She Who Became Immortal

044 – She, Who Scrutinize Lex

There's a saying that goes, "It begins with courtesy and ends with courtesy."

If I recall correctly, this expression pertains to the spirit of martial arts. When swordplay or grappling transitions from mere techniques to paths, such a spirit becomes essential. If the goal is merely to kill and destroy enemies, then techniques alone would suffice. But the career path is not so simple; that's the idea.

Of course, I am neither a martial artist nor a practitioner of martial arts.

I don't recall ever indulging in anything resembling this career, even in my past life.

But I understand what they mean.

On the contrary, consider this: many of the trivial conflicts in this world stem from attitudes--

--lacking in respect.

Positions, perspectives, something more—surely there are various differences. Personally, I think humans are creatures who fight and kill for every conceivable reason. Every reason becomes either a spark of love or a seed of conflict.

However, if you show respect towards others, conflicts rarely escalate. Even Gengkhis Khan were tolerant towards those he admired, wasn't he? "I respect your attitude, so I'll spare your life," or something like that.


That's why I decided to show a certain amount of respect to the drowsy-eyed female leopard, Lex Asuka.

Specifically, I invited her to my home and served tea.

When the cat-like beastman, Leaf Liza, said, "Can't we have pizza?" I ordered Katarina to make pizza for her.

By the way, I invited Lex Asuka, Leaf Liza, and the cat-like beastman who seemed to be Lex's attendant, Nova, totaling three people. The remaining soldiers were left outside to wait. In return, we kept our group small.

I, Euphemia Grimwood, Junos Grimoire, the fox spirit Serena, and Montego, who ended up staying in the room by chance. The ax-wielder Jainos was asked to leave his seat, perhaps because I thought information about the dungeon might leak to Lex. The Grimoire group isn't good at hiding their feelings.

"Now then... for starters, you're Lex Asuka, right? I'm Euphemia Grimwood, you should know that, right? Leaf Liza should have told you. The demon here is Junos, and the vixen over there is Serena. And the big guy is Montego the orc."

"I'm aware. This lady here is Nova of the mountain cat tribe. She's more like my attendant, or perhaps a guard."

"...Nice to meet you."

Nova nodded curtly, somewhat unsociable, but with a hint of courtesy.

Like Lex, she sat directly on the floor but kept one knee raised, ready to move at any moment. Lex, on the other hand, sat in a typical girlish manner, but it seemed her specialty was purely intellectual work.

By the way, I was sitting cross-legged.

I wouldn't be particularly bothered if my head were knocked off in the next moment hehe.

However, judging from Junos's demeanor, Nova, the mountain cat, didn't seem to be an opponent worth being so cautious about. Or perhaps she's hiding her abilities, but Lex couldn't possibly know the full extent of our strength in individual combat either.

There's no intention of starting a war here.

So, what are we here for?

It's obvious; we're here to talk.

"So, Lex Asuka. Who are you?"

Arms crossed, I leaned back and asked.

Lex, still looking drowsy, raised her eyebrows ever so slightly.

"Haven't you heard from Leaf? And as for the fox over there, she's Lady Serena, isn't she? Did she not...?"

"Well, who knows? Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Either way, I'm asking you, Lex Asuka. How would you describe yourself—what are you?"

"I see."

Even with my somewhat confrontational remark, Lex didn't change her expression much. There was hardly any surprise, disgust, or anything else apparent.

There was just a fragment of puzzlement, perhaps.

"Allow me to introduce myself again. I am Lex Asuka. I serve as an adviser and a key figure under Lion King Randall Kruger. Upon receiving a report from my subordinate, Leaf Liza, I felt it necessary to meet with Euphemia Grimwood."

Lex bowed slightly, but there was no sense of awe in her voice or demeanor. There wasn't much respect either, but neither did it seem like she was looking down on us. She was just being natural. That was the impression I got from this female leopard.

"Why did you feel the need to meet with me?"

"There are a couple of reasons. One is for repelling the 'Anti-Lion Alliance.' And the other is your unique position—not being a beastman yourself, yet you still manage to gather beastmen, even those of the demon race. This is a matter of great interest."

"Interest, you say?"

"Do you not understand? We beastmen... at least those in this region, tend to live separately from each other. Kobolds have their own settlements, and just because you're a wolf doesn't mean you live with dog-like beastmen."

"The racoon beastmen used to treat dog-like beastmen like slaves. I believe he was a magistrate in your area, skimming off taxes."

Lex's ears twitched slightly.

Nova, who was standing nearby, furrowed her brows.

"When you mention racoon beastmen... Ah, I see. I thought I hadn't received a report... I see, were they killed by you?"

"Well, who knows? If they were, what then?"

"I won't do anything in particular. If the dog-like beastmen used in that village were incorporated by Lady Grimwood..."

"Just call me Euphemia."

"Yes. So, Euphemia, you're doing things that Lion King Randall cannot. Do you understand that?"

"Do you think I am?"

"It doesn't seem like it."

Lex nodded smoothly. I couldn't see any psychological maneuvering in her demeanor, which slightly puzzled me.

In other words—it wasn't an attitude of trying to gain an advantage.

She was just there.

Lex let out a sigh and took a sip of the tea I had prepared for her. She blew on it several times before swallowing, which was oddly cute behavior.

Of course, I wasn't going to lose out on cuteness either~.

But now wasn't the time to showcase Euphemia - the overly cute - Grimwood. Well, it couldn't be helped.

"Ideal, reality, situation, past, future."

Lex muttered words like raindrops falling.

"I want things to be like this. I think about how to make it happen. I consider the current situation. I understand what the reality is like... Randall, it's impossible. We managed to maintain the facade of a country over ten years, but anything more than that is difficult."


"Ten years ago, Lion King Randall expelled the fox people because of his narrow-mindedness. Our king despised the fox people. He feared them. Because he felt threatened, he drove away innocent fox people. The only thing I could do was to stop the execution of fox people."

"Do you intend to say, 'Be grateful you didn't die because of me'? After robbing us of our livelihoods, is that your perspective?"

Quietly, but firmly, Serena spoke up.

Lex shook her head without changing her expression.

"It's just a fact. No matter how you spin it, I couldn't save the fox people. But I was able to prevent you from dying."

"It sounds like you wanted to help us originally."

"I didn't want you to die, that's the truth."

"Why did you inform Stella of my whereabouts?"

Serena's words were sharp.

For a moment, I didn't understand what she was talking about. Who's Stella? But after a moment's thought, I remembered. She's Kirina's mother.

Ten years ago, when the fox people were being expelled, Stella was told about Serena's whereabouts - by Lex Asuka.

That's how Stella was able to entrust her beloved daughter Kirina to Serena. Without knowing her whereabouts, that wouldn't have been possible.

Why did Lex tell Stella about Serena's whereabouts?

"Lion King Randall feared you."

Lex said without changing her tone.

But the answer wasn't satisfactory.

No... is it different? Is this female leopard giving us the answer from the beginning?

Is that it?

Is it true?

Is it sincere?

Or is it pretense?

There's too little evidence to judge.

"So, what does that mean?"

Serena asked as she sipped her tea.

Junos stood next to her, arms crossed, staring at Lex with a sour expression.

Nova, the mountain cat beastman, seemed to be wary of the two.

Leaf Liza, whether listening or not, had a vacant expression.

Lex Asuka, without changing her attitude or tone, said.

"I want to kill Lion King Randall. He is unfit to be king."

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