Resequencing DNA

Chapter 59

As Ashleigh opened her eyes the following morning, she found herself in a state of pure bliss. Her head was still resting on Elijah’s chest, his arms wrapped around her in a protective embrace. She couldn’t help but smile as she remembered the events of the previous night. It was sure to be a night that Ashleigh would never forget.

Ashleigh gazed up at Elijah as he slept peacefully, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. As she lay there in his arms, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness wash over her.

“Oh sweet Elijah,” she thought, smiling to herself, “This…this is definitely how life should be.”

She couldn’t imagine a better way to wake up – in the arms of the person she loved, feeling safe and content. It was a feeling that she had never experienced before, and it was one that she never wanted to let go of.

It wasn’t like Elijah had been the only person she had slept with since she had become Ashleigh, of course, there had been Warren, the night of Pippa’s wedding. And yet, she had never felt this way before. With Warren, it was clear to Ashleigh that she was simply nothing more than another one-night stand. He had made it obvious that he was not looking for anything serious and Ashleigh had been fine with that. To her, it was just a physical release, a way to let go of her inhibitions and have some fun. In Ashleigh’s mind, she had almost come to justify her mistake with Warren as a lesson. A lesson on how she had often used people in her old life as Aaron. But with Elijah, it was different. It wasn’t just about the physical aspect, there was an emotional connection that Ashleigh couldn’t deny.

Lost in her thoughts, Ashleigh didn’t realize that Elijah had woken up and was now looking at her with a smile on his face.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he said, his voice still husky with sleep as he ran his fingers tenderly through her hair.

Ashleigh couldn’t help but smile at his words, feeling a surge of warmth and happiness wash over her. She snuggled closer to him, taking in his familiar scent and the warmth of his body.

“Good morning, my love,” she purred, her voice filled with love and adoration as she looked into his deep, brown eyes.

Elijah’s smile widened as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. They lay there for a few moments, basking in each other’s presence and enjoying the peacefulness of the morning.

Ashleigh began to trace her fingers over Elijah’s chest, she couldn’t help but feel grateful for having him in her life.

“What are your plans for the day?” she asked softly as she basked in his embrace.

Elijah took a deep breath before answering,

“Well…I know I will be going to visit Uncle Alistair,” he replied, “But…I also think someone needs to inform Wes about everything.”

“Everything?” asked Ashleigh, resting her hand over Elijah’s heart as she looked at him with concern.

Elijah nodded, his expression becoming serious.

“I discussed it all with Aunt Viv last night when you had left the room,” explained Elijah, “I volunteered to tell Wes everything…Uncle Alistair’s condition, what Aunt Viv told us all about Wesley.”

“Elijah, you can’t be serious?” muttered Ashleigh, “Shouldn’t it be Vivian’s job to tell him all that…or at the very least Pip…or…or Jude.”

Elijah shook his head,

“No, I need to do this. Vivian and Pip have enough on their plates right now with their own lives and Jude…well, I don’t think he would handle it well. I have to be the one to tell Wes,” he explained.

“I’ll come with you,” Ashleigh said, determination in her voice. “We’ll tell him together.”

Elijah smiled,

“No...I can’t expect you to do that,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper before kissing Ashleigh tenderly on the head.

“Elijah,” said Ashleigh, “I know you don’t expect me to…but I want to…for you.”

“Okay,” whispered Elijah, “But I was thinking…first…” he muttered as his smile widened, “How do you fancy…maybe…going again?” he added as he playfully began kissing her neck, causing Ashleigh to break into a fit of giggles. She couldn’t believe that even after a night of passionate lovemaking, Elijah still wanted more.

Ashleigh couldn’t help but laugh, feeling her heart fill with warmth and love.

“AGAIN?” Ashleigh giggled as she turned over and faced him, “Didn’t I do enough to wear you out last night?”

Elijah chuckled and pulled her closer, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

“You were amazing last night,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity, “But what can I say… I just can’t get enough of you.”

