Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1030 sensitive topics

After sending Luo Gaoyuan away, Meng Qian slept well. Early in the morning, Meng Qian and Xiao Boshi made a remote video.

“Mr. Meng, today we have received a batch of cooperation intentions from American companies.”

Meng Qian stretched out his hand to greet Su Tianyue over, “What is the attitude of the media now.”

“Still not very friendly.”

Meng Qian asked Xiao Bozhi after confirming, “Are there any guys from Intel and IBM?”

“Those leading companies did not speak, but the next batch of companies have come to express their views.”

“It seems that these companies are really anxious.”

“Then how do we express our attitude?” Xiao Boshi asked Meng Qian’s attitude.

“Those who should have said nothing, we naturally can’t open the mouth first, let it dry first, and wait for the result later.”

Xiao Bozhi was silent for two seconds, and then a little worried, “Meng, be careful.”

Meng Qian soothed, “I know, you help me manage the company.”

“rest assured.”

After hanging up the video, Meng Qian and Su Tianyue went downstairs for a simple breakfast, and then took the bus to Princeton University according to the arranged itinerary.

Today’s Princeton University set up a welcoming ceremony for Meng Qian. For Princeton University, this is a good face.

Meng Qian also did the etiquette. He directly donated 5 million meters of gold in his own name and set up the Princeton Meng Qian Education Fund to help students from poor backgrounds to receive education with greater peace of mind, and Meng Qian promised every year in the future. They will all contribute money to the Princeton Meng Qian Education Fund. As for the amount of money, let’s look at the situation later.

After arriving at school, Meng Qian was taken directly to prepare for the morning speech.

“In the itinerary of the U.S. trip, one thing I always emphasized is to have a college station, especially in the matter of which college to choose. It can be said that it completely respects my personal wishes. I chose Princeton University, and it must be Princeton University.

But I made this choice not because Princeton University is the top university in the United States, but because of President Isgrubb. “Meng Qian said and turned to look at Princeton University President Isglub.

Isglub got up and gestured to thank him.

Meng Qian also nodded slightly, and then turned to the students again, “Because at the graduation ceremony of Princeton University last year, Mr. Isglub mentioned the uselessness of reading scam. This incident attracted me very much. Rube is serious about education.

Everyone knows that I have always been a firm supporter of the usefulness theory of reading. I can’t help repeating this topic every time I interact with students. Reading is useful. Even reading is what I can see right now, for individuals. The most valuable thing, especially higher education.

Mr. Isglub used the 2014 New York Federal Reserve Bank economist and z statistics to talk about the average annual rate of return of a college degree.

If I remember correctly, the data should be 9% to 16% after deducting tuition fees and loss of income.

And in the past 20 years, the return on investment has been at the high end of this range, about 15% per year. In contrast, the average annual return on investment in the U.S. stock market is only 7%.

Right? ”

Meng Qian turned his head and looked at Isgrub again, who nodded and said that Meng Qian’s data was correct.

“From an economic point of view, this is obviously an important data support for the theory of reading usefulness.

And today I want to talk about this from another angle.

Because there is actually a difference between China and the United States in the theory of the uselessness of reading. As President Isgrub said, there are many books and speeches in the United States that promote the uselessness of reading, thinking that there are too many college students in the United States. I think that the United States does not need so many college students in the future.

It is mainly columnists, think tanks, and politicians who promote this concept.

To put it simply, people who are educated, that is to say, those who have read books, and rely on reading to achieve themselves, deny the meaning of reading.

However, in China, the spread of the theory of reading uselessness is mainly those who have not read the book. The earliest theory of reading uselessness in China has emerged at the same time as building missiles than selling tea eggs. It has been spread in China for a long time. The remarks that high-achieving students work for poor students.

Our Chinese government has been emphasizing the usefulness of reading, and our successful people in China are also emphasizing the usefulness of reading.

Now it’s mainly small bosses and people who don’t want to learn, still spreading the theory that reading is useless.

And this difference between our two countries has led to the situation that whether studying in the United States is useful has developed into a public controversy. In China, because of the voices of officials and successful people, more and more people have begun to recognize that studying is useful. topic.

Do you think this is in sync with something?

Yes, the technological development and overall national strength development of Huami and China over the years have been synchronized with this issue.

Mr. Isglub said that the U.S. is great because of its universities. I very much agree with this sentence. Many people in the U.S. hope that I can share the reason why China is strong. It is difficult for me to put China’s strength in one sentence. Or a one-word summary, but what I can confirm is that China’s strength is inseparable from our emphasis on education, the deep recognition of education by the people of China, and the rapid development of China’s universities.

The financial support of public schools in the U.S. has fallen by 60% in the past 30 years, and our annual education subsidies in China’s fiscal expenditures are clearly stipulated to be no less than 14%. The comparison is very obvious.

Huami is now two big countries that are hotly discussed in the world, and behind the development of these two big countries, in my opinion, it is the response of the two countries’ education development.

This is another factual support for reading usefulness in my eyes. ”

The lively discussion that started on the spot, Meng Qian continued, “Next, I want to share another topic today, that is the social responsibility of scholars.

When I said these things, someone would definitely say that you are helping the United States to find problems.

Yes, in the eyes of many people, I am an important pioneer in the Huami dispute, and I have never been stingy to say a few words on the Internet, which is why I have the title of King.

But even so, I have to say aloud about the usefulness of education, because we are all people who have received higher education and benefited from it.

It is the social responsibility of us people to spread the theory of the usefulness of reading to this society. For any reason, it should not be, nor can it be an excuse for us to deny education.

Especially Princeton University, as the number one university in the United States, as a role model for universities in the world, I hope to see more students graduating from Princeton University can make a strong and true voice for studying.

I look forward to seeing students from Princeton University in every corner of the world telling everyone with their lives that reading is useful, and reading is an interesting thing that has the risk of investment failure, but it is worth the risk.

Because it is easier to achieve the individual and the society more easily.

And I want to say a few words about the problem of too many college students mentioned by those who preach the uselessness of reading.

If you want U.S. college students to graduate and only fight for the United States, then there may be too many U.S. college students, but if you want U.S. college students to fight for the world after graduation, then there are too few college students The world is a world with a shortage of talents.

As college students, should our minds and horizons fall in one country or the whole world?

Maybe the politician’s answer is the former, but what about you here today?

In the eyes of your favorite children of the sky, can you only be narrow enough to pretend to be the next United States?

I hope everyone at Princeton University can think about this issue seriously.

Your ambition is the world of the United States, or the world stage.

An era of globalization is right in front of us, and this stage needs you. ”

For Chinese people who have lived in China for a long time, it may be difficult to understand why Meng Qian went to Princeton University to talk about the usefulness of reading. The theory of reading usefulness mainly supports Princeton University’s discussion of this topic, which is actually very sensitive and very impactful.

“Meng Qian deliberately chose this sensitive topic, and it is a trivial matter to arouse another heated discussion in the society. The key is that his words will speak to some people’s hearts.”

“Moreover, if you move out of this topic, no matter if everyone cooperates or not, he can start from this to find his own focus. Meng Qian is really not easy.”

“I just heard that some guys have taken action because of Meng Qian’s speech.”

“Meng Qian can really make trouble.”

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