Resequencing DNA

Chapter 60

A week had passed by since Alistair had been released from hospital. Elijah had visited him every day that he had been in there. The doctors were finally pleased with the progress Alistair had made after his surgery, that he had been allowed to return home. This, however, still didn’t stop Elijah from visiting his dear uncle, every single day. Most of the time, alone, had been busy preparing to move into Pippa’s old home with Elijah.

And now, with Ashleigh’s birthday less than a week away and Christmas quickly approaching, the usual festivities were now being discussed amongst the Ashton-Burns family. For many years, Alistair and Vivian’s home has been the designated spot for the family to come together and celebrate Christmas. However, even though Alistair and Vivian wanted the tradition to remain, it was Pippa who insisted on hosting the family this year. Her reasons for this were down to her father’s health. Besides, it would be easier for the celebrations to remain in the same location as they always had. And now that the Ashton-Burns manor belonged to her and Edward, it was only fitting that she and her husband play host.

Ashleigh, meanwhile, had still been unable to get the truth from Elijah, regarding what he had been discussing with almost everyone but her. Each time she brought up the subject, Elijah would quickly change it and avoid the conversation, frustrating Ashleigh even further. She couldn't understand why Elijah would choose to share his thoughts and feelings with others, but not with her.

She started to doubt their relationship. Was there something wrong with her? Did Elijah not trust her enough to confide in her? These thoughts consumed her and she couldn't focus on anything else. The only thing that kept Ashleigh from questioning their relationship too much was the fact Elijah still wanted her to move with him. If there was a problem between them, he wouldn’t still want that, right?

Eventually, the big day was upon them, the day they finally moved out of Ashleigh’s apartment where she had lived for many years along with Wesley. Edward had agreed to have some of his workers from his business help the couple move, the same way he and Pippa had moved homes.

Ashleigh slowly walked around her apartment, reminiscing on old times. It was odd to see everything now all boxed up and ready to be moved out. As she entered the bedroom, she placed her hand on top of a pile of boxes that stood in the corner, that had been marked as things to get rid of and that wouldn’t be accompanying them to her new home. A small smile appeared on her face, knowing that the boxes were actually filled with remnants of Aaron’s clothes. One of the only things that remained of her former life. An identity she had all but put behind her.

“How different life has turned out to be,” she thought to herself as she gazed at the stack of boxes.

“Ashleigh,” she heard Elijah call from out in the hallway, breaking her from her thoughts.

“Yes?” she replied, turning to see Elijah standing in the doorway.

“I’m to stay here whilst you go over to the house,” he explained, “simply to direct the gentlemen where things need to go…is that okay?” he asked, stepping towards her.

Ashleigh nodded before Elijah gently placed his hand beneath her chin, tilting her head up to meet his gaze.

“There must be so many memories here for you,” he said softly before kissing her gently, “However, I cannot wait to make our own memories…together,” he added with a smile, before leaving the room.

Ashleigh took one last look around the room, taking in every detail before walking out into the hallway. She headed towards the front door but couldn't resist turning back to look at her old apartment one last time. She stood silently for a brief moment, feeling a sense of closure before finally stepping out.

As she closed the door behind her, Ashleigh took a deep breath, ready to embrace the new chapter of her life. Moving on from the past can be scary, but it is also necessary for growth and happiness. Ashleigh was leaving behind a part of her identity, but she was also creating a new one with Elijah by her side.

As Ashleigh made her way down in the elevator, it stopped on the floor below and the doors opened. Ashleigh watched as Mrs Goodwin slowly made her way inside, a smile on her face just as she always did.

“Oh, hello my dear,” said Mrs Goodwin, with a warm, endearing smile on her face.

“Hello,” replied Ashleigh, who found herself smiling in the presence of her elderly neighbour who she had seen almost every day since she had moved into the apartment.

“I noticed there is a lot of commotion here this morning,” said Mrs Goodwin, “Do you have any idea what’s going on? I looked outside and noticed men with vans, it looks like someone is moving in or out,” she added as the elevator began to make its journey down once again.