As the couple laughed and kissed, Ashleigh couldn’t help but feel her heart fill with warmth and love. Ashleigh couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world. She had found someone who loved her unconditionally, someone who made her laugh and feel loved every single day. And as she gazed into Elijah’s eyes, she knew that she would never want to let him go.

“As I can’t get enough of you,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.


Just over an hour later, the couple finally managed to drag themselves out of the bedroom. As Ashleigh took a quick shower to freshen up, Elijah busied himself with making them both a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the apartment, as Ashleigh finally made her way into the sitting room, where she joined Elijah who was sitting on the sofa sending text messages.

“I was just texting Wes,” said Elijah, “I’m to meet him at a coffee shop a few miles away, in just over an hour,” he explained, placing his phone down on the table.

“Great,” said Ashleigh, “I’ll finish getting ready and I’ll drive you over there.”

Elijah smiled, the look on his face told Ashleigh that he was nervous about what he had to tell Wes. How was Wes going to react? Finding out not only that the man he’d grown up thinking was his father, was in hospital after suffering a heart attack.  But he was also to find out that he actually wasn’t his father after all, he was the product of an affair and that his real father died years ago. It was a lot of information to take in, and Ashleigh couldn't help but feel sorry for poor Wesley. He had always been somewhat of the black sheep of the family, and this news would only serve to make matters worse. She couldn't imagine how he would react to such a bombshell.

But as much as Ashleigh sympathized with Wes, she couldn't help but wonder if it was really Elijah's place to tell him. After all, shouldn't it be Vivian, Wes's mother, who delivered such news? She was the one who had carried this secret for so many years, she should be the one to reveal the truth.

But Elijah had a point. With the way things were in the family at the moment, it wouldn't be wise for anyone else to speak to Wes as the rest of the family was not in an emotionally fit state to handle such a delicate situation.

Ashleigh quickly finished off her coffee before heading to get ready. She decided to go for something rather simple and casual, selecting a pair of blue denim jeans, a white satin button-up blouse and a pair of black, leather ankle boots. With her outfit sorted, Ashleigh moved on to her makeup. She wanted to keep it minimal and natural, so she opted for a light touch of mascara to accentuate her lashes. She also added a touch of blush to her cheeks for a subtle hint of colour. Lastly, Ashleigh reached for her favourite red lipstick. This had quickly became her go-to shade for days when she needed a confidence boost. She applied it carefully, making sure to stay within the lines of her lips. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but smile. The red lipstick not only added a pop of colour to her face but also made her feel bold and empowered.

With her makeup done, Ashleigh quickly ran her fingers through her hair, giving it a quick tousle. She didn't have time for a complicated hairstyle, so she left her hair down in its natural waves, adding to the effortless and casual vibe of her overall look.

Before they knew it Ashleigh and Elijah were on their way in Ashleigh’s car to meet Wesley. Yet, Ashleigh couldn’t help but feel somewhat anxious. Not only was this the second time she had seen Wes, since the events that took place that weekend at the Ashton-Burns Manor, but she was also nervous as to how he would take the news that Elijah was to tell him. Then, on top of all that, how would he react if he were to know that she and Elijah were now officially a couple.

The journey had gone by in almost complete silence. Every now and then, Ashleigh would glance over at Elijah, noticing he was just, if not more anxious than she was. It was, after all, he that had the task of telling Wesley everything. From Alistair being in hospital, to the fact that Alistair was not actually Wes’ father. She reached out and gently squeezed his hand, trying to offer some comfort. Elijah managed a small smile, but it was evident that his mind was preoccupied with the upcoming conversation.

As they pulled up not far from the café, Elijah looked at his watch and took a deep breath.

“You can do this, Elijah,” said Ashleigh with a reassuring smile.

Elijah nodded, but his eyes were closed as he took another deep breath. He knew he had to do this, for the sake of not only his family but also for Wesley. He couldn't let him continue living with a lie, especially now that everyone else in the family knew the truth, it wasn’t fair to keep him in the dark.

