Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 1041

Chapter 1029 Changed environment

After Meng Qian took the initiative to attack, no one came to test him this evening. Instead, many entrepreneurs came to talk to Meng Qian about technological development.

In the face of these people who are discussing business matters, Meng Qian will have a good chat with them.

The wine party lasted until 9 o’clock in the evening. After the end, some entrepreneurs wanted to talk to Meng Qian privately, and Meng Qian had arranged to go back.

Sitting in the car back to the hotel, Meng Qian looked sideways at the window. At this time, it was just a light rain, which made the whole environment look ambiguous.

“Mr. Meng.” Su Tianyue’s call pulled Meng Qian back from the wonderful empty state.

“Well, what’s the matter?”

“Some media have begun to blow.”

“What wind is blowing.”

“The wind of failed negotiations.”

Meng Qian shook his head to make himself more awake, “Then let’s blow the air.”

“Where is the wind?”

“Same as them.”

“Is that right?”

“This is the attitude I want them to see.”


When we returned to the hotel near ten o’clock, several bodyguards were preparing to **** Meng Qian and Su Tianyue up the elevator. A figure suddenly emerged. Meng Qian pulled Su Tianyue back a step. The two bodyguards subconsciously took out their weapons, and the figure flashed. Grabbing a bodyguard’s wrist with one hand, Qiao Jin directly unloaded his weapon.

The other bodyguard was about to do his hand, but this figure held the captured weapon in a gesture of surrender, “Meng Meng, it’s me!”

Meng Qian was stunned for two seconds to come back to his senses, “Brother Luo?! Why are you here?”

Although Meng Qian recognized Luo Gaoyuan, in view of his behavior just now, the bodyguards searched him closely, and Luo Gaoyuan was naturally very cooperative.

“Why did you appear here?” After the search was over, Meng Qian took Luo Gaoyuan back to his room.

Luo Gaoyuan laughed at himself, “I don’t have your contact information, I can only wait for you at the hotel.”

“Huh? Didn’t Mr. Sun ask you to come to me?”

Luo Gaoyuan touched his nose, “I resigned from Mr. Sun a long time ago.”

Meng Qian realized that there was something behind this, and motioned Luo Gaoyuan to sit down and speak slowly.

“You know, I have always wanted to return to China. A few years ago, there was a good time. Mr. Sun arranged everything for me again, so I resigned from Mr. Sun and prepared to return to China.”

“That’s not great, why didn’t you go back? Or did you come back again?”

“I didn’t go back at all. I wanted to go back, but there are some things that I can’t let go.” Luo Gaoyuan lowered his head and looked at the carpet. “Meng should also know that in recent years, whether it is Chinese or Chinese living here, or even What happened to Asians early on.”

Meng Qian put the phone on the table, “The general situation is naturally understood, the general environment is not very good.”

Luo Gaoyuan raised his head again, “But what do you say about this thing? You have to say that everyone’s current situation is worse than before. It seems inaccurate. Mr. Meng also knows how Mr. Sun helped everyone back then. The environment is actually very bad, not much better than it is now.

But there is a difference between the upper-level ideas and the lower-level ideas. President Meng should also be aware that most politicians in the United States were born as lawyers.

This is completely different from our China, which is why they especially know how to make rules and use them to control the situation.

However, the problem that has emerged in the past few years is that the long-term development rules have been broken, and two rules have been broken at the same time, one is the internal rule and the other is the external rule.

The breaking of external rules is a very important factor in China, and the breaking of internal rules, everyone knows why.

So at this time, groups like Mr. Sun who are responsible for reasoning are slowly beginning to be unable to protect everyone.

I may not sum it up accurately. Anyway, it probably means that we are starting to lack protection in some unreasonable areas.

Many of the troubles you have encountered over the years are that there is no way to reason. This is a terrible thing.

And you know me as a person, I’m not good at things that are reasonable, but I can mix things that are unreasonable.

So I stayed. Luo Gaoyuan said and smiled embarrassedly.

“I can understand what you mean. It’s a bit inaccurate to sum it up unreasonably. To be precise, it should be…contradictory.”

“What Meng said is what he said.” Luo Gaoyuan obviously didn’t care how to summarize it, as long as Meng Qian could understand it.

Meng Qian didn’t bother with this matter either, “Since I stayed, why don’t I go to Mr. Sun anymore?”

