She Who Became Immortal

045 – She, Who Question Lex’s Motives

"You want to kill the Lion King... do you?"

The first to react was the fox spirit Serena. She set down the wooden cup of tea she had been brewing on the floor, glaring at Lex Asuka with clear suspicion.

The woman, in her twenties with a voluptuous figure, didn't change her expression.

"Yes. Randall is not fit to be king. To put it plainly, he's a nuisance to us beastfolk. If he remains king, we will eventually bow down to the humans."

Her tone remained unchanged. She spoke that way because she believed it.

"We need to integrate more. Just forming groups individually will only result in being picked off one by one and subjugated. Even a minor crew like the 'Anti-Lion Alliance' can manage that. Humans would do it more effectively."

A mixed army of beastfolk.

In that sense, 'Anti-Lion Alliance' and 'Grimoire' were similar. They coerced with force, we enticed with words and attitude. It was clear who would work more actively, but the phenomenon itself was the same.

"Lion King Randall must be mighty. It's necessary to make him obey with force and rally the beastfolk. Why don't you do that to the Lion King?," Junos spoke up.

It was a valid opinion, but easy to refute. I understood.

"Randall isn't interested in such things. If the humans attack, he thinks we should fight back and drive them away. That's his perspective."

"Is that not enough?"

"No, it's not enough. Besides, humans don't blatantly 'attack'. They will cut us down more cunningly, swiftly."

Well, that's true.

Wars arising for reasons other than bitterness and resentment primarily mean economic benefits. That is, whether one gains from war or loses from peace.

And—being someone with knowledge of modern-day global earth, I could easily understand, war didn't just mean armed conflict.

There was the Cold War, such a term existed.

There was economic warfare, a term I knew.

For instance, if humans sent combat units called 'slave traders' into the beastfolk's country and abducted individuals by tribe, the beastmen couldn't prevent it. Sure, if it happened repeatedly, they might organize defense forces against humans. But then, it's just a matter of stopping the slave trade for a while.

As a result, the beastfolk would only lose. Humans would gain profits.

And—there couldn't be massive forces continuously defending places where nothing happens. Armies cost money. In a beastfolk country without money, it meant diminishing food supplies. Although they seemed to collect wheat and grains as taxes, it couldn't continue indefinitely.

Eventually, border defense forces would downsize. If downsized to a scale where humans could break through, they could send in the 'slave traders' again.

Just off the top of my head, I could see scenarios like this.

More sinister groups could construct even more malicious plots.

"...Why haven't humans attacked the beastfolk until now?"

Junos furrowed his brows as he asked. It wasn't a question directed at anyone in particular, so if one weren't careful, the question mark might have lingered in the air and eventually burst.

"It's that time, isn't it?"

Lex answered.

"What time?"

"For example, I've heard that demons periodically stir up trouble to avoid stagnation and relaxation. By causing internal strife, they regulate so that violence doesn't turn outward... that seems to be their policy."

"Who did you hear that from?"

Junos' gaze sharpened.

"Demon King Adi Adiload." Lex's tone didn't change as she answered. It was Junos whose expression visibly changed.

"Have you met the Demon King?"

"Yes. Despite appearances, I'm an attendant to the Beast King. Besides, Randall finds political discussions tedious. I was the one who heard about the Demon King's intentions and thoughts."

"So, you came to meet the Demon King?"

"That's right. It was eight years ago. He mentioned intentions of not invading the beastfolk's country, not retaliating even if demons flowed into the beastfolk's country, and attacking if beastfolk crossed into demon territory. Essentially, he advocated for non-interference."

"...I see."

Junos nodded solemnly.

Personally, I wanted to exclaim, 'Wow,' but out of respect for Lex, I refrained. From the sound of 'Demon King', I had imagined someone more arrogant or tyrannical, but upon hearing, they were just another 'powerful being'.

If they won't meddle, I'll leave them be.

That seemed to be what the Demon King conveyed to the beastfolk.

Of course, from another perspective, it might appear as a weak stance to convey non-interference. Randall probably perceived it that way.

But that's fine. For now, let's put aside the Demon King's story. The issue at hand was the humans.

"So, this is it. It's a time when there's nothing to do internally, so desires are beginning to surface externally," I said.

I'm not very knowledgeable, but I've heard that even the political representatives of both Allied and Axis Powers during World War II struggled when they had no achievements to make. Of course, there were probably others who advocated peace. But it's a simple fact that without war, they couldn't gain military merit.

Looking back at the Louisse Kingdom, the power balance between major aristocrats and non-major aristocrats was already established. Although there were complicated power struggles, the situation was at a standstill, making it difficult to do something new.

It's become a time to seek something outside—something like that.

Focusing on invention and development would be ideal, but instead, they become obsessed with taking from others.

I hesitate to call it human nature, but it's certainly a certain kind of characteristic.

Even on Earth, it was war that drove scientific advancements the most.


There's something about my current train of thought that feels off. What could it be? It's like brushing the surface of a critical point. A sensation of unconsciously touching upon the essence of the situation.

"Probably, that's how it is," I nodded in agreement.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lex's nod.

Well, whatever. Let's put that aside for now. What we should talk about is something simpler.

"—So, in the end, what do you want? It's clear you want to kill Randall. I understand it's for the sake of all beastfolk. But I don't get it. Why bother coming to see me? What's your purpose?"

Did she come to see with her own eyes? I don't want to hear that pretext. This woman, the leopard, should have already made some plans. She should have adjusted what to do based on the initial purpose.

For a moment, Lex stared at me intently. It was a scrutinizing gaze. There was no excess in it—no suspicion, no disgust, no curiosity. Although I didn't particularly feel obliged, I met her gaze head-on.

I showed respect.

For the fact that the Lion King's aide came here herself.

With a small sigh, Lex spoke without changing her expression.

"I want cooperation. Will you assist me in taking down Randall and prepare for the human invasion? It would also contribute to your self-defense."

It seemed like a straightforward request. But it didn't seem straightforward on the surface either...

The fox kid asking me to kill her parents and now, the secretary of the state asking me to help them to kill the president.

Exactly, why the heck am I in this situation?


Now, what should I answer? Or rather, it's the kind of request I don't want to answer on my own.

I glanced at Junos, Serena, and Montego in turn, then shifted my gaze to Lex Asuka, the mountain cat Nova, and the traveling merchant Leaf Liza.

And then—

"Lady Euphemia. The pizza is ready, but..."

"Did we interrupt something?"

Katarina and Kirina, the girl duo, arrived and said such things. I didn't notice the sound of the door opening, perhaps because I was too focused on my thoughts.


Leaf exclaimed cheerfully, and it seemed Lex, too, was interested as she turned her gaze towards Katarina and Kirina.

"No, you didn't interrupt. Before giving an answer, let's have some pizza. We were discussing something among ourselves anyway. It shouldn't be a bother, right?"

"Yes, of course."

So, the meeting with Lex Asuka was temporarily suspended.

Honestly, even though I'm said to be immortal, I feel a bit tired when I have to use my brain.

It's quite strange.

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