Elijah climbed out of the car, whilst Ashleigh remained seated,

“Are you not coming with me?” asked Elijah as he leaned back into the passenger side door.

“I…I wasn’t sure if you wanted me in there,” muttered Ashleigh in response. “I mean…shouldn’t it be just between family?” she asked.

Elijah shook his head,

“I need you with me…Ashleigh,” he replied with a serious look on his face, “after all, you are part of the family now…plus…you were Wesley’s best friend for many years, I’m sure he would appreciate your company, just as much as I would.”

Ashleigh hesitated before she nodded, retrieved her handbag and got out of the car.

Together, they walked towards the café, hand in hand. As they got to the door, Elijah spotted Wesley who was sitting at a table near the window, scrolling through his phone. As soon as he saw Elijah and Ashleigh, he quickly put his phone away and stood up.

“Elijah,” stated Wesley as the pair approached his table.

“Wes,” replied Elijah, putting out his hand in an offer to shake his cousin’s hand.

 Wesley hesitated for a moment, but then he reached out his hand and the pair shook hands, their eyes locked in a tense stare.

 “Last time I saw you, you threatened me…remember,” said Wesley.

“I do recall…yes,” replied Elijah, his tone firm but composed.

The handshake between the two men seemed rather intense, with neither of them willing to back down. It was as if they were challenging each other to let go first.

But eventually, Wesley released Elijah's hand and turned to face Ashleigh.

“Ashleigh,” he said, his words filled with regret and longing.

“Wesley,” she replied, her voice laced with a hint of sadness. Whilst she was no longer mad at Wes, she had come to feel sorry for him, given the information that Elijah was about to share.

“It’s erm…nice to see you again,” said Wesley, adjusting his glasses nervously.

Ashleigh smiled in response, unsure of what to say.

“Shall we be seated?” asked Elijah, gesturing to the table beside them, before pulling out a chair for Ashleigh.

Both Elijah and Wesley remained standing until Ashleigh sat down.

Elijah took a seat beside Ashleigh, as Wes sat in the seat directly opposite Elijah,

“So…dearest cousin, you had something to tell me?” started Wesley, locking eyes with Elijah once more.

Elijah took a deep breath before speaking. He knew this was not going to be an easy conversation, but it was something that needed to be said.

“Yes…but first, why don’t we order, “ replied Elijah, waving his hand to get the attention of the waitress.

As they waited for their order, the atmosphere at the table was tense. Elijah could feel Wesley's eyes on him, as they sat in silence. Soon enough the waitress returned to the table with three hot cups of coffee, placing them down on the table.

Elijah then distributed the cups between the three of them before he looked at Wesley.

“So…what is it?” asked Wesley, seemingly now becoming rather impatient.

Elijah took a sip of his coffee, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

“I am afraid…I come bearing news,” started Elijah, his voice rather serious.

Wesley sat back in his seat, his expression was that of someone who was not particularly fazed by hearing that there was bad news coming his way.

“Go on,” replied Wesley, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for Elijah to continue.

Elijah took another sip of his coffee, trying to find the right words to say. He knew that this news would not be easy for Wesley to hear, but it had to be said.

“Well…” he continued wiping his mouth with a napkin before he proceeded, “I’m afraid the news has to do with Uncle Alistair…you see…I’m afraid he was rushed into hospital last night…he’s had a heart attack,” explained Elijah.

And yet, Wesley’s expression remained unchanged. He simply nodded his head as he picked up his cup to drink his coffee.

Elijah couldn’t believe his cousin’s reaction. He had expected some sort of emotion, some sign of concern or worry. But instead, Wesley remained nonchalant, as if the news didn’t faze him at all. It was as if he didn’t even care about the health of the man he believed was his father.

“Oh…Is that all?”  asked Wesley, his tone dismissive.

Ashleigh couldn’t believe what she was witnessing and by the look of things, neither could Elijah. She had always known Wesley to be a little cold and distant at times, especially when it came to his family, but this reaction was beyond anything she could have imagined.