“Forget it, I told Mr. Sun that he has returned to China, and he has troubled Mr. Sun so much before.

Next, I don’t know what I will encounter, and I don’t want to involve Mr. Sun in case. ”

Meng Qian suddenly asked with emotion, “How are the people in Chinatown?”

“Many people have moved out, Chinatown has become a tourist attraction, and the high rents are no longer affordable by ordinary people.

However, everyone has established a lot of communication platforms. Although the living is more and more scattered, it is still very convenient to connect.

For example, I came to Mr. Meng this time, and it was the result of everyone’s discussion. ”

“So why did you come to me today for what?” Luo Gaoyuan took the initiative to mention the purpose of finding himself today, and Meng Qian went along.

“Mr. Meng, you are actually very important to many Chinese living in the U.S. Now many people provide you at home.”

“Wait…” Meng Qian interrupted subconsciously, “I’m not dead yet…”

Luo Gaoyuan said indifferently, “Ah, it’s not the kind of offering that burns incense, but a popular behavior that has become popular here in recent years. Offering you at home is a fortune on the one hand and gratitude on the other.”

“Lucky… um… alright, you go on.”

“Although many people say that the deterioration of the external environment caused by the Dafeng Group has caused so many troubles to the Chinese in the United States, we know in our hearts that if it weren’t for the changed external environment of President Meng, we would only be in other countries. The place to experience trouble.

Many times we can feel that although some people have always reported maliciousness to us, this maliciousness is changing. If it was prejudice before, now it has gradually begun to feel more jealous and hostile.

For some sane people, they are really re-understanding our nation. All of this is inseparable from Mr. Meng.

Just like Yao Ming triggered a wave of China in the NBA that year, although Dafeng Group has been launched into the US market, Mr. Meng made China a little bit deeper into the hearts of Americans.

And this time Mr. Meng was invited over, which actually caused a lot of response among the people. ”

“What kind of emotions do the folks do now?” Meng Qian cared about this.

“The polarization is very serious, um…” Luo Gaoyuan seemed to think of something suddenly, “If you think about it this way, President Meng’s summary is more in place, it is a contradiction.

So today I came to see Mr. Meng mainly for two things. The first is that we happened to want to speak up recently, but by coincidence, we just ran into Mr. Meng and wanted to come to the United States.

So we pressed this matter down, because we were worried that speaking at this time would end up causing President Meng to be labeled as instigation.

But some people are also saying that maybe we can do this at this time to cooperate with President Meng. After all, we are rationally speaking.

There are relatively few things that everyone can understand, so I can’t make a judgment, so I came to Mr. Meng a little impolitely and listen to Mr. Meng’s meaning.

The second thing is that Mr. Meng will definitely encounter a lot of resistance when he comes to the United States this time. We want to ask Mr. Meng if there is anything we can help. ”

“You have too many concerns.” Meng Qian smiled softly, “I haven’t been detained for any hat in the past ten years, and the thing I am not worried about is being detained.

As for your kindness, I also appreciate it. You are worried about hurting me Then I can’t drag you down. ”

“Mr. Meng.” Luo Gaoyuan hesitated for a moment, “There are some things that you may not be as good as those of us who have lived in the United States for a long time, especially those who live at the bottom of the United States. This is not China. It is very different from China. A place with a high degree of freedom and a strong sense of tearing.

Perhaps, if Mr. Meng can further feel this sense of tearing, it will be helpful to you…

And our goal is the same as that of President Meng. If we have anything to help President Meng, we are actually helping ourselves.

But we don’t have the layout ability of Mr. Meng, so Mr. Meng can’t give up any opportunities because of being polite at this time. We now need to be polite, but change. ”

Luo Gaoyuan’s words really convinced Meng Qian, and Meng Qian also thought about it seriously, “Are you only able to contact non-governmental organizations of Chinese descent?”

Luo Gaoyuan said immediately, “Of course it’s not just a Chinese-American organization. In some things, it’s really borderless.”

“You just said that the people are very polarized about my coming to the U.S. They should be involved in all circles, right?”

“Yes it is.”

Meng Qian turned on the phone and took a look at the arrangement behind, “Brother Luo, since you are going to make a sound, then go and make a sound. It’s just that you change the time and place.”

Luo Gaoyuan saw that Meng Qian had an idea, and patted his chest and said, “I will definitely arrange everything!”

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