Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 2 - Ancient ink jade pendant, a fantasy dream?

Brother Jing Qingmu divided it into the ‘Liuguang Temple’, which has six rooms and treasures all kinds of books and treasures, its value is inestimable! And what she got was a flower garden and medicine field, and a stream pool. Neither brother and sister were dissatisfied with the space they inherited, because they often exchanged space things.

Jing Qingxin took the jade pendant and looked at it carefully. It was an ancient ink-colored half-moon-shaped jade pendant, tied with a thin red thread. The jade pendant showed a faint pattern, which was slightly larger than a one-yuan coin. It looks very small and delicate.

In an instant, Jing Qing felt like it very much, and then thanked her sweetly: “Thank you, brother, I like this jade pendant! Why haven’t I seen you take it out before?”

“Of course this jade pendant is different. It was picked out in the sixth room two days ago. My mother didn’t say that most of the items in the sixth room are magic weapons, so they can’t be used easily. I don’t want to give you a special birthday present! Or, you can try it later to see if there is an adventure~!” Jing Qingmu said jokingly, they all know that adventure is not desirable. , need a chance.

“Okay! That brother, good night!” Jing Qing was eager to try, hurriedly waved goodbye to her brother, and closed the door.

Jing Qingmu looked at the door that was suddenly closed, and suddenly felt dumbfounded. This is a good thing, and it is not worth his brother? He smiled and walked back to his room.

Jing Qingxin was very curious about this jade pendant, so she quickly took a fruit knife and lightly scratched a wound on her index finger. The blood suddenly formed a spot, Jing Qingxin squeezed it with her hand, and the bright red blood droplets fell on the ancient ink color. on the half-moon jade pendant.

Jing Qing stared at the jade pendant closely, for fear of missing something. The blood droplets were slowly absorbed and penetrated by the jade pendant. Suddenly, the jade pendant flashed a golden shimmer and then disappeared.

Jing Qingxin continued to wait for a minute, but there was no sign of the ancient ink jade pendant. Jing Qingxin immediately picked up the jade pendant and inspected it carefully, but there was no change.

No~ It seems that the lines on the jade pendant are a little more obvious than before. It can vaguely feel like a pattern, but the specific lines are not clear.

“What, it’s nothing special at all?” Jing Qing couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss. Although it wasn’t a magic weapon, it was very small and exquisite in appearance, and it was also a birthday gift from her brother, so it would be good to wear it as an ornament. of.

Immediately, Jing Qingxin put the jade on her neck, and the half-crescent jade pendant just hung on her heart, and it looked pretty.

Jing Qing went to bed with a satisfied smile. At this time, the night was deep, and the stars in the night sky were gradually hiding in the clouds, as if everything in the world had entered a sleep.

As for Jing Qingxin who was sleeping, a golden light suddenly flashed in her heart. The faint light shone on this quiet and dark room. After a few seconds, she disappeared, and Jing Qingxin, who was lying on the bed, was still sleeping peacefully. Yan, if you don’t get close and touch, maybe no one will notice the difference.

Jing Qingxin suddenly felt that her body was being pulled by something, as if there was a suction force pulling her tightly in one direction, and the surrounding white fog could not be seen clearly at all.

A faint light flashed, and Jing Qingxin immediately covered her eyes, and within a few seconds, the faint light disappeared, and then, Jing Qingxin felt that the attractiveness of her body also disappeared, and immediately put down her hands and opened her eyes.

Immediately, a dilapidated house appeared in front of Jing Qingxin, and the surroundings of the room looked dark. Fortunately, the sky outside the window was bright. With this bright color, Jing Qingxin could clearly see the environment in front of her.

Above the head is a roof covered with tiles. The walls look very worn. The floor is not the tile and wood plan she knew, but the soil floor, with a hint of unevenness. The room has an old square wooden table, three straight. On the table was an old-fashioned water bottle that she had only seen in books, still the old style with big red flowers, and beside it was a large iron porcelain jar with the words ‘for People’s Service’ lettering.

Jing Qing felt puzzled for a while, where is this? Everything here seems to be too poor and backward, just like the hard times recorded in the history books she read when she was in college.

Jing Qing looked sideways in confusion, and immediately covered the voice that was about to exclaim with her hands. There was a bed beside her, and what made her almost startled was that there was still a person lying on the bed.

Jing Qingxin took a few steps forward in a soft voice. There was a man lying on the bed, and he was a man with very handsome and masculine features, but his cheeks were a little thin, his lips were chapped, his whole face was very pale, and his eyebrows were also very pale. He frowned slightly, as if tormented by illness, and was extremely uneasy even in his sleep.

“Water~Water~” the man whispered.

Jing Qingxin leaned slightly to listen, and couldn’t help but read in her heart: Water? Does he want to drink water?

Jing Qingxin turned around and glanced at the wooden table, then stepped forward, opened the stopper of the water bottle, poured half a glass of water into the large iron porcelain jar, and immediately picked up the cup to feel the water temperature. It’s been a while.

Jing Qingxin took the iron porcelain cup, walked to the bed, and gently put the cup between his lips, as if the man also felt the source of water, opened his lips slightly, and Jing Qingxin gently put the cup in of water and fed him into his mouth until he drank more than half of the glass.

Jing Qing raised the corners of her mouth involuntarily, and muttered, “I can really drink~!”

Suddenly, the man on the bed opened his eyes, staring straight at Jing Qing’s heart, like a sharp blade piercing the heart.

The man suddenly opened his eyes, which made Jing Qing feel a sudden panic, especially the sharp eyes, which was instantly startled.


“Ah~!” Jing Qingxin was frightened by the sudden light in her eyes, and she couldn’t help but exclaimed, but when she exclaimed, she suddenly felt that something was wrong, she got up from the bed exclaiming.

Jing Qingxin hurriedly exhaled lightly to relieve the shock just now. The sky outside the window was still slightly dark, so she turned on the bedside lamp, and the bright light suddenly illuminated the whole room.

It is indeed his own room, not the one he just saw, what is going on? Is it a dream? But it’s too real, she still remembers the feeling of the temperature of her holding a water cup and the feeling of walking on the ground with her feet.

If it was a dream, how could you dream of such a room with that handsome man with sharp eyes? Can she be sure that she has never seen that man before, if it was a dream, would she see her facial features so clearly?

But if it wasn’t a dream, she is indeed real now, sitting on the big bed in her room? !

Jing Qing felt more and more confused the more she thought about it. Seeing that the night was still sinking, she immediately fell back to sleep.

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