Ashleigh nodded,

“Yes…it’s erm…actually me who’s moving out,” Ashleigh mumbled.

“Oh…I see,” replied the elderly lady, “With that gentleman of yours?”

Ashleigh nodded in response once more.

“Oh, well as sad as I will be to see you leave my dear, I am happy for you,” said Mrs Goodwin, placing her frail old hand, gently on Ashleigh’s arm.

Ashleigh felt a lump form in her throat as she realized just how much she would miss her dear neighbour. Mrs Goodwin had been more than just a neighbour, she had been a friend, a confidant, and a source of wisdom and kindness in her life.

“But, I understand that these apartments aren’t necessarily big enough if you plan on starting a family,” Mrs Goodwin added.

“Oh,” exclaimed Ashleigh, her eyes widening, “we aren’t planning a family,” she added with a nervous giggle.

“You might not think so just yet,” replied Mrs Goodwin, “But trust me, the time will come,” she added with a smile, just as the elevator doors pinged and slid open.

Ashleigh helped her frail, old neighbour step out of the elevator.

“You know…I was just wondering something…” said Mrs Goodwin as the pair slowly made their way arm-in-arm towards the door leading outside. “Whatever happened to those two young men? Or rather…one of them anyway, I know what happened to the other one,” she added.

Ashleigh felt her heart begin to pound in her chest, she swallowed hard, knowing exactly what her elderly neighbour was referring to.

“What…erm…what do you mean?” mumbled Ashleigh, trying to gain a few moments to come up with an answer.

“Well…” Mrs Goodwin replied, stopping and looking Ashleigh in the eye. “There were two young men, there was Wesley…and I believe the other one was called Aaron,” she explained.

“Ah, she knows Wes moved out…so she must be talking about me…or rather Aaron,” thought Ashleigh.

“They…erm…they both moved out, Aaron first and then Wesley,” replied Ashleigh rather hesitantly. “That’s why I was here…I’m Aaron’s…cousin,” she added.

Yet much to her surprise, the sweet elderly lady looked at her and smiled,

“That’s not true at all is it,” she said, “I know you aren’t his cousin…I know exactly who you are, I was talking about that Wesley.”

“What…erm…what do you mean,” muttered Ashleigh, smiling nervously.

“I know who you are…you didn’t really move out, you’re just somebody else now…you aren’t a boy anymore and that is totally fine,” Mrs Goodwin said softly with a wide smile.

Ashleigh's heart skipped a beat as she realized that Mrs Goodwin knew the truth about her identity.

Ashleigh started to panic and deny what the old woman was saying and yet Mrs Goodwin simply nodded,

“There is no need to deny who you are to me my dear,” she said warmly, “I figured it out almost straight away. You are who you are meant to be and that is okay, just know that I am proud of the beautiful young lady you have become.”

Hearing these kind words made Ashleigh smile,

“You’re right…you figured me out,” she said tucking her hair behind her ear.

“See…I know, doesn’t it feel better to admit it than denying who you are,” said Mrs Goodwin.

Ashleigh smiled and nodded.

“And…” Mrs Goodwin continued, “That is one of the ways I knew who you were. That sweet smile I would recognise anywhere.”

“Thank you…so much,” replied Ashleigh.

“And, then there’s the way you treated me, you have always been so sweet, bless your heart,” Mrs Goodwin continued, “And I must say you make such a stunning young woman, you look far better now than you did before,” she added with a smile.

 Ashleigh leaned in and gave Mrs Goodwin a tight hug.

“Never, ever change who you are and I promise you will go far in life, my dear,” continued Mrs Goodwin, “All I will say is, you and that man of yours, always look after each other and you will be fine.”

Ashleigh felt tears as they began to well up in her eyes, Mrs Goodwin's words touched her heart in a way that she couldn't even explain.

“Thank you,” said Ashleigh, “for always being so kind and full of wise words.”