“Don’t you care?” asked Ashleigh, unable to keep the shock out of her voice.

Wesley simply shrugged his shoulders,

“Not really. He’s not my real father anyway,” he replied.

Elijah and Ashleigh were taken aback by this statement. They themselves had only found out the previous evening that Alistair was not Wesley’s biological father, but he had raised him like his own son.                                    

“Wait…you knew?” muttered Ashleigh, her voice filled with surprise.

“Of course,” answered Wesley, “I’ve known for a few years now.”

“May I ask, how you know this?” asked Elijah, his tone remaining rather calm and collected.

“Well, it doesn’t take much to work it out really, does it, Elijah?” responded Wesley.

The signs had always been there, as Wesley explained. Growing up, he had always felt like the odd one out in their family. His father had never treated him the same way he did his other siblings, Jude and Pippa. There was always a sense of detachment and indifference towards Wesley, which he had come to accept as his reality. But deep down, he knew that there had to be a reason for it.

Moreover, Wesley had always been aware of the striking physical differences between him and his father. While Jude had inherited their father’s dark hair and dark brown eyes, Wesley had ginger hair and blue eyes, as well as pale, freckled skin, traits that were found on neither his father’s nor mother’s side of the family. As he grew older, the differences became more apparent, and Wesley couldn’t ignore the fact that he bore no resemblance to his father.

“And of course…I’m a biologist…I work in a laboratory. It wasn’t hard to get a sample of Alistair’s DNA to run a comparison against my own,” explained Wesley. “I also know that James is in fact Alistair’s son, not just his ‘bodyguard’ like he was made out to be.”

Elijah and Ashleigh were astonished that Wesley already knew the truth and yet never spoke a word of it to anyone.

“Why do you think Alistair didn’t even bat an eyelid when James hit me,” Wesley proceeded, “Any other member of his staff strike a member of the family, they would be fired in an instant…but no…not precious James…and especially after he had hit me of course.”

Wesley sipped his coffee and adjusted his glasses,

“Since that day…the evening before Pippa’s wedding…I’ve seen myself to be without a family…I mean, let’s be honest, SHE has never been a mother to me either, has she?” said Wesley, speaking of Vivian. “If she was a mother, how could she have continued to allow him to treat me as he did? Not to mention the fact she kept all of this hidden from me for so long.”

“Wesley…I’m sorry, to hear that you feel that way…but don’t speak like that, you still have Pip and Elijah…” started Ashleigh before Wesley raised his hand to cut her off.

“I have NO family…I never really have…” said Wesley, his voice filled with sadness. “After what I did to you…Ashleigh…sometimes I consider it…you know…climbing in that machine of mine, getting a new identity and just…disappearing,” he proceeded to explain, “It’s not like anyone would miss me.”

Ashleigh was shocked and saddened by Wesley's confession. She could see that he was in a dark place, and she felt guilty for not being there for him. She wished she could make things better for him and take away his pain. She knew she couldn't erase the past, but she wanted to make things right.

“Wes…I wish…I could make things better for you…I really do,” said Ashleigh, her voice filled with sincerity as she finished up her coffee.

“There’s nothing anyone can do, Ash,” replied Wesley.

Ashleigh looked at Elijah, who sat silently beside her looking deep in thought,

“Ashleigh…will you excuse us for a moment,” said Elijah, with a rather serious look on his face.

“Erm…okay…sure,” replied Ashleigh, looking rather puzzled as she got up from her seat, picked up her handbag and walked outside.

 As Ashleigh walked out of the coffee shop, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. She was shocked and saddened by Wesley’s confession, but she also felt frustrated and guilty for not being there for him when he needed her the most. As Aaron, she had been his best friend for many years and whilst he had done to her what he had, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

Ashleigh lit up a cigarette as she stood outside of the café. As she looked inside the window she could see Wesley and Elijah talking intently. She wondered what they were discussing and if there was anything she could do to help. She took a long drag of her cigarette and let out a sigh. She knew she couldn’t change the past, but she wanted to be there for Wesley now. She couldn’t deny the fact that she had been hurt when Wesley had betrayed her trust and used her for his own gain. But as she stood there, she couldn’t help but remember all the good times they had shared together. The late-night talks, the inside jokes, the support they had given each other through tough times. It was hard to just throw all of that away.

