhood, I have taught myself that anything is possible in the world! There are so many magical things in their family, even if they really travel through time and space, it is not impossible for them!

Jing Qingxin got up and sat on the bed, combing her long hair with her hands, frowning her eyebrows slightly, and looking thoughtful. As far as she knows, the occurrence of all strange things requires a certain medium basis. She can suddenly go to other places in her sleep, it should be said to be another time and space, there should be a reason, it must be her What touched it? !

Suddenly, the hand combing her hair touched a piece of warmth, Jing Qingxin looked down, and instantly, her beautiful eyes brightened, ancient ink jade pendant?

This is my brother’s birthday present, yes~! Jing Qing patted her head angrily and murmured, “How could I forget this? It must be because of this ancient ink jade pendant!”

When she dripped blood last night, she only saw a brief flash of light, and nothing happened. She originally thought that this jade pendant was not a magic weapon, and there was no formation, but she just regarded it as a magic weapon. It’s a piece of jewelry to use, but I didn’t expect this jade pendant to be able to transport people through time and space? !

Jing Qing didn’t expect this birthday gift to have such an unexpected surprise. She was very surprised. Her university is a Chinese major, and it will also involve courses in the development of history in many years. She is very interested in the country’s past history, and has learned about some of those times from many books.

Today’s era is the era of science and technology. The development of countries is very rapid, and there are many unexpected high-tech births. Now this era pays more attention to the research and development of science and technology. Life is very convenient and developed, but Jing Qing feels that without the cultural heritage of the distant past, there will be a lot less customs and human feelings, but the world seems a little colder.

Jing Qingxin still remembers that when she was a child, she snuggled in her great-grandfather’s arms and listened to him tell many stories of his struggles in those hard times. Although she didn’t quite understand the meaning at that time, she still listened with relish and did not know. Why, it seems that she has been interested in those ancient things since she was a child.

Whether it’s history, stories that happened in that era, or even an item, she’s interested in learning about it. This is why her university chose a major in Sinology and Culture, which is relatively unpopular for today’s social development!

However, when she was twelve years old, her great-grandfather left them at the age of ninety-six. Since then, she wanted to know something, and when she was confused, she had to ask her grandfather or grandfather to explain it to her. She liked the era when her great-grandfather worked hard and united as one, the emotion, the belief, and the spiritual presentation, it was a completely different era from now!

“Dong Dong~”

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Jing Qing’s deep thoughts, and immediately got up, put on his robe, and opened the door!

“Little lazy pig, it’s time to get up!” Jing Qingmu said with a chuckle.

“Brother~ Who is the little lazy pig! I woke up early, I was just thinking about something~!” Jing Qing retorted with a pouted heart.

Jingqing Mu Zhengran said: “I’ll keep your breakfast. Hurry downstairs to eat. Mom explained before going out that you must have breakfast! I have an appointment with a friend, so I’ll go out first!”

“Oh, I see!” Jing Qing responded.

Jing Qingmu was about to turn around and go downstairs, when she suddenly turned her head and asked, “That’s right! Xinxin~, did the jade pendant that I gave you last night have any seals unlocked?”

“Uh… I only saw a flash of golden light, and the rest haven’t been discovered yet.” Before the matter was completely confirmed, Jing Qing thought that she should not tell anyone for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary worry, maybe it will be Don’t allow her to continue exploring, let’s wait until she finds out the situation, and then tell them!

Jing Qingmu said with a look of pity: “That’s a pity, I chose to give it to you because it was unique, thinking it would be a magic weapon, but it doesn’t matter, I will find a better one to give you later. “

“Okay~ Thank you, brother!” Jing Qingxin smiled and thanked.


There was no one at home, Jing Qing slowly finished breakfast, and after a simple tidy up, she flashed into the ‘Liuguangjin’ to take care of her flowers and plants!

Since they were ten years old, their mother, Mu Yan, let her and her brother inherit the ‘Liuguang Space’ in half, and what her brother Jing Qingmu obtained was a complete palace building, the ‘Liuguang Temple’, while she got it herself. A small world overflowing with flowers, hence the name ‘Liuguangjin’.

Before the age of ten, all four of their family could enter the mother’s ‘Liuguang Space’, but after the division, the rest could no longer enter. After inheriting the ‘Liuguang Jin’, she also began to learn some flowers and plants from her mother. Planting and various research and development, therefore, she is also in contact with flowers and plants since she was a child.

After entering the ‘Liuguang Jin’, Jing Qingxin first entered the tent and continued to grind the powder. Her ‘Liuguang Jin’ did not have any buildings, only a large flowerbed and medicine field, then a small stream and a bath, and the rest. The space is an empty land, surrounded by a white fog that cannot be touched at all.

In order to facilitate the operation, development and stacking of items in the ‘Liuguang Jin’, Jing Qingxin built two large outdoor tents in the ‘Liuguang Jin’, one tent is used to store some collected items, all from small to big elders Gifts, if she likes the ones she likes, she will put them in the ‘Liuguang Jin’, and some jewelry and accessories were carried by her brother from his ‘Liuguang Temple’. According to his meaning, he is one of them. Men don’t need these either, and of course they also give a piece of jewelry to their mother, Muyan, after all, it’s all given to them by their mother.

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