Mrs Goodwin smiled as Ashleigh held open the door for the little old lady.

“Don’t be a stranger now,” said Mrs Goodwin as she made her way down the path, giving Ashleigh one last wave before she disappeared out of sight.

Ashleigh took a deep breath and made her way to her car. This was possibly the last time after so many years that she would be driving out of the car park. Ashleigh couldn’t help but give the building one last look. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as she thought about all the memories she was leaving behind. But as she drove out of the car park, she knew that it was time to move on to the next chapter of her life. She turned on the radio and her favourite song played, as if it was a sign from the universe that she was making the right decision. She smiled to herself, feeling a sense of confidence and determination wash over her.

Ashleigh made the drive over to her new home, lost in thought. Other than that first song she had heard when she first turned on the radio, she couldn’t recall any other song that had been played. She pulled up to the large, iron gate that was currently open and drove up the gravel driveway. Once she pulled up, she noticed that Pippa and Edward were already there. They were supervising the movers as they brought in the bigger pieces of furniture.

“Ashleigh,” stated Pippa, rushing towards her friend the second she climbed out of her car.

“Hey, Pip,” replied Ashleigh as Pippa hugged her tightly.

“Come, I want to show you around your new home,” said Pippa in a rather excited manner, taking Ashleigh by the hand and leading her up the front steps and into the house.

As they walked through the high-ceilinged foyer, Ashleigh couldn't help but be amazed by the intricate details and luxurious furnishings. Pippa explained that Edward's company had built the house from scratch, giving it a modern and spacious feel, unlike the Ashton-Burns manor.


As they made their way through the house, Pippa pointed out all the different rooms and their unique features. Ashleigh couldn't believe that this was her new home. She was grateful for her friend's generosity, but she also couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for being the recipient of such a grand gesture.

“Are you sure you want to gift this home to Elijah and me?” asked Ashleigh, taking in the sight of her new home.

“Absolutely, you…you are my friend, my soon-to-be employee,” replied Pippa with a giggle, “and on top of all that, you are almost family,” she added with a smile. “Besides, it is no use to us now we have moved into my mother and father’s old house, you could fit this house and its grounds into the grounds of that place, three times over,” Pippa explained as she laughed.

Ashleigh couldn't help but smile. This house, compared to both where she grew up and her old apartment, was like Buckingham Palace. She couldn't believe that she would be living in such a grand and luxurious home.

Pippa continued her tour, showing Ashleigh the elegant living room that was adorned with antique furniture and a grand piano. Pippa playfully joked that the piano was just for show and she couldn't actually play, however, Edward was able to play. They then made their way to the dining room, which was fit for a royal feast with its long mahogany table and plush velvet chairs.

“Won’t you be needing this furniture?” asked Ashleigh.

“No, this is all for you, our new home was fully furnished, so we had no need for all of this,” Pippa explained.

“This is incredible,” exclaimed Ashleigh, running her hand along the smooth wood of the table.

“Wait until you see the kitchen,” said Pippa, leading her through a set of double doors that opened up to a state-of-the-art kitchen. The countertops were made of marble and the appliances were all top-of-the-line. “Not that you will have to be in here very often yourself,” she laughed.

“This is insane, Pippa. Thank you so much,” said Ashleigh, feeling overwhelmed by the generosity of her friend. “I truly feel like…like…” mumbled Ashleigh, before being interrupted by Pippa.

“Like a princess,” said Pippa as she giggled, with a huge smile on her face. Outwardly, Pippa was as excited as Ashleigh felt on the inside, however, Ashleigh was in wonder at the house she was moving into. “Come, you’re going to love the upstairs,” added Pippa.

Pippa then led Ashleigh up the rather large staircase and began her tour of the upstairs.

As they made their way to the bedrooms, Pippa stopped in front of a large wooden door and turned to Ashleigh with a smile.

“This will be your bedroom…the master bedroom,” she said, opening the door to reveal a spacious room with a king-size bed, a walk-in closet, and an en-suite bathroom.