Soon enough, Ashleigh watched as Elijah paid for the coffee then said his goodbye to Wes and made his way out of the café. As Elijah left the café, Ashleigh tubbed out her cigarette and looked through the window at Wes who remained in his seat. As their eyes met, Wes waved to Ashleigh, who smiled and waved in return before catching up with Elijah. The couple made their way back to Ashleigh’s car, without a word spoken between them.

“Is everything okay?” Ashleigh asked as they climbed into the car.

Elijah simply nodded to her, as he remained deep in thought.

“What did you two talk about?” she asked as she started the car and pulled out.

Elijah remained silent for a few moments, his eyes fixed on the outside world,

“I simply…gave Wes an option…that’s all,” he eventually replied without so much as turning his head.

Ashleigh could sense there was something more to it, but she didn’t push. The couple remained in silence as they drove to the hospital to visit Alistair.

As they entered the hospital, they made their way to Alistair’s room, where they found Pippa sitting outside in the corridor. As the couple approached, Pippa got to her feet and greeted them each with a hug.

“How is he?” asked Elijah.

“He’s doing okay…as well as can be expected,” replied Pippa,”Mum’s in there with him,” she added.

“How are you, Pip?” asked Ashleigh softly.

“Tired,” Pippa replied with a giggle, “currently fuelled by coffee…It’s been a long night.”

Pippa explained how Vivian had wanted to stay by Alistair’s side the entire night and how she had chosen to stay with her mother, whilst telling everyone else to go home. She also explained that if Vivian was to stay by his side all day, Jude was coming later that day to relieve Pippa so she could finally get some sleep.

“Did you speak to Wes?” asked Pippa, to which Elijah nodded.

“Ashleigh, I need to speak to Pippa and fill her in on the Wesley situation,” stated Elijah, “Can you give us a moment,” he added with a stern tone.

“Dad’s asleep at the moment, but you can go and see my mum if you don’t mind Ash,” said Pippa, gesturing towards the door to Alistair’s room.

Ashleigh nodded yet she was curious as to why Elijah seemed to be keeping her in the dark and yet she quietly made her way into the room where Alistair lay.

As Ashleigh entered the room, she saw Vivian sitting by Alistair’s bedside. She looked exhausted but still managed to give Ashleigh a warm smile. Vivian immediately got out of her seat and hugged Ashleigh.

“Ashleigh, my dear,” said Vivian as she hugged her tightly.

“Hey,” said Ashleigh softly, as the pair broke from their embrace.

Ashleigh looked at Alistair’s face as he lay sleeping, and it was strange seeing him in such a vulnerable state. Alistair had always been a strong and confident man, but seeing him lying in a hospital bed made Ashleigh realise how fragile life can be.

Vivian, sensing Ashleigh’s discomfort, proceeded to tell Ashleigh about Alistair’s condition and how the doctors were hopeful that he would make a full recovery.

Ashleigh stood by Vivian’s side in silence, the only sound filling the room was the machine monitoring Alistair’s heart rate and oxygen levels.

Just then, Ashleigh heard the sound of Pippa’s voice,

“I think you need to speak to Ashleigh about this,” said Pippa before she opened the door and entered the room.

Vivian’s face lit up as she saw Elijah standing in the doorway,

“Mum, Elijah would like a word with you in private,” said Pippa as she approached her mother.

Vivian took one look at Alistair before getting back up from her seat and leaving the room.

 “Why is it Elijah wants to discuss something with everyone…and yet he leaves me in the dark,” pondered Ashleigh, “And what does Pippa mean, Elijah needs to discuss it with me…what’s going on?”

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