“I hope you like it,” Pippa added.

Ashleigh was in awe. This bedroom alone was bigger than her entire apartment.

“Like it…Pippa, I LOVE IT!” Ashleigh exclaimed.

“Elijah said you would be overwhelmed,” said Pippa, “See…I do understand…you know…so does Elijah. We know that you aren’t used to this sort of lifestyle, but trust me, Ash, you deserve it,” said Pippa with a smile.

Ashleigh turned to Pippa with tears in her eyes and whispered, “Thank you.”

Pippa wrapped her arms around her friend in a tight hug.

“I’m just happy that you decided to accept my offer,” Pippa said, “I love you, Ashleigh, you have quickly become one of my best friends. And now with you and Elijah…I can’t wait to one day call you family.”

Pippa soon concluded the tour with Ashleigh and the pair returned outside where vans were pulling up and Edward was instructing the movers.

“Pip…there’s something I have been meaning to ask you,” said Ashleigh rather nervously, whilst the pair stood out of earshot of anyone else, “It’s about Elijah.”

“Sure, is everything okay?” Pippa replied with a look of concern on her face.

“I…I don’t know, exactly,” said Ashleigh, Ashleigh replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “It’s just…I noticed Elijah has been rather…secretive lately.”

Pippa's brow furrowed as she looked at her friend.

“ exactly?” she asked, her tone serious.

Ashleigh took a deep breath before continuing,

“Well…I know I may be being a little paranoid, but it’s all the secret conversations he has been having, with you, with your mother, with Wes…and god knows who else,” explained Ashleigh, her voice trembling with emotion. “But every time I question him about it, he seems to just blow me off, saying it’s family business…it’s like he is trying to keep me in the dark about something…and if it’s serious…Pip…I would prefer to know.”

Pippa’s expression softened, as she began to nod,

“Ash… there is nothing sinister afoot, that I can assure you,” replied Pippa, with a smile,  trying to reassure her friend. “You will find out all in due course, I will tell you that much. Besides one of the matters is family business, it’s how best to deal with Wesley…but you will find out everything eventually, especially as both matters do involve you.”

Ashleigh’s eyes widened in surprise at Pippa’s words.

“Wait, what do you mean both matters involve me?” asked Ashleigh, her curiosity piqued.

“Ashleigh, honestly, relax. I have already said more than I should. Please drop the matter, you will find out soon enough,” said Pippa, trying to dismiss the topic. But Ashleigh couldn’t just let it go.

Pippa let out a sigh,

“Ok…I shall partially tell you one of the matters, but you must not tell Elijah that I have divulged any information…okay?” she said, finally giving in to Ashleigh’s persistence.

“I won’t say a word…I promise,” replied Ashleigh, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Pippa paused momentarily, clearly deliberating which piece of information to give Ashleigh.

“Now as I said, one of them was to do with Wesley…okay,” started Pippa.

Ashleigh nodded in agreement.

“Well…” said Pippa, lowering her tone, “Elijah pities Wes, regarding the whole…paternity thing. He came up with a solution that would…maybe not fix the initial issue…but…let’s say…give Wes a fresh start.”

Ashleigh looked at her friend, puzzled.

“What does this have to do with me? And what kind of solution are we talking about?” she asked, curiously.

Pippa paused once more before answering,

“I won’t say directly…” started Pippa, “Elijah is waiting for the right moment to ask you, as you are a huge part in all of this…and your decision will affect what happens to Wes…but just know that both Mum and I think that as long as it is okay with you, it’s a good idea.”

Ashleigh looked more confused than she had been initially, why was Pippa being so cryptic? Why would her decision impact what happens to Wesley? What did Elijah have in mind? And Wes…he’s okay to go along with it all?

So many questions raced through Ashleigh’s mind, however, she knew not to press Pippa any further, she had already given her more information that probably Elijah would have liked. However, Pippa had given her a sense of relief, knowing that the issue wasn’t between her and Elijah at